CO - Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, 5 Oct 2012 - #6

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and possibly with good reason, Jessica's Law was poorly written with good intentions.

I would say support it fully if the mandatory 25 was taken out, an 18 year old being sentenced will get out at 43 years of age with way too much time on their hands.

Whoever commits these horrible acts on children need to be put away LWOP

People of Colorado unite, it's election time. Raise this issue with your elected officials and candidates. Get a law to protect your children and punish these predators. Don't let this child's death be in vain.

I haven't really said this yet, but the very first images of the people taking pictures and viewing the scene from the top of the firetruck ladder made me wonder if there was some sort of staging that they wanted to photograph before they moved or disturbed anything. It would also help them to (possibly) see where any other missing evidence might be.

I don't know why, but I am reminded of the case at the University of Florida where the college students were dismembered and displayed. That case is very different in most ways, but it keeps popping into my head.

In that case, Danny Rolling had murdered before, but no one knew that until after he had been caught and tried for the UF murders.

Danny Rolling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the rewind post in the beginning of this thread, it's said that thermal imaging works best from an elevated height, so I'm guessing that's what this was about.....
New Information: Yesterday, the Principal of Skyview Elementary School informed parents that authorities have reopened the investigation into several attempted child-enticements, which occurred during the previous school year (2011-2012). A male, driving a vehicle, which may have been brown or tan-colored, attempted to lure female students inside his vehicle.
SOURCE: Members of my family whose children attend Skyview Elementary

Also, Thornton Police have increased their patrols on bike-paths at night. A bike-cop was patrolling bike-paths at 8:30pm October 11, 2012.

If he dismembered her to prevent or delay any identification, then why would he put her clothes and glasses into her backpack and drop them off on a sidewalk for anybody to find? Doesn't make sense.

snipped by me it a known fact that her clothes and glasses were in the backpack when it was found? Not arguing the point, just wondering if I missed that...which is entirely possible!!

Good point.....unless he wanted the body to be found. Sounds to me like he did. The backpack was predominantly placed, and I assume so was the body, since it was placed close to the road. Now, the identifying parts may not be easily located. This seems calculating to me.

I totally agree. It is scary to think that most offenders start out with simpler crimes and progress as they become more experienced & confident. Have a strong feeling this isn't his first time commiting a crime. And unless he was nabbed somewhere for a smaller crime, he is off the radar.

Pray that he makes an over confident mistake!!
not much. a smattering. it didn't stay or accumulate. not even a dusting.

One more question about the 'snow' that morning...did they salt the roads that morning at all? That is, if they use salt on the roads in Colorado? I am not sure why I ask, just trying to think of different angles.
I know this sounds sick but if her skull was missing and hands could perp have done this because of description about the sore on her nose and maybe she fought back and could have gotten DNA under her nails. It would give him time to hide while they couldnt be sure it was her until DNA came back? moo
In the rewind post in the beginning of this thread, it's said that thermal imaging works best from an elevated height, so I'm guessing that's what this was about.....

I am confused. If this picture displays them using thermal imaging, this is taken after the remains were found, right? And I thought thermal imaging worked off the heat from a live person, animal etc. Maybe not worded too well.
Personally when this monster is caught, I say Death Penalty!
I have no mercy for this...........JMOO
Such a Sad, Sad thing to happen to such an innnocent, beautiful girl!

Hoping they are checking VERY well into visitors that may have been in ALL the houses that Jessica passed.

Thinking back to the Somer Thompson case near Jacksonville, Fl. The guy who snatched her on the way home from school, was staying in a house owned by his parents! He just had his way with her and just threw her in the dumpster! All of this happened within hours of her abduction.

Other members of his family found Child Pron on their computer when he was their room mate. This is what brought him to LE's attention. Also most neighbors said that he spent a lot of time outdoors with his white dog. These times were when children were walkin to and from school! They also felt that he was "strange" and set off "Hinky Meters!"

What a world we are living in...{sob, sob!}...Why don't these people just abuse their own bodies rather than act out their sick, sick actions on someone else's pride and joy!

Dear God..Please Bless the Family & Friends of Jessica Ridgeway! Please let her Run and Play with Somer, Caylee and ALL the Other Angels!
snipped by me it a known fact that her clothes and glasses were in the backpack when it was found? Not arguing the point, just wondering if I missed that...which is entirely possible!!


It is supposition based on LE's statements after the backpack was found. We do not know what, if anything was in the backpack.
probably no salt or road treatments last Friday; more of a light sleet that morning than a snow.
cluciano63, I honor and respect your opinion, but have you ever seen a sexual predator that begins to live out their deviant fantasies by dismembering their first victim? To escalate to this sadistical level of ritual murder usually takes years or decades and multiple victims.

Leiby Kletzky. You can read about that case here.
One more question about the 'snow' that morning...did they salt the roads that morning at all? That is, if they use salt on the roads in Colorado? I am not sure why I ask, just trying to think of different angles.

No, the roads were not salted on Friday, October 5, or on Saturday, Oct. 6. It was cold at 8:30am Friday morning--perhaps 35 degrees. On Saturday evening, when the backpack was left at Alpha Ct and Andrew, the temperature fell into the upper 20s, and it was windy.
Welcome flyingsquirrell!!!
Thanks for joining and answering my question!!
this was in the same article as the backpack find announcement.

Did officials make the clothes comment before or after the backpack was found? If after, I would wonder if clothing was found in the backpack prompting them to assume she'd changed into something else?
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