General theory thread and motives rehashed #4

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I have been thinking about HaLeigh all day today. I have been wondering for a while what can the citizens of PC do to try to get some new eyes on the case? (from maybe another agency FAR away from PC, maybe in another state, i wouldn't care at this time)


lil momma, I fully believe that is the only way we can ever have justice for Haleigh. But I don't know what we, as outsiders, can do.
What is thought of contacting the Putnam County Commissioners Office or is it just as deep in the thick of it all as the PCSO?

What about Florida State Representative or State Senator and demand action and
answers from LE on this case??

Exercise your right as a citizen of the US to vote any office holder out of a job at the ballot box should the appropriate actions in getting this case solved not be expedited to the best of the office holder’s ability...and quite obviously it is not being done to the best of anyone's ability..Poor Haleigh.. There has got to be a way to go above any possible "corruption" if it exists and as citizens demand something be done..

If not then Haleigh IMO will never be found and no justice ever served and in the next 5-10-15 years we'll see these sorry SOB's serving drug sentences out and about free to start their new lives with Haleigh nothing but an extremely distant memory at that point..This just cannot happen
If Ron and Misty, know the truth and wont talk, what else did everyone want the LE to do? Wouldn't everyone be really mad right now if they were all out enjoying their lives? The suspects and all involved that night are in jail. The State cant beat the truth out of them... we have the right to remain silent, and thats what these cowards are doing. Be thankful they are locked up!
If Ron and Misty, know the truth and wont talk, what else did everyone want the LE to do? Wouldn't everyone be really mad right now if they were all out enjoying their lives? The suspects and all involved that night are in jail. The State cant beat the truth out of them... we have the right to remain silent, and thats what these cowards are doing. Be thankful they are locked up!

I am thankful Ron C is locked up but I seriously doubt everyone involved that night is in jail..And Ron C being in jail does not bring Haleigh's case to resolution.. The truth needs to be revealed.. The games need to stop. Last I heard Haleigh's own mother eventhough she has no closure or knows what really happened to her daughter is believing Ron C to be innocent...IMO Crystal is entitled to know the truth as to what really happened to her daughter.....JMHO
I hope it's not because of the kind of people that Haleigh's family & their associates are. I know in smaller towns, people are a lot more class sonscious & snobby than in bigger towns...I see it in my area. I'm not sure the majority would care if something like this happened on the 'bad side' of town. probably just want the news people to go away so they could get back to pretending they're somebodys in a town where nothing scandalous ever happens. I know if I want to read anything negative about my town, especially the ISD, I have to buy a neighboring town's paper. Embarrassment over the fact that the people they don't consider real citizens being why they're 'famous' might be why they aren't more demanding. MOO.

You know Dodie, While I don't think it alls due to that, I do think it partly is. I base my opinion on the numerous (too many to count) comments I've read posted by locals in the comments section following the articles I've read online at the local news media sites (i.e., Palatka Daily News, etc,.). It's as though they all know "who" really did it so "lets just shut up about it and move on..." It's not fair to HaLeigh. I don't care what side of the tracks a child was born on, they don't/didn't deserve this!

If Ron and Misty, know the truth and wont talk, what else did everyone want the LE to do? Wouldn't everyone be really mad right now if they were all out enjoying their lives? The suspects and all involved that night are in jail. The State cant beat the truth out of them... we have the right to remain silent, and thats what these cowards are doing. Be thankful they are locked up!

good point. i guess i would feel better if LE answered some of the questions we have.. instead of just shutting us out. if this was only about ron and misty, this case wouldn't have had so many possible theories of what could have happened. there are more people that tie into this crime, directly or indirectly, and that's what makes it so fascinating to sleuth.

if there were no sunshine laws for caylee's case.. i doubt people would still be blogging about it as much as they are today. we all knew who was responsible right away and while the antics presented to us by casey and her family was interesting for the first few months.. the hype would have died down without the discovery documents. there would be nothing further to discuss if we all believed casey was solely responsible and no discovery was released.

we don't know if ron and misty are solely responsible or if they are responsible at all or what role they played. while they aren't willing to talk, LE could assure the public they have the appropriate people locked up and assure the public that there are no additional suspects at this time. that would be what i want, if they are unable to solve the case/find haleigh
I think that time is coming soon. The ones in jail and a few who aren't seem to be coming apart at the seams. MOO

Yep and a WS poster is about to come apart at the seams as well.........LOL
Great post! I do not believe locals are pestering LE anymore and maybe weren't doing much of that at any time. This is not to imply there are no locals who care and would like to see this case (as well as others no doubt) solved, but LE seems comfy to do nothing so it does appear that any pestering of LE is coming from people who live states away...people like us.

