Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #40

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After reading the last two pages on thread #39 it is fine if you all would like to continue the discussion of the possiblity of gambling but please start a thread on that topic.
Thank you..
After reading the last two pages on thread #39 it is fine if you all would like to continue discussion gambling but pleast start a thread on that topic.
Thank you..

Thank you! Will do.
Another newbie here who has been reading this forum for a long long time and has huge respect and admiration for all of the work that has gone into this forum.

Being from Europe I don't have much to contribute in terms of finding clues and things for you guys, but I just had to finally register and write some things on this case.

Just a note: English is my second language so forgive me in advance for any bad english. I wrote a long post but decided to break it into points to make it easier for reading purposes.

1. Regarding Casey and lying about her job.

This is an extreme lie, not just a lie about your weight, past relationships, where you were last night, etc. This is a lie you have to relive every single day. You have to dress and get out the house and spent some hours somewhere when you were supposed to be at work. It takes a special kind of personality to make a decision to go through such a lie, and such a lie has a special toll on the psyche of the person who is telling it. It reminded me of Lori Hacking's murder case, her husband Mark was lying to family and friends that he had graduated from College. Just like Scott Peterson lying to his mistress about being in France, right beside the Eiffel Tower, watching the fireworks, when all along he was in the US. I cannot shake the feeling of seeing similar traits between these people, how they are dealing with the situation of a beloved one missing, their their demeanour and exchanges with their family.
2. Casey's telephone conversation with crying friend

When Casey's friend breaks down on the phone Casey sounds SO ANNOYED even saying ''oh my God'' as a reaction to her friend's emotional reaction to Caylee missing.

Almost like Casey was embarrased for her friend being so emotional, as if it was over the top and unnatural. But is it over the top to be emotional for a missing child? People here who have no personal connection to the situation and are so worried about the little precious girl.

It is scary how emotionally untouched Casey is. So much that is is impatient and almost sarcastic towards her friend who is obviously panicked, worried, perplexed.

And it did reminded me how annoyed Scott Peterson appeared on phonecalls from family and friends to discuss search operations, flyers, etc. for Laci.
3. Cindy Anthony and why she believes she can get the truth from Casey

It is not easy living with a person who has some kind of personality disorder, who is a compulsive liar. Especially when that person is your child.

Cindi seems to believe or indeed it is this way that she is the only one that managed to see through the fog and between all Casey's lies and get to the truth.

A lot of parents who live through similar situations believe they have the ''key'' to their children telling ''them'' the truth. This was a daily struggle I believe for Cindy and her family to deal with Casey and the compulsive lying.

Remember compulsive liars lie even for unimportant things and that can be very frustrating in day to day life. Compulsive liars also tell lies to get sympathy. The story Casey told friends of her baby's dad dying in a crash accident while going to his daughter birthday is a textbook lie these personalities say to get ''sympathy'' and ''special treatment''. E.g. Let her live here without rent, she had such a difficult life. Let's not mentioned the $100 I am sure she stolen from my wallet because she had such a tragic life. Let's be nice to her so tragic things happened to her. Oh never mind her bad behavior, it is because she had such terrible things happen to her.

Another common thing among compulsive liars and sociopaths/narcissists is to take reality and make it a nice fairy-tale. The truth was one: Cayle did not have a father presence in her life. But instead of saying for example I don't know who the father is because I slept with many guys, or the father is a married man that I can't say who he is, the tragic/romantic fantasy of a father who loved his child so much that lost his life on a car accident going to her birthday.
4. Cindy Anthony and her ''deceptive'' statements about a decomposing body. This is my theory: CINDY EXAGGERATED ON THE 911 CALL AS A WAY TO SHOCK CASEY TO TELL HER THE TRUTH

Why will Casey stand next to the phone while her mother calls to report her as a ''suspect'' in a case where there might be a ''body''? I think Cindy's worry escalated that day regarding where Caylee is. Not because of any smell, but because Cindy realized not only she did not speak to her granddaughter but also because she just found Casey did not have a car all these days. So the grandmother of course worries of what is going on? How they commute without a car? If Cindi didn’t have money to put gas in the car how did she fed Caylee? I think the grandmother at that point was just worrying that Casey took Caylee from a very comfortable environment and put her in a less comfortable situation when there was no reason for her to do this. I think she tried to get answers from Cindy - not suspecting anything seriously wrong going on with the child at the moment - but sensing something was wrong anyway.

