2011.05.20 On a Scale of 1 to 10 How do you Feel About this Jury?

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The juror who said she "can't judge people" makes me "extremely nervous" -- and I cannot understand WHY the SA did not strike her -- I would have, even if I would have lost a strike.

SA tried to use a strike TWICE on this Juror and DT Objectived and said it was Racial Basis and JP would not let them strike her.

The juror who said she "can't judge people" makes me "extremely nervous" -- and I cannot understand WHY the SA did not strike her -- I would have, even if I would have lost a strike.

The juror who said he is "against the death penalty" -- as long he "convicts" in the GUILT phase, it's okay with me if he chooses LWOP.

My biggest fear : a "hung jury" !

:praying: Hopefully, after this juror hears all the evidence, she will CONVICT !

So right now, I am giving it a 5.


ITA- The non judging lady really worries me. They did try to strike her twice and JB threw in the race card, and because SA didn't quote hung jury as an initial cause, HHJP declined to strike her. I am hoping that she will seek guidance from her pastor this weekend, and either decide it's ok to make a judgement from the evidence or somehow get herself off the jury and an alternate gets on. If that happens, I think I could take it up to a 10. JMO
Does anyone know the law regarding the votes on a first degree murder case in Florida? Is it a majority - 7 out of 12 votes for conviction? Or does it have to be unanimous - 12 out of 12?

What about the punishment? Is it just a majority or does it have to be unanimous?
I don't post a lot here, but have been here since the beginning of this case and would definitely not be qualified as a juror in this case (know waaaaaaay too much).

I am thrilled a jury is seated, I would have to say I give it a 9, leaning toward 10, and here is why....

Although I whole heartedly believe ICA is guilty looking at all the evidence we have seen, I do not believe the evidence they have is enough to convince a jury she should receive the DP.

We will never know what really happened to this baby unless KC aka ICA has a come to Jesus moment and spills the truth.

There are so many theories, mine has evolved over time, but only the method in which the baby was killed. BUT, none can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt with anything I have seen, and I have seen every document, image etc released.

I have no doubt she will be found guilty, but I do not believe they will get the DP so this jury is just fine for the most part in my mind. JMO
Does anyone know the law regarding the votes on a first degree murder case in Florida? Is it a majority - 7 out of 12 votes for conviction? Or does it have to be unanimous - 12 out of 12?

What about the punishment? Is it just a majority or does it have to be unanimous?

Leila - in the guilt phase, the vote must be unanimous. In the penalty phase, majority... but I think the judge has the final say on the penalty.
I found this interesting - we'll have to wait to see........
"There are two possibly positive jurors for Casey: the African-American woman who said she can't judge people, and the African-American man who said he is against the death penalty. Both said they could do what they had to, but prosecutors said they're worried she could hang the jury."
........and with that in mind, I'm unsure what number I'd give them.

Neither of these two jurors worry me that much, and here is why.

Baez's angle is to get as many minority jurors as possible because one of his major strategies is that LE rushed to judgement, lied, and railroaded her.

If Casey was black or Latino, or even white, but poor and trod upon, then that strategy might work with these 2 jurors. They might buy it. I am sure they both have been treated rudely by cops or security because of their skin color. Sadly, it still happens. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THAT CASEY WAS TREATED UNFAIRLY. Quite the opposite. If a black suspect told the whopping lies that Casey did and had a missing child for a month they would have been arrested immediately, and these 2 jurors KNOW THAT.
They will reject that part of Baez's strategy, imo.

Also, they both say they are anti-DP. And if you noticed, it seemed that all of the African American PT's were strongly anti-DP. I understand because blacks are way more likely to get DP than other races, especially whites. So they generally object to it because it is being used unfairly if you look at the overall statistics. That being said, this is not a young black gang member caught up in the hood, doing a drive by and up for the DP. These 2 would not vote for that because of the racial inequities behind that whole situation.

BUT THIS CASE---they will HATE ICA. She will get no compassion from them, even though they are passionate about the overuse of the Death Penalty. She is the opposite of what they are fighting against. They will see a young, white attractive, middle class girl with 2 parents and a nice home in a safe suburb, and she drops out of school, doesn't work, lies and steals from her family. AND FROM HER GRANDPARENTS. These two jurors will HATE THAT SHE STOLE FROM HER INVALID GRANDFATHER TO PAY HER CELL PHONE.

