AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 4

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Did I see mention of a new interview with a neighbor? Has that been aired yet (which station)?
Below is direct quote from Rick Moore the owner of Moore Security Solutions who states his security cameras did in fact record important activity..

Above BBM for emphasis as this seems to be the crucial details of importance.. IMO I say after watching this interview 3 different times that this man truly believes that whatever his cameras recorded was of crucial importance related to Isabel's disappearance.. WoW!! Fingers are crossed that finally we've got surveillance cams/footage that Is pointed in the right direction, at the right time and that it truly caught whoever it is that did harm and/or took Isabel from her home during the night/early morning hours.. That infrared is excellent to know so that if even this area is pretty much pitch dark at night(as I saw a local mention last night).. This infrared camera would have never even been thought of as a possibility to have been recording the activity.. Moo.. But whoever it is was very likely counting very much on the cover of darkness and possibly assumed that even if there were a cam on one of the houses or the like that it wouldn't matter if the area around the Ciles home was not well lit.. Perp believing that he wouldn't be visible or even picked up due to the darkness.. WRONG!!!!

Thank God for Mr. Rick Moore who invested in these type cams and for whatever reason had this back cam pointed almost dead on, direct, full view of the Ciles home(as it showed the footage from the surveillance cam and what was its vantage point of the Ciles home).. Which the view IMO is remarkable!!!

**video is from Click on video gallery.. Name of video, "Is surveillance video key to solving missing girl investigation?"

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:

I'm starting to think every home owner should have one!
I saw that and I hope that TPD got some good video. I was referring to the "sample" the man in the interview showed. (I HOPE he didn't show the same video that was given to TPD!)

Yes, I understood. You made a good point. That would be tipping off any possible perps watching. The police even might have told him that he should not show that footage; although, that is his line of work. I guess I was answering my own question. :p I was also interested in any discussion of the video at all.
Did I see mention of a new interview with a neighbor? Has that been aired yet (which station)?

KVOA aired it at 6
My guess is that they are not going to post it on the site until after the broadcast at 10 pm.
I have been checking frequently.
That is how I found the Moore Security story.
Latest Update Tucson Police give update in Isabel Celis case 08:17 PM

TUCSON - Tucson Police have now received more than 300 leads into the disappearance of Isabel Celis.

At Wednesday night's 8 p.m. briefing, Police said the family is allowed to return to the home, but as of the latest news conference, had not done so. They did say they still need to talk to family members to share additional information with them to determine if they need to talk to anyone else.

Police did say the Behavioral Analysis Unit may or may not talk to the family directly, but is already working to review interviews and the scene.

Police are also reviewing reports of the dogs barking early in the morning when Isabel was discovered missing and say neighbors told them the dogs barked frequently.

In the last update, Tucson Police also confirmed that the reward for information leading to a resolution to this case has risen to $30,000.
The parents have charges that are similar, DUI's, mom with a child with her & a charge for that, I do think they have gone through the Pima County Adult Diversion Program. Mom or dad or both. It doesn't make them guilty. I'm going to file this away until it might be needed too.
Rick Moore of Moore Security Solutions has surveillance cameras placed right outside his company--a company that is just feet away from Isabel Celis' family home. Rick Moore said his cameras were on the watch the night Isabel disappeared.

"And the cameras that we have located in the back were looking where a lot of things were happening," said Moore.

Moore said he believes these cameras provide more information to police than any other nearby camera because of their location.

"In terms of maybe license plate numbers, cars going by - these cameras also have infrared technology so you can see at nighttime and that will help too, since the abduction occurred between 11 and 8 o'clock," said Moore.

Moore said on Saturday, his general manager spent about five hours with police, showing them surveillance video of the area, and on Monday, they were back again to review video and get a copy of activity from 10 p.m. Friday night to 9 a.m. Saturday morning.

"There was activity going on," he said. "There were vehicles...there were people wandering around. There were things that we saw and we did get recorded so that information we did release to the police."

Thanks for pointing that story out Smooth!!!
I never really understand why LE always likes to harp on the hundreds of tips and leads...JMO

Almost none of them, if any, will be of any use at all...yet it always one of the first things reported...

I can't imagine not calling if you know something...but I get the feeling that many people call with "theories" and not tips...

Anyway, JMO and it just kinda bugs me...
I hope this helps answer your question.

Anxiety/irrational fears in children is frequently caused by separation anxiety. Children should be taught to label their feelings. Anxious children should be taught that they are experiencing anxiety and that anxiety in small amounts is normal and even helpful. In most children, their anxiety can be overcome by repeatedly confronting their specific fear.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

Makes a lot of sense. One son is a police officer, one is an ER doctor, and the other in the oil business but they live out in the country. My one granddaughter is always worried about her daddy. And the other knows her dad is dealing constantly with medical emergencies. The other family just restored an old house and the boys swear they hear noises in the night like the floors creaking. I just remember my sons when they were small were not afraid. Course they all shared a room until they were older.

