Trial Thread 4/26/2012

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Paul Bernardo's trial began in May 1995 and convicted September 1995 and he was convicted of 2 counts of first degree murder.

Slow justice for the victims. It's not only ridiculous, it's an embarrassment.

They are in maximum security prisons, which are much worse than Federal there is no need to rush.

He is not elligible for dangerous offender status.

"Under the reformed legislation:

i.An individual will be presumed to meet the criteria for a Dangerous Offender designation when he or she gets a third conviction for a designated violent or sexual crime that is subject to a federal sentence of at least two years.

Wouldn't he be eligible if he was found guilty of all three charges? Kidnapping, sexual assault, murder.

Gerald Lanna, crown witness and forensic video analyst.
Following a day long testimony from OPP Special Constable Gerald Lanna, a Certified Forensic Video Analyst,(pictured right) the Crown presented a 20 minute video timeline to the jury.

The timeline did not have any audio, yet the silence throughout the courtroom could be heard loud and clear as each and every jury member and members of Tori Stafford’s family sat quietly, without movement, as each segment was illustrated on courtroom monitors for all to see.
Does anyone think the defence objected to Rodney's pressers? Can they do that?

I got the feeling that he was close to saying something he shouldn't, so he may have been told to hold off on them :)
Wouldn't he be eligible if he was found guilty of all three charges? Kidnapping, sexual assault, murder.

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that three convictions related to one sexual assault and murder would not qualify. It was one murder. The dangerous offender act is to put people in prison indefinitely when there is little chance of rehabilitation ... and one violent attack with kidnapping and sexual assault doesn't seem to meet the criteria.
TLM may have been abused and neglected, but she still had choices. She, alone, probably decided that MR would like her better if she helped him abduct a child for his sexual gratification. She had many opportunities to make different choices. In fact, when she first learned that MR wanted to sexually assault a child (I'm assuming they discussed it before they abducted Victoria), she could have gone to authorities. As a victim of child sexual assault, she could have taken a protective role regarding other victims. She chose not to. The system had nothing to do with those choices.

Together, MR and TLM would have continued in the same direction as Homolka and Bernardo ... IMO.

I agree about the choices, however I do not believe she was born a monster is all I am saying, I believe she turned into a monster. We all know with the cycle of abuse many become abusers as well. Perhaps people are misunderstandig my posts. I am contrasting how they both had two very very different lives. All I am saying is that I believe he is born a monster were she was made into one because she was failed at a very young age. IMO
The timeline began with a vehicle resembling that of Michael Rafferty’s that was captured by video surveillance at Oliver Stephen’s Public School at 9:04AM April 8, 2009.

Then at 10:15 that same morning, Foodland security video captured Terri-Lynne McClintic shopping for grocery items. An hour later video footage of Michael Rafferty was caught on tape using the ATM at the BMO on Dundas Street in Woodstock making cash withdrawal.

Several other video images were depicted of Rafferty’s car caught on tape from the Esso station on Norwich Ave at Parkinson in Woodstock – minutes before Tori’s abduction.

Then at 3:30 April 8th, the same vehicle in question is captured again from a C.A.S.S. video and again minutes later pulling into the Carresent Care Retirement Home. In that same time frame, Terri-Lynne McClintic is seen walking with Tori northbound along Fyfe Avenue outside of Tori’s Public School.

Then, one and half hours later, Michael Rafferty’s blue 2003 Honda Civic is seen again waiting in the parking lot of Home Depot in Guelph at 5:01PM.

Terri-Lynne McClintic is seen getting out of the car and hurrying into the store and returning with a bag containing a hammer and garbage bags and puts them into Rafferty’s trunk of his car at 5:13PM.

At 5:15PM the images have left the video surveillance of home depot – Tori is never seen again until she was found July 19, 2009.

During the Defense cross examination referencing the vehicle seen on video at Oliver Stephens Public School, Dirk Derstine questions Officer Lanna stating “you can’t say it was the same car” can you?

The case was adjourned and will resume Tuesday May 1st with opening statements from the Defense to follow soon after.
I have to disagree, but with sadness - I thought about it too but discounted it for a reason I think most of us sane people can't get our heads around:

Because these people get off on inflicting suffering - it is, IMO, why they can't go to a hooker and act it out - because they would know that the suffering wasn't real and that would spoil it.
Snipped and bolded by me.

I understand why people want to think they drugged her,because then she suffered less. Sadly, though, I don't think she did, for the reason you mention, and like others said up thread, junkies don't like to part with their drugs.

Once again this Judge affords the defense a "break" Hopefully, in the end, it won't matter. I'm confident the Crown has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Michael T Rafferty kidnapped, raped and murdered Victoria Elizabeth Marie Stafford and he should be locked up forever and a day.

My hope is he will be declared a "dangerous offender". It's too bad Tori's law won't come into effect before this trial is over but I'm hoping the death penalty will be reinstated in Canada and child rapists and murderers will have to pay with their lives.

You kill a child, you die.

as much as I can see where you are coming from I have to strongly disagree when it comes to Capital me capital punishment is a scripted and rehearsed murder in is the most premeditated murder possible and as a Canadian citizen I for one would never condone it...I also don't think it would deter anyone from committing a murder because most murderers never think they are going to be caught...JMO Life behind bars and I mean life would do it for me... JMO
I agree about the choices, however I do not believe she was born a monster is all I am saying, I believe she turned into a monster. We all know with the cycle of abuse many become abusers as well. Perhaps people are misunderstandig my posts. I am contrasting how they both had two very very different lives. All I am saying is that I believe he is born a monster were she was made into one because she was failed at a very young age. IMO

I would agree that TLM was on a path of destruction ... still, I think that if there was an ounce of kindness or empathy in her, she could have chosen the high road. It reminds me of the two books: Justine and Julliette, by Marquis de Sade. They were sisters, both abused, one became pure and kind in spite of her experience while the other became a predatory monster. As a religious philosopher, Marquis de Sade explored human nature and experience (he's the father of sadism).
A big thank you to all of those who have posted the tweets so faithfully for us!

