Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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Butterfly, look closely at the ascendant, on the left side of the chart. My software makes it look like a cup with a little dot in the center, and a small cross underneath. Pluto's symbol is right below the 12 Sag symbol, which looks like an arrow. Pluto will have a 12 degree Sag arrow-symbol right next to the little cup-dot-cross symbol.

So, see how Pluto is on the USA ascendant, and Saturn is opposite it, 180 degrees away at 14 Gemini, on the USA descendant? Now, think about what the descendant symbolizes and think about what the ascendant symbolizes. Then write a sentence in your own mind, and don't worry about whether it is "right on". Astrologers argue about the meaning/delineation of these points, but they all agree that these are very meaningful.

Find in the language of astrology a sense of awe at the timing of the universe and it's creator. Do not worry much about being "right". None of us are. We all search for meaning by studying the language associated with these cycles. Hopefully, they point us to an intelligence far greater than our own.

I am a Mac user, and use this software.

It is great for the Mac, and I really appreciate the engineer who created it, and who keeps it updated.

I suppose I could use it to make money sending expensive charts to people, like others do with computer generated charts and delineations, but I personally feel called to use astrology to point people to the Creator, and not profit from something can't take any personal credit for. I stand on the head of giants, and am only a little housemouse, humbled by far wiser and smarter people than me.

So, I am delighted to pay the money for the software, and post the charts created for all to study and learn. Being Mac-like, the charts are easy on the eyes, and I am happy to post anything the software can generate for all to study. If some Mac user sees the charts, gets interested, and decides to purchase the software, I figure I have done my job.

There are good astrology software programs for PC users, but I am not one these, so can't speak to which one is best. Tuba, SoulScape, and FifthEssence could give you some direction on PC Software.

We have used Macs since the 1980s, as we are architects and graphic designers, and a very small two-person office (hubby and me). We could never afford the PC problems, the down-time, the viruses, etc. and keep our clients happy, our little home-based business up and running, and be available 24/7. Macs have never let us down, but our situation is not typical, and we know that. We paid more for them up-front, but they saved our bacon so many times over the years...

All the above more an apology for using an operating system that is out of the ordinary, and not meant to be a criticism of PC systems. Just an explanation of why a "mom and pop" architect picked a Mac to keep the clients happy, and why I use Mac Astrology software.

By the way, take a look at the features of "" software, and let me know which charts would please you, keeping it on subject, of course.

Excerpted quote below:

Maybe "you can't handle the truth!" Remember that line from Marine Col. Nathan Jessup in "A Few Good Men," as delivered by Jack Nicholson? I'm a Marine veteran, served under men like him. Today "you can't handle the truth" is more than a line in a movie. It's a warning that something toxic is spreading across America. You feel it everywhere. We're getting "soft," losing our soul: No, "you can't handle the truth."

Investors would prefer drifting along in a perpetual bull market fantasyland. Even when things go south, as they are now, we try desperately to deny reality, dreaming of a quick bottom, new bull, dreaming bullish fantasies in a deepening bear market. Why? We want to be lied to. We've become wimps. We sit passively on the sidelines, letting our "leaders" lie to us, brainwashing us into whatever they want us to think.

'Lies' we uncritically and willingly accept

Meanwhile, it keeps getting worse. And our leaders know it, know America is trapped in this insidious "lie-to-me" mindset. They know that if they just "lie to me," we'll let them do whatever they want.

In early 2009 BusinessWeek and Kiplinger's reported on lies fed to us last year as the meltdown spread: Bernanke, "I don't anticipate any serious [failures] among large internationally active banks." ... Barney Frank, "Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are fundamentally sound" ... Madoff, "In today's regulatory environment it's virtually impossible to violate the rules" ... Barron's, "Home prices about to bottom" ... Ken Fisher, "This year will end in the plus column ... so keep buying." ... Worth, "Emerging markets are the global investors' safe haven." ... Cramer, "Bye-bye bear market, say hello to the bull." ... and in late 2008 even Kiplinger's said, "Stock investors should 'beat the rush to the banks."

All I can do is weep at what fools so many "experts" seem to be. Can we say "party on, Garth", or "Titanic", then sing a rousing chorus of "It's so sad when the great ship goes down"?