Cindy was hitting a wall with Casey, the same wall that she must have hit several times before. Only this time she gets frustrated because she can't ''break'' Casey. I think the call to 911 WAS ONLY A WAY TO SHOCK Casey to tell her what is going on. If you notice initially she speaks about the stolen car to the dispatcher not the child. Probably when she sees Casey still unfazed that she is talking to 911 about the car, she continues to report the child missing.

Then I think she tried to SCARE Casey by talking about a decomposing smell. This is my theory. Cindy tried to shook up Casey with that comment of decomposing body hoping she will make Case WAKE UP from her passive nonchalant behavior and tell them where Caylee is. Only it didn't work. That itself must have shocked Cindy.

Reporting a ''possible crime'' and her daughter still calm. Also perhaps she said it to make sure the cops will start investigating what is going on? The cops get dozens of calls per day about domestic disagreements and this could be just one of them about custody. Cindy was so frustrated with the lies and the excuses she wanted a resolution to the worry of how is Caylee.
5. The obvious change in Cindy's demeanor

I really believe it that the first days it never crossed Cindy's mind that something ''serious'' happened to Caylee or that Casey might be responsible for it. Grandma wanted to make sure the child was okay, was fed, had a good bed, wanted to see her.

Cindy's whole body and demeanor are so different the first day. Cindy didn't even look really scared or panicked the first day. But by the 3rd day it is more than obvious that grandma collapsed. Forget her words which mean nothing at the moment, look at her body and face.

She has the face of all the relatives in similar situations, when they find out something very serious is going on with the missing child they are looking for.

Also George taking aside the LE from the first moment they visited their home, to tell them to make sure they look closer to his daughter because she is a liar. That shows also how differently Cindy and George handled and accepted the situation with Casey. Cindy the one who thought she could get through her, the one who thought no matter what she will be able to communicate with Casey. George more resigned to the reality that something is wrong with Casey. My honest opinion only of course.
Game Theory, I am not going to quote the last three posts cause that would take me a while, but wow. You have definitely given this some thought. I kind of thought that maybe Cynthia (why are we all calling her Cindy) might have said some of what she said with different intentions than what we all are getting. But now that it's been said there is no way for her to take it back. OTOH, with the exception of Lee, the whole family does seem a bit unbalanced. I really do wonder if there is something that they know, but can't say out of fear. SOmetimes they seem as if they are desperately afraid, and not just that Casey is going to go to jail for a long time. But, it is definitely not the fear that a parent or grandparent feels when a child is out in the world with God knows who.
6. Why the press conference?

If I ever watched a pointless press conference by a police department this must be it. No new facts really, police don’t give press conference for every little clue they find in the way unless it brings the case into conclusion or another direction. Press conferences also to use the public for help. That was not the case. A member of the press HAD TO REMIND the police representative to give again the phone numbers for tips. And very eloquently the representative did not mentioned Caylee for most of the time.

I don't think the conference was made for Caylee’s benefit per se, asking for help or tips from the public. Neither it was for the public’s benefit, to reassure them they are doing so much for the case. Neither I believe it was for the benefit of “possible abductors’’.

I think the purpose and the target of the conference was CASEY herself who is watching everything on TV from her cell. The whole dramatic entrance George and CSI going into the house, taking something - the gas cans? Everything to try and break Casey down, make her think they have something, or think they can get fingerprints from the gas, that her father told the police something. Why will George and Cindy talk for so many hours with the F.B.I? Perhaps discussing how they can get Casey to finally tell them what happened to Caylee?

