NY NY - Sylvia Lwowski, 22, Staten Island, 6 Sept 1975 - #2

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I don't know why, but I believe that the glasses were found, broken, in his car. This is my hunch, regardless of the erroneous references to the two Pennsylvania newspapers. Somebody had to deliberately add that information, and we know it didn't come from any newspaper, because there was no publicity desired-who would have added it, if it wasn't one of our VIs?

Edited to add-The glasses were definitely found in the car, by BF/F's own words-it wouldn't be a stretch that they were broken, since he said she threw them...

and a reason for broken glasses would need to be given more so than for reading glasses left behind
I think it was MMQ that said Sylvias glasses were reading glasses
My reading glasses are always with me, but in my bag or around my neck when I am not reading

Wonder what her habit was with her glasses
Incoming: Since ASWDeerHunter hasn't posted a lot (26 posts in all), I thought this might be both relatively easy and useful. I am only including the posts I think are most useful. (But good lord, the things I missed while putting this together!)

(1) The early facts of the case. Among other things, these (all BBM in this order) clarify that (a) the PI did also follow the BF/F (BBM; name replaced with initial by me); (b) the correct order of events in conflicting posts 758 and 806; (c) LE did contact the BF/F (BBM); (d) the glasses were not returned to the Ls; (e) there were three witnesses to the BF/F's story:
T1, Post 758: "C came over to the residents around 5pm to see a movie Sylvia at a cinema about 20 min away. The theater was were Crazy Eddies was off Richmond Ave just south off the Staten Island Mall. C returned to the house approx. 10:30 stating that during an argument Sylvia had thrown her glasses against the dash board of the car and ran off. Eva Lwowski called the 122pct and tried to report a missing person but could not because see wasn't missing for 24 hrs. yet. Eva then got in the car and drove around the Staten Island Mall, but didn’t see her. A close family friend had also taken a ride around the Mall to look, but saw nothing. The following day, Eva went to 122 pct to make a formal missing persons report and the police basically said she was over 21 and didn’t really spend to much time or resources in locating her. A week or two later the family hired a privet investigator and am not sure of the outcome of that investigation except a different version of her running off came out. C first said that at a stop sign, in the heat of an argument, she fled the car. The P I's version was that during a traffic jam, she then fled the car. The days and weeks following her disappearance, C wouldn't answer and more questions concerning Sylvia."
T1, Post 816: "I'm sorry, it was after Eva returned from the Mall that she called the 122pct."
T2, Post 85: "When E. L. asked the BF\f the hostile reply was the L E was on the case and was so rude she stopped calling."
T2, Post 359: "Sylvia's glasses were never returned to the house of the parents after the night in question and further communications with the BF from that point forward were rude, hostile and fruitless."
T2, Post 368: "The understanding of the discussion following the BF's return was the argument acurd during a "traffic light" by the Staten Island Mall, By a "stop sign" at the Mall or during a "traffic Jam" by the Staten Island Mall. Depending which story you believe. At one time or another, all three answers were given the the BF."
T2, Post 366: "The major road taken from SL home to the mall area where the theater was would be Richmond Ave. The route would have been Goodall Street to Hyland Blvd. or Nelson Ave to Richmond Ave to the theater. The Nelson Ave route would have taken them thru Snake Hill thru the golf course behind the Staten Island Mall."
T2, Post 369: [In re my Q: ASWDeerHunter, can you tell us who was home at the Lwowski residence when the BF arrived to tell what happened to Sylvia?]: "Both parents and the son."

(2) ASWDH tries to learn more about the ring from MMQC on this thread (BBM):
T1, Post 802: "As far as the the unique heart shaped diamond engagement ring is concerned, a friend familiar with this case, gave a ride to a friend of "the BF" and he stated that he spoke with the BF and he said the he got the ring back. I can only think of a few ways in which this could of happened. Perhaps, someone else on this forum can shine more like on this particular incident?"
Ti1, Post 808: "This is all true, I'm waiting for someone else to chime in with the exact details."