And the DT is never going to convince these 2 that her home life was horribly abusive and frightening. No way.
They will have seen far worse family situations in their wider communities, and will have no sympathy for a PTSD theory.

These 2 jurors are religious and have conservative family values. Casey spits in the face of what they stand for. Once they get a load of how she speaks to her family, and how she disrespects her elders and steals from them all---I predict they will be easily swayed to give her a huge punishment.

I don't care if she ends up with DP or not, I want her put away forever. And these 2 jurors may lead the charge. I am serious. The DT is going to be sorry
in the end, imo/
I know you said a scale of 1 to 10 - BUT - I'd give them a 12

12 jurors who will be charged with the task of hearing the evidence in this case over the next several weeks - 12 jurors who will be separated from family and friends and jobs and homes for almost 2 months (perhaps longer) - 12 jurors who likely knew all they had to do to stay off this jury and not miss that time with family and from their jobs was to say they had already made up their minds - 12 jurors who will deliberate with each other after closing arguments and try to reach a unanimous decision - 12 jurors who many will consider Caylee's heroes if they reach a guilty verdict and some will consider Caylee's foes if they reach a non-guilty verdict and who most will consider a disappointment if they end up as a hung jury

Forgive me for giving a rating outside the scale of 1 to 10, but I give them a 12

(perhaps I should have given a 12+ to include the alternates)
I think they will convict her annd she will get life without parole..She will probably end up calling her mother after her first week in prison when she no longer has her defense team. Casey will call her mom collect and say hi mom how are you,when are you coming to see me.
Come to think of it LWOP doesn't really sound so bad. Casey will be on one side of the bars and Cindy on the other and they can continue to tourcher each other.
Hopefully we'll be able to watch the videos !!:floorlaugh::great:

I give it 10
I am okay with them all and here's why: I have watched LDB and Yuri these past few years, and I have watched JB these past few years. I believe this jury can be affected by the state.
LDB is never condescending and she never assumes anything. She is low-key but straight forward and she will be able to guide the jurors from A-Z. She is logic embodied.

Dreamboat Yuri is not Barney Fife, nor is he Officer hard-arse. No matter what the A's have said about him, he has never shown them anything less than compassion-he does not have to be combative because he is confident that he has brought a full and telling case to the state for prosecution. He's been around the block, but he's not arrogant.
I believe this jury of everyday people will see that he tried, he really tried, but he was dealing with a deceitful individual in KC. Yuri may be the first witness that makes the jury fully aware of who Casey Anthony really is.

JB, IMO, makes too many gaffs, too many assumptions, gets too worked up. He tries too hard. QUITE FRANKLY, he comes off as the defense attorney that will say anything to get his client acquitted, even if it's not the truth. I believe this jury will not be into his schtick.
CM has not been likeable from the day he VERY rudely stepped into HHJS court. Ugh, he was so rude that day. AF & DS are a bit dry, but that's okay-They should've been her lead attorneys, this jury will hear them out.

Jeff Ashton may frighten them a bit. Especially for those jurors that are not prepared for all of the nasty details this case has to offer. If there is a juror that is faint at heart, they may not exactly love JA.

All in all, though, I think LDB will be very effective for this particular jury comprised of a good mix of Floridians.
I give them a 6. I don't like the AA woman that can't judge. she is going to hang the jury unless they can somehow get rid of her during deliberations and get another alternate in.

Also, there were several against the DP so I have to lower the rating. I do not believe the Prosecution will get a DP ruling out of this jury. I am also shocked that the judge calls this a DP qualified jury. In Calif they would have to be willing to vote the DP or they wouldn't get on the jury. He let any ol person on if he could bully them into saying they would consider it. The AA woman never said she could consider it and he still put her on.
I will hold off on giving a final number as I am still studying the pro and cons but here is my initial impressions:

From what I have heard, jurors in favor of the DP are more likely to produce a guilty verdict and I don't see a lot of stong DP supporters in thios group.

As to the make-up of them I feel good that there is 7 women in the 1st 12 seats and 2 as alternates which I think this is good for the state. However half of all the jurors have no children which may favor the defense.

I did like 1340 & 3281 sorry they are gone as they were 2 of the stronger personalities which would less likely to be swayed by others.

And lastly....It does seem the DT was a little loose in giving so many strikes so early in the process. I feel the SA maybe happier tonight than the DT.
I would give the jury a 7.

