Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#2

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Unfortunately, it costs money. People aren't voting for levies anymore. I live in a district that is BROKE. A permanent levy hasn't passed here in over 20 years. They just can't afford a security system or a guard.
The website may be wrong, but there doesn't appear to be a Nancy on staff there, and I've looked through all classroom teachers and all other jobs in the school.

Plus, she wasn't killed at the school but at home -

Maybe she was a staff member but somehow not listed.

New is reporting that it is a "definate maybe" that she was a substitute teacher. In other words, they are not sure.
Has it been said whether the classroom where the student's were killed was the shooter's mom's classroom? I am wondering if she had called into work.
I grew up with a Russian accent in a town with an army base. My dad, an Army officer, was also the Russian interpreter for General Brown. Whenever we had air raids/duck and cover drills, everyone stared suspiciously at me. (It's funny now. It wasn't then.)

OT, but this wasn't General Charlie Brown, was it? (and yes, his real name is/was Charlie Brown!)
Has it been said whether the classroom where the student's were killed was the shooter's mom's classroom? I am wondering if she had called into work.

It is now uncertain if the mom was employed in that school. Did this monster kill his mom and then head to the school to obtain
notoriety? Deny him this. Don't speak or post his name.
I am not sure that this woman even was a teacher. Some reports now say she was only a volunteer.
I agree. jmo

The father is probably paying for the home until the children are "grown." Not unusual,in some divorces. The fact that they have a home in Newtown and Stamford suggests they are people of "means."
i remember it too. In 2nd grade we argued with the teacher it wouldn't save us. It all made little kids grow up real quick.
Duck and cover film is on youtube.

Times, they are a changin, Beyond Belief..

It is now uncertain if the mom was employed in that school. Did this monster kill his mom and then head to the school to obtain
notoriety? Deny him this. Don't speak or post his name.

This has to be the worst reporting on a case in history.
Unfortunately, it costs money. People aren't voting for levies anymore. I live in a district that is BROKE. A permanent levy hasn't passed here in over 20 years. They just can't afford a security system or a guard.

Well, not to get political, but here where I live, the Superintendant and the school board employee's have no business making the kind of money they make. Time to make some demands on our children's safety and not the underlining pockets of those who overspend and get paid way too much.
Has it been said whether the classroom where the student's were killed was the shooter's mom's classroom? I am wondering if she had called into work.

According to reports, she was dead and could not make a call into work.
7:30 p.m.: Families of Virginia Tech victims release statement on Sandy Hook School shooting: “The immediate concern we have is for those families in Newtown whose lives are now altered, forever. From our VTV experience, as families of the victims and survivors of the April 16, 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech, we know that their loss is incredible. Helping all to deal with the aftermath will take a lifetime of love and dedication,” [JS], President of VTV Family Outreach Foundation, said in a statement.
A former school board official in Newtown called into question earlier reports that Nancy Lanza had been connected to Sandy Hook Elementary School, possibly as part of the teaching staff.
“No one has heard of her,” said Lillian Bittman, who served on the local school board until 2011. “Teachers don’t know her.”
This is the "me" generation. Remember when Time magazine named us, or rather "You" as the person of the year? This is the the age of "omg I cut my wrists let me put it on tumblr" and "let me put 'I want to die' on Facebook and see how much concern I can drum up"

This is a generation with selfish, sick, deeply disturbed individuals who tout themselves as martyrs and commit terrible atrocities because of their own private pain and suffering or "suffering" (not to invalidate it but in comparison to their victim's pain...i digress). It's about "ME" and making "YOU" (society) suffer. These people are flying their troubles like a flag and punishing everyone in their path for it, and what's scary, is that there's many more people like that out there and something within our society is encouraging it. I have only harsh words for people who cry "poor me" and kill innocent people as some showy tribute to their not so golden childhood or whatever issues they have.

FWIW I completely agree. IMO, we have raised the biggest generation of wusses I've ever seen. Inability to cope with problems and/or not having everything the way they envisioned. Partly to blame are the parents who said, like a mantra, "you can be anything you want."

Truth is, not everybody gets to be a brain surgeon. Some people get to dig ditches. Some people get 2 parents, some 1 and some none. College is not an inalienable right. Sometimes you have to get a job in high school to buy your own school clothes, etc. The late teen and 20-somethings cannot grasp that.
This Wall Street Journal updated article is quite thorough regarding what is assumed at this time:

Details Emerge About Family of Suspected Gunman

From wfg's link:

A former school board official in Newtown called into question earlier reports that Nancy Lanza had been connected to Sandy Hook Elementary School, possibly as part of the teaching staff.

“No one has heard of her,” said Lillian Bittman, who served on the local school board until 2011. “Teachers don’t know her.”
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