IA IA - Elizabeth Collins, 8, & Lyric Cook, 10, Evansdale, 13 July 2012 - #3

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Hi, I'm new to the boards, but have been following the case since it became national news.

Anyway, didn't Heather and Drew Collins act as legal guardians for Lyric before Grandma took legal custody? So, Lyric would probably know Evansdale well and may even be known to the locals.

The runaway scenario seemed very likely to me at first. Given the new information that was brought to light within the past few days, it really felt "right". Lyric especially would fit the profile for a runaway. And given that she had considered it in the not-so-distant past, it could be a very real possibility. The only problem with this theory, of course, is the amount of time they have been gone with no sightings. They could've had help, of course. The family seems to have an online presence. One or both of the girls could've arranged to meet with someone they knew only online, resulting in a bad situation with an online predator. Online predators seek out the vulnerable, and Lyric may have fit the bill. This girl had two parents with criminal records, an unstable home life, first living with her parents, then the aunt and uncle, and finally grandma. It is likely she witnessed domestic violence in her lifetime, and had been exposed to shady characters.

Also, LYric's father had been in recent trouble with the law. Wouldn't that result in his name being in the paper? Embarrassing for a 10 year old girl.

Just some thoughts...
Hi, I'm new to the boards, but have been following the case since it became national news.

Anyway, didn't Heather and Drew Collins act as legal guardians for Lyric before Grandma took legal custody? So, Lyric would probably know Evansdale well and may even be known to the locals.

The runaway scenario seemed very likely to me at first. Given the new information that was brought to light within the past few days, it really felt "right". Lyric especially would fit the profile for a runaway. And given that she had considered it in the not-so-distant past, it could be a very real possibility. The only problem with this theory, of course, is the amount of time they have been gone with no sightings. They could've had help, of course. The family seems to have an online presence. One or both of the girls could've arranged to meet with someone they knew only online, resulting in a bad situation with an online predator. Online predators seek out the vulnerable, and Lyric may have fit the bill. This girl had two parents with criminal records, an unstable home life, first living with her parents, then the aunt and uncle, and finally grandma. It is likely she witnessed domestic violence in her lifetime, and had been exposed to shady characters.

Also, LYric's father had been in recent trouble with the law. Wouldn't that result in his name being in the paper? Embarrassing for a 10 year old girl.

Just some thoughts...

Hi, I'm new to the boards, but have been following the case since it became national news.

Anyway, didn't Heather and Drew Collins act as legal guardians for Lyric before Grandma took legal custody? So, Lyric would probably know Evansdale well and may even be known to the locals.

The runaway scenario seemed very likely to me at first. Given the new information that was brought to light within the past few days, it really felt "right". Lyric especially would fit the profile for a runaway. And given that she had considered it in the not-so-distant past, it could be a very real possibility. The only problem with this theory, of course, is the amount of time they have been gone with no sightings. They could've had help, of course. The family seems to have an online presence. One or both of the girls could've arranged to meet with someone they knew only online, resulting in a bad situation with an online predator. Online predators seek out the vulnerable, and Lyric may have fit the bill. This girl had two parents with criminal records, an unstable home life, first living with her parents, then the aunt and uncle, and finally grandma. It is likely she witnessed domestic violence in her lifetime, and had been exposed to shady characters.

Also, LYric's father had been in recent trouble with the law. Wouldn't that result in his name being in the paper? Embarrassing for a 10 year old girl.

Just some thoughts...

While agree with what you've said regarding Lyric as a possible runaway, I want to counter that with the fact that Elizabeths mother is very very ill -- I don't think Lyric could convince her cousin to run off and leave her sick mother. jmo
right now my theories are either

1) local person who is passingly familiar with the girl(s) and takes advantage of an unexpected opportunity to snatch them. Perp maybe sees them in the area of the bike trail/lake, being familiar with the area, perpr knows about the section of the bike path with the blind curve, etc. Somehow perp corners them in there and gains control quickly in this very invisible area either by knocking one of the girls out and subduing the other or by threatening one to gain the cooerpation of the other. The bikes are left there and the girls taken to a nearby vehicle and taken away.

2) The perfect storm of coincidence and opportunity seized by a total stranger, not from the immediate area but who encountered the girls after having pulled off the nearby highway to grab lunch or fuel up. Perp sees the girls, realizes how easy it would be to subdue/control/abduct them and hop right back on the highway headed for parts unknown. The bikes were tossed onto the bike path because of its proximity to the highway.

These are my current working theories and there are many holes to fill in each I know.
I had thought about Heather being ill, but then I remembered that Elizabeth was only 8. Running away may have seemed like a "cool" thing to do before they got in over their heads. At 8, I don't know that we really process things or think of consequences in any sophisticated way.
Here is the link to an article about using billboards to find missing children:


"The Outdoor Advertising Association of America works with the operators of about 3,200 digital billboards nationwide to post messages about missing children. Most of those billboard operators have agreed to take down advertising messages and post details about a missing child or suspect when a local AMBER Alert arises, said Nicole Hayes, a spokeswoman for the association."

The problem with this case is, there has been no AMBER alert, so it might be difficult to get a billboard for them at this time.

It's high profile so I don't think there would be a problem. Think...Susan Powell case...and she is/was an adult. I do think the family should work with some agency of LE in doing so tho. imo
How much bonding did this mom have with her child? I don't want to be mean and I know this is a victim friendly forum and her criminal background could have nothing to do with the girls disappearance but you have to wonder how this would effect on a child.

This is a great statement. I thought about this, and it's why I find the grandma dynamics very interesting.
right now my theories are either

1) local person who is passingly familiar with the girl(s) and takes advantage of an unexpected opportunity to snatch them. Perp maybe sees them in the area of the bike trail/lake, being familiar with the area, perpr knows about the section of the bike path with the blind curve, etc. Somehow perp corners them in there and gains control quickly in this very invisible area either by knocking one of the girls out and subduing the other or by threatening one to gain the cooerpation of the other. The bikes are left there and the girls taken to a nearby vehicle and taken away.

I don't want to start accusing people, let me state that off the bat.
However, there is a neighbor that puts himself at the lake that morning, then in the 12:30-3:00 PM timeframe he was watering his lawn - all this per MSM.
(I'm on a phone, I will link to it in a few)

HUGE COINCIDENCE? Possibly, but I really hope he was checked out. I read in an article he is older, and he was home with his wife, iirc.

But still. I'm less worried about the 12:27 sighting of the bikes, and more inquisitive at what time was this neighbor at the lake?

He also stated he would see the girls quite a bit riding their bikes on his street. They would get to the end of it, and then turn around.
Have read on another site (and sorry if this has already been stated, I'm a few pages behind) - they've stopped draining myer's lake at FBI request. Not sure why yet. Waiting for official media confirmation.
MCM did appear to be somewhat disconnected throughout the whole ordeal. In a way that unnerved me a bit. Since hearing that she may have been/was a victim of domestic violence, her emotional disconnect may make sense. I was a counselor/advocate for victims of domestic violence for many years and her behavior fits.
I wonder why FBI have asked them to stop draining Meyer's Lake!? Does this mean they've found something? They have a lead? Perhaps news is coming shortly to explain this change in plan!
I think FBI is solving this. This city seems too small to handle these children missing, but putting LE to work did prove to be the media coverage.

Fingers crossed for good news today.
I don't know what is going on, and if its killing me to not know what has changed, or what is going on, then I can only imagine the suffering of the family!!! Pls let this be good news and a very positive development!!
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