jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #53 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Dr. Drew feels that Juan's approach is not going in the prosecution's direction. Dr. Drew talked to many women who were feeling sorry for Jodi.

Uh....where was he interviewing women that felt sorry for Jodi? At Jodi's grandma's house? At her mom's house? At the jail? He is completely out-of-touch!
:furious: :banghead: :silenced:

Well, looks like Dr. Drew is getting another irate email from Dum~Dum Sucker tonight.
On HLN, Dr. Drew is going to give his opinion on why Jodi's personality changed from last Thursday. (Will he have figured this out? I doubt it. lol)

What ever! He is saying women are feeling sorry for her an men are getting creeped out .

I gotta go look again....
I think I might be a man....

:eek: shh don't tell my husband or kids!
Did you hear her on Direct say that Travis now forgives her or words to that effect? Horrible

Jodi knows Travis is totally saying "hey, with a cocked head from Heaven, it's all cool, do my smiling for me Jodi, tell the world I'm fine dead" or she could be making that up.

Did you expect Juan to pull out a bloody pic of Travis at that point? I did, in my mind, I pulled a sad pic of Travis dead and shoved it in Jodi's face. Juan let us go there in our own minds, which makes Juan brilliant.
Was the emu-burger good this time? A bit of garlic really brings out the special flavor, ya know....

Hey I just found that while going back over the thread!!!!

i think today he has been establishing that she is not shy, instigates, confronts, stalks, doesn't know when to let things go... plus all the lying.

And can't admit that she does any of those things. It's always someone else's fault.
I'm super glad that Juan is showing bits and pieces of the 48 Hours interview. It gives the jury a real glimpse of how creepy and off she really is. Especially today when they showed the clip where she is talking about her mug shot and how Travis would want her to smile in it. CREEPY!
Since she has a much better car than Travis' BMW does anyone know what she drove?

I think she said an Infinity. That she apparently couldn't afford to gas up or maintain. I don't think BMW maintenance/repair prices would be less expensive... if anything they'd be more.

But she wanted it because it was Travis' and would keep her connected. She didn't care what kind of car it was - or even that it WAS a car for that matter. It kept her in his life - even after he didn't want her there, giving her an excuse to connect without the 'appearance' of just contacting him out of the blue.

My ex was exactly the same - with the creating connections and the convoluted talking we saw today. Man, it's exhausting to everyone except the one doing it. For them it's a method of control - at least in my case it was and it sure looks like it with JA.
Is bobby the one that she went back to the library after taking him to work and hit the back button on?

Yes, that was Bobby

I don't understand why Numri brought up the gun video. Travis friend's testimony will hurt his client, won't he?

Why did they play the phone sex tape??
Why did they introduce Travis' text messages calling her a sociopath and the worst thing that ever happened to him??

They have nothing....................................
Yet the answers were easily remembered on direct, especially with some coaching in the questions.
She is very difficult to hear, must be maddening to be asking the questions - won't commit to a simple answer on anything.

Anybody else notice she answers 'yes' and 'no' when it's stuff that agrees with her story line, but "that was part', or 'Okay", or "I believe/was told/understand'
she's not sure?
It may be my imagination, but suspect that might be her way to signal Nurmi, and he responds - objecting, or touching his face, whatever.

I cracked up when Nurmi objected and said something to the affect of 'this was 20 years ago and irrelevant' When he and Jodi made the jury endure the 1997 years.

Who the heck has dr drew been talking to

I like Dr. Drew and think he's probably a really nice person, but it really blows me away that he can even call himself a doctor!

He seems to be totally CLUELESS about people most of the time!
If The Jury has never seen the 48 hrs show...Juan needs to show parts of it over and over and over again to the jury!! You cant watch that and not see someone without a conscience or a soul! It truly shows the real side of Jodi! I have made everyone at work watch it that have never heard about her, or the case and they all find her GUILTY as sin!! Praying he keeps showing it!!!
You just can't forgive someone that has no remorse.
And you can go on and have a great fruitful life and never forgive someone.
(and if they are dead you will never know if they would have forgiven, um because you killed them)

I don't believe you must forgive in order to heal. I think you can heal and time helps that but it is unfair to make people think they must forgive.

Forgiving comes from within, and often times if someone offers an apology that sounds heart felt, that is honest and true, you can feel yourself forgiving sometimes because the person is remorseful.

In this case, she is not remorseful, and he is dead so this will live on in eternity as a great friction and I think she will have no peace with herself. I am afraid there is something wrong with her so she can't feel the normal feelings of remorse that would even make sense of what she did.

I think he is in the courtroom (Travis) He loves how hard the Prosecutor is fighting for him.

But she is scary, that is one scary woman.
Juan hinted at a rebuttal witness when discussing the left finger. Anyone else catch that?

Are you talking about Mark Udy, Leslie's husband who was sitting next to her at Chili's in Utah?
I cracked up when Nurmi objected and said something to the affect of 'this was 20 years ago and irrelevant' When he and Jodi made the jury endure the 1997 years.


Right. Nurmi started JA's testimony at her embryonic stage, had her lead us down the Primrose Path, around the Yellow Brick Road, and faded to black Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

So talk about the pot calling the kettle? This objection by Nurmi was absolutely UN-believable! :what:
Dr. Drew feels that Juan's approach is not going in the prosecution's direction. Dr. Drew talked to many women who were feeling sorry for Jodi.

Uh....where was he interviewing women that felt sorry for Jodi? At Jodi's grandma's house? At her mom's house? At the jail? He is completely out-of-touch!

Dr. Drew and JVM should just sit around diagnosing each other, praising each other for how right they always think they are. They are awful.

I'm sure JVM will be very excited tonight that Dave Hall's gun range video was featured on her show. Someone tell me if she's shouting and hollering about her "involvement" in the case. I'm passing on this cr!pola tonight.
Dr. Drew feels that Juan's approach is not going in the prosecution's direction. Dr. Drew talked to many women who were feeling sorry for Jodi.

Uh....where was he interviewing women that felt sorry for Jodi? At Jodi's grandma's house? At her mom's house? At the jail? He is completely out-of-touch!

Thats why I dont watch these talking heads that know nothing about real trials.

Anyone that feels sorry for Jodi has never really been abused and have been hoodwinked by her lies. I would be ashamed to admit I was that gulible to actually believe a sociopath.

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