Interim discussion regarding questions from the jury and Arias on the stand #81

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I've seen this mentioned before but I must have missed that testimony. When did he tell her this? Was it via text message, email or phone? Not that I necessarily believe he even said it as we can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. But I'm curious about this. TIA

I could be mistaken because I'm not sure, but it might have been in answer to the juror question about whether every guy she ever knew dumped her because she was a controlling psycho (paraphrased). Nurmi was leading her through the garden of her failed relationships, which all ended with both parties promising to be bffs. When she got to Travis, she claimed she'd moved on from him, mentioning Ryan and some LDSLinkup guy as her new focus. She then threw in, almost as an aside, that Travis had told her God revealed to him that Mimi was to be his wife, even showing her photos of Mimi...and of course she was just fine with that.
I know, right?

I still think her trip to DB was not just about those gas cans. She needed something else from DB, IMO.

I still haven't figured out why Juan alluded to Matt being with Jodi when she went to visit DB.:waitasec:

Could this be true?

So who takes a boyfriend (MM) to visit an ex boyfriend (DB)?
Good Lord.:waitasec::banghead:
I'm listening to the testimony by dworkin regarding the computer evidence and the stuff he pulled off the damaged hard drive. Whose hard drive was that? Was it JA? If so, don't they find it rather suspicious that it was damaged? Now if it was TA's do they think JA damaged it? I'm confused.

If you could point me in the direction of this testimony I would really appreciate it. I missed the first part of the trial.

Thanks a bunch!
I think JA shot Travis while he was in the shower enclosure. He then came out like a bull after being wounded and JA had to finish him off with the knife. Went directly to the mirror to see the wounds to his head, got nailed in the back and down the hall they went.

JMO I agree. This is exactly and to the T the way I also think it happened. I think the gun jammed after the first shot, otherwise she would have kept shooting.

I also think most of the back wounds happened as he was looking in the mirror and probably freaking out not realizing she was still going to attack him further.

Then he turned around and got defensive wounds on his hands and probably ended up on the ground trying to crawl away from the maniac.

I know a lot of people have problem with the shell in the blood pool being shiny on top, but it easily could have been kicked there at the very end when she was dragging him back to the shower after he was dead.

Also a long time ago I had mentioned how liquid can migrate and the blood may have migrated around the shell. It may have been in a dry spot and then the blood migrated around it. Sure enough there are cracks inbetween tiles and blood is going down the crack so it may surrounded the shell casing after the fact.

Or it was kicked into the blood pool after the fact. Or maybe the shell was jammed in the gun and when she cleared the jam at the very end, it could have flown in there at end. So many possibilities.
I am convinced a judge would instruct the defense attorney to be ethical and convince his client which direction she should take. He could absolutely refuse to smear TA and allow her to claim self defense anyway. She comes off as an insane psycho either way.

BBM. That's definitely true. He didn't have to bring up the stupid pedophilia claims, or the incredible amount of graphic sexual descriptions. He chose to do that, which makes him look like both an idiot and a creep.

The judge could tell him to instruct his client, but in Jodi's case it's hopeless. Presumably he could point that out to the judge. It's an interesting problem. I'm sure it's come up often before. That's probably why most defendants don't take the stand. Keep 'em off the stand and they can't lie under oath.
Myvice, it's day 13 the beginning. He is talking about the computer Travis was using when she got there and her broken one and her helio and the cannon camera. I think I figured out it is her broken harddrive. Why did she break it?
Someone posted up thread about if some jurors might be p***ed about other asking so many questions. I thought I'd take a stab at an answer. Sorry, it was a while ago and I don't remember who posted it!

There is no doubt in my mind that there are some jurors who would like Jodi off the stand ASAP as they have enough information about her to judge her credibility.

That being said, you have to give the jurors who are asking questions a big pat on the back. By doing so, they are opening up their fellow-jurors minds to the "real" Jodi. They can't talk about the case with each other until deliberations, but the jurors asking those questions are talking to them indirectly and telling their fellow jurors where they stand. They are also allowing Martinez to start to toy with her concerning her "facts" such as the imagireturn of the gas can.

From what I've heard from our inside folks, there are times when Jodi answers a question and POP, another question in the basket. To me, that means that Jodi has opened up a new :worms: with her convoluted answer. Who knows where the next set of questions will lead?

