Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion # 18

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I was just reading Mike's website, it seems like if he knew anything he'd be the type to turn her in for profit. He's a freelance camera guy, he basically says he hangs out in his truck, waits for news, films it and hustles it to the highest bidder.
Casey's mother thought Jesse was the father of Caylee. I wonder if Jesse ever took a paternity test?

According to his dad, he did. It's posted here under letter from Reverend I believe.
Good morning all

I've been hesitating to say this, but here I go.

I looked at the link with all the pictures of Casey and I thought. . . wow this is not as "bad" as I thought given everyone's posts.

Again, I would love to think Caylee is alive, it is human nature to want to see the truth in what we want to believe. . .but my instinct tells me the dogs and decomp smell are not easily explained away. . .and I think Casey has not acted normally - mostly the note reporting it.

However, I don't think her photographs paint that bad of a picture, bear with me. . . yes there are a lot of partying pics, but as I mentioned before I am a professional and a single mother and every second weekend when I don't have my kids I go out. Most of my friends are in the music scene and we go to bars. . .I party. Don't do drugs, don't sleep around - and if I do say so myself I am an incredibly responsbile mother and most times I am the designated driver. However these bands have tonnes of pages on myspace, websites etc. . .I have a huge number of photographic friends in this band - you would see a tonne of pictures of me partying. My "friends" don't post pictures of me and my children and our family time. I do. My family doesn't have myspace or facebook pages. So my tame photos are outnumbered by party pictures. Usually people are drinking in these photos (they are in bars) and tonnes of them involve people giving the finger (personal choice not mine, but hey) and the "horns", which is very common at rock shows etc. Both of which I saw in Caylee's pictures.

It just doesn't tell the whole story. Sure there's a toilet photo and two girls dancing which is a bit extreme. . . but NOT out of the norm for a 22 year old girl. She is a mother, but she is single. . .and she has obviously be enabled by people in her life. There are also a number of photos of her and Caylee. . . and they are smiling and seem genuinely happy with each other. . .and it makes me sad.

I'm not saying this means she's innocent. . . I am just commenting that I was surprised by the pictures after having read all the people's posts here about them and that the pictures are the major source of belief she must have a drug habit (aside from alcohol).

Someday when I get to know people I will allow someone a look at my facebook. Given my pictures - (if they were public) - I think I would be labelled an irresponsible partier and potential drug abuser if I was the one with a child missing, but for now you are going to have to TRUST me that I am not. So would several of my friends and some of them have children as young as 3.

It's interesting, I am Canadian and I keep reading these posts and trying to remember two things. . .culture and laws are very different in Florida from Canada and that this crowd is closer to my children's age than mine. . and it helps me put some of the things I don't understand in perspective.

Just another opinion.

I think your post was fair and I see your point. I have formed an opinion of this girl based on everything that I know of her at this point. She lies to seemingly everyone (friends said she was a pathological liar), she steals from her friends and parents, she seems to party alot - an excessive amount IMO for someone who has the responsibilities of being a mother. She doesn't work, or if she does it seems she has trouble holding down a job. She just seems overall to be very irresponsible as a mother and as a member of society. Again, JMO based on what I know of her so far. Does that mean she's a drug addict? Of course not. I think the drug thing was brought up primarily because its something that unfortunately is very prominent in the club scene and with young people who party alot. That doesn't mean for sure that she takes drugs. However we do know that people who drink or do drugs can have impaired judgement. Which is why I think it's important in this case. If she was under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, it could explain some of her behavior and possibly lead us to a connection (possibly a drug connection) of what happened to Caylee. I do my best not to judge people and sorry if anything I have said comes across that way. I am just baseing my opinions on the facts in the case as we know them as well as photos I have seen. And IMO Casey is irresponsible, immature, parties way too often and it seems to be the primary focus of her life. As a mother, your child should be your primary focus, PERIOD. Caylee is very clearly not the primary focus of Casey's life IMO. Again, I'm on the outside looking in - her friends/family may have a totally different view of her because they spend time with her and Caylee on a daily basis.

