State rests rebuttal case- thread #165

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I need a "Juan Alert" app on my iPhone... all that I care about seeing and hearing, tomorrow, is him cleaning the floor with this "witness."

Me too. As much as I'm looking forward to tomorrow because of the loooong break, I feel as though it's going to be a day full of the DT crap. I think I'd rather have no court than listen to that.
The one directly behind Tanisha and Harold was Travis' older brother. Not sure if that is who you mean.

To the left of Harold...kinda behind his sister sitting to the extreme left.
Ok...I made an observation (shallow perhaps)..I equate evilness with ugliness..and goodness with beauty ..kind of like the black hat for the bad guys and the white hat for the good guys. The ugliness of the devil vs the beauty of angels. I have noticed the prosecution and their witnesses are good looking and the defense are all eerrrrr not good looking.....uummmmmmm perhaps not so shallow after all

Take photographs of all the players in this case, and show them to a group of people who know nothing at all about it, and I'm confident they wouldn't vote that everyone on the defense side is ugly, and everyone on the prosecution side beautiful. And, there are no white hats and black hats, or wings and horns; people are more multi-dimensional and complex than that.
Yes, but would you stand outside the closed door listening, spying, as JA did, or would you knock on the door?

JA was extremely intrusive with everyone IMO.

sorry I am sooo behind. I know this whole Hughes convo was last night, but I felt so strongly I just had to chime in.

Honestly, if my boyfriend and his friends were talking in a room with the door closed I would listen in for a few seconds before interrupting. It would weird me out...
AND, if I heard them talking and it was ABOUT me and how EVIL I was, I wouldn't knock, I would linger and listen. And get upset. Maybe even upset enough to have an evil look on my face. I am not intrusive, nor evil nor violent. It would make me angry. I would expect my boyfriend not to be engaging in a conversation with his friends bashing me... if it really did happen the way it was described on DD, it was clearly wrong, and I do NOT FAULT JODI here. And yes, I think the Hughes are not respectable, in the least. And yes, I think Jodi is deserving of M1, and possibly the DP (though I don't support the DP). SO don't throw tomatoes at me, put yourself, a rational person, in her shoes that night, and think how you would feel in that scenario.
Travis did not 'play women'. Lisa Andrews' real feelings were made clear when she testified. I think Deanna's testimony was revealing as well.

Being a bit of an immature flirt and being a 'player' are two different things. He didn't play with or prey on women. He was just being a healthy young man. The fact that there was no X-rated anything on his computer speaks volumes to me.

I think to the defense team going on a few dates = a solid contract that precludes speaking to other people, seeing other people, being friends with other people, and an all-encompassing commitment to spend the rest of your life with someone.
Just had a thought to add to Premeditated murder ...Jodi had the Brazilian wax so NONE of her pubic hair would be at the scene of the crime.

Had to post this because I have not seen this brought up Believe it or not!
O' especially after hearing Jodi Ann's father claim she wanted to marry him.

But, Travis, I get the feeling he was a great friend, but not quite there as the guy these "church-going Mormon " girls wanted to marry. I think they could feel that he was still a bit of a player, just a feeling I get.

Didn't Deanna want to marry him? moo
That's Dr. Geffner, who is also going to refute DeMarte's testimony. He'll also refute Horn's.

He will try to refute Demarte's testimony and he will try to refute Horn's testimony.

He will fail.
Legallee, I have never been to that site but by the way you and other WBs describe it, it sounds like the people in "The Following", which I for one find very disturbing and unrealistic (until now). Do they seem to you anything like those in the that show (Following)? TIA

Yes!! I've been thinking the same thing. I thought that show was so far out there but I see shades of that. They praise her art and beauty, it's very disturbing.
Is JM calling another witness to rebut the garbage Geffner is about to spew?
People on death row still have admirers, some have married and had children. Plus there are the endless appeals. It's never over till its over.

Yes, I saw an article that described Scott Peterson's life on death row.
He has to keep all his women fans updated on his life. He is able to exercise and goes out every afternoon to play basketball. Not too stressful yet...
sorry I am sooo behind. I know this whole Hughes convo was last night, but I felt so strongly I just had to chime in.

Honestly, if my boyfriend and his friends were talking in a room with the door closed I would listen in for a few seconds before interrupting. It would weird me out...
AND, if I heard them talking and it was ABOUT me and how EVIL I was, I wouldn't knock, I would linger and listen. And get upset. Maybe even upset enough to have an evil look on my face. I am not intrusive, nor evil nor violent. It would make me angry. I would expect my boyfriend not to be engaging in a conversation with his friends bashing me... if it really did happen the way it was described on DD, it was clearly wrong, and I do NOT FAULT JODI here. And yes, I think the Hughes are not respectable, in the least. And yes, I think Jodi is deserving of M1, and possibly the DP (though I don't support the DP). SO don't throw tomatoes at me, put yourself, a rational person, in her shoes that night, and think how you would feel in that scenario.

