Official Documents-Audio-Arrest Updates No Discussion

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Thanks To gigi2009 changing the format for the pdf, we still have viewable documents

Index of Sorts
Document #1
Arrest Affidavit
Witness List
Caylee' Birth Certificate
MySpace Snips
Casey's Handwritten Statements - Pgs 29 -34
Lee's Statement - Pg. 35
Cindy's MySpace - comment July 3rd, Pg. 36
Cindy's Statement Pgs. 37 - 38
George's Statement - Pgs. 39 -42
Jesse G Statement - Pgs. 43 - 45
Roy H Statement (Sawgrass) Pg. 46
Kristina M.C Statement - Pg 47
Sawgrass Guest Card - Pg. 48
Zenaida G Statement - Pg. 49
Casey's Driver License - Pg. 50
Sawgrass Apartment #210 - Pgs. 53 -57
Harry G - (Sawgrass) Statement - Pgs. 58 - 59
Amanda M- (Sawgrass) Statement - Pgs. 60 -61
First 911 Call Transcript (actually 2nd 911 call) Pgs. 62 - 65
Second 911 Call Transcript (actually 3rd 911 call) Pgs. 66 - 71
Casey Anthony Transcriped Taped Interview - Pgs. 71 - 153

Document 2 Pages 1 - 100
Transcribed Taped Inteview
Anthony L- Pgs. 1 - 25
Case Info - Pg. 26
Incident Report (Kidnapping) Pg. 27
Incident Report - Dispatch car on July 15, 2008 Pg. 28 - 31
Incident Report for Caylee Marie Anthony - Pg. 32
Incident Report and Narrative for Evidence - Pgs. 33 - 34
Incident Report and Narrative Tattoo Shop - Pgs 37 -38
Danny C
Maria K
Johnathon D
Sean D

Incident Report and Narrative Tattoo Shop ( Cast Iron Tattoo) Pgs. 40 -42
Bobby W
Lance W
Matthew C
Dannielle A

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 45
Amanda, Nursing home and Tony's place

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 47 - 48
Tip for Orlando International Airport

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 50
K-9 "Gerus"

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 52 - 58
Tony L
Jeffrey H
Melissa H
Amy H
Ricardo M
Jeffrey H II
Simon B (Johnson Wrecker East)
Gary R(Tow Truck Driver)
Catherine S - Amscott
Nicole - works for (Johnson Wrecker East)
George Anthony picking up car and has gas cans - Pgs. 57 -58

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs 60 - 65
and repeated same information on Pgs. 66 - 72
Amanda M
Dave T
Leonard T
Zenaida G
Rosanna B
Anthony L
Amy H
Ricardo M
Jesse G
Christine C
Thomas F
Lee Anthony

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 75
Chuck-e-Cheese Tip

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 77 -78
Tom's Auto Repair for Tony's Car

Incident Report and Narrative Pg 80
Clarification of date and misstatement

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 82 - 84
Amanada M
Harry G

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 85 - 90
Amanda M and Harry G - Sawgrass
Brian B - Shovel
Kiomariie T - Friend
Search of Anthony Residence after getting shovel
Curtis L - TIP from Bank of America

Incident Report and narrative - Pgs. 91 - 92
Zenaida R
Zenaida G
Barbara R
Brittany S
Kio T

Evidence and Property Reports - Pgs. 93 -100

Document 2 - Pages 101 - 171
Search Warrant - Pgs 101 - 107

Court Order and related douments for cell phone records - Pgs 108 -113

Johnson's Wrecker East - Pgs. 114 - 119
All documents related to towing car, pick up, tags, etc.

Universal Screen Prints - Pgs. 120 -127

Lee Anthony Email - Pg. 128
Re: Kodak/Color Vision

Emails verifying Casey's employment
as well as other names given
includes emails Casey sent as employee
and Valencia Community College verification

Transcribed Taped Interview of
Brain B (shovel) Pgs. 158 - 171

Document # 3
Transcribed Taped Interviews
Ryan P - Pgs. 1 - 32
Ricardo M- Pgs. 33 - 49
Kiomarie T. C - Pgs. 50 -75
Amy H - Pgs. 76 - 113

October 4, 2008 - Added newer links to docs.

Part 1 Anthony discovery Pages 1-150.pdf Page 1 - 150

Part 2 - Anthony discovery Pages 151-263.pdf Pages 151 - 263

Part 3 - Anthony discovery Pages 264-431.pdf Pages 263 - 431

Interviews with Casey and LE July 16th

first audio

second audio

third audio

fourth audio

fifth audio

sixth audio

seventh audio

eighth audio
Came across these tonight, dont' remember seeing them posted anywhere:

Motion for Protective Order in reference to the release of telephone recordings:

Letter from JB to Sheriff:

Bond Order 7/22/08:

Attorney General's Response to Casey's Writ of Habeas Corpus:
***NOTICE this is on page 5 and this response was filed in JULY***
[M]s. Anthony is a person of interest in what is looking
to be a homicide investigation.
Given that – given that, they have information that
there was a decomposing body at some point in the trunk
of the car, that they have taken that evidence and
submitted it to a lab microanalysis in hopes of
determining whether or not, in fact, that was Cayle


This is not a show transcript, but it was requested to be put here. Feel free to move it if needed.