That being said, I do think you have a point in your email which is that just because a single mother parties on the weekends and drinks, doesn't = a bad mother or a murderer. And you're right about that.
I just wanted to say that the point lostnfound85 made was a good one. Why doesn't she have any pictures of the nanny? Apparently they met clubbing, and she has all those pix of everyone else she partied with. If she knew the nanny for a year and a half there should be a pic of her somewhere in Casey's possesion. *shrug* Just a thought.

Absolutely! Casey went to these clubs doing her own "investigation" but none of her friends know ZG. The possibility that ZG doesn't exist is huge.
The club crowd doesn't know her.
Casey's friends don't know her.
Casey's family doesn't know her.
Since Cindy Anthony seems to be the voice of her incarcerated daughter, these are some questions that Cindy Anthony could provide answers to:

1. What family dynamic changed the night of June 15th or June 16th that caused her daughter and her granddaughter to cease staying at their house any night thereafter?

2. By tracing the money that has been stolen, does it show involvement in Caylee's disappearance (payoffs, transfers)?

3. Do you have any information TODAY that changes any of the things you wrote in your MySpace posting in your account there on July 3rd?

4. Do Casey's phone records support any of the things that she has told you and that you are repeating?

5. If you feel law enforcement is not handling this case the way that you believe they should, have you contacted Texas EquuSearch, The Polly Klaas Foundation, and/or The Jessica Lundsford Foundation?
Casey's mother thought Jesse was the father of Caylee. I wonder if Jesse ever took a paternity test?

Yes, Jesse's dad stated that Jesse had paid to have a paternity test and it came back that he was not the father.
Thank you both (Cakegirl and curiositycat) for that info. I am new to this site and finding a lot of missing pieces right here. :)
My point of view would be that Lee and Casey both partied at the same clubs and such. I don't see it odd that Lee would have his number. It also isn't strange at all to me for Casey to not know Tony's number, that's the downfall to being a cell phone user.

Do me a favor and just tell me what Tony's number is," Casey Anthony said. "I don't want to talk to you. Forget it."

"I don't have his number," Cindy Anthony said.

"Well, get it from Lee," Casey Anthony said. "I know Lee is at the house. I saw Mallory's car was out front. It was just on the news. They were just live outside the house."

"I know they were," Cindy Anthony said.

"Well?" Casey Anthony said.

"Can you get Tony's number for me so I can call him?" Casey Anthony said.

"Hello?" Casey's brother Lee said.

"Hi," Casey Anthony said. "Can you get me Tony's number?"

"I can do that but I don't know what good it's going to do you at this point," Lee Anthony said.

"Well, I'd like to talk to him any way because I called to talk to my mother and it is a (expletive) waste," Casey Anthony said. "By the way, I don't want any of you coming up here when I have my first hearing for bond and everything. I mean don't even (expletive) waste your time coming up here."

"You know, you are having a real tough year and making it real tough for anybody to want to try to, even if it is giving..." Lee Anthony said.

"See that is just it, every..." Casey Anthony said.

"You are not even letting me finish," Lee Anthony said.

"Go ahead," Casey Anthony said.

"First, you are asking me for Tony's phone number so you can call him and then you immediately want to start pressing toward me and don't even worry about coming up here for all this stuff and trying to cut us out," Lee Anthony said.

Complete Text Of Casey Anthony's Jailhouse Phone Call
Zanny the nanny is code talk for xanax, the drug. IMHO. It is a drug that a lot of these kids are hooked on along with oxycontin these days. Most of them get them at first from their parents medicine cabinets and then they can buy them on the streets.

Hardcore druggies give xanax to their children when they want to party. In my heart I still think that's what happened in the McCann case. Both of the parents there were doctors. I think that after awhile the xanax starts to lose it's effect and they give the child more and more. That's my opinion of who Zanny is.
Ok this has always bothered me...the 31 days Casey told the 911 operator the length of time she hadn't seen her daughter...always seemed to be an odd number for me...why not say a month...either her math skills aren't too good...or she wasn't with Caylee on the 16th as her mother said. If you were keeping such close track of your daughter...feared she was missing...and was last seen with the babysitter as she claims...wouldn't you know exactly when you last saw her?
Good morning all

I've been hesitating to say this, but here I go.