And I don’t believe that the local police is just scr3wing the case. The F.B.I is also involved and I am sure they have a good saying on what is going on right now and why they needed to hold a press conference. I think the police believe there is something important regarding the car and the stolen gas and they wanted a way to make Casey start talking or thinking they are onto her by watching George on the news with the CSI people.
Okay posting this and then I am going to bed..
Are we sure that the car really was stolen? Was there a police report filed on the car? Or was the car given to Casey and when she didn't kowtow to her parents they called it stolen out of spite?
If she did talk to her mother and she said that she was going to call the police, that might explain why the car was found abandoned.
And id that was already addressed, I am sorry. I'll check in tomorrow, it's my one day off this week, so I will see what more I can dig up then. Since I do have the net detective, if there is anything that anyone wants run, let me know, preferably by PM so we don't clutter the board. I can do people, addresses, phone numbers, the usual stuff like that.
Night everyone.
7. I believed from the first moment the GAS CANS could give important clues.

We all know very well how police are able to track down a suspect’s movements when they stop in a gas station to fill the car, when they pay with a credit card, or even ESTIMATE WHERE THEY TRAVELLED from how many liters of gas they bought. Perhaps the stolen gas was used not only because of lack of money but also because someone didn't want to be chronologically and geographically traced on gas stations’ video cameras? Also if the police have very little to continue and since it seems there are is no ground search for Caylee since they don’t know exactly what area to cover, perhaps the amount of gas stolen can show them a general area and distance Casey might have travelled since the day she had the car?


Thanks for listening. Sorry for taking so much space but had to take everything out of my chest and head. Now I will sit back and watch the excellent job you guys doing following this case with only one hope: That Caylee is found safe and unharmed like we hope for all the missing children.
Thank you for sharing your insight. Very thought provoking posts, esp. those dealing with the pysche/mindsets of Casey and her family. This tragedy began for the Anthony family long ago.
I think Cindy freaked out and told LE in the 911 call that the car smelled like a dead body had been in it because it was the truth. Casey really messed up with how she handled the car. So far she has kept her family chasing their tails with her lies. It's not going to work with the authorities.
Okay posting this and then I am going to bed..
Are we sure that the car really was stolen? Was there a police report filed on the car? Or was the car given to Casey and when she didn't kowtow to her parents they called it stolen out of spite?
If she did talk to her mother and she said that she was going to call the police, that might explain why the car was found abandoned.
And id that was already addressed, I am sorry. I'll check in tomorrow, it's my one day off this week, so I will see what more I can dig up then. Since I do have the net detective, if there is anything that anyone wants run, let me know, preferably by PM so we don't clutter the board. I can do people, addresses, phone numbers, the usual stuff like that.
Night everyone.

You know there is some weirdness about the stolen car too. I always wondered why she didn't mention the missing child in the first 911 tape, instead of a stolen car. But Thursday night when Cindy was on Larry King live she metions it, but honestly I am so tired I can't figure out what she is saying. Perhaps someone else will interpret what she meant.

KING: I'm sorry. That was not the 911 call. That was a conversation between you and your daughter.

Now, certainly, you seemed suspicious then, Cindy.

CINDY ANTHONY: Well, you know, that was less than 24 hours after the shock of my granddaughter not being where she was supposed to be and then finding out that she had been kidnapped by the babysitter.

I didn't know all the facts at that point. I had not had a chance to start putting things together and start looking at what is out there.

KING: All right.

CINDY ANTHONY: So, again, you know, when I called -- made the three 9/11 tapes, I said whatever I needed to do to get the authorities to come help me.

KING: I got you.

CINDY ANTHONY: So did I fabricate a lie at that point?

I worked on whatever I could to get them out there. So, you know, I'm not a liar. I just stretched the truth a little bit. The car wasn't where it was supposed to be so I said it was stolen because I didn't have any other reason to have the authorities come out to my house.

So that doesn't make me a liar or a murderer...

KING: Jose...

CINDY ANTHONY: ...and I don't think that makes my daughter...

KING: All right.

CINDY ANTHONY: ...a murderer, either, just because she has some mistruths.

KING: Well, we don't even know if there's a murder been.

CINDY ANTHONY: Thank you. KING: Jose, the only purpose of all of this is to find this little girl, right?