This is all seems to be "sleight of hand". The long-term outlook doesn't seem as rosy as the Wall Street gamblers would have us believe. But, I really do not understand the markets. So, don't ask me for advice. I am clueless and confused.
Thank you Butterfly and Housemouse! I'm following your discussion and looking at the chart.

Butterfly - I think you did a wonderful job!

Before you click on this link, read my post above on the cycles of Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus. Take notes on the timing of these cycles. Then click on this link, and scroll down just a bit and look at the chart.

I think you will find it very interesting.
Oops! Hold the phone!

I forgot to post what I typed up on the cycles of Saturn, Pluto, and Uranus yesterday. Getting my seeds started must have overwhelmed me with excitement, or maybe it is the moon in Pisces! Anyway, here it is. Good thing I went to check on it. Check the part I have bolded, and compare it to the chart in the link above.

This is a real challenge for me, to write the clearest words I can to describe a long-term geocosmic event. First, what do I mean by "long-term"?

In 2008, when Pluto entered Capricorn, the "Great Cardinal Climax" began to form.

Between 2008 through 2015, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto will all "ingress" (move into) cardinal signs. Capricorn is one of the "cardinal" signs, along with Aries, Cancer, and Libra.

Pluto has not been in Capricorn since 1776, so keep that in mind. It takes Saturn and Uranus 29 years and 84 years, respectively, to move around the Sun. Pluto, the slowpoke, takes 248 years to make the round trip.

Also important to know are the "hard" aspects. These are the conjunction, opposition, and square aspects between planets. I also use the semi-square (45 degrees) and the sesquiquadrate (135 degrees), and consider them "event" aspects too.

So, while Saturn and Pluto will make a planetary cycle every 35 years, give or take a few more or less, Uranus and Pluto will only come together about every 126 years. A cycle goes from conjunction, to square, to opposition, to declining square, and back to conjunction.

The three planets making hard aspects to one another just doesn't happen very often, and can be used as markers for "hard times". Last time they were in a "T-Square" aspect was back in midst of the Great Depression (1931).

Saturn, you may remember, represents "structures". Uranus represents "sudden shock", and Pluto rules, among other things, "the end of things, death and rebirth". Pluto also rules the banking system, taxes, debts, insurance, etc.

So make some sentences with these keywords. Structures will be suddenly shocked, torn down, destroyed. Governments will be challenged, revolts begin, financial systems strained to the breaking point.

When Saturn enters Libra (end of October, 2009), and Uranus enters Aries (end of May 2010), all three will begin forming the hard aspects to one another. The chart I posted above isn't significant in any way, other than to give you a good visual of what a grand cross looks like.

I picked a time when the faster moving planets would be going through Cancer, picking up the last Cardinal sign, so you could get a picture of what I am trying to explain with words.

Keep in mind that these aspects are what some astrologers call "astro-weather", or just "weather", as they exist in time, and affect the entire world. How countries are challenged depends on their individual charts. This forum thread is mostly focused on the USA, so that is what I will try to analyze in my next post.

Give me some time, and ask questions so I can clarify my writing. I don't consider myself doing well unless everyone can understand what I have written.

This is Ralph Kraum's Pilgrim Landing Horoscope, New Style Calendar. Setting foot on the soil of the New Continent at six in the morning. You will immediately note the intercepts in Houses 3 & 9, promising issues will come out of nowhere as they did when the Sun transited House 9 intercept on 9-11. There are always hidden factors about a situation when intercepts affect Houses.

You can see the energetic activity abroad in the land now with the Sun transiting House 4, making good aspects to the Moon, ASC amd Node of the Moon. Venus, ruling Houses 10, 11 and 6 is getting nowhere due to her afflictions and detrimented, retrograde condition.
Thank you housemouse and Tuba for posting all this today.

Thanks housemouse for bringing up Pluto entering Capricorn and the formation of the Grand Cardinal Climax. And thanks Tuba for highlighting the treason and treachery aspects in the 9-11 chart (at the link in your post).

Did anyone save the charts from the GaiaMind website back in 1996? The work of Richard Tarnas? At the time, the analysis had to do with geocosmic and geophysical catastrophes corresponding with Earth's geophysical history. Major Aspects which are forming in 2008, 2010, 2015, 2017 and 2018. I used to have the charts saved on my computer but they were lost a few years ago. Did anyone by chance save them?

