Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #22 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I lost count...just thought I'd place myself at a rather inbetween spot yet high enough....... :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::fence:

We'll share! :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
So the wedding coordinator dies of cancer and Jodi takes over. Why didn't shejust stay in that position? Did I miss something?
Then I too was a willing participant in my abusive marriage to a disordered person and I too egged him on...he just so happened to appear as a normal, loving human being until I was deeply enmeshed in our relationship and was unable to walk away easily. Only I'm still alive to talk about my experiences because eventually I did manage to get away and he was arrested for other crimes before he could kill me.

Thank God you survived. I so appreciate your insight in this case. Thank you for sharing your personal experiences.
Interesting point brought up on HLN that she is recycling her stories. :waitasec: ..afraid for her family's safety, her one boyfriends name was Victor Arias and Travis's middle name was Victor.
Wy hasn't his razor been suggested as a weapon? In her interrogation tapes she said he shaved the "old fashioned way", meaning the switchblade style, right? Extremely sharp! Also, I don't know many people that carry a .25 cal. so the chances of TA actually have one is ridiculous!:what::what:

Lots of good information here including a case summary. Explains lots of info about the crime scene and weapons:
I've been watching but I don't get who the gay Wiccan boyfriend was. I have vampire suicide Costa Rica guy and Applebee's cheater and dirty smoker. Also, who is the hoarder? Her voice is like ugh I feel like that Internet cat Burger and Fries.
I realize that's probably the right way to go, and Juan's style. However, for my personal satisfaction, I would LOVE to hear him go at her point by point. I want to know if she knows how to squirm. I'm vindictive. What can I say??

I want to hear him say: "I ask the questions. Just answer yes or no"

She can't do that. Lol
Christee, can you stay behind and clean up the lunch dishes? Thanks for being such a dear! We all appreciate it! :blowkiss:
So the wedding coordinator dies of cancer and Jodi takes over. Why didn't shejust stay in that position? Did I miss something?

Lack of qualifications? Training for a career in real estate investing?
No one in that courtroom, other than the family, and including the media, had a better view than me. I was in the second row with no one in front of me. I was watching this like a hawk. I did NOT see these "smiles". This is a questionable report to me. Even Beth wasn't sure she believed it.

OH this is good news! I wanted to tell you I watched Dr. Drew last night only because of you. You were great! Classy lady :)
TwitterMichelle Lee @myhlee
The allotted lunch break. Back now in courtroom waiting for trial to resume.
Sociopaths seem to have contempt for their victim’s feelings and believe their victims deserve to be hurt, taken advantage of and exploited. They have no empathy or very selective empathy (e.g., your wife shows empathy toward someone who hurts or bullies you). They lie, cheat, manipulate, and/or verbally and/or physically intimidate others to get their way or to “win.” To a sociopath, the ends justify the means.

Sociopaths may refuse to recognize that others have rights and believe they’re entitled to violate the rights of others. In fact, they often try to control and humiliate their victims. They see people as objects and value others based upon their utility and ease of exploitation rather than fellow human beings. People are either targets and opportunities for exploitation. They don’t have friends, but rather victims and accomplices who later become victims.

Sociopaths often have a gross and exaggerated sense of entitlement. They seem incapable of true love relationships and often confuse love with ability to control and exploit someone. They are unable to form healthy attachments with others.

Sociopaths seem to be able to lie very easily. You can have a video or audio recording of them perpetrating a crime or some abusive act and they will still pee on your leg and tell you it’s raining. They often believe their own lies and may even be able to pass a polygraph. They seem to lack the capacity for remorse or guilt. For example, many of my clients are more likely to squeeze blood from a stone than to receive a sincere apology from their wives, girlfriends or exes.

When sociopaths seem to be expressing positive feelings it is typically because they are mimicking others to appear socially and psychologically normal.

On one of the video clips with last weeks court testimony is a clip with Pat Brown, Profiler. She claims Jodi is a sociopath. I guess she would know.
I've been watching but I don't get who the gay Wiccan boyfriend was. I have vampire suicide Costa Rica guy and Applebee's cheater and dirty smoker. Also, who is the hoarder? Her voice is like ugh I feel like that Internet cat Burger and Fries.

I was confabulating traits JA felt it necessary to weigh in on or elucidate.

I don't think there was a gay wiccan boyfriend.

But I stopped paying attention to the actual content of the drooooone.
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