I looked at the link with all the pictures of Casey and I thought. . . wow this is not as "bad" as I thought given everyone's posts.

Again, I would love to think Caylee is alive, it is human nature to want to see the truth in what we want to believe. . .but my instinct tells me the dogs and decomp smell are not easily explained away. . .and I think Casey has not acted normally - mostly the note reporting it.

However, I don't think her photographs paint that bad of a picture, bear with me. . . yes there are a lot of partying pics, but as I mentioned before I am a professional and a single mother and every second weekend when I don't have my kids I go out. Most of my friends are in the music scene and we go to bars. . .I party. Don't do drugs, don't sleep around - and if I do say so myself I am an incredibly responsbile mother and most times I am the designated driver. However these bands have tonnes of pages on myspace, websites etc. . .I have a huge number of photographic friends in this band - you would see a tonne of pictures of me partying. My "friends" don't post pictures of me and my children and our family time. I do. My family doesn't have myspace or facebook pages. So my tame photos are outnumbered by party pictures. Usually people are drinking in these photos (they are in bars) and tonnes of them involve people giving the finger (personal choice not mine, but hey) and the "horns", which is very common at rock shows etc. Both of which I saw in Caylee's pictures.

It just doesn't tell the whole story. Sure there's a toilet photo and two girls dancing which is a bit extreme. . . but NOT out of the norm for a 22 year old girl. She is a mother, but she is single. . .and she has obviously be enabled by people in her life. There are also a number of photos of her and Caylee. . . and they are smiling and seem genuinely happy with each other. . .and it makes me sad.

I'm not saying this means she's innocent. . . I am just commenting that I was surprised by the pictures after having read all the people's posts here about them and that the pictures are the major source of belief she must have a drug habit (aside from alcohol).

Someday when I get to know people I will allow someone a look at my facebook. Given my pictures - (if they were public) - I think I would be labelled an irresponsible partier and potential drug abuser if I was the one with a child missing, but for now you are going to have to TRUST me that I am not. So would several of my friends and some of them have children as young as 3.

It's interesting, I am Canadian and I keep reading these posts and trying to remember two things. . .culture and laws are very different in Florida from Canada and that this crowd is closer to my children's age than mine. . and it helps me put some of the things I don't understand in perspective.

Just another opinion.
Sorry I don't view it the same way, she is said not to be a drinker?
Her child is missing for 5 wks while she is engaged in what you refer to as not so bad photos, good examples of over the top party hard? She has been partying hard for a while. Caylee is no where to be found, she gives no valid info to police. Dogs hitting on death in her yard and car. She lied and stole from mom and a best friend while baby is missing?

Yeah I know about the horns goin way back but its more than just horns. Throw those horns in the wrong place and you may not like your experience, guaranteed. The problem is all the club scene's. Sometimes you have to know when enough is enough. Casey is indifferent to her missing child. I want my boyfriends number? NOT WHERE AND WHAT ARE WE DOING ABOUT FINDING my heart, my baby, my love CAYLE!

Ya know when you start having children, its high time to reconsider the club scene, lets throw back blast. This was not once in a blue moon, it was a regular scene for Casey. My thought, while it may seem funny when your blasted ,there is tomorrow by grace and everday self respect is important it happens to carry you a long way. Too many people end up with addictions and worse living the party/club scene. It's is more than just horns by the way!

Thank you for sharing, there is a valid lesson here about how precious life is.
It wasn't the first time that she used her parents credit cards or even got credit cards in their names IMO. If you check orange county records you will see where CC's in small amounts went into default in the fathers name and then they were paid off. I have known of a friend who had no idea his wife was running up cards in his name in small amounts until she was no longer able to pay for them, they went into default and he was served with papers to go to small claims courts.

These parents have, imo, ignored the signs that this girl has had problems for a long, long time.
Yesterday I saw an interview with George in which he stated "I told my parents somethings that weren't true when I was her age, all kids do this." HELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO.

