GUILTY NY - Brittany Fish, 5, Syracuse, 24 April 2004

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OMG this poor little girl, found bound and gagged under a tarp... maybe he was coming back for her later.

What a nightmare... you have to watch your kids all the time, she was out scootering a block from her home unsupervised.

So happy she is alive, no reports on if she was sexually assulted... just that she is uninjured pysically, psycologically, who knows :(
more info,0,4027789.story?coll=ny-ap-regional-wire

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- A missing 5-year-old girl was found bound in duct tape under a tarp at an abandoned warehouse Sunday, and police were looking for a suspect in her disappearance.

Brittany Fish was in stable condition at University Hospital after the property owner found her at 3:30 p.m. in suburban DeWitt, police said.

Police were looking for a white or possibly Hispanic man who is in his 40s, thin and balding. Investigators believe the suspect abducted the girl Saturday night in white older model four-door vehicle.

Brittany's mother told police her daughter left home at 6 p.m. Saturday to visit her friend two blocks away. The mother called the friend's house to see if Brittany arrived safely and called police when she learned she hadn't.

A child found Brittany's scooter nearby on a storm grate a half hour after Brittany left home. Police alerted residents in the 10-block area about the missing child Saturday night and searched the storm drains for the girl.

Copyright © 2004, The Associated Press |
Now that she is has been found and safe "thank goodness". This guy needs to be caught and taken off the streets, he will learn from his mistakes and act again, unless they put him behind bars. Also the mother best learn from her mistake as well, letting a "five year old" walk alone with no one even watching? If it was only a short distance, there is your answer, "its only a short distance walk her".
THe mother let the five year old visit a friend two block's away!

The Lord was caring this child.........
Reminds you of Leanne Marie Warner(Beaner) - 5 - missing since 6/14/03 except "Leanne's parents waited longer to report her missing and she is still missing.

If anyone finds out how far away she was found please post it....thank you.
When are we going to learn that FIVE YEAR OLDS should NOT be going two blocks away from their homes ALONE??? Thank God that this little girl is alive - and ONLY God can be thanked since it appears the adults in her life were too busy.
I didn't even know she was missing: First and foremost...THANK GOD!!!!!!!

#1) Why the hell do we have an Amber Alert if we can't use our GOD GIVEN COMMON SENSE that when a 5 yr old (ALONE) is found missing (scooter in sewer)..5YEARS OLD AGAIN..5 YEARS OLD...we still need to "justify" an Amber Alert? WHAT IS WRONG WITH OUR SYSTEM.


First thought when I read this was THAT MOTHER IS CRUEL AND INDECENT to allow at 6:00p (prime time for perverts) travel ALONE all of 5yrs. And why the hell did she call and not walk her? Tragedy.

I have a feeling she was assuaulted and for whoever the poster was that said he will do this again...YOUR RIGHT. And next time he will ensure she won't talk.

Our laws need to ensure this man never sees daylight. I hope the neighborhood and community come together to ensure this *advertiser censored*s hole pays for her torture.

Bless her heart..freezing, shivering, scared, some hideious, dark, moldy, smelly filthy warehouse.

God bless this child's recovery.

Thank God again for answered prayer in helping our helples!!
This is surely devine intervention. According to CNN, Brittany was found in an abandoned warehouse by someone who was interested in buying the property and just stopped by to look around.

Thank God!
Missing girl found bound in warehouse
Monday, April 26, 2004 Posted: 11:27 AM EDT (1527 GMT)

Police search for the 5-year-old girl before she was discovered at an abandoned warehouse.

SYRACUSE, New York (AP) -- A 5-year-old girl was found bound in duct tape under a tarp at an abandoned warehouse Sunday, a day after she left home to visit a friend two blocks away.

A potential buyer of the warehouse in suburban DeWitt found the girl after he heard her crying and looked under the tarp. She was reported in stable condition at University Hospital, and gave authorities a description of her abductor, whom police were searching for Sunday night.

Police would not say Sunday whether the girl had been abused.

The girl's mother told police her daughter left their Syracuse home at 6 p.m. Saturday to visit her friend. The mother called the friend's house to see if the girl arrived safely and called police when she learned she hadn't.

A child found the girl's scooter on a nearby storm grate half an hour after she left home.

A state police helicopter searched the area with an infrared camera, police and neighbors combed nearby Schiller Park and fire department divers searched for the girl in the storm drain where the scooter was found.

Authorities alerted nearby residents but did not issue an Amber Alert because the disappearance was not known to be an abduction.

