Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#2

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FWIW I completely agree. IMO, we have raised the biggest generation of wusses I've ever seen. Inability to cope with problems and/or not having everything the way they envisioned. Partly to blame are the parents who said, like a mantra, "you can be anything you want."

Truth is, not everybody gets to be a brain surgeon. Some people get to dig ditches. Some people get 2 parents, some 1 and some none. College is not an inalienable right. Sometimes you have to get a job in high school to buy your own school clothes, etc. The late teen and 20-somethings cannot grasp that.

Look at the past events..........the mall shooter, 22 year old loser.

CO movie theater....mentally ill and young.

Virginia Tech. College age.

Even Columbine. Two young guys who were mad at the world.
Troubled for a long time,yet he was able to buy guns?!

"These Newtown residents described their terror and fear but did not reveal much about the Lanza family, saying they were unfamiliar with them.

Beth Israel said her daughter was in the same class at Newtown High School with Adam Lanza, who lived six houses away.

"He was troubled for sure for a long time,"

Amazing. So, people knew he was troubled, even as a teen?
Not only that but if brother R hasn't seen/talked to brother A, then what was brother r doing hiding outside in the woods? Why was he there? Lots of questions for me...I totally don't understand brother saying no contact since 2010 but there he was outside the me understand.

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Brother R was not outside the school in the woods, he was evidently at work in another state. The man in the woods has never been readdressed and we have no clue who or what if anything he had to do with this tragedy.
Nobody "gets" to be a neurosurgeon.

People who study their arse off for a decade, have huge student loans, and have the intestinal fortitude to survive on 4 hours of sleep/night for years EARN the title neurosurgeon.

Some people do not want to put forth the effort to earn a title.


It's hard hard work. I fear that some people don't believe in that whole "earn" concept.
FWIW I completely agree. IMO, we have raised the biggest generation of wusses I've ever seen. Inability to cope with problems and/or not having everything the way they envisioned. Partly to blame are the parents who said, like a mantra, "you can be anything you want."

Truth is, not everybody gets to be a brain surgeon. Some people get to dig ditches. Some people get 2 parents, some 1 and some none. College is not an inalienable right. Sometimes you have to get a job in high school to buy your own school clothes, etc. The late teen and 20-somethings cannot grasp that.

Yup, past generations were so much better. It's not like they owned slaves, had Jim Crow laws, didn't allow women and minorities the rights to vote, etc etc...You see, I can generalize too. There are many, many horrible murderers in history who are not part of Generation Y.
Look at the past events..........the mall shooter, 22 year old loser.

CO movie theater....mentally ill and young.

Virginia Tech. College age.

Even Columbine. Two young guys who were mad at the world.

Eric Harris-Malignant Narcissist and Psychopath
Dylan Klebold-Conflicted Avoidant and Depressed
Seung-Hui Cho-Psychotic, Possibly Schizophrenic
James Holmes-Psychotic?
The DC Sniper used a Bushmaster to terrorize us in Maryland, DC and Virginia.
I am just so numb. The only thing that brings me a bit of comfort is that these little angels will spend Christmas with the real Reason of the season.
May the parents, families, loved ones, friends and strangers be comforted, if only a little, by that.
A former school board official in Newtown called into question earlier reports that Nancy Lanza had been connected to Sandy Hook Elementary School, possibly as part of the teaching staff.
“No one has heard of her,” said Lillian Bittman, who served on the local school board until 2011. “Teachers don’t know her.”

Fox News Live is still reporting the shooters Mom is a teacher at the school.
I just heard the news, such a horrifying thing to wake to.

My thoughts are with the friends and family of all those that had their lives tragically taken, and with all the darling little children that have been taken so cruelly from this world. Children should be safe at school, I can't even begin to express how sick I feel right now. I haven't been able to stop crying since I heard, such a senseless tragedy.

Rest in peace to all that are no longer with us on this sad, sad day. I will be lighting a candle for you all tonight. :candle:
This has to be the worst reporting on a case in history.

I disagree.. they are trying to get information to a nation.. no a world.. as this horror unfolds.

there will be errors along the way.

The reporters I am watching now live are so viscerally effected and affected by this. Everyone is. I am not sure how else to classify this other than another 9/11 type tragedy where the info develops and changes. It has nothing to do with the reporting imhoo.