It has always been perplexing that no one from Ronald's workplace, with the exception of someone overhearing a phone call between Ron and Misty about a misbehaving Haleigh, have talked to reporters or even gossiped about Ron, why the heck not? This is totally beyond the norm in such a crime as this one. Very few neighbors who lived near Ron, people who had to see and hear activities going on at Ron's house, have come forward except to say that they had seen children playing in the yard. There was somone who collected guns, at first who professed to be a very good friend of Ronald, who had only praise for him who commented a little bit about Ron. I do think that the locals just want things to die and go away. They want their privacy back, period. Sad.
It has always been perplexing that no one from Ronald's workplace, with the exception of someone overhearing a phone call between Ron and Misty about a misbehaving Haleigh, have talked to reporters or even gossiped about Ron, why the heck not? This is totally beyond the norm in such a crime as this one. Very few neighbors who lived near Ron, people who had to see and hear activities going on at Ron's house, have come forward except to say that they had seen children playing in the yard. There was somone who collected guns, at first who professed to be a very good friend of Ronald, who had only praise for him who commented a little bit about Ron. I do think that the locals just want things to die and go away. They want their privacy back, period. Sad.

And I "get" that Lone but then there's that other looming issue you just can't close your eyes/ears/mouth to - A beautiful INNOCENT little girl who I'm sure as hell would like to have her life back. IMO, the significance of her life overrides everything else.
BBM.. I'm no fan of PCSO and haven't been for a long time. I"ve questioned everything you have mentioned plus more and everyone and anyone who has been around here for the past two years will agree..
However there is still something in me whenever we get some kinda news concerning this case that is still holding on to... OK this is IT... Something is gonna break, The truth will be revealed...UNfortunately for over two years now, this hasn't happened..Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment...JMHO

:great: But, but Em PCSO has been very consistent on one thing throughout the last two years and two months: That being that "Misty is the key"!!!!!! PCSO stated this from the beginning and they are sticking to it. LOL........This seems to be the only part of the case that they can accurately say. It is truly evergreen. February 10, 2009 Misty was the key and now on April 14, 2011, she is still the key. IMO, this is the ony information we have gleaned from LE..:banghead:

And I "get" that Lone but then there's that other looming issue you just can't close your eyes/ears/mouth to - A beautiful INNOCENT little girl who I'm sure as hell would like to have her life back. IMO, the significance of her life overrides everything else.

Oh nomoresorrow, I truly agree that this little innocent is most important of all, I was just describing how the locals appear to act. That they want all of this just to disappear so that they can go on with their lives. I do feel that some of the locals have lost sight of the fact that this little girl is still gone and most likely dead and she deserves justice..........
I dont care what happened and what class these people are, The PCSO had to welcome in the FBI or whatever expert investigative fields that were there and willing to help. Did they?..

You know Dodie, While I don't think it alls due to that, I do think it partly is. I base my opinion on the numerous (too many to count) comments I've read posted by locals in the comments section following the articles I've read online at the local news media sites (i.e., Palatka Daily News, etc,.). It's as though they all know "who" really did it so "lets just shut up about it and move on..." It's not fair to HaLeigh. I don't care what side of the tracks a child was born on, they don't/didn't deserve this!