Here's a transcript of the 911 call made by Casey, let me know if there are any mistakes.

Dispatcher: 911, what is your emergency?
Casey: Yes, there are protesters still outside of our home at 4 (address deleted). We already called about an hour and a half ago, it took over 30 minutes for the officers to get here. The protesters are now banging on our garage door, they've still been throwing things at our windows and our garage, and now the media's here. My father's going outside and there's going to be a fight. So please, can you send people down here, because- there's now a physical altercation. You need to send vehicles immediately.
Dispatcher: It's getting physical?
Casey: Yes, it's getting physical right now.
Dispatcher: Do you see them physically fighting?
Casey: Yes, I see them physically fighting; we have surveillance.
Dispatcher: Okay, do you know if there's any weapons?
Casey: I don't know if there's any weapons. I know that my father is outside, and so is my mother. So please send as many people as you possibly can.
Dispatcher: And who's this?
Casey: This (deleted name)
Dispatcher: One second, okay?
Casey: They NEED to be arrested, because this can't keep happening. We already had six or seven officers out here for almost 45 minutes and they didn't do anything. And these are the same punks that were out here all night throwing stuff at our house.
Dispatcher: Okay, stay on the line with me, okay?
Casey: I absolutely will. But please, they need to hurry up. They were- they just left not that long ago.
Dispatcher: The police officers- left?
Casey: The police officers just left- about one o'clock, yes.
Dispatcher: Okay. Stay on the line.
Casey: And a media van just pulled up and that's when all this started happening.
Dispatcher: Okay, I'm going to connect with my dispatcher. Don't hang up.
Casey: Okay, thank you.

Dispatcher: About how many people are out there?
Casey: There's at least a dozen people and now two media vans. And, there's actually more people walking in from across the street.
Dispatcher: How many people are actually involved in the altercation?
Cindy: (unclear) -I already did, I already did!
Casey: Channel 2 News has everything on cable already.
Dispatcher: Okay, how many people are involved in the altercation?
Casey: There's at least a dozen people. My mom's out there now spraying people with the hose- or my father is; they're trying to get them off the property. They're also trespassing on our property, besides, I know-
Dispatcher: Is it still happening? They're still-
Casey: They're still standing on the property, yes. They're out there recording it.
Dispatcher: So what about physical altercation? Is it over?
Casey: It's already over, yes. That's why my father-
Dispatcher #2: Okay so it's no longer physical?
Casey: It's no longer physical but, it was already physical-
Dispatcher #2: Is this a protester or resident?
Casey: It's- the protesters.
Dispatcher #2: No I'm saying, who are you?
Casey: I'm- the resident.
Casey: We have everything on tape, thanks to... Channel 2. And also our home surveillance.
Dispatcher #2: Were there any weapons involved?
Casey: Not that I could see, no.
Dispatcher #2: Are both of your parents outside?
Casey: Both of my parents are outside, yes.
Dispatcher #2: Are they already separated or are they still in a verbal?
Casey: It's still verbal and there's still at least a dozen people on our property. (pause) Mom's bringing my Dad inside, so at least my parents aren't outside, but this needs to get taken care of immediately.
Dispatcher: Are they inside now?
Casey: Yes, my parents are inside right now.
Cindy: -someone put their hands on- (faint)
Dispatcher: What happened?
Casey: Both of my parents were hit by two of the protesters.
Cindy: Channel 2 has it on video- (faint)
George: -has it on video- (faint)
Casey: As you heard from both of my parents, Channel 2 has it on video.
Dispatcher: Okay.
Cindy and George: (faint conversation)
Casey: Excellent. So can we get people out here immediately-
Dispatcher: There's somebody on their way, I need you to stay on the line okay?
Casey: Okay, I'll stay on the line until somebody comes, no problem.
Dispatcher #2: Alright, we have several units on the way.
Casey: Okay, thank you.
Dispatcher #2: Just stay on the phone just 'til we get there in case I have to-
Casey: I will, okay, thank you. Well one of the vehicles just left. (To Cindy) So white Expedition, you have the tags, he just left.
Cindy: (unclear, faint)
Casey: You already have the tag information. Yes, the guy just left, he just got in the car and left. I'm watching the screen.
Casey: My mom went outside and got the tag information for the vehicle that had been out in front of our house for at least the last three and a half hours.
Dispatcher: Okay- was that the people that were involved in the physical?
Casey: Yes, they were the people that were involved in the physical altercation. We have the make and model of the vehicle and also the tag number.
Dispatcher: Okay, the make and model was?
Casey: It was a white Ford Expedition...
Dispatcher: Okay. Was it a Florida tag?
Casey: Yes, it was a Florida tag.
Dispatcher: And what was that number?
Casey: Hold on for just one second...
Dispatcher #2: Hello?
Dispatcher: She's still on the line. They're- both parents are inside.
Dispatcher #2: Oh, they're inside the house now?
Dispatcher: Mhm. Yes.
Dispatcher #2: Did the phone die or are we stuck on mute/hold?
Dispatcher: She's getting the tag information.
Dispatcher #2: About what?
Dispatcher: The vehicle that was involved with striking the parents.
Dispatcher #2: Was it a white Suburban?
Dispatcher: Uh, Ford Expedition.
Dispatcher #2: White in color?
Dispatcher: Yup, Hello? Hellooo? Are you there?
Dispatcher #3: Hello are they still fightin'?
Dispatcher: No, she's not answering us.
Dispatcher #2: She back on the phone?
Dispatcher: No. Hello?
Dispatcher #2: Alright, (unclear) over, we can hang up.
Dispatcher: Ok
Dispatcher #2: Thank you.
Thanks To gigi2009 changing the format for the pdf, we still have viewable documents

