trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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This is what I believed- they gave her limited info- she doesn't have the :banghead:whole picture for her "contexts"

Maybe she's just bad at statistics... nah, I watched her youtube video so I have a better idea how she views the world around her.
Somethings been bugging me.
Travis was abused as a child.
Couldn't he be more likely to put up with abuse from JA (mental and physical) because of all he suffered as a child?

You bet your jail baloney sandwich!!!

If this was Tracy and Joe, she'd be saying that Tracy attracted abusive Joe into her life because she was redressing her primary relationship with her parents and needed to relive the abuse as an adult to work through it.
Somethings been bugging me.
Travis was abused as a child.
Couldn't he be more likely to put up with abuse from JA (mental and physical) because of all he suffered as a child?

I can only speak from my own experience. Yes, it kind of "desensitizes" you. A person who never experienced abuse would not tolerate it but one who has experienced abuse has a higher threshold of tolerance for it. You make a very valid point and sadly, by the time Travis realized the severity of Jodis abusive nature he was already way in over his head and she already had plans to kill him in the works. He was a dead man from the time she decided to steal the gun..actually before that. The moment she formulated her plan was the end for poor Travis. He had expressed being terrified of her and I wish he had gotten a restraining order against her. Unfortunately men are far less likely to seek out protection for fear of looking "weak" amongst peers. In this case it may have saved his life :(

This jury is going to make sure Jodi pays. I can feel it. They are not buying ALVs BS and it shows in the questions they ask. Jodi, your days are numbered. And your real punishment will come when you are sent straight to hell for taking a beautiful person so viciously from this earth. She can lie to us all but she cannot lie to God.
See - she's saying she only reviewed what was provided to her.

Here's what I think happened: When ALV was approached by defense, she was first given very limited information, all of it showing Travis in a very bad light, and showing Jodi in a favorable light. They were priming the pump to bias ALV and get her to conclude Travis was abusive so that any further information she was provided would be tainted with her conclusion that Travis was an abuser.

If this was the case, then I think that she actually believes most of what she is saying and really does have a very distorted view of the whole deal. To this day, Alyce still only has very limited information, and she does not have a clue about all the psycho things Jodi has said and done.

All this time, I had assumed that Alyce had read ALL the journal entries ,ALL the text messages, ALL the emails, etc, but that's not the case. Alyce was not privy to all the testimony that came before her, so she came into her testimony without the benefit of a complete picture. It would explain why she says she hasn't seen anything showing that Jodi was jealous or anything to indicate Jodi was manipulative. She literally has not seen that information.

I think that some jurors wondered that as well and why there was questions asking her that if she knew such and such would she feel differently. They were trying to give her an out or benefit but even then she would not budge.
She really didn't stand for the jury? If so, that shows her true personality. She didn't like the questions, so she doesn't like the jury and she'll show them who is in charge.

She didn't stand until she was through talking to the judge. By then most/if not all were out of the room.
BRAVO!!!! POST OF THE DAY, IMO!! The jurors are permitted to CONTINUE asking questions, so I'm convinced where she's deliberately answered vaguely - they'll demand clarification! I'm so happy for Tenisha, Samantha, Stephen & the whole family!!! Finally, sort of a good day...

I agree. She really looked bad today. It is one thing refuse to give an inch when Juan is questioning, but this was the jury! They were basically saying, "Are you hearing how biased you sound? sure you don't want to rethink some of your answers?," and she said, "Nope, I'm good, thanks." Lol.
Not a full day Sophie. . .court is scheduled to convene @ 9:30am - 12:30pm, better 3 hours than none, as court is usually dark on Fridays.

So that'll work out to about an hour of court time, offset by an hour lost Monday morning with whatever mistrial motions are added tomorrow. :banghead:
The bailiff watching her closely

He was! And she started to wander around and he closed in on her and made her sit down. Then she was manipulating him by moving her hands all over the desk like she was gonna pick something up. He must have told her to knock it off, because she turned to him, one palm up in the air like "who, me?" And I think he was telling her time to go, but she kept looking up at Wilmott at the stand then turning back to say something to him. Very bizarre!
It is impossible that Travis had a .25...His friends owned guns and he went shooting with them occasionally...If he wanted to purchase a gun, he would've asked his friends opinions on what gun to buy...A .25 would not be on that list...
If someone calls an attorney manning the PPL call line, is that attorney bound by attorney/client privileged? Whoever answers the phone would need to know who was calling, because they would need to verify membership before dispensing the free advice.
ALV was obviously duped by the defendant, and the defense team did not provide her with everything that she needed to conduct a thorough analysis of her client. When ALV has finished testifying, do you think that she will look more deeply into the case to find the evidence that was not presented to her?

This sometimes happens to new attorneys too. A client tells one side and the attorney gets burned. Trust me, it only happens once. After the first burn, most people are very careful to understand the full case.

There are undoubtedly cases where ALV has heard very similar stories, even with a brutal killing, where it was Battered Women's Syndrome. Unfortunately, for her, she bought that this was one of those cases when the jury clearly sees it is not.

A very career damaging choice to trust what you are given. But, I think it is likely a newbie, trusting mistake and that her reactions in not giving an inch are a reflection of her loyalty to real abused women (where she is likely asked the same questions and has to continually explain and defend them). We, including the jury, have all seen so much more than she can even comprehend in this one.
ALV's 90% non-verbal communication today showed a total lack of respect for the jurors IMO. She thinks they are a bunch of idiots.
Those questions about ALV staring at Jodi, and shrugging her shoulders etc... Should really be screaming at the defense team that this jury has checked out.

It they are paying more attention to that, than to the testimony, SCREAMS to me that they are sooooo over it! :)

"Porking the Pot"

... and she claims that she is "old fashioned"

I'm seeing an oxymoron
oh today was just soooooo good!! I love this jury! and I would like to "thank" all the posts right here and now because there are just so many! God is good!!
A little something telling about what the judge is thinking -- when instructing Alyce to only answer the questions and not provide additional information, Judge said "Your attorney will have a chance to follow up"
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