These parents have the worst case of denial I have ever witnessed. Period.

When they first realized she was running up charges on cc's they should have put a stop to that. Outrageous behavior by both them and their daughter.

I so agree with you, curiousitycat.
The moment that Cindy realized Casey even had a credit card of theirs, she could have reported it stolen and/or stated that an unauthorized user was using it.
Sometimes I really like Nancy Grace and other times she has some of her information wrong. I tend to think she may have the $45,000 figure wrong UNLESS she was using an over time figure since Caylee was born. The amount may not be important unless Cindy went through the proper channels and reported it. Now if Cindy has sworn to the credit card company that she did not run these charges up, then the credit card company will file charges against Casey if they can prove she did it. At any rate, I do not worry so much about that. It is Caylee I am concerned about.
Complete Text Of Casey Anthony's Jailhouse Phone Call

Respectfully snipped.

Thanks Nicole. Here's one part I don't like:

"Does Tony have anything to do with Caylee?" Kristina asks.

"No," Casey Anthony said. "Nothing."

"OK, so why do you want to talk with Tony?" Kristina asks. "You probably don't want to tell me, do you?"

"Tony had nothing to do with Caylee," Casey Anthony said.

"Oh, then why do you want to talk with him?" Kristina asks.

"Because he is my boyfriend and I want to actually try and sit and talk to him because I didn't get a chance to talk to him earlier," Casey Anthony said. "Because I got arrested on a (expletive) whim today and because they are blaming me for stuff that I would never do. That I didn't do."

She was real quick to answer that question and others are skeptical about Tony as well, it appears to me.

If she doesn't know what happened to Caylee, then how the heck does she know that Tony wasn't involved?
Nicole LongIsland, where did you hear that Lee had Casey's cell phone??? It was clearly stated on the tape that Lee had TonE's number on his cell phone.
Ok this has always bothered me...the 31 days Casey told the 911 operator the length of time she hadn't seen her daughter...always seemed to be an odd number for me...why not say a month...either her math skills aren't too good...or she wasn't with Caylee on the 16th as her mother said. If you were keeping such close track of your daughter...feared she was missing...and was last seen with the babysitter as she claims...wouldn't you know exactly when you last saw her?

I'm bothered by the 31 days because it brings the date to June 15th when Granny took Caylee to the nursing home.
Ok this has always bothered me...the 31 days Casey told the 911 operator the length of time she hadn't seen her daughter...always seemed to be an odd number for me...why not say a month...either her math skills aren't too good...or she wasn't with Caylee on the 16th as her mother said. If you were keeping such close track of your daughter...feared she was missing...and was last seen with the babysitter as she claims...wouldn't you know exactly when you last saw her?

Isn't June 15th-16 to July 15th, 31 days?

And June 24th back to the night of the 15th morning of the 16th, 9days as her posting about living in the house indicate?

IMO she has been counting the days from the 16th. She is the only one who had the date right from day 1. Since June 9th is what got put out and she never corrected it or stopped it.
Nicole LongIsland, where did you hear that Lee had Casey's cell phone??? It was clearly stated on the tape that Lee had TonE's number on his cell phone.

That's what I thought too when I went back and listened to the conversation. Casey didn't say "Lee get my cell phone as Tony's number is in there."

Actually why didn't Casey even remember Tony's number????
I was just reading Mike's website, it seems like if he knew anything he'd be the type to turn her in for profit. He's a freelance camera guy, he basically says he hangs out in his truck, waits for news, films it and hustles it to the highest bidder.

Are you sure you're looking at the right Mike? There seem to be two floating around here. Mike16acres and King Merk. IMO King Merk is the correct one because he's friends with Casey on myspace, he also is friends with Patrick who visited Casey in jail. His name is Mike Walker also. Mike16acres.....I couldn't find him on Casey's friend list, nor did I see any friends that he and Casey have in common. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want....but I just wanted to point out again that if you're looking at Mike16acres you *may* be looking at the wrong Mike Walker. Has anyone found any other evidence that suggests Mike16acres is *the* Mike Walker mentioned in the jailhouse visitor video?? Just sayin! :)
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