Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #90

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id take those odds over the odds of jodi having amnesia :floorlaugh:

For the WSers who like to wager...maybe a prop bet

Over/under - 4 full days of trial
Over/under - 134 times Samuels looks at notes
Hearing starts in 15 minutes? Is that correct?

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I was watching rerun of the T.V. show "Reba, and the title of the episode was "Fight or Flight." It was about the father (Brock) grounding his daughter for sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night to sleep at Rebas. (Reba Brock are divorced). Just thought that was interesting as I have never heard that term before this case. Oh, the episode aired in 2004....
Good question...

Since we don't know for sure, we can only speculate.

If JA was a beneficiary, forged or legitimate, again that would go to premeditation.

Since we haven't seen evidence indicating it, I'm guessing not.

I doubt Travis would have made his "official" girlfriend of five whole months a beneficiary of his estate.
Oh my! I'm so excited about what today might bring! I hope that the Judge does not let that carp in. Even if she does JM will hammer down Samuels so hard he won't know what hit him but I do hope the Judge does the right thing here and does not let it in.

I've missed JM. I'm embarrassed to say I have a crush on him..:blushing:
Don't you have to have a birthdate and SSN to do a background check?

And why is this guy's DL info at all pertinent to this case?

DL would be just part of the puzzle. It's not hard to get socials and birth dates. Genealogical websites are a treasure trove of info. So are newspapers and county court recordings. All of that stuff is in open records. You just have to know how to look. And, their are websites you can subscribe to for a fee in order to get info that isn't public records.
HLN built a replica TO scale. We will see tonight After Dark 10pm EST. I am sure this is old news, but I couldn't keep up.
I doubt Travis would have made his "official" girlfriend of five whole months a beneficiary of his estate.

I concur.

Thus, like the letters which never made it in, my potential "forgery" allowance.
Gus is not too bright. How could she have removed all her DNA from TA if she did it that way. Also to those who insist she would have shot him at the door, firstly she wouldn't have known if anyone was around to see her. Second she wanted to try to see if she could get him to take her to Cancun.

I know all you smart people on here know this, I'm just posting this for all those JII lurkers.:seeya:

What is jII. .?
Go to uTube and type in the search box: gus searcy jodi arias trial

Hi. Is there a specific link to see Juan cross-examine Gus Searcy? I suppose if I knew what day of the trial it was, then I could scroll through a day's video.....I don't know what day that would have been. Please PM me. tyia
I am not sure that is correct it is only 0930 PST

unless they are starting early???

Don't mind me.... I'm time zone / daylight savings time challenged!

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Isn't that disgusting? They put this man on a pedestal
Like he did a big thing! The pinellas jury failed caylee, the only reason! She walked! Not because of anything he did.
During the trial
he wouldn't talk to Hln! Not even to JVM when she tried to run after him to ask questions. She asked him if they weren't buddies something like that not verbatim.

He is a vile person, defending a sick twisted woman like CA. I believe there will be a very special place in hell for him perhaps him and Nurmi will shack up together in the afterlife.
I was watching rerun of the T.V. show "Reba, and the title of the episode was "Fight or Flight." It was about the father (Brock) grounding his daughter for sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night to sleep at Rebas. (Reba Brock are divorced). Just thought that was interesting as I have never heard that term before this case. Oh, the episode aired in 2004....

When I was going through my divorce from a not so nice guy, I lost 30 pounds in 2 months. My dr said my body was stuck in a 'fright/flight' response due to the stress of the divorce. Meaning I got stuck in the anxiety of raising the children alone, the finances along with the constant harrassement and unkindness of the person I was divorcing. I never knew what would happen next. One day I came home to no electricity because it was in his name and he decided that he didn't want that. Then he would hold back child support until I did whatever he requested. He sent eviction notices through UPS. I had to get a restraining order for the constant phone calls and messages. One day, for a 2 hours period, he called and filled up the caller id and message box. The constant stress was overwhelming.

But I remember every low blow and callous thing that went on.

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