trial day 37: the defense continues its case in chief #108

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Getting an insecurity complex :( (everyone ignoring me)

Omg I just saw this!!! Haha haha also know as "my afternoon". :great:
funny they she says faint,i say she was hungry since she got a protein bar
Further, Jodi could have easily passed off a broken finger as an accident, unlike a black eye. Two male friends of mine incurred broken fingers all by accident. Jodi could have invoked an accident explanation without arousing great suspicion. That she didn't can mean only one thing -- that she lied.

The day before or the day OF the fantastical-lied about-never happened finger injury "story" in Jan was the "I just decided to go drop in over at Travis' to help him put put away boxes of Christmas decorations in the attic" "story" day.

If that really happened, it would not take much creativity to attribute a broken finger to lifting boxes up into the attic and having a mishap. Not only that, since, according to JA, Travis was always so sorry and remorseful, so gentle and caring after their alleged "incidents".....grrr.......since HER excuse for not getting medical care for the broken finger was that she had no would only make sense that Travis would make sure that she got appropriate medical care.....iiiiiiiiiiiiifffff it happenedbut it didn't!!:furious:
She said "Jennifer" IMO

Looked like she said "Jennifer" at the end of today to me, too. Although I did think she said "Jeffrey" last Thursday, at lunch or afternoon recess. I was going to post to ask, but the thread when too fast.
I don't know who Jeffrey would be though. I think it was the same day she was passing notes.
wait,that clip on HLN of jodi in with Dt flores....she just said i had a nervous breakdown?????
So Jodi had a nervous breakdown once? Just heard that on the interrogation tape played on Nancy Grace
When the witness described "terrorism," she was describing JA's behavior toward Travis (i.e. when she knew TA meant it when he said the relationship was over, the "normal" stalking became terrorism).
I said this a while ago:

I am not doing mushrooms.

Yet I see a TH discussing domestic violence...

let me repeat that:

domestic violence...

... and the three "contestants" are cut off by a BUZZ sound.


Ah. No. Okay. I thought we still had some shred of decency left in this... placewestolefromthepeoplewholivedherealready... aka... ugh.
JVM just said they had to get Jodi a protein bar. she was hungry
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