The only thing I am coming up with is that she seems to be saying that she lied about the car to get the police to come out to her house, but why lie about the car, I would think that the missing child would have been enough to get them to come out.
GameTherory - Thread #4

I have always wondered who watched Caylee when Casey "allegedly" went to work going back 2.5 years ago up to June 16, 2008. Caylee was born 8/9/05 and at that time was about 6 months old. Who watched Caylee?

GameTherory - Thread #5
There are a lot of similarities with Scott Peterson and Casey Anthony. Each day with Casey there is a disconnect as Casey is not referring to Caylee by name any more but as "she"!

GameTherory - Thread #6
In a way, children are taught to lie. I know that seems odd, but parents actually do this to their children. Phone rings, parents tell children, tell the caller Mommy is not home. Or don't tell this, or don't tell that and a pattern begins for children. My mother use to say "what till your father gets home and then when he got home she never told him". So whatever it was I did, I got away with it." Little by little children see how easy it is to get away with things and then it escalates in life.

It's clear even Cindy has had a similar pattern as a child based on what she has said in a lot of her statement. I know she is under duress, but she is back-tracking to cover for what was said earlier.

GameTherory - Thread #7

In the 911 phone call when Cindy spoke about the smell inside the car, my theory is that this was the time Cindy spoke the truth. The first 911 phone call was Cindy's way of "OK, you don't want to tell me, I'll go to the cops and tell them you stole my car".

Unfortunately an hour or so later when Cindy overheard Casey tell Lee she hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days is when panic came in and Cindy added in the smell in the car. The particular 911 phone call was the telling 911 call of them all!

GameTherory - Thread #8

On July 3rd this is when Cindy was actually showing real concern for where is Caylee and who is she with etc. This is 17 days after Cindy last say Caylee on June 16th. By 17 days, Cindy had that "gut" feeling something was clearly wrong.

I think George had enough of what was happening in his home especially after Casey gave birth to Caylee. I don't think George was upset over having a grandchild, but more so had enough of the entire situation at home. Perhaps he felt, "Casey made her bed and now she has to sleep in it", and Cindy was making it too easy for Casey. George filed for divorce 12/29/05 (just a few months after Caylee was born) and then George stopped divorce proceeding late 11/2007.

GameTherory - Thread #10

The press conference was just a way for the police to get the media off their backs after LE went to the Anthony's house. It was better for LE to make a statement then to have the media go on "speculation" of what they think is happening. And based on what I heard from the media/journalist, they all were doing a lot of "speculating".

The best explanation I heard on why LE went to the Anthony household was on Nancy Grace last night when she spoke to a forensic doctor, who said' "more than likely they went back to the house to get some things for "touch DNA". It appears to this doctor they need to do some sort of "touch DNA" with regards to what they found in the trunk of the car.

GameTherory - Thread #12

I am not sure how the gas cans fit into the mystery. George claims he knows who took them and he is OK with the explanation.

It could be Casey who took the 2 containers of gas from the shed but my gut tells me ... no! I don't know if we will ever know about the gas cans as George hasn't rectified what he knows.
Patty g any information on the benefit last night.
Are we sure that the car really was stolen? Was there a police report filed on the car? Or was the car given to Casey and when she didn't kowtow to her parents they called it stolen out of spite?

The car Casey was driving was not stolen. This car was given to Casey to use, and if I remember correctly, originally Lee was using this car when he lived at home with his parents.

Cindy actually gave a "false report" to the police regarding the car being stolen. Cindy clearly was doing this "out-of-spite" and you can't involve the police with false statements.

The police were dispatched to the house based solely on a stolen car report and stolen money. This is why there was no RUSH for the police to arrive after the first 911 phone call.

Now if Cindy would have called the police right after Cindy and George picked up the car from the towing company and then called 911 saying: "I just received notice from a towing company today that my daughter's car was towed on June 30th and it is now July 15th. We went to pick up the car from the towing company and the car smells like their was a dead body in it. I haven't seen my daughter or granddaughter in 30 days and I am worried something is very wrong." Then the police would have been there is a split-second.

But, nope, twists and turns, ups and down, flipping and flopping and there is still a child missing!
What if the person George "is okay" with for taking the gas cans is someone who helped Casey. He/She could explain the presser.... maybe it was to shake an accomplice????
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