Police were looking for a thin white or Hispanic man in his 40s. The suspect is balding and had a mustache, police said. Investigators believe the suspect kidnapped the girl in a white older model four-door vehicle with a dirty gray interior.
Something is wrong with this story... just my opinion maybe... but it doesn't ring completely true.

If you were a mother who would allow your five-year-old to ride a scooter two blocks to a friend's house... would you also be the type of mother who would call to see if she arrived?? ...and then proceed to call police immediately when told she had not arrived, before searching the route on your own?? If you has such a bad feeling about your daughter arriving at the destination safely... why let her go? It almost smacks of a set-up.

If the mother had said, "Be home by 7:00," and the girl had not arrived home by 7:15, I could see her calling the friend's house to see if the child even told the friend's mother what time she was due home. SHE'S FIVE YEARS OLD! Can she even tell time? Also... sending the child out at 6:00 PM in New York in April, is almost guaranteeing that that the child would have next-to-no-time to play before returning home... unless she would be scootering home in the dark! I wouldn't let my nearly ten-year-old walk home in the dark from two blocks away... and we live on an Air Force base!! That's about as safe as you can get. This base is surrounded by barbed wire and you have to show a military ID to walk or drive onto the base through the gates. (Sure... military people can be weirdos or perverts in theory. But the likelyhood of not being caught if they used the base as their stalking ground is almost nil.)

It appears the mother may have had some suspicion (at the very least) that her child was in danger of being kidnapped... or I don't believe she would have called to see if the child arrived. If you have faith enough in the neighborhood to send out a five-year-old on her own to make the two block trip... you wouldn't be likely to worry about her arriving and therefore call to check. Maybe mom owed someone some money or was being threatened by someone?? And what about "Daddy"? Is he in the picture? This, of course, makes the choice to allow the child out of her sight to begin with even more perplexing. But some people are simply lacking in judgement until they actually think about what they just did. That might account for the call to the playmate's house not long after Brittany departed.

I could be completely off base here... and maybe there are more to the facts than the sketchy things that have been released. But for right now, I think something is totally fishy with this whole thing.
Hi Babs.. I am not defending this Mom... it was irresponsible of her to let her 5 year old Scooter off to visit a friend 2 blocks away...

I just wanted to tell you that it was light tonight until 8:15pm in Toronto... and we have the same conditions as New York - out clocks changed a few weeks ago and every day the light is stretching.

Having said that, I also had the feeling something was screwy with the Mom's call to the destination of her child.

I guess we will hear more as the little girl is alive and talking, she has given a description of a man and a car... wonder if the man knew the Mom? :waitasec:

I would like to hear more about the family and the situation, I would hate to kick someone when they are down, perhaps it was all innocent and this family needs our good wishes not supicions ~ the Police will sort it out and we will hear more.
Remember the little African American girl about two years ago. I think she was seven years old, but I am so bad with names. Arrrrggggh! :mad:

Anyway the girl was playing a game with her cousin, I believe, and another friend as well, on the sidewalk near her home. It wasn't long after Samantha Runnion's horrible death. A car drove up to the curb and a man jumped out. The little girls had been told what to do and they all joined hands around a stop sign (I believe) and tried to hold on to the little girl. It was a crowded street corner (inner city)... and there were several witnesses besides the other little girls. And yet the little girl was snatched up all the same.

The police went to work on that case. They put their all into it and searched and searched, and that little girl was not to be found. But SHE found a way to escape after her captors left her in the basement of an abandoned home. She got free and ran to the nearest neighbor and the police were called. They took her home to a much deserved hero's welcome.

The girl had not been sexually assaulted... at least that was the story at the time, and I believe she was not. She could name her captors for the police. And the police found out later that a drug debt, or something similar, had been owed these men by the little girl's mother. The girl's abduction had been for the purpose of punishing the mother, and also an attempt to recover money they said was owed to them.

I have a bad feeling that this is a similar case.

Though their have been child molesters in the past who kept their victims for an extended period of time, it is the exception. Most child predators would have dropped her somewhere near her home alive, or killed her in the first three hours. And as far as we (as the general public) know, no ransom for the child was ever demanded.

I think this particular child was taken for a reason. We'll have to see as the facts come out I guess.