Personally, I can't wait for Martinez to continue his cross on Wednesday. It will be electrifying and I don't mind listening at all.

However, I'm hoping the next set of jury questions is the last. This defense case needs to move on and get put to bed so we can move on to the rebuttal case.

I'm expecting the juror questions, direct, and cross to last all day Wednesday and possibly Thursday.

I've never, ever seen a trial with so many juror questions! Of course, I've never seen a jury trial where the jurors can ask questions in a case where the defendant takes the stand. This case may set a new record! :great:

BBM, I agree, I can't stand her jekyll and hyde performance, especially when she is on direct, gag me!
This is my thinking, too!!! I know the evidence is against it, but I still think this. I just can't see how Travis would be threatened into sitting and obeying with only a knife. I think he could wrestle it away if he was not impaired first.

A gun demands attention. If JA showed up with a knife the safest place for Travis would be to stay in the shower. He would be crazy to come out. There is no room to maneuver a knife in a tiny enclosure.
One of my biggest problems besides the glaring obvious ones is that if I had just fought for my life in "Self Defense" The first thing I would have done after the threat was gone would be to call 911. I would not have any reason to not do that if I truly were defending myself against an attack. The fact she did not do that tells me its all a bunch of BS.

I've seen this mentioned before but I must have missed that testimony. When did he tell her this? Was it via text message, email or phone? Not that I necessarily believe he even said it as we can't believe a word that comes out of her mouth. But I'm curious about this. TIA

It was after the jury questions when he was questioning her about Mimi Hall and Cancun. She was reiterating her "not jealous about Cancun" nonsense and she said this.

I know it's odd, but I do believe he told her this. They had openly talked (phone sex tape) about marrying others and I don't think he realized telling her this would set her off. Perhaps he even thought it would make her back off?? I definitely think he told her BEFORE the end of May...before the sociopath texts and such. I do not think he ever told her Mimi told him she only wanted to be friends.

I don't know. Call me crazy, but I think that statement was true. And I also think that was her motive--she thought he was going to marry Mimi, and she could no longer use sex as a means to keep him.

I could be mistaken because I'm not sure, but it might have been in answer to the juror question about whether every guy she ever knew dumped her because she was a controlling psycho (paraphrased). Nurmi was leading her through the garden of her failed relationships, which all ended with both parties promising to be bffs. When she got to Travis, she claimed she'd moved on from him, mentioning Ryan and some LDSLinkup guy as her new focus. She then threw in, almost as an aside, that Travis had told her God revealed to him that Mimi was to be his wife, even showing her photos of Mimi...and of course she was just fine with that.

You've got that question totally right, except for the word psycho. The jurors did ask if all her previous boyfriends broke up with her because she was so controlling.
Almost all cases are circumstancial. Not many cases have a direct confession or an eyewitness as direct evidence. So by that alone you will have a high amount of guilty verdicts on circumstancial evidence.

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"Books, movies, and television often perpetuate the belief that circumstantial evidence may not be used to convict a criminal of a crime. But this view is incorrect. In many cases, circumstantial evidence is the only evidence linking an accused to a crime; direct evidence may simply not exist. As a result, the jury may have only circumstantial evidence to consider in determining whether to convict or acquit a person charged with a crime. In fact, the U.S. Supreme Court has stated that "circumstantial evidence is intrinsically no different from testimonial [direct] evidence"(Holland v. United States, 348 U.S. 121, 75 S. Ct. 127, 99 L. Ed. 150 [1954]). Thus, the distinction between direct and circumstantial evidence has little practical effect in the presentation or admissibility of evidence in trials."
I'm listening to the testimony by dworkin regarding the computer evidence and the stuff he pulled off the damaged hard drive. Whose hard drive was that? Was it JA? If so, don't they find it rather suspicious that it was damaged? Now if it was TA's do they think JA damaged it? I'm confused.

RE: Dworkin's tesimony
The damaged hard drive was the defendants.
The computer with the user name Deanna Reid was Travis' computer.
My3sons, I was floored when I heard Jodi say that. I believe he told her that but I feel like that was a HUGE reason she went balistic.
There's one photo near the end of the sequence that shows Travis Alexander mouth agape that could be the first moment he knew she was there/came/back/never left.

