trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #136

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My, I LOVE the idea of the jury asking questions. I can't prove this offhand, but it stands to reason that it keeps the jury engaged. Letting the jury ask questions in this case has been utterly devastating.

I have a book to recommend, I was listening to the audio while driving on my ill-fated trip this week:

A Trial by Jury: D. Graham Burnett: 9780375727511: Books

Written by a juror in a homicide case in NY and, the short version, when people went in most tied to get out of the duty, then those who were picked were appropriately cynical, but the deliberations were the most intense 3 days of this mans life.

The picture given was first impressions of his fellow jurors were deceptive and, once they got into the role, they took it very, very seriously, the gravity of what they were doing, deciding a man's fate in another claimed self defense case, became real to them all.

This jury really seems to have completely wrapped their heads around the issues, the facts and are nobody's fools. If there are some jurors favoring a lighter sentence, I'm sure some of the strong personalities we hear in the questions will whip them into line.

That the jurors (at least some) are much smarter than this fraud witness is just deliciously entertaining and gratifying.
Isn't that the truth??? Why in the world this isn't an adopted practice nationwide?

This allows prosecutor & defense both to put their focus onto evidence that (the jurors) questions indicate they either believe or have dismissed - and depending on whether the truth is on your side, that's pretty helpful information!

For example, it seems Juan now knows at least one juror assumes Jodi kicked her mother when she was a child or teenager - but that's not how I understood it, so hopefully he'll touch on that to clarify.

All in all, very good day... :)
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They are pulling the jury back in for some reason so we r here- nevemond- 9am start time tom
Lady on JVM just floored me with that last bit of info. Travis had no bullets in his house that would go with ANY gun. If this has been addressed in court, I missed it. But, I didn't start watching till Jodi took the stand. I think that's huge!
Added this as an afterthought.

Travis walks into the "bullet" store. Give me a bullet please. Heck, make it 6.

Yes, it's been noted or at least I've noted that. I think others have too. The one-bullet wonder!
The whole gun scenario is preposterous. Ludicrous and insulting to anyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size.

The second utterly ridiculous scenario is that Travis body slammed her after she fumbled his camera.

This is a person who totaled his car (engine), hacked into his accounts, entered into his home uninvited/unannounced, stole his journal and slashed his tires. If he didn't go off then but yet we're to believe he went off, naked and wet, when his camera was 'dropped' (yet unbroken) is...........too exhausting to even TRY to believe.
ALV's 90% non-verbal communication today showed a total lack of respect for the jurors IMO. She thinks they are a bunch of idiots.

I am sure that 90 percent was communicated to the jurors, so that will weigh on them as they deliberate; if they reflect back on all the times she looked at them earnestly to get them to believe what she was telling them, they will assume she was conning them.
He was! And she started to wander around and he closed in on her and made her sit down. Then she was manipulating him by moving her hands all over the desk like she was gonna pick something up. He must have told her to knock it off, because she turned to him, one palm up in the air like "who, me?" And I think he was telling her time to go, but she kept looking up at Wilmott at the stand then turning back to say something to him. Very bizarre!

I think she was trying to pocket that little yellow golf pencil.
She did not stand. She was chatting with the judge, then by the time she stood it was to leave. I didn't notice whether the judge initiated the conversation, but that would seem highly unlikely.

No, she did. Initiate the conversation.


They were all laughing including JM.
Because Jodi testified directly to the jury - I sure hope they watch those interrogation tapes, the 48 Hours show, & any other video evidence they've got where it's been VERIFIED they're watching Jodi lie. To me, I'd need to see how it differs from what I saw on the stand right in front of me - and we all know - there IS NO DIFFERENCE!
I had severe childhood abuse. I do not abuse. Please make her shut up already!

first of all, I am very sorry to hear you were abused and to anyone else here that was abused!!!

second, I just want to say that this jury also most likely remembers all the questions they were asked in voir dire during jury selection.. like: "were you abused as a child"... etc

I am sure that the defense used filters like this during jury selection and they will remember this, of course. :twocents:
Private journals seized from arias jail cells. Was she making up as she goes with a pen and that's why the guards watching her closely.?
Well I just got through watching the juror question phase, and I am so proud that these jurors are really taking this case seriously. It makes up for the Catastrophe.

T found these questions to be extensions of JM's cross of LV. What he could not get clarification by a yes or no answer jurors picked up on and asked those same questions again.

The following, IMOO, will be important to add scepticism to LV's testimony.

1)While she said that Travis had a way to play women--she also admitted his advice to women in "abusive or unhealthy" relationships was undeserved and they should be given the tools to get out of that relationship.

IS this something an abuser would have the believability to say?

2) LV as said over and over ad nauseam that she looked at all the boxes of communication GIVEN to her by the Defense Team as a way of determining the abuse issue. If the defense team gave her that information, they controlled the content of what she read.

How can one make a fair assesment when they are not given ALL the evidence .

3) LV has said she had boxes full of information on Travis, yet when she was asked what she Had learned about Travis (the man)---eh not very much!

How does one have boxes of information on someone and when asked who that someone was--make the briefest answer she has made on the stand to date?

Finally the one question that I thought was OUTSTANDING was.
"Is it possible Jodie manipulated you as she did others"

To me that means at least one person on the jury sees JODIE for what she is, since the question was stated as fact.
OT, but I got to ask: How many of you have tightly swaddled your 8 month old baby in a heavy blanket to sleep in their bed on a pillow? This concerns a local case of 8 month old twins who asphyxiated under these circumstances and so far no charges have been filed.

never... my youngest slept in his crib. i lower the bars so my hands held his while we sleep. ( I was a jumpy mother)i never wraped up my baby cause the room was warm, so he did not need to be wraped up like its winter in the bedroom.
Yes, it's been noted or at least I've noted that. I think others have too. The one-bullet wonder!
The whole gun scenario is preposterous. Ludicrous and insulting to anyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size.

The second utterly ridiculous scenario is that Travis body slammed her after she fumbled his camera.

This is a person who totaled his car (engine), hacked into his accounts, entered into his home uninvited/unannounced, stole his journal and slashed his tires. If he didn't go off then but yet we're to believe he went off, naked and wet, when his camera was 'dropped' (yet unbroken) is...........too exhausting to even TRY to believe.
Lol you made me giggle.
Jury asking Alyce if magazine messages were for her is INCREDIBLE.

And Alyce being unaware is even MORE incredulous!

I think Alyce might potentially beat up this defense team once she realizes how cherry-picked her data really was.
Watching NG now...

JA "tweets" NG from behind bars last month? Reference the photo of JA in the courtroom where she had her hand under her chin giving the finger...tweet said that finger was for NG.

I wear it looked like Jodi just popped a cyonide pill.

And, what was with the pageant smile that JSS gave Jenny before leaving the bench?

Can anyone screen capture those 2 moments? I did it wrong yesterday.

Juan also had a huge smile on his face when he walked away. All 3 attorneys were talking about something to the judge and then started all started laughing.
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