Index of Sorts
Document #1
Arrest Affidavit
Witness List
Caylee' Birth Certificate
MySpace Snips
Casey's Handwritten Statements - Pgs 29 -34
Lee's Statement - Pg. 35
Cindy's MySpace - comment July 3rd, Pg. 36
Cindy's Statement Pgs. 37 - 38
George's Statement - Pgs. 39 -42
Jesse G Statement - Pgs. 43 - 45
Roy H Statement (Sawgrass) Pg. 46
Kristina M.C Statement - Pg 47
Sawgrass Guest Card - Pg. 48
Zenaida G Statement - Pg. 49
Casey's Driver License - Pg. 50
Sawgrass Apartment #210 - Pgs. 53 -57
Harry G - (Sawgrass) Statement - Pgs. 58 - 59
Amanda M- (Sawgrass) Statement - Pgs. 60 -61
First 911 Call Transcript (actually 2nd 911 call) Pgs. 62 - 65
Second 911 Call Transcript (actually 3rd 911 call) Pgs. 66 - 71
Casey Anthony Transcriped Taped Interview - Pgs. 71 - 153

Document 2 Pages 1 - 100
Transcribed Taped Inteview
Anthony L- Pgs. 1 - 25
Case Info - Pg. 26
Incident Report (Kidnapping) Pg. 27
Incident Report - Dispatch car on July 15, 2008 Pg. 28 - 31
Incident Report for Caylee Marie Anthony - Pg. 32
Incident Report and Narrative for Evidence - Pgs. 33 - 34
Incident Report and Narrative Tattoo Shop - Pgs 37 -38
Danny C
Maria K
Johnathon D
Sean D

Incident Report and Narrative Tattoo Shop ( Cast Iron Tattoo) Pgs. 40 -42
Bobby W
Lance W
Matthew C
Dannielle A

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 45
Amanda, Nursing home and Tony's place

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 47 - 48
Tip for Orlando International Airport

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 50
K-9 "Gerus"

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 52 - 58
Tony L
Jeffrey H
Melissa H
Amy H
Ricardo M
Jeffrey H II
Simon B (Johnson Wrecker East)
Gary R(Tow Truck Driver)
Catherine S - Amscott
Nicole - works for (Johnson Wrecker East)
George Anthony picking up car and has gas cans - Pgs. 57 -58

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs 60 - 65
and repeated same information on Pgs. 66 - 72
Amanda M
Dave T
Leonard T
Zenaida G
Rosanna B
Anthony L
Amy H
Ricardo M
Jesse G
Christine C
Thomas F
Lee Anthony

Incident Report and Narrative - Pg. 75
Chuck-e-Cheese Tip

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 77 -78
Tom's Auto Repair for Tony's Car

Incident Report and Narrative Pg 80
Clarification of date and misstatement

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 82 - 84
Amanada M
Harry G

Incident Report and Narrative - Pgs. 85 - 90
Amanda M and Harry G - Sawgrass
Brian B - Shovel
Kiomariie T - Friend
Search of Anthony Residence after getting shovel
Curtis L - TIP from Bank of America

Incident Report and narrative - Pgs. 91 - 92
Zenaida R
Zenaida G
Barbara R
Brittany S
Kio T

Evidence and Property Reports - Pgs. 93 -100

Document 2 - Pages 101 - 171
Search Warrant - Pgs 101 - 107

Court Order and related douments for cell phone records - Pgs 108 -113

Johnson's Wrecker East - Pgs. 114 - 119
All documents related to towing car, pick up, tags, etc.

