GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #6

Nope, he didn't bring a gun or knife, he brought a big ROCK. It's amazing how the *professionals* can explain away anything that doesn't agree with the theory they are attempting to make.
ADA Saacks is going to have this doc for a tasty snack <chomp, chomp, chomp>. I sure hope Mr. Saacks caught the "overrode" comment because that's a gotcha point.

None of this long-winded psycho-analysis erases intent. None of it excuses what JW did. In the mere seconds from the point that JW heard a sound to his entering the BR and hitting KT, that was intent and premeditation. JW says he doesn't know why he didn't leave at that point. Not knowing why doesn't give him a pass.
He knew to cover fingerprints by using socks. Pure genius! So when did he put the socks on, when he entered the house? So did he think he might get caught committing a crime (premeditated).

So if JW followed the creek bed, was there mud tracked into the house?
Oh so JW breaks into houses and doesn't really take anything (maybe some liquor, maybe makes some phone calls). Well that makes it all better then. Let the poor disorganized guy go. It's not his fault that KT and DH were in what should have been an empty house! The nerve!

He was able to plan well enough to get a rock, keep track of the rock (he took it with him after the attack), put socks on his hands, override his desire to leave the house, bury the socks after the attack, sneak back to his apt, take off his clothes, all while intoxicated and supposedly out of it. Apparently not so disorganized and not so out of it.
He knew to cover fingerprints by using socks. Pure genius! So when did he put the socks on, when he entered the house? So did he think he might get caught committing a crime (premeditated).

So if JW followed the creek bed, was there mud tracked into the house?

Two points, is this the same Crabtree Creek that runs along Lassiter Mill Rd./the dam area?

And did he bring *extra socks* from home to use on his hands? Meaning, the socks weren't an 'afterthought' but a part of his crime kit.
ADA Saacks is going to have this doc for a tasty snack <chomp, chomp, chomp>. I sure hope Mr. Saacks caught the "overrode" comment because that's a gotcha point.

None of this long-winded psycho-analysis erases intent. None of it excuses what JW did. In the mere seconds from the point that JW heard a sound to his entering the BR and hitting KT, that was intent and premeditation. JW says he doesn't know why he didn't leave at that point. Not knowing why doesn't give him a pass.

So true, in all of life. It doesn't matter what you INTENDED, this is what you did. A good reminder, thank you. If you were here, I'd hug you.:coffeews::coffeews:
More blah, blah, blah.

Who cares why JW did what he did. He did it. Slam the jail door shut and throw away the key.

I second that motion. Rap, rap, rap on the gavel. Case closed. Let's go home.
ADA Saacks is going to have this doc for a tasty snack <chomp, chomp, chomp>. I sure hope Mr. Saacks caught the "overrode" comment because that's a gotcha point.

None of this long-winded psycho-analysis erases intent. None of it excuses what JW did. In the mere seconds from the point that JW heard a sound to his entering the BR and hitting KT, that was intent and premeditation. JW says he doesn't know why he didn't leave at that point. Not knowing why doesn't give him a pass.

Agreed. Should have, could have -- didn't.
Anyone else think the Dr testifying this morning looks like JW's mother? Wonder how well those therapy sessions went!
Although I am in agreement with everybody as to guilt and justice - I am learning a lot from all of you as well as from the trial about people, thought processes, etc. I thought the last witness did a good job of explaining some of the differences between organized and disorganized crimes. Very orderly and logical - which I certainly need. I don't like much hearing about the qualities of offenders, such as "lateness", "underachieving", etc. Too close to home!
Morning All,
I hope each of you had a nice, long, and safe holiday weekend.
Do we know why this witness is testifying for the defense since she clearly admitted she usually testifies for the state. Why didn't the prosecution get her, anybody know?
I swear the defense is following along here. Several times I've noticed them addressing something we've just said here.
I was just sitting here wondering if JWs family could sue previous drs they saw throughout the years for malpractice if his behavior was so predictable. Hind sight is 20-20 but now it's like, oh yes, here are all the reasons he committed this crime.
In listening today, I too am becoming a little concerned about characteristics of organized vs. disorganized.
So according to JW he's angry at Jess for "letting him down." He shifts the blame to his wife for "wanting to sleep and preventing him to get as drunk as he wanted." :banghead:

JW is using the words "decided" over and over. I decided that.... I decided to....
He saw the TV on before he entered. Knew the house wasn't empty. When did he put on the socks? How did he jimmy the door with the sign, while still having the rock in his hand?
"picked up rock after second house...

I thought she said JW had rock to break into first house but window did not break...??
I was just sitting here wondering if JWs family could sue previous drs they saw throughout the years for malpractice if his behavior was so predictable. Hind sight is 20-20 but now it's like, oh yes, here are all the reasons he committed this crime.
In listening today, I too am becoming a little concerned about characteristics of organized vs. disorganized.

I doubt it, since his mother testified to the fact that the family never told the various therapists about JW's deviant sexual proclivities.

So he threw the rock away, when did he bury the socks?
So according to JW he's angry at Jess for "letting him down." He shifts the blame to his wife for "wanting to sleep and preventing him to get as drunk as he wanted." :banghead:

JW is using the words "decided" over and over. I decided that.... I decided to....

I know. This part of him blaming his wife?!!! This is scary to me. It's not my fault, it's YOUR fault for not looking out for me. Okay, he was impaired, he was drunk, he was crazy. But at some point, the drugs and alcohol wore off. He must have known he could not get away with this. Do people EVER come forward and say, " I did this"? I guess he was hitting his wife, when he was hitting KT.

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