(3) On Sylvia and the family's ongoing search for her. Side note (BBM): I completely missed the point about the sorority. This would surely be a source of female college friends:
Ti, Post 806: "Sylvia was extremely predicable in as she was so straight lace you could set you clock by her. She lived with her parents and when she did go out, she said were she was going and when she'll back back on the money. Grade A student, deans list constantly, no cavities etc. The night of the incident, the police were called after Eva returned from the Mall and not seeing Sylvia. As far as the overall search has now proceeded, All mental hospitals in the U.S. were checked, passport office for a match, all airport, cruise ships, charters, any means of transport out of the U. S. were checked. All prisons, missing or unidentified bodies/coroner dept all states. To this present time all rocks have been turned."
Ti, Post 811: "My next avenue for inside info is to reach out to the sisters in the Wagner College Sorority in which SL was involved. I think this vein of information would be priceless, also memory lane has agreed to let "us" create a site for SL."
T2, Post 193: "By the end of this week, there will be a $25,000 reward for anyone providing information that leads to an arrest and conviction in this case or for information leading to the whereabouts of Sylvia dead or alive. The roll out will commence on 4/12/2013."
T2, Post 371: "As far as the reward is concerned, it is up for grabs. Waiting on a return call from the S. I. DA's office."
T2, Post 358: "She was fluent in german, and spoke frequently with Eva Lwowski (mom)."
T2, Post 364: "She is/was only a U. S. citizen."
T2, Post 373: "Moved from Germany in 1962, lived at Fort Wadsworth the to Goodall Street. The rest of the family in Germany were killed."
T2, Post 380: [On updated CharleyProject posting] "Thank You, Just saw this posting and originally this was not listed as the post. I don't know who or how it got updated."
T2, Post 382: "This would be one place I would look for a body.

(4) About EL:
T2, Post 379: "NO SHE WASN'T. She was Polish, born in Germany with the last name Czerlinski."
I don't think the police report said that the glasses were found in the car-only that they were part of her attire. I believe that the only place it says it is on her page on The Charley Project site, and we don't know where that information came from. ASWDH said somewhere in a past message that it didn't come from him

Under "Glasses, Type," PR says "LEFT IN CAR." No other details that I see.
The Charley Project is the site where the newspapers were unaccessible?

Then, we do not know for sure if her glasses were left behind or broken?

That is the only source?

I emailed CP asking about the source information and got an email back asking if I would like the source dox emailed to me. I said yes, but have not red'd them yet. Waiting patiently, as I know from what Epiphany said that it's a one-person operation.
bbm: Or, there were doubts and unhappiness (the what if-s) expressed by SL with her mom. This ties into "depressed" on the PR. (imo)

Right, from the buildup of emotion resulting from the pool party and post-abortion grief, did SL break down and tell EL all?

Your summary of posts is very helpful
Hard to remember all of the details


I would love to know what the third witness heard the BF/F say that night
His demeanor

Also the sorority sisters, didn't recall that fact
Wondering if they did set up the memory Lane thing

Anything more on the reward?
I don't know why, but I believe that the glasses were found, broken, in his car. This is my hunch, regardless of the erroneous references to the two Pennsylvania newspapers. Somebody had to deliberately add that information, and we know it didn't come from any newspaper, because there was no publicity desired-who would have added it, if it wasn't one of our VIs?

Edited to add-The glasses were definitely found in the car, by BF/F's own words-it wouldn't be a stretch that they were broken, since he said she threw them...

IMO - This bugs me - The timing of the CP 4/15 update is questionable. Could CP be misinformed? Do they publish misinformation often?

How would a VI know they were broken if they were not returned to the family? -Unless LE told them? Also, VI stated they were unaware of CP update.

Wouldn't the charlie project list LE as their source on the 4/15 update? Maybe they will answer GBMG's request for verifiable source link.