Universal Screen Prints - Pgs. 120 -127

Lee Anthony Email - Pg. 128
Re: Kodak/Color Vision

Emails verifying Casey's employment
as well as other names given
includes emails Casey sent as employee
and Valencia Community College verification

Transcribed Taped Interview of
Brain B (shovel) Pgs. 158 - 171

Document # 3
Transcribed Taped Interviews
Ryan P - Pgs. 1 - 32
Ricardo M- Pgs. 33 - 49
Kiomarie T. C - Pgs. 50 -75
Amy H - Pgs. 76 - 113

October 4, 2008 - Added newer links to docs.

Part 1 Anthony discovery Pages 1-150.pdf Page 1 - 150

Part 2 - Anthony discovery Pages 151-263.pdf Pages 151 - 263

Part 3 - Anthony discovery Pages 264-431.pdf Pages 263 - 431
September 23, 2008

Document # 1 - Lee A. Interview

Document #2 - Tony L. Interview

Document #3 - Is One Complete Package

For those that can't open PDF files .... THANKS GIGI!!!!! )

Anthony L. - Pages 1 -34
Amy H . - Pages 35 - 79
Brittany S. Pages 80 - 98 (one page of text messages)
Ricardo M - Pages 99 - 128
Troy B. - Pages 129 - 146
Lauren G. - Pages 147 - 158
Brian B. - Pages 159 - 178
William W. Pages 179 - 197
Cash and Check Purchases Page 198
Lee A. Pages 199 - 266
Jesse G. - Pages 267 - 311
Calendar - 312 - 317

Anthony L. Interview Only - 7/22/08
Taped interview 7/22/08 (Must be downloaded)

Amy H. Interview Only 7/23/08

Brittany S. Interview Only 7/24/08

Ricardo M. Interview Only 7/25/08

Troy B. Interview Only 7/25/08

Lauren G. Interview Only 8/1/08

Brian B. Interview Only 7/30/08

William W. Interview Only 7/30/08

Lee A. Interview Only 7/29/08
Taped Interview 7/29/08 (Must be downloaded)

Jesse G. Interview Only 7/23/08
Taped Interview 7/23/08 (must be downloaded)
Taped Interview 7/31/08 (must be downloaded)

Chris S interview -6/30/08

Anthony R. interview - 8/18/08

Text messages sent to Amy Huizenga from Casey Anthony: June 12-13 - link no longer works. PM me if you have one.

Text messages sent to Amy Huizenga from Casey Anthony: June 14 link no longer works. PM me if you have one.

Text messages sent to Brittany Scheiber from Casey Anthony link no longer works. PM me if you have one.

Working Links To Text Messages - October 24, 2008

KC texts to AH

Text msgs to Brittany:

Gary R. (Tow Truck Driver) Interview 7/24/08

Casey's Letter to Sheriff Beary dated 8/14/08

Cindy Anthony Interview - 8/1/08 - Part 1 - Part 2

Cindy Anthony Interview - 8/4/08 - added 10/6/08

Simon B (Tow Yard Manager) Interview 7/24/08

Instant messages between KC and nyitaliano3 (13 pages)

Karen A. Interview - July 22, 2008 (Employee at nursing home) Karen Angel Transcript.pdf

Mike K. Interview - July 30, 2008 (Managed Casey during time at Kodak.) Mike Kozak Transcript.pdf

Nicole Lett Interview - 7/24/08 (Employee at Johnson's Tow-Yard) Nicole Lett Transcript.pdf

Maria K. Interview - July 17, 2008 (Clint's girlfriend) Maria Kissh Transcript.pdf

Danny C. Interview (Tattoo Shop) - 7/17/08 Danny Colamarino Transcript.pdf

Jeff H. Interview - 7/24/08 Jeff Hopkins Transcript.pdf

Jamie R. Interview (Met Casey at Fusions) 8/19/08 Jamie Realander Transcript.pdf

Matthew C. Interview Only (HS Friend) - 7/17/08 Matthew Crisp Transcript.pdf

Sean D. Interview - (HS Friend) 7/17/08 Sean Daly Transcript.pdf

Jonathan D. Interview (HS Friend) 7/17/08 Jonathan Daly Transcript.pdf

George Anthony Tape Interview - 8/4/08

Shirley P. Interview Only (Cindy's Mother) 7/22/08 Shirley Plesea Transcript.pdf

Casey Cell Telephone Reports Orange County Sheriff.pdf

Orange County Sheriff's Office Documents Orange County Sheriff Misc. Documents.pdf

Computer Forensics Report of Casey Anthony's computer Computer Forensics Report.pdf

September 26, 2008
Attorney Baez's Response to Release of Tapes etc.

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