Thank you for this piece of rationality. My goodness--they called a secret meeting, in the dead of the night, to whisper about their guest as she was sleeping. Creepy, indeed.
ITA that JA was not naïve. Clearly. She moved out of her parents' home at the age of 17 and was living with BJ....she had quite a few years and quite a few relationships. She knew the ropes, so to speak. She played Travis. Until she knew she was never going to win. So she slaughtered him. And then hopped on top of her next potential ride to the good life....... She is capable of far more than we can imagine. It's scary to even think about.
Remember....she had just slashed and shot Travis to death...but it was okay and natural to grind on Ryan Burns...after all.....she was single! Agggghhhh!

Don't forget she even lined up another plan B! The gun she exchanged numbers with on the plane on the way home from Travis's memorial! She called him too!

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I would agree with this provided Judge SS gets a grip and tells the defense flat out - no comments about the physiology of the brain, meaningful motion or activity - he is not an MD and cannot provide such an opinion, it is beyond his training to make such claims. If she does not draw this line then JM should be allowed to refute him, even if JM has torn him apart and discredited him on cross. I say this because, to this point, the Judge has allowed the DT to present at least two less than adequate persons to testify. This should be about the truth of how Travis was murdered, not professional bs'ers.

I so agree. You put into words my thoughts I could not express adequately.

Are you from the Knightsbridge area in London?
The main issue in determining the sequence, I think, is the coughing up of blood at the sink? Which of the two injuries, the shot to the right forehead or the stab of the inferior vena cava, would have been most likely to cause Travis to cough up blood all over the sink? The answer to that tells the sequence!
sorry I am sooo behind. I know this whole Hughes convo was last night, but I felt so strongly I just had to chime in.

Honestly, if my boyfriend and his friends were talking in a room with the door closed I would listen in for a few seconds before interrupting. It would weird me out...
AND, if I heard them talking and it was ABOUT me and how EVIL I was, I wouldn't knock, I would linger and listen. And get upset. Maybe even upset enough to have an evil look on my face. I am not intrusive, nor evil nor violent. It would make me angry. I would expect my boyfriend not to be engaging in a conversation with his friends bashing me... if it really did happen the way it was described on DD, it was clearly wrong, and I do NOT FAULT JODI here. And yes, I think the Hughes are not respectable, in the least. And yes, I think Jodi is deserving of M1, and possibly the DP (though I don't support the DP). SO don't throw tomatoes at me, put yourself, a rational person, in her shoes that night, and think how you would feel in that scenario.

I'm not too sure what I would do. If the friend was also his boss or superior in business and all of the other conversation areas in the house might be too disturbing to a sleeping guest, I don't think, as a guest, I would go wandering around upstairs to find them and eavesdrop...
sorry I am sooo behind. I know this whole Hughes convo was last night, but I felt so strongly I just had to chime in.

Honestly, if my boyfriend and his friends were talking in a room with the door closed I would listen in for a few seconds before interrupting. It would weird me out...
AND, if I heard them talking and it was ABOUT me and how EVIL I was, I wouldn't knock, I would linger and listen. And get upset. Maybe even upset enough to have an evil look on my face. I am not intrusive, nor evil nor violent. It would make me angry. I would expect my boyfriend not to be engaging in a conversation with his friends bashing me... if it really did happen the way it was described on DD, it was clearly wrong, and I do NOT FAULT JODI here. And yes, I think the Hughes are not respectable, in the least. And yes, I think Jodi is deserving of M1, and possibly the DP (though I don't support the DP). SO don't throw tomatoes at me, put yourself, a rational person, in her shoes that night, and think how you would feel in that scenario.

I agree, that was out of bounds. Here's where I and maybe others would differ. The look on my face would have been Mortified!! I would have been out of there never to return, they would not have had to ask me twice not to come back. I wouldn't want to.
Yes!! I've been thinking the same thing. I thought that show was so far out there but I see shades of that. They praise her art and beauty, it's very disturbing.

Indicat, have you been there and are you telling me that you see shades of the personalities as seen in The Following? If so I find that DEEPLY disturbing, and what is even scarier about something of this nature is that the invention of something so great (i.e., internet) would connect and exponentially increase the numbers of like-minded (psychologically disturbed) individuals that would otherwise be isolated.
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