The only thing that counts against that supposition is that some pictures seem to have been taken with a flash, which would be noticable to even someone in a shower with eyes closed. So that supposition breaks down if there was a flash. But maybe there wasn't.

However, even my small pocket-sized Canon A330, depending on setting, will take photos without the flash when the flash is off, or on an auto setting, and not all of them are the orange-toned "flashless" photo.

It depends on the setting that the camera was on and the ambient lighting.

Cameras of that sort have "sport" settings to freeze fast movement, low-light settings and "easy" settings that allows the camera to best guess.

It's also a function of giving the camera time to adjust. Typically you half-press the shutter to allow the camera to auto focus and auto aperature and then completely press the shutter to take a photo. If you mash the shutter without giving it time to process, you can get darker, fuzzy photos where previous photos were crisp and well lit with nothing having changed but the way the shutter was pressed.

One way the camera could take well-lit flashless photos and also dimmer photos could be the camera's light sensor reponding to the change in reflected light as Travis moved under a light source that was directly over his head, at some angles (or relative angle of the photographer crouching low) blocking out more of that available light.

This is, of course, total and complete guesswork with multiple variables. I have no empirical basis for thinking this, or knowledge of the camera used or what settings it was on, but it leads to the intriguing possibility that the whole "photo shoot" claim was hogwash.

I have asked several times, but can't get a response that makes sense...why would Jodi take pictures of Travis in the shower without his knowledge? Nothing about this hypothesis makes sense to me. I can't understand why people think Jodi would have done this especially since neither side has suggested It. And no, I don't accept "that's just crazy Jodi" as a good answer!

Why it doesn't make sense:
1. Use of flash
2. He's looking right in the camera at the end
3. He's clearly posing in the pics of his back
4. She deleted the pictures (not blackmail)
5. She planned to kill the shower and this was a way to get him in there and not have him be suspicious about why she's in the bathroom with him

Please, someone enlighten me.

One of things that strikes me about her 'linebacker lunge' is how she has her arms spread out wide to the sides. If I were lunging at someone to tackle them my instinct would be to have my arms out in front of me to grab around their waist or back of their legs as I tackled them down.

It was like she was too focused on having her face lined up right for the bullet trajectory.

Agreed, it looks more to me like how someone would fall forward after being shot or stabbed at.
I think JA shot Travis while he was in the shower enclosure. He then came out like a bull after being wounded and JA had to finish him off with the knife. Went directly to the mirror to see the wounds to his head, got nailed in the back and down the hall they went.

Not to be gross, but have you ever seen the infamous R. Budd Dwyer suicide footage? Dwyer was treasurer of the State of Pennsylvania in the late 80s caught up in a corruption scandal over procurement contracts. He held a press conference, rambled on a bit, then reached into a manila envelope, pulled out a .357 magnum revolver and, before anyone could stop him, put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

The effect was instantaneous. He dropped like someone kicked out his knees. The bullet went through the roof of his mouth, through his sinuses and exited out the top of his head just behind his frontal lobes.

Not only did he drop immediately, but the amount of blood that came from not his mouth, or the top of his head, but out his nose was so copious that, quite frankly, it looked fake.

Although he used a larger, more powerful bullet, the track of the bullet is very similar to that of Travis Alexander, just with entrance and exit reversed, both transversed the brain and sinuses.

Even with a smaller round the cavitation through the entire brain would have been like being hit with a baseball bat. The amount of hemorrhaging through the nose and mouth would be massive and not the "coughed up blood" seen in the sink, which seems to be a result of the knife strike to the inferior vena cava that probably nicked lung structure, the esophagus, or both.

I just can't see anyone being shot in the head, get up from a squatting position in a shower stall, fight their way out of the stall and pause at the mirror for a look.

Since the "shot first" argument doesn't agree with the Medical Examiner's findings, precedents in gunshot wounds, the timeline of the murder and a whole bunch of stuff, can someone explain to me the significance (or agenda) of insisting the head shot came first?
Good afternoon, good peeps. I hope that everyone had a nice weekend. I'm kind of glad that there isn't courtroom action in the JA trial today because I am following local (Detroit) breaking news in a major Federal case. Enjoy your day :great:

**verdict watch**Feds Indict Former Detroit Mayor - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Good day to you as well. Following that one too. Bout time he went down. Good to get an Arias break. Can work ahead to be set for Wed. :seeya:
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