Edited to add:
Some of the charts are here at this page on the gaiamind website. A few of the more dramatic charts are no longer there. It's a shame that so much of the extensive material is no longer there. Perhaps it has been published since then.
Scroll down to:

T-Cross in 2010
This could be the most difficult configuration of our time. Not since the Great Depression of the 1930's have Saturn, Uranus and Pluto been configured in such a challenging array. Given the current momentum of global ecological destruction, this time this configuration will most likely coincide with a severe global ecological crisis and associated economic upheaval. However, the most skillful way to regard such an eventuality may be to see this as an inevitable consequence of our current trajectory, and as an opportunity for a collective global psycho-spiritual death-rebirth process which we as a species must apparently undergo. May we prepare ourselves to act as midwives to that process. It will take great clarity to hold focus when many are in despair and we are all enveloped in such an encompassing transformation.

Another round of the same difficult configuration on the eve of 2012

Grand Cross - August 13, 2011
For comparison, here is the last previous grand cross involving the same planets. This one was much more precise, but it is important to remember that it is really the T-cross involving Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto which is the most critical part of the configuration, and that this lasts for many years.

Grand Cross - September 1, 1931

This is Ralph Kraum's Pilgrim Landing Horoscope, New Style Calendar. Setting foot on the soil of the New Continent at six in the morning. You will immediately note the intercepts in Houses 3 & 9, promising issues will come out of nowhere as they did when the Sun transited House 9 intercept on 9-11. There are always hidden factors about a situation when intercepts affect Houses.

You can see the energetic activity abroad in the land now with the Sun transiting House 4, making good aspects to the Moon, ASC amd Node of the Moon. Venus, ruling Houses 10, 11 and 6 is getting nowhere due to her afflictions and detrimented, retrograde condition.

I am curious, Tuba, about the 6:00 AM time. FifthEssence mentioned that to me, and I decided to use "Sunrise", figuring that the Pilgrims wouldn't have set out before dawn's first light. Did they? In December, it is still pitch dark in Massachusetts, I think. Do you have a good source for it, or any anecdotes that would support it.
BTW, I wanted you guys to see this...Someone sent it to me last night. It mad me SO mad when I watched it, I saved the link so I could share it with you.

There is another YouTube link that comes after watching that video, which is by someone I like to term a "coincidence conspiracy theorist." There are some interesting points after getting past the comments about astrologers, etc. Not that I necessarily agree with them.
Off to watch it now. I am not convinced about the whole Bible Code concept, but try to keep an open mind. I would trust the Jewish scholars more than the fundamentalist Christians, however.

Will comment on whatever they have to say about astrology after I have watched it.
He states he's against astrology but then he brings up several astrological points in the rant, which is why I posted it ;)
OK, I watched it. I will watch it again, and do more stopping, because he goes too fast for me.

This is what my first thoughts are. There is no doubt that mathematics (not my strongest talent) seems to the the basis for almost everything we can perceive in the universe, and pervades just about every aspect of human understanding of the world we explore.

Einstein said "God does not play dice with the universe".

It isn't random, there is an order, but sometimes the order is beyond our comprehension. Look up "Chaos Theory" if you really want a massive brain strain!

But we are not God, and therefore develop "notions" of "what ought to be" in a reality that truly is beyond our limits, then waste a lot of time and energy demanding that others share these notions.

So, we try to make life understandable, to find some way of making sense of what seems beyond our control, hoping to explain (then expand our control over?) the mysterious.

Astrology seems the best way I can attempt to understand these cycles in life, probably because I was great at geometry, and terrible at algebra. But, the biblical warnings remind me that, like Job, there are real limits to my understanding of His designs. So, I am warned not to predict events, but am permitted to predict "times".

Does that make sense?
Exactly. When one studies numbers, and I mean whole numbers (like one does when they first undertake the study of numerology) things start to fall into place. Same with astrology.
Rhythmic, I am troubled by a few of his comments. Particularly when I put them together with the Serbian astrologer's analysis I linked earlier.

I am going to study up on negative aspects to Obama's chart that might support their concerns. I do not predict, but look for difficult (hard aspects). After reading the Serbian astrologer's predictions, I looked ahead, using one of my "shortcut" methods (graphic ephemeris), and saw something in November '09 that looked very problematic.

