TX - Longview, WhtFem (UP 9863), 41-50, Suicide - Assumed Identity, Dec'10

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Hi everyone, I'm super new so excuse me if this has been mentioned. I recall reading in the Seattle Times article that LEK left a letter for her daughter to be opened on her 18th birthday. What's the status of this letter? Did the family open it or are they saving it?

They read the letter, it just said something about remembering the good times, and how much fun they had when they were drinking tea. Nothing usefull in other words
This is interesting.. From spokeo, from what I can tell, they are all three listed as living on the same street in MA! I see now where the thought that one changed their name came from. I would love to learn how to search the county records, I am having trouble finding that, kd.

On a totally different note, CindyTX, since you have contacted Mr V with success before, maybe you could send a comprehensive email including the other 2? Closest DNA potentials, Facebook page permissions?, additional info or follow up release?, etc.. Remember any contact should be on a personal level and not as a representative of websleuths. (Don't want you to get in trouble!)

Can you send me the divorce info via PM; and the street the are living on in MA? Thanks in advance!

I saw K was still living with A in 1987 in what appears to be a house in Tx. I am thinking that a divorcee still living with or near the husband esp. when he is remarried is strange.

Thanks for finding this! The Hudnall addresses are both for the same apartment complex called the Hub in Dallas. I can't imagine it is just a coincidence.

I will contact Mr. V once more independent of websleuths. I don't want to bombard him because then he will not take me seriously. I will let you know any results I have.
Interesting tidbits from the NPR interview:
-the documents posted on the Seattle Times site contain "much of the contents" of the locked box
-they have gotten many tips pointing them in the direction of Pennsylvania
-the reporter, Maureen O'Hagan, specifically mentioned the Christie Lynn Farni case as one that tipsters have submitted as a possible match

This isn't relevant to the case, but part of the reason the Seattle Times editors agreed to run the story is that the paper previously published a piece on a man who turned up with amnesia and readers solved the puzzle.
With regards to ethnicity she (Lori E. Ruff) could be anything at all. My first (useless) thoughts: Canadian (French?), Greek, Portuguese, East European, Russian. Also and at the same time she could be LDS, but cults have been talked about. She looks Irish when she's not tanned. But she could easy be German or Welsh and for no real reason at all. Did she die her hair darker than it was? She’s so tall, but that could be flukey. Maybe her ethnicity is Dutch. They’re tall. Also her parents could have come here without papers, had her, never tried to straighten things out with her papers, and gone back. She would have been old enough to want to stay and so on. Far fetched, but it might also explain why she was apart enough from everyone else for nobody to recognize her. And she wouldn’t have an accent if she was born here.
Ethnicity might not relate to real surname if she shows mother’s traits rather than father’s.
Has anyone seen any other pictures anywhere of Cynthia Lorraine Perry? There are so many similarities. The eye areas, the teeth, the upper lip and a few more, but those are the most striking IMO.

I don't see a resemblance between her and Jennifer Wicton at all. The upper lip and eye shape are very very wrong, and she looks to have much lighter eyes, The naso-labial folds don't match.
On the Seattle newspaper webpage, in the comments section of the article that appeared last week, the reporter shared that there would be an online meeting with the SSA investigator (webinar). The date has passed. I wonder if this is someone who could be invited for as a future websleuths radio program guest?
That was fast! And awesome! IMO, the group is better for discussion, while the page is easier for liking and posting on relevant pages. Both are useful! Thanks to the creators :)
i think she looks alot like jennifer marie wictor. but in the articles on her it says jane doe was entered in cods and was not found to match anyone so that means they have some dna on file for her and shes not matching up.

does that mean every missing persons dna is not in cods?

also could she be from someplaces not even in the west coast or mid west what if shes from the east coast like new england area and went farther out west so no one would notice her think about it its the 1980s new england is very far from texas and idaho.. we can rule out ma and ri as they have distinct accents. but ct nh and main are normal accents nothing that stands out.. internet is not like it is today computers were basic cellphones were not common. people still used typewriters and maps no gps. jmho

i am all for a facebook page

It also said that her face was run through facial recognition software so I'm assuming (but don't know for sure) that they had the missing persons in the system.

Edited to add, I started the Facebook page but it will be a couple of days before I get all the photos and information on the page. A few admins for the page would be most helpful as well so feel free to volunteer if you think you can help. :)
Is there a clearer view of this letter of reference, the image in the gallery of evidence is so blurry I cant make out a word of it. Tia

This helped me to better see each item:

To the right of the Seattle Times article click ON the title words:
"Explore evidence Jane Doe left behind"

This will open a new page where each item of evidence is clickable. Once you click on a specific image/document it will open as a single item, then just move your cursor (no need to "click") over the image and it will enlarge a bit more.

'Hope that helps
Read comments to Seattle times news article. Someone mentions Richard and Deborah Jahnke. Read articles of how they murdered their father in driveway of family home. Mother Maria. Now look up Deborah, richard and maria on spokeo. Scottsdale, Idaho both there. I think California was too.not sure on that one. I think she was in Idaho when she decided to find a way out and got birth certificate by mail. The family may have lived in Scottsdale for a time after her release from Juvi in 85. Spokeo doesn't give dates. This just makes a lot of sense to me that she would want a new life.
i'm guessing through the facial identification software, prints etc - she's never been listed anywhere. remember, they did get big wigs involved to make sure she wasn't a spy. I think it's more likely that she was a throw away kid.

I forget the context in which CNA was written but did anyone consider CNA being certified nursing assistant? back before 10 years ago - nursing homes, hospice and some hospitals would hire you as long as you could lift 50 lbs and had no felonies. It took 2 weeks of training on site and they gave you a certificate. I did this myself in the 90's to work in an AIDS hospital. Now you have to go through specific college courses of 6-8 weeks and then you start working.
To add to my previous post, om guessing the family lived in Scottsdale prior to the murder in Wyoming because Richard c. The father and Maria the mother are also listed with a Scottsdale address. If this is the right Maria and Richard.
To add to my previous post, om guessing the family lived in Scottsdale prior to the murder in Wyoming because Richard c. The father and Maria the mother are also listed with a Scottsdale address. If this is the right Maria and Richard.

Interesting thought regarding LEKR possibly being D. Jahnke.

FWIW, I've been reading some of the comments here:


Supposedly they (Deborah & Richie) attended Central High School in Cheyenne. If so, and there are any yearbooks from the time period available online... maybe someone could compare photos.

jmo, but I believe someone would have recognized LEKR's photo if she actually is/was Deborah.
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