On the PR: "Glasses left in car"
ASWDH: BF/F stated "Glasses thrown against the dashboard and she ran from car"

The only place I see that they were broken is in spec by posters on this thread.

So, your hunch may be totally right jmoose, but if misinformation has been published? To what purpose does that serve? Who stands to benefit?
IMO - This bugs me - The timing of the CP 4/15 update is questionable. Could CP be misinformed? Do they publish misinformation often?

How would a VI know they were broken if they were not returned to the family? -Unless LE told them? Also, VI stated they were unaware of CP update.

Wouldn't the charlie project list LE as their source on the 4/15 update? Maybe they will answer GBMG's request for verifiable source link.

On the PR: "Glasses left in car"
ASWDH: BF/F stated "Glasses thrown against the dashboard and she ran from car"

The only place I see that they were broken is in spec by posters on this thread.

So, your hunch be totally right jmoose, but if misinformation has been published? To what purpose does that serve? Who stands to benefit?

Its always the biggest problem when following a case
Rumour becomes fact and its almost impossible to straighten out

I must say, people on this thread are certainly on top of that, many with a far better memory than I have, thankfully and I am always happy to stand corrected.
It is absolutely essential to keep the facts separate because there is no benefit to misinformation
IMO - This bugs me - The timing of the CP 4/15 update is questionable. Could CP be misinformed? Do they publish misinformation often?

How would a VI know they were broken if they were not returned to the family? -Unless LE told them? Also, VI stated they were unaware of CP update.

Wouldn't the charlie project list LE as their source on the 4/15 update? Maybe they will answer GBMG's request for verifiable source link.

On the PR: "Glasses left in car"
ASWDH: BF/F stated "Glasses thrown against the dashboard and she ran from car"

The only place I see that they were broken is in spec by posters on this thread.

So, your hunch be totally right jmoose, but if misinformation has been published? To what purpose does that serve? Who stands to benefit?[/

Its always the biggest problem when following a case
Rumour becomes fact and its almost impossible to straighten out

I must say, people on this thread are certainly on top of that, many with a far better memory than I have, thankfully and I am always happy to stand corrected.
It is absolutely essential to keep the facts separate because there is no benefit to misinformation

bbm: Yes, that is it in a nutshell, Dushi- IMO The glasses are an important piece because it is the only potential piece of evidence in this case.
bbm: Yes, that is it in a nutshell, Dushi- IMO The glasses are an important piece because it is the only potential piece of evidence in this case.

Maybe The Charlie Project is the tabloid MP site where rumor is fact, publishing speculation as fact with no links. Good to know that.

I sincerely hope that The Charley Project didn't update Sylvia's page from our speculation at Websleuths! My hunch is just my own, and I realize that my speculation is not helpful in the search for facts-I will try not to do that again (but I still believe they were broken, and we know they were in his car because BF/F said they were...)
Maybe The Charlie Project is the tabloid MP site where rumor is fact, publishing speculation as fact with no links. Good to know that.
Yes it sounds like there was something more to be mad about in that situation, the flirting may be a possibility.
I sincerely hope that The Charley Project didn't update Sylvia's page from our speculation at Websleuths! My hunch is just my own, and I realize that my speculation is not helpful in the search for facts-I will try not to do that again (but I still believe they were broken, and we know they were in his car because BF/F said they were...)

Oh I just separated out my CP rant from response to Dushi's post. My rant stands alone now! Good, because I will unleash mega rant if CP is discredited.

Jmoose - a hunch is really helpful to know too I think, and you prefaced it as a hunch.

It is CP that is stating unverified facts...
I sincerely hope that The Charley Project didn't update Sylvia's page from our speculation at Websleuths! My hunch is just my own, and I realize that my speculation is not helpful in the search for facts-I will try not to do that again (but I still believe they were broken, and we know they were in his car because BF/F said they were...)

Hey, speculate is what we do
It makes us all think
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