TX - Melvin White executed for the '97 murder of Jennifer Gravell

Like I always say, the death penalty was good enough for Jesus. It's what my religion is based on and I love it!
AutumnBorn said:
Like I always say, the death penalty was good enough for Jesus. It's what my religion is based on and I love it!
Gosh Autumn, I never heard that before but it's so true. I believe in an absolute death penalty for those who murder children. There is no way possible a child could provoke, anger, aggravate or be a threat for an adult to murder them.
but remember there's also no excuse for a depraved person to murder an innocent ADULT either, who is just minding their own business, and not threatening anyone.
the death penalty is fitting in these case as well... i just don't see any excuse or any way out of it.
ding dong the pedophile is dead......now maybe her poor family will have some sense of justice....
reb said:
but remember there's also no excuse for a depraved person to murder an innocent ADULT either, who is just minding their own business, and not threatening anyone.
the death penalty is fitting in these case as well... i just don't see any excuse or any way out of it.
I agree with that also reb, but he murder of child, well it just so totally makes me insane and my blood boil with anger and hatred toward the murderer. An adult who is murdered at least had a childhood and became an adult. Bottom line there is just no excuse for murder IMO.
Hi AutumnBorn,

Gee, I have never thought of the death of Jesus like that before, that it was a lesson for mankind to follow suit.

I know that Christianity is based on the Bible which was written by many people who wrote things down as they heard and experienced things. Who knows if what was written and handed down through the ages was the actual truth, even though I believe Jesus was sacrificed to take away the sins of mankind. That is why I could never take the life of Jesus and transfer it to capital punishment. I see them as two completely different things, as the prisoner is not being sacrificed for mankind.

I am a Christian of the Lutheran faith. Well, we all have different outlooks on aspects of life, which is why we are all special and unique! :p:

SadieMae said:
Gosh Autumn, I never heard that before but it's so true. I believe in an absolute death penalty for those who murder children. There is no way possible a child could provoke, anger, aggravate or be a threat for an adult to murder them.

Couldn't agree more. And I think that Jesus himself would "throw the switch". It's the Christian thing to do.
scandi said:
That is why I could never take the life of Jesus and transfer it to capital punishment.I see them as two completely different things, as the prisoner is not being sacrificed for mankind.

I am a Christian of the Lutheran faith. Well, we all have different outlooks on aspects of life, which is why we are all special and unique! :p:


Jesus was executed for commiting the crime of treason, just as people can be executed for treason today. I don't understand exactly where the "sacrifice" came in. Can you explain it? Nobody's ever really been able to do that for me.
Hi AutumnBorn,

We'll make the OT quick LOL

I believe the whole scenario was ordained from the beginning of creation to have a way for sinners, which includes really everybody that had been created in Gods image and alive in any time on earth, to be forgiven of anything they had done against God's law {given to us by Moses as the 10 commandments} so they could rise into heaven after their life was over, and be eternally happy.

Now when Jesus came to earth to live as a real man, it was to happen that the rulers of the day, Herod and Pontious Pilate, saw a threat to their way of life from the man who preached about love and a new way to think and live. So they charged him with heracy I believe - teaching something against the going way of thinking - or maybe treason as you said, and strung him up and killed him.

It was a sacrifice of a life that was planned from the time God created the plan of a universe including our world here on earth. Jesus was given to earth as a real person, to be taken away from us. And the thing is, Jesus said on the cross, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. He forgave the merciless people who took away his earthly life because they did not know what they were really doing or the true reason for it. It was concocted by the govnmt to get him out of site so their world would not be changed in any way by his new fangled teachings.

So that is it in a nutshell. Hard to explain in so few words. And then you know that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit - they are 3 in one, the same being called the Trinity, each having particular tasks. Thanks to Martin Luther, but that is another story . . . . LOL

Yeah, but if it was all determined before Jesus even arrived, I don't know how it could be a "sacrifice". It wasn't a sacrifice in the sense that Jesus was a gift to God since it was all preplanned by God. What kind of sacrifice would that be?

And I don't know that his arrest was concocted. He really did commit treason against the Roman Empire. What he did was punishable by death and he knew it, which was why he did it in the first place. This is why I get so confused.

I think I'm too analytical to be a "good Chrisitian". I thought Jesus came to teach us how to live our lives, not to give us an "out" for living like we shouldn't. That's how I always saw him and how I understood what he said. A minister friend once said that the problem with most Christians is that we take some things too literally and other things we don't permit outselves to put any thought toward. I always wondered about how he looked at me after he said that...
scandi said:
Hi AutumnBorn,

We'll make the OT quick LOL

I believe the whole scenario was ordained from the beginning of creation to have a way for sinners, which includes really everybody that had been created in Gods image and alive in any time on earth, to be forgiven of anything they had done against God's law {given to us by Moses as the 10 commandments} so they could rise into heaven after their life was over, and be eternally happy.

Now when Jesus came to earth to live as a real man, it was to happen that the rulers of the day, Herod and Pontious Pilate, saw a threat to their way of life from the man who preached about love and a new way to think and live. So they charged him with heracy I believe - teaching something against the going way of thinking - or maybe treason as you said, and strung him up and killed him.

It was a sacrifice of a life that was planned from the time God created the plan of a universe including our world here on earth. Jesus was given to earth as a real person, to be taken away from us. And the thing is, Jesus said on the cross, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. He forgave the merciless people who took away his earthly life because they did not know what they were really doing or the true reason for it. It was concocted by the govnmt to get him out of site so their world would not be changed in any way by his new fangled teachings.

So that is it in a nutshell. Hard to explain in so few words. And then you know that Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit - they are 3 in one, the same being called the Trinity, each having particular tasks. Thanks to Martin Luther, but that is another story . . . . LOL

Exactly Scandi. :angel: Beautiful post. :)
QUOTE>> Who knows if what was written and handed down through the ages was the actual truth, <<

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