And may God be with these reporters who are so obviously affected by this story. I see many right now as I am watching live that can hardly form a sentence.

This affects us all..
Ummm..right!! So who the heck was in the woods?:banghead:

I really think that was most likely an innocent hunter in the woods somewhere in the area since we have heard no more about him. He probably had a heart attack with they thought he was in on it.

Well, unfortunately, there's no way to predict when mentally troubled people will snap-don't you think that if his parents had any inkling of this, that they would have done everything in their power to prevent it?
It is now uncertain if the mom was employed in that school. Did this monster kill his mom and then head to the school to obtain
notoriety? Deny him this. Don't speak or post his name.


We can talk gun control and locking schools down even tighter and mental health care, and violence in our culture, etc. But I truly believe that the single most important thing we can do to prevent many of these horrific tragedies is not to speak the name of the cowards who do this. Call them out as cowards. But refuse to speak of them by name. Ever.

That will prevent so many "crazy" people, sitting around in their isolation, dreaming about going out in a blaze of "glory", from putting their plans to commit mass murder, into action, IMO.

(you should be able to translate this article into english by a button at the top right, however there is no new news that I can see reported).

Rest in peace baby.

I can translate somewhat:
Tragedy in Connecticut Touches a Puerto Rican Family

One of the victims of the shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut is the granddaughter of the sister of the magistrate of Maunabo, Jorge Márquez.

The informationwas confimed by the same magistrate. The girl was identified as Ana Grace Márquez. “She just turned seven years right now”, said Márquez with a catch in his voice. "We are here with her grandmother. She has been very affected. This is a very lamentable thing. Our family is extremely unified and we spent the whole day waiting for news. We expected that perhaps there was an injury but the parents notified us. There is no going back”, he mentioned.

The reporter Stephen Álvarez confirmed on ELNUEVODIA.COM that the relatives of the little girl Ana Grace, will leave early Saturday morning for Connecticut.

Álvarez indctaed that the grandmother of the little girl was very affected by the tragedy that touched her.

Some 27 persons, 20 of them children, died this morning during a shooting in the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut.

The gunman was identified as [BURNING IN HELL - MY EDIT], and was found dead in one of the staff parlors.
Yes, turn off the tv and your computer if this is devastating to you. Moms and dads must be mentally healthy to adequately care for their children's needs.

Thanks, Pen. yes, I stepped away as soon as my DS came home. He's 15 and knows what happened. He didn't want to talkk about it, but I could see the fear on his face. I hope he wants to talk about it soon, because he needs to be prepared, and I certainly don't think his high school is.

His band room is the first room off the unsecured main entrance, and usually has over 100 kids in it. The front door is always open, as the kids use it as a hang out, practice room, etc. There are 2 exits - one into the main hallway, and 1 outside (lunchroom hallway). It's a prime target. Unfortunately, even if all kids tried to get out the other entrance (if a gunman entered one entrance), they would bottleneck. Frightening, as there are no hiding places.

The classrooms, otoh, are pretty secure (mostly bungalows that lock) but windows could be easily broken into.

I think I need to have a chat with the principal about this, but know I will most likely be ignored. Ughhhh!

My thoughts are with the precious children tonight, and for the future safety of our own. May God be with us.


The only thing that brings me a bit of comfort is that these little angels will spend Christmas with the real Reason of the season.

Beautiful thought, Ricki. Thank you. It is a very comforting image for me to hold on to.
Well, not to get political, but here where I live, the Superintendant and the school board employee's have no business making the kind of money they make. Time to make some demands on our children's safety and not the underlining pockets of those who overspend and get paid way too much.

My high school was one of the best in the state, our whole district was really good. The superintendent was my neighbor. He retired and makes over 200k a year on pension. :yuck:
Not only that but if brother R hasn't seen/talked to brother A, then what was brother r doing hiding outside in the woods? Why was he there? Lots of questions for me...I totally don't understand brother saying no contact since 2010 but there he was outside the me understand.

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I read a news report that he checked into work all day and his debit card was verified in his work area that is away from the school. I'll look for the link. Police have cleared Ryan according to this article.
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