The sun set in Syracuse, New York on April 24th at 7:58PM. That's later than I would have thought, truthfully. But I can imagine it began getting dark by 7:15 and street lights were coming on by 7:40. And still... the time frame isn't leaving much time for Brittany to play with her little friend.
Ijust don't get it! My twins are 6 and my son is almost 5. Our yard is fenced in and we live near a busy main road. I won't even let them int he yard alone to to go next door to grandmas house w/o me. Maybe I am paranoid or have a greater sense of awareness. I live in CT and pretty sure we are in a different time zone since sytracuse is upstate NY and about a 6 or 7 hour drive.The sun has been setting here around 7:43.
I agree something is wrong...but thtas casue i cannot FATHOM a 5yr old being responsible to go 2 blocks and know the time! My girls have had 1 year of kindergarten and smethimes theyget lucky and guess the time..but not accurately.This kind of reminds me of Leanna Warner.
We are doing something worong as a socirty in this day and age if a 5 year old is left to go out on thier own!!!DON"T these people watch the news?
Hello Twinz

Thank God Brittany is alive!

I agree! What's up with some parents/legal guardians or 'responsible' adults these days? This is DEFINITELY one of those cases that could have been avoided. I am also angry :furious: with the authorities!

Virtually all this little girl would have had going for her was the support and determination of her community in raising the Amber Alert. She is 5-years old, for God's sakes! We must assume nothing when it comes to children. Nothing, other than commit to immediate action. She did not reach her destination and within an hour had disappeared. What the hell are the authorities doing 'deciding' on her behalf?

Raise the Amber Alert THEN discuss 'possible theories'. If it turns out to be a false alarm, the authroities should charge or fine the 'responsible parties' for the wrong-call. This would also deter other parents (etc) giving a wrong call but it might bring back another child miraculously found alive. We scream justice for our kids........ but then leave them to suffer while 'authorities' decide if this is a real emergency. What gives!!!???

Meantime, these parents need serious investigation. They cannot plead ignorance, either! Statistics and history TELLS us something ~ the first 3 or 4 hours are crucial ~ ESPECIALLY when they're so young. I just don't, don't, don't get it.

More info on this story:
There is absolutely no reason whatsoever for a child this young to be out of the sight of an adult when outdoors for any period of time. She shouldn't have even been checking the mailbox without someone watching her. Samantha Runion was about this age when she was abducted from a few feet from her grandmother's door, raped and murdered. If parents/grandparents, etc., didn't learn a lesson from that case, there is something terribly wrong with them.
It's called 911 Enhanced!

911 Center upgrade helped alert neighbors to an abduction
Updated: 4/27/2004 7:29 AM
By: Carmen Grant, News 10 Now Web Staff

The hunt for a predator continues, as police still have not found the man who abducted a 5-year-old girl over the weekend. While Brittany Fish is now safe at home with her family, we now know more about a system that alerted her neighbors of the abduction. A phone message was sent out to thousands of neighbors. It's called enhanced 911.

The message that many neighbors heard read, "911 center emergency notification system with an important message. Syracuse police are searching for a missing person in your area. The person they are searching for is a Brittany Fish. She is a white female five years of age, was last seen wearing a white and pink t-shirt with I'm a big sister on it, also wearing shorts. She was on a silver scooter with Barbie on it. She was last in the area of 201 Grumback Ave heading towards the 800 block of Highland Street. If you should see Brittany Fish please contact the Syracuse Police Department at 911.”

911 Center upgrade helped alert neighbors to an abduction

While Brittany Fish is now safe at home with her family, we now know more about a system that alerted her neighbors of the abduction. A phone message was sent out to thousands of neighbors. It's called enhanced 911.

Margot Guido couldn't believe her ears. She and about 6,400 people got the alert Saturday evening shortly after Brittany was reported missing by her mother.

"That's the first time we ever got that a phone call like this. But other way around, it's good to do this so all the people in the neighborhood do know what it is all about," said neighbor Margot Guido.

What would normally take several hours to notify the public, only took about two hours to alert thousands of people in a ten block radius of Brittany's home.

"The system is extremely helpful because now instead of having a few set of eyes such as police officers and firefighters, now you have thousands of set of eyes. You turn the neighborhood and the neighbors into responders,” said Edward Healy, 911 Center.

The system is about two year old and is used for public emergencies like chemical spills, major accidents, and natural disasters. Emergency officials say the system was also put into action in another abduction case.

"I believe that was an older individual who ended up getting released by her abductor in Oswego County, but the abduction alert was used at that time,” said John Balloni, Deputy Commissioner.

The 911 Center is also one of the few phase two centers in the nation that able to locate a person through their cell phone.

"This type of technology and using these new applications will be of great help to law enforcement when identifying missing children. It also enlists the eyes and ears of the public in a very rapid response,” Secretary of State Randy Daniels said.

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