Regarding the cell phone & the texts - I am not clear on this. Is the jury reading/seeing the contents of MR's texts?
as much as I can see where you are coming from I have to strongly disagree when it comes to Capital me capital punishment is a scripted and rehearsed murder in is the most premeditated murder possible and as a Canadian citizen I for one would never condone it...I also don't think it would deter anyone from committing a murder because most murderers never think they are going to be caught...JMO Life behind bars and I mean life would do it for me... JMO

I respect your opinion especially since you presented it in a well thought out manner. However I am more old school in my opinion, an eye for an eye and what not. I think of that guy in Norway ( I do not know his name) who killed 70+ people, alot of them just teens. He says he would do it again and wished he had killed more people. People like him well, I do not think they have any reason to live. I however,would only agree if it was a 1st degree murder trial.
A bullet costs twenty five cents, it costs millions to house a killer. I can think of much more productive ways to spend millions.
I would agree that TLM was on a path of destruction ... still, I think that if there was an ounce of kindness or empathy in her, she could have chosen the high road. It reminds me of the two books: Justine and Julliette, by Marquis de Sade. They were sisters, both abused, one became pure and kind in spite of her experience while the other became a predatory monster. As a religious philosopher, Marquis de Sade explored human nature and experience (he's the father of sadism).

I will have to read that book. Thank you Otto. I agree we make of ourselves what we want to.

So in here is the wrap up of all the videos. The ones of MR and TLM at the movies doesn't make sense. there is one of a girl in a white coat and what looks to be capris but then there is TLM in her black hoodie was there two different times they went to the movies or are the mixing up the couple that was in front of TLM and MR at the movies..

Any thoughts
I agree about the choices, however I do not believe she was born a monster is all I am saying, I believe she turned into a monster. We all know with the cycle of abuse many become abusers as well. Perhaps people are misunderstandig my posts. I am contrasting how they both had two very very different lives. All I am saying is that I believe he is born a monster were she was made into one because she was failed at a very young age. IMO

not understanding how you can label one's lifestyle as the reason for being a monster but the other was a born monster... a lot of people, including people on this site have posted about having a very troubling upbringing but to my knowledge they haven't murdered anyone and have gone on to lead a very productive life. ...granted TLM did not have a normal upbringing just because we know that from what has been written about her but to date we know nothing about MR's upbringing so I am not sure how you can come to that their upbringing making them a monster and the other just a born monster...JMO just curious I guess...
This seems ridiculous to me??? Why wouldn't the Defense have to be prepared TODAY and ready to move forward? Does this happen often in Canadian courts?

I understand if the hour is late, that you excuse everybody and start fresh in the morning - but taking whole days off seems overly generous to me??


Salem, there are many exceptional things in this case, and I would have to say that the defendant is being afforded a great many accomodations, that he would otherwise not have, but, for the high profile nature of the case. The Judge is likely trying to avoid a circus next week.

I do expect, that not only will Derstine "call evidence", um, a witness, on Tuesday, but, that it will be Michael Rafferty himself.

I would expect that he would be getting primped and ready for this main event next week. He will want to make sure he looks very, very good (well, as good as he can now that he looks the way he does).

Derstine would not want to present Rafferty at the tail end of the week. Nor would he want his clients' testimony being broken up by a long weekend.

The very fact that they are even suggesting that Derstine might not present a case, seems preposterous to me.

Therefore I can only conclude, speculate and offer an opinion to the fact that the great suspense is that Rafferty will get up on the stand next week, and tell everyone just exactly what happened on April 8, 2009.

Thanks to everyone who posted the tweets. I start teaching on Tuesday - can't even secretly read from my office anymore. boo.

I don't support the death penalty, and I don't think that particular debate will be re-opened in Canada, but I can understand why parents of murdered children might feel differently. I do think that the YCJA needed to be tightened up, though, and I would not be opposed to life without parole in cases of first degree murder.


So in here is the wrap up of all the videos. The ones of MR and TLM at the movies doesn't make sense. there is one of a girl in a white coat and what looks to be capris but then there is TLM in her black hoodie was there two different times they went to the movies or are the mixing up the couple that was in front of TLM and MR at the movies..

Any thoughts

I just think they didn't have their i's dotted and their t's crossed when they threw that in... JMO we all saw the video and she was not wearing a white coat unless there is more video from outside in the parking lot and we were not privy to that...JMO

So in here is the wrap up of all the videos. The ones of MR and TLM at the movies doesn't make sense. there is one of a girl in a white coat and what looks to be capris but then there is TLM in her black hoodie was there two different times they went to the movies or are the mixing up the couple that was in front of TLM and MR at the movies..

Any thoughts

LFP videos never work for me. I'll have to look for them elsewhere.
while eating dinner I heard the back end of a reporter saying something like "Rafferty says McClintic was never his girlfriend"

I couldn't figure out the rest. I came running to my puter to see what you all would be tweeting ...thinking he took the stand or something today. But nuttin here.

Did anyone catch the CTV news at 6 for what the whole story was? Since they don't have anything on their web page.

OR did he say that at some time before? and they were just recapping?

Thanking you in advance, and as always thanks to the tweeters for keeping us updated.
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