I can't tell you how many times, in different cases, the 1st thing I see, are the locals, the 'real' citizens, trying to distance themselves from a perp. Since the Croslins weren't born and raised there, it's not supposed to count? So many towns treat situations like this as a stranger committing a crime, even when the perp has lived there for years. not saying that Misty is the perp, because I really don't see that, but it looks like some people might want to settle for her being the perp, (since she has been named the key), so they can blame it on a non local. IDK who did what, it very well could be Misty, but there have been a lot of crimes committed in the meantime. Personally, I'd like to see charges filed for everything possible, and not just settle for the drug convictions. MOO. I don't guess in the long run it will matter how much the locals demand or don't demand, because IMO, this case will eventually be solved...although it would be nice to see some compassion on Haleigh's behalf. But if it isn't sincere, it wouldn't mean anything anyway. MOO.
I've never had a door that only had one key to it...
exactly...OMG, if I have one pet peeve in this case, it's Misty being labeled the key. It puts all the pressure, all the blame, all the responsibilities, right on her. And she was just a teenager! There are too many people who are hiding things, who seem to have ulterior motives, to settle on waiting for Misty to finally finally develop a conscience. The fact is, most young teens are still developing their consciences. One day, when Misty's about 30, she might realize how wrong she has been, but I wouldn't bank on it. This case and all its traumas, may have stunted her conscience growth...what growth wasn't already stunted by her lifestyle and upbringing, that is. ughhh...I want a new key, lol, this one doesn't fit. MOO.
I dont care what happened and what class these people are, The PCSO had to welcome in the FBI or whatever expert investigative fields that were there and willing to help. Did they?..

I think that the FBI only helped with the phone investigation.:maddening:
If LE is waiting on a body before moving forward, I sure hope they're still searching. She's out there somewhere, and I do believe there are clues in some of these people's statements. If they believe Tommy was in charge of disposal, then how hard could it be to find out? He has talked plenty. The same goes for everybody else. Somebody knows where she is, maybe only 1 person, and LE needs to find out before that 1 person takes that information to his/her own grave. MOO, but they declared this case a homicide and Haleigh needs to be found. How awful for her to be left unlooked for. MOO. Are there still searches going on?
exactly...OMG, if I have one pet peeve in this case, it's Misty being labeled the key. It puts all the pressure, all the blame, all the responsibilities, right on her. And she was just a teenager! There are too many people who are hiding things, who seem to have ulterior motives, to settle on waiting for Misty to finally finally develop a conscience. The fact is, most young teens are still developing their consciences. One day, when Misty's about 30, she might realize how wrong she has been, but I wouldn't bank on it. This case and all its traumas, may have stunted her conscience growth...what growth wasn't already stunted by her lifestyle and upbringing, that is. ughhh...I want a new key, lol, this one doesn't fit. MOO.

My God! If every investigator/investigation waited on the presumed perp or an accomplice to disclose information or confess, we'd rarely see any cases go forward. Did PCSO screw the investigation up so badly from the beginning that their only hope is to wait for that one lone key, accompanied with a written invitation, to be hand delivered to them?
It has always been perplexing that no one from Ronald's workplace, with the exception of someone overhearing a phone call between Ron and Misty about a misbehaving Haleigh, have talked to reporters or even gossiped about Ron, why the heck not? This is totally beyond the norm in such a crime as this one. Very few neighbors who lived near Ron, people who had to see and hear activities going on at Ron's house, have come forward except to say that they had seen children playing in the yard. There was somone who collected guns, at first who professed to be a very good friend of Ronald, who had only praise for him who commented a little bit about Ron. I do think that the locals just want things to die and go away. They want their privacy back, period. Sad.

I think it's that in a nutshell. But in a way I can't blame the locals. I saw a post once (I do not remember where, maybe here on WS but I don't recall) where some locals (at a Kangaroo or Spinners??) were discussing RC just before he was due in court, possibly for arraignment but maybe it was at the time of his entering a plea. The group of locals were all pretty much in agreement that RC would once again slither through the cracks of justice. Some thought he would get a shorter sentence than he should (which did in fact turn out to be the case). Others thought he might skate completely.

My point is I do believe locals have gossiped amongst themselves, the kind of gossip that is common in smaller communities, the kind that stays local because it usually doesn't matter to outsiders.

But even though RC's neighbors and others in the community who knew him had his number all along...few if any spoke out beyond the local gossip about him, his antics, or justice for Haleigh. I read in a news article (grain of salt, of course) that LE had asked neighbors to remain quiet about the case, and for some reason they agreed.

If such a crime occurred where I live townsfolk might have agreed initially to stay mum if asked to by LE, but would have become quite outspoken indeed if they saw an allegedly grieving father carry on like Ron did over the days, weeks and months following Haleigh's demise.

Satsuma and surrounding area seems a bit too content, IMO, with the knowledge that there will not be justice for Haleigh. Most likely they are not happy about it, yet they will take no action to change things. If neighbors could look the other way at how Haleigh lived, they probably feel OK looking the other way at how she died.
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