weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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Several random thoughts ...

I so want the killer to get the death penalty, not so much to receive the needle, but to spend the rest of her life in isolation 23 hours the day. To have her stripped down to no communications, no fresh air, no sunshine, no exercise, no books, no journals, no pencil drawings, no special goodies from the commissary. I'm not aware of which of these things she may be privileged to enjoy, but am hoping its none of them.

Do you think that ALV originally really did intend to present the *advertiser censored* on the computer as Jodi's truth, and then backtracked (unconvincingly so) when she was informed by authorities that there was indeed no *advertiser censored* or indecent pictures found on the computer?

Do you think that the same also may stand for the 'she shot him in the closet' vs. the backtracked excuse of 'no, I misspoke, my assumption, Jodi never told me this?'

Her deviousness on these points screams out to me.[/QUOTE]


More importantly, it screams out to the jury.
I know it is petty, but I am still stuck on the interview with Flores when she had no idea of wether or not her camera card would fit TA's camera. Oh Miss Pro Photog Your Roral Highness, my 5 yr old grandchild knows the difference,
Ok, so watched the movie "Broken City" tonight with the boyfriend.

Something dawned on me- How can Jodi self-defense against Travis when he wasn't even armed, she was with 2 weapons!
I am so looking forward to rebuttal. Particularly hearing Dr. Demarte's evaluation. Imo the "fog" will dissipate and reveal a personality disorder.

Maybe JM can also play a recording of a fog horn as Dr D testifies.
Worked all day so I missed alot. I asked this before and got no answer.

LAV was admonished by JSS when discussing her schedule. I am glad JSS laid daown the paw and said "I din't want to hear of your personal affairs. THIS is your priority." Of course LAV looked bewildered as always. I am not sure all cylinders are firing. That is MY assessment.

So, what is the deal with Monday and Tuesday? No one answered last time I posted. There was something about asking jurors to keep their cell phones handy. I thought that odd.

Grace Wong was ordered to be in court Monday morning.

Jury was ordered to be in court Monday @ 1 p.m., but have their phones on at 10 for further changes.

ALV was ordered to be in court Tuesday, or Monday if she prefers for "continuing testimony" on "another/additional" issue.
She will never get the death penalty. This trial is going on way too long.
The longer this goes on, the more the jury sees her, and sees her as a human.

This jury has become close to her.

This jury is very good at compartmentalizing, evidenced by the questions.
They see her as human, sure. But a human without humanity.

I'm betting (hoping) they're repelled by her and don't feel close to her at all. The coldness and cunning comes off her in waves and the jury, sitting so close for so long, didn't miss it.

I think if she doesn't get the death penalty, it won't be because they couldn't do it. It will be because they think justice would be better served by Jodi spending the rest of her life in a hole where she can no longer be a social parasite.

We shall see ... :waiting::waiting::waiting::waiting:
She will never get the death penalty. This trial is going on way too long.
The longer this goes on, the more the jury sees her, and sees her as a human.
Did she do it yes, 100 percent.
I am a huge animal lover and cannot kill a spider.
I would never be able to sleep again if I took a life.

This jury has become close to her.
All the jury questions were, "Jodi" not the defendant.

I believe...but who knows...they will find her guilty on first degree,
but in no way will they give her death.

My opinion only.

Just curious - Didn't you just quote what Geragos and Geraldo just said?

I think she took upon herself to clean Travis's house.. I remember when I was in my 20's my group of guy friends shared a house and they were never short of women who would come over and clean and cook. It was bizarre. :shakehead:

Yep. And it still happens.
Worked all day so I missed alot. I asked this before and got no answer.

LAV was admonished by JSS when discussing her schedule. I am glad JSS laid daown the paw and said "I din't want to hear of your personal affairs. THIS is your priority." Of course LAV looked bewildered as always. I am not sure all cylinders are firing. That is MY assessment.

So, what is the deal with Monday and Tuesday? No one answered last time I posted. There was something about asking jurors to keep their cell phones handy. I thought that odd.

Yeah, I noticed that too. It made me think ALV may be testifying in a closed hearing and since ALV couldn't commit to Monday or Tuesday judge was saying, "We'll have to let you know, keep your phones close."
Agreed. He did not invite her. She invited herself as many have said she does.

She showed up, Travis was Mr. Nice Guy, let her in, didn't plan on having sex with Jodi (just went that way).

He must've said or did something that made her snap that very moment in the bathroom.