Will post more when Obama has finished his speech. I need to listen.
Hi housemouse, I only posted that link because it immediately came up after I finished watching the link that Butterfly posted. I thought some of his comments very interesting and mostly am interested in them only as food for further thought and research, not because I agree with him. I'm wary of his type of demeanor, for starters.

I will be very interested in reading what you have to say about November 09. Watching the speech now too.
Please know that I am posting this without having done all the research I should be doing. The technique used is a quick method to see in graphic form all the "hard/event" aspects in a chart.

It is confusing until you know what you are looking at. First of all, what it does is divide the 360 degrees of the zodiac circle by 8. That quickly shows all the conjunctions, oppositions, squares, semi-squares, and sesquiquadrates as they exist in the birth chart you are looking at. Ignore all the vertical colored squiggly lines for the moment.

Notice that there are 45 ticks on the left side. 360 degrees of the zodiac divided by 8 = 45. Shows all the "hard" aspects.

Look at the "0C" mark at the top left. We start at the first of the cardinal signs, (Aries). It is drawn from 0 degrees to 30 degrees. (Count the ticks for the moment, and ignore the "0M" at tick 15.)

Once we have reached the end of 30 ticks, we start the "fixed" (Taurus), and count 15 more ticks. That brings us to 15 degrees of "fixed", but we are only half way through, reach the end of the 45, so we go back to 0, and then count the next 15 ticks to get us through the end of Taurus.

That brings us, finally, to 15 ticks down, so we can start counting the mutables, starting us off at 0 Gemini. We keep going around the 360 degrees that way until we have covered all of them.

Then, we draw all the planet lines horizontally across the chart for the natal chart we are studying, depending on where they fall in the respective signs. It is a quick way of seeing the interaction of the "lesser" hard aspects to the major "hard" aspects in the natal chart.

OK, now we get to the more vertical lines, and the wavy ones. These represent the movement of the planets as they circle around day by day. Some, like the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars, move pretty quickly and are more vertical. The slower ones are more loopy and wavy.

Where they cross each other, they are making a "hard" aspect in the sky. Where they cross a horizontal "birth chart" line, they are energizing that natal planet.

Each of the planets, both natal and transiting, keep their basic meaning. All we are looking for is the timing of the contacts between the horizontal "birth planets", and the transits in time of the "transiting planets".

Now, I am going to post my "quick look" at a possible challenging time, using the Graphic Ephemeris for the months of 2009, from July to December of 2009. That is marked across the top, and the bottom.

(Are we having fun yet?)

I have worked some computer magic, and drawn a vertical line to the intersection I spotted, real fast, when I had the computer generate this Graphic Ephemeris. My eyes were drawn to the red Pluto line intersecting the red Saturn line, and see how they cross each other on Barack's horizontal Venus line? (did you all print out the legend sheet?)

Follow my maroon drawn line with the arrows at top and bottom down, and notice any other Obama horizontal black lines that it crosses. See Uranus going retrograde back up toward his Mars line?

Now, I do not predict, friends, anything other than the right timing for events. Mid-November of 2009 will be some kind of event for him, carrying the energy of transiting Saturn and Pluto on his Venus, and transiting Uranus on his Mars. Mercury will also be hitting his North Node, and Venus will be joining Uranus, then hitting his Neptune, while Mars is making a hard aspect to his Sun.

I don't even want to think about what kind of "keyword" sentences I could write for this set of tough aspects! So, let's not speculate, but be mindful of watching in Mid-November.

Will post the "Graphic Ephemeris" in the next post. It might be easier to print out that way.
Here it is. And I hope it helps you to understand my worries about November of 2009.

Was my post a bit too complicated? I waffle back and forth between wanting to explain the techniques I use, and just keep it simple and post summaries.

Hopefully you all are watching various webnews sites, and relating the headlines/stories to some of my summaries. If you think you spot a news story that "clicks", post what "keyword" rang a bell.
Oh no, housemouse, it wasn't. I appreciated the effort you made into doing all that work. I printed out the graphic ephemeris and read the analysis.

Then I started thinking about positive thinking and prayers.

That brings up the eternal question of "is it really all written in fate beforehand" or "do we really have the power to change destiny with prayer, thought process and intention."
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