I personally think there is too much murder and mayhem on t.v. Much more than when they were small. jmo
Below is direct quote from Rick Moore the owner of Moore Security Solutions who states his security cameras did in fact record important activity.

"These cameras in the back were looking where a lot of things were happening.. In terms of license plates of vehicles that drove by this will be available and these cameras also have infrared technology which would be helpful since the abduction occurred between 11:00pm-8:00am..There was activity going on.. There were vehicles.. There were people wandering around.. There were things that we saw and that we did get recorded.. So we've given those to police.."

Above BBM for emphasis as this seems to be the crucial details of importance.. IMO I say after watching this interview 3 different times that this man truly believes that whatever his cameras recorded was of crucial importance related to Isabel's disappearance.. WoW!! Fingers are crossed that finally we've got surveillance cams/footage that Is pointed in the right direction, at the right time and that it truly caught whoever it is that did harm and/or took Isabel from her home during the night/early morning hours.. That infrared is excellent to know so that if even this area is pretty much pitch dark at night(as I saw a local mention last night).. This infrared camera would have never even been thought of as a possibility to have been recording the activity.. Moo.. But whoever it is was very likely counting very much on the cover of darkness and possibly assumed that even if there were a cam on one of the houses or the like that it wouldn't matter if the area around the Celis home was not well lit.. Perp believing that he wouldn't be visible or even picked up due to the darkness.. WRONG!!!!

Thank God for Mr. Rick Moore who invested in these type cams and for whatever reason had this back cam pointed almost dead on, direct, full view of the Celis home(as it showed the footage from the surveillance cam and what was its vantage point of the Celis home).. Which the view IMO is remarkable!!!

**video is from Click on video gallery.. Name of video, "Is surveillance video key to solving missing girl investigation?"

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
That is interesting that this business had such a camera pointed toward the alley behind the Celis' home. Have other problems occurred which forced the business to feel that he needed such a camera pointed in the alley?
Can someone tell me how to make a tag?
That is interesting that this neighbor OWNED such a camera and THEN had it pointed toward the alley behind the Celis' home. Have other problems occurred which forced the neighbor to feel that he needed such a camera?

Moore Security Systems is a business. Based on the high tech equipment he sells, I would assume that he would utilize the SAME equipment in protecting his own inventory. In the story, he refers to SEVERAL cameras, I'm sure not ALL pointing at the Celis home. :moo:
The parents have charges that are similar, DUI's, mom with a child with her & a charge for that, I do think they have gone through the Pima County Adult Diversion Program. Mom or dad or both. It doesn't make them guilty. I'm going to file this away until it might be needed too.

No, it doesn't. Probably had one too many at parties through the years.

I went back to mom's FB and re-watched the parents' statement. Maybe I will eat my words but I just don't see them involved in any way. The child seemed happy, healthy, the adored little sister and youngest child. Family seem very normal, active, everything surrounding their kids - sports, outings to historical places, family events.

They appear to be religious, into their community, just very stable. I see no signs of any trouble there. They seem like a normal, working family of three kids, who are now devastated and scared to death, IMO.

I did see how the dad was just shaking with tears at the end of the presser. He and the mom were clutching on to someone else and his body was wracked with heaving sobs. This has got to be the most terrifying thing ever.

They seem confused, trying to maintain hope, but very fearful.

Also, looking at Isabel makes me think this was someone fixated on her. I have said this before but she is just a stunning little kid, so full of childish joy and innocence. The kind of kid perverts love to destroy.

I don't want to think about what has happened to her. I want to have hope and I will try. But if the worst happened, I can only hope it was quick.

In any case, this family is going to be ruined. Hispanics in general take this kind of thing so incredibly hard - I mean, everyone does, but, they will wear it on their faces for life and will see it as a betrayal to Isabel to ever feel happiness again. Life and identity in the culture is completely wrapped in one's children. It will be very difficult to ever move forward for them.

Frankly, I don't know how anyone can go on after having this happen to their little kid. It's just awful.
Moore Security Systems is a business. Based on the high tech equipment he sells, I would assume that he would utilize the SAME equipment in protecting his own inventory. In the story, he refers to SEVERAL cameras, I'm sure not ALL pointing at the Celis home. :moo:

I just found the link. Thanks. Have there been a lot of night burglaries in this area?
I never really understand why LE always likes to harp on the hundreds of tips and leads...JMO

Almost none of them, if any, will be of any use at all...yet it always one of the first things reported...

I can't imagine not calling if you know something...but I get the feeling that many people call with "theories" and not tips...

Anyway, JMO and it just kinda bugs me...

Maybe to show how much work they are doing, to appease a worried and impatient public?
Also, we have a big problem with copper wire thefts. Thieves will go to the back of a business to steal the wires. And also maybe to have a camera on the back door for break ins. I think the Celis home just happens to be behind the store, so it happened to capture the footage.
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