Too bad pictures don't have words. :(

I don't believe he invited her.

And I don't think she told him outright that she was coming.

But he did know she was on a road trip to Utah, so I think he figured that she might show up at some point.

However, she was probably working hard,convincing him that she had a new boyfriend in Utah and she just wanted to drop off a check and maybe rest up from the drive.
Grace Wong was ordered to be in court Monday morning.

Jury was ordered to be in court Monday @ 1 p.m., but have their phones on at 10 for further changes.

ALV was ordered to be in court Tuesday, or Monday if she prefers for "continuing testimony" on "another/additional" issue.

Am I allowed to speculate that Ms. Wong has video of ALV leaning over and speaking to Samantha ?
It would take pure RAGE to stab someone 27 times and slash their throat through the spine. :furious: I think JA was an "expert" knife user.

O/T - did you hear about the guy in CA who sawed off both his arms at a Home Depot. Now, how the hello do you do that...one goes and then, how does the other one get sawed off? :puke: He was insane, JA, not so much.

From what I read, he just cut his arm down to the bone - not through it.
At first I thought it was a crack al LAV because she let hers ring during trial session.snicker
Monday I do believe is Ms Wong a producer from CNN- why I am still not sure -maybe about Juan taking pics with fans OR ALV talking to Samantha- which could also be tuesday,

The judge told the jury to keep their cells handy because she wants to telegraph to the public her impartiality, concerning the Motion For Mistrial on Monday morning. She told the jury they would not need to come in until after lunch, but keep your cells handy 'just in case.' In other words, ' Who knows how I might rule on that motion...'

But she knows darn well that motion of Nurmi's is a load of bunk. IMO
I can't recall the exact wording but at some pt Prosecutor Martinez asked Ms LaV when she first met w the Defendant. She answered very strangely. Something about being brought into build the DV case, not to find ou IF there was DV. I will look for the link.
Omg! Thank you for posting that link!


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I think Jodi was sucking Travis in with sex and his own co-dependency issues. He may have even cared for her at one point, Jodi's behavior had to be embarrassing with her hanging on his friends and acting like they came on to her to make Travis jealous (surfing trip) or cornering perceived women threats in the restroom to declare Travis was off limits.
Arias, imho, is a sociopath. We will probably never know the blackmail set up or gas-lighting she was doing to him all along. I bet it started way before she started plotting to murder him. Blackmail is probably what keeps her other exes silent and supportive.
The judge told the jury to keep their cells handy because she wants to telegraph to the public her impartiality, concerning the Motion For Mistrial on Monday morning. She told the jury they would not need to come in until after lunch, but keep your cells handy 'just in case.' In other words, ' Who knows how I might rule on that motion...'

But she knows darn well that motion of Nurmi's is a load of bunk. IMO

Could Judge Stephens asking jurors to be available by phone also be in case they are interviewed again too?
I don't believe he invited her.

And I don't think she told him outright that she was coming.

But he did know she was on a road trip to Utah, so I think he figured that she might show up at some point.

However, she was probably working hard,convincing him that she had a new boyfriend in Utah and she just wanted to drop off a check and maybe rest up from the drive.

How do we know that Travis knew she was on a "road trip" to Utah? I don't remember that in court - Please remind me. I know one thing Travis didn't know - That JA would travel to Mesa and murder him and then move on to the next Mormon man in Utah and dry hump him after she just murdered someone.

JMO, of course.
I wish I could find it. It's on the last thread. ALV wrote a paper bashing men, saying it was impossible for them to be a victim of DV. I was so pizzed when I read that. maybe it's something she would NOT want the jurors knowing about.

I believe the title was "battered men and other Myths" ........Not biased my A@z
This had to do with the schedule for next week. For some reason, the judge needs to address LAV in court next week. ALV has what sounds like a medical appointment on Monday, and possible tests may follow, according to what she said.

The reason the judge asked jurors to keep their phones handy is that the schedule may change.

There is still the mistrial/media mumbo-jumbo to be hashed out next week in addition to something that appears to be connected to ALV. The latter is still open to speculation for those who are not connected to court proceedings.

You summed it up good.

This is just a guess and something I heard last week, but IMO, the best guess I heard about what the deal is with the ALV thing is the one motion the defense brought up alleging that the prosecuter was yelling and caused ALV to get so stressed out she needed to go to hospital. I think the defense motion actually dragged ALV into having to testify to the judge about how bad her stress is or something like that.
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