The only person that worries me that this point is the woman who says she can't judge.
ITA- The non judging lady really worries me. They did try to strike her twice and JB threw in the race card, and because SA didn't quote hung jury as an initial cause, HHJP declined to strike her. I am hoping that she will seek guidance from her pastor this weekend, and either decide it's ok to make a judgement from the evidence or somehow get herself off the jury and an alternate gets on. If that happens, I think I could take it up to a 10. JMO

She worried me in the beginning too but the more I think about it might not be so bad. HHJP seemed to sway her rather easlily, I think if she stays she may just follow the majority in the guilt phase. Not so in the sentancing phase but I then again I don't see a lot of them as strongly favoring the DP from their statements so that may be a stretch anyway.
She worried me in the beginning too but the more I think about it might not be so bad. HHJP seemed to sway her rather easlily, I think if she stays she may just follow the majority in the guilt phase. Not so in the sentancing phase but I then again I don't see a lot of them as strongly favoring the DP from their statements so that may be a stretch anyway.

she'll sway. not sure about him. he may not need to.

Leila - in the guilt phase, the vote must be unanimous. In the penalty phase, majority... but I think the judge has the final say on the penalty.

Thanks! I thought it was unanimous for guilt, but not sure as laws differ from state to state.

I'm confident that with the evidence we've seen, although circumstantial, she will be found guilty.
Leila - in the guilt phase, the vote must be unanimous. In the penalty phase, majority... but I think the judge has the final say on the penalty.

The judge does, but he cannot "up" the penaty but if they come back with a death penalty he can bring it down to LWOP.
Neither of these two jurors worry me that much, and here is why.

Baez's angle is to get as many minority jurors as possible because one of his major strategies is that LE rushed to judgement, lied, and railroaded her.

If Casey was black or Latino, or even white, but poor and trod upon, then that strategy might work with these 2 jurors. They might buy it. I am sure they both have been treated rudely by cops or security because of their skin color. Sadly, it still happens. BUT THEY ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THAT CASEY WAS TREATED UNFAIRLY. Quite the opposite. If a black suspect told the whopping lies that Casey did and had a missing child for a month they would have been arrested immediately, and these 2 jurors KNOW THAT.
They will reject that part of Baez's strategy, imo.

Also, they both say they are anti-DP. And if you noticed, it seemed that all of the African American PT's were strongly anti-DP. I understand because blacks are way more likely to get DP than other races, especially whites. So they generally object to it because it is being used unfairly if you look at the overall statistics. That being said, this is not a young black gang member caught up in the hood, doing a drive by and up for the DP. These 2 would not vote for that because of the racial inequities behind that whole situation.

BUT THIS CASE---they will HATE ICA. She will get no compassion from them, even though they are passionate about the overuse of the Death Penalty. She is the opposite of what they are fighting against. They will see a young, white attractive, middle class girl with 2 parents and a nice home in a safe suburb, and she drops out of school, doesn't work, lies and steals from her family. AND FROM HER GRANDPARENTS. These two jurors will HATE THAT SHE STOLE FROM HER INVALID GRANDFATHER TO PAY HER CELL PHONE.

And the DT is never going to convince these 2 that her home life was horribly abusive and frightening. No way.
They will have seen far worse family situations in their wider communities, and will have no sympathy for a PTSD theory.

These 2 jurors are religious and have conservative family values. Casey spits in the face of what they stand for. Once they get a load of how she speaks to her family, and how she disrespects her elders and steals from them all---I predict they will be easily swayed to give her a huge punishment.

I don't care if she ends up with DP or not, I want her put away forever. And these 2 jurors may lead the charge. I am serious. The DT is going to be sorry
in the end, imo/

You bring up some valid points. The DT cannot portray KC as a victim of society..........she's not from a minority and she's not from a poor family. She had all the advantages of an average middle class family and chose to steal, lie, and not work.

Every single member of the jury that has had to work to get where they are today is going to resent KC.
The judge does, but he cannot "up" the penaty but if they come back with a death penalty he can bring it down to LWOP.

Gut, in Florida this is different.

From this link:


"Florida's death penalty statute is unique in that it allows trial judges to reject juries' sentencing "recommendations" of life imprisonment."

So conceivably, the jury panel in this case could recommend LWOP and the judge could sentence death.
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