Sidebar Discussion #5

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OT... little venting needed! I have been following the Venus Stewart trial on In Session (delayed).... Today was verdict day and the jurors found Doug guilty of 1st degree murder...(with no body!)
Anyway, I am watching Venus's family, mom, brother, aunt, grandparents, etc. come out of the courtroom, filled with so much emotion, thanks for the prosecutors, police, etc... They spoke to reporters and expressed their anger, sadness, and such towards the coward that took her life! And I had tears going down my face (crying like a baby), and ALL I could think about was Caylee's day in court... and how nobody in her family, nobody, shed a tear for HER after the verdict...there was no support from them, no promises to her that they would continue to fight for her, and do right by her memory. Nope. Nada. It was about little miss kc with them!
Watching all this also got me so outraged, again, with the jurors! That's all I thought about during the verdict today, was how this jury got it right, without the who, the why, the blah blah blah!!!
I'm still amazed at how this case still gets my blood pumping, and I wonder if I'm just doomed to a life of getting angry every time I hear the word jury, verdict, reasonable doubt, etc...
Geesh, I wish there could be some closure in this. Karma needs to come fast!

K... glad I got that off my chest! And glad Venus got justice!

I share your sentiment also. Every time I hear her name (KC), my blood pressure goes up. My grand-daughter just said to me......"please don't tell me you're going to buy KC's book when it comes out"......I replied with an absoute no and I asked who the prospective author and publisher was so I make sure I don't buy anything they put out. She didn't know. I'm just waiting for the day when I'm off doing laundry or dishes and I hear in the background on the news.........Miss A. arrested for blah, blah, blah and it STICKS.
"She" will never be a productive person in society. Not that she ever intended to be. Now it's a bit harder. I'm sure in her eyes thats all "our" fault. Everytime the thought of her makes me crazy. I remember that moment in Court when she showed the world her true colors. She had that fistie moment when i believe Baez was talking to LKB. Pure evil and we all saw it. Makes me sad tho to think that angry evil face may have been the last thing Caylee saw :rose:

I once worked on weekends for a lawyer that was retired & writing a book about local history. I was helping him pull together old photos, letters from the 1800's, etc. and he used to smoke but had managed to quit. He told me cigs were "his best friend - they were there when he was happy & wanted to celebrate, as well as there when he was down, or just needed some energy." He tried to get me to quit,, that was 10+ years ago.

I think a support group is a great idea.

24 hours a non-smoker for CAYLEE!!!!!!!!!! :great:
In my county they just passed a law that you cannot even smoke outside within 10 feet of any public building. So I now have to be sure I put out a cig in the car ashtray if I'm smoking one & about to get out.

Not being able to smoke in your own duplex/apt/condo seems extreme to me, but I suppose they think the smoke gets to others thru the duct system. I don't get the 2nd one at all, though, as they wouldn't be connected by a duct system at all.

Bought my patches on the way home today & will start making myself smoke outside starting tomorrow. 2 more days & mom will be here and I'm not going to smoke while she's here. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep myself from running to the store while I watch her tail lights fade away when she leaves! lol

OK - I'm still doing the non-smoking..... FOR CAYLEEE!!!!!!!!! ...and would like you to join us. We have 3 so far........... :great:
Considering they turned their backs on little Caylee in the worst of ways this doesn't surprise me. Cindy is capable of anything.

Like mother ... like daughter . The apple dosen't fall far from the tree .
OK - I'm still doing the non-smoking..... FOR CAYLEEE!!!!!!!!! ...and would like you to join us. We have 3 so far........... :great:

Keep up the good work!!!! Could i be a late joiner? I am a work in progress here and getting some supports in place first. Not an excuse just a reality since i have caved too many times. Mainly as i am going on vacation early March and I know I will cave then.

We can do a thread for quitting! I don't believe that is is outside TOS and that Beach/others have to approve. What shall we name the thread?..... for us "addicts? :fence: Although I must say.... I've gotton lots of positive "do it" from everyone on I'm skeered to take it now to our own thread............ Jeeeeeeeez. I am a weenie!!!!!!!!! I need too much from others for this...............but I am now at 24+ hours!!!
We can do a thread for quitting! I don't believe that is is outside TOS and that Beach/others have to approve. What shall we name the thread?..... for us "addicts? :fence: Although I must say.... I've gotton lots of positive "do it" from everyone on I'm skeered to take it now to our own thread............ Jeeeeeeeez. I am a weenie!!!!!!!!! I need too much from others for this...............but I am now at 24+ hours!!!

It will have to be downstairs in the Jury Room and we can link it several times a day here in the Sidebar so everyone can chime in with their support. :cheer:

We can't put it here in the main Caylee forum. Sorry, just the wrong spot for it. It can be made easily accessible though.

Hang on..
We can do a thread for quitting! I don't believe that is is outside TOS and that Beach/others have to approve. What shall we name the thread?..... for us "addicts? :fence: Although I must say.... I've gotton lots of positive "do it" from everyone on I'm skeered to take it now to our own thread............ Jeeeeeeeez. I am a weenie!!!!!!!!! I need too much from others for this...............but I am now at 24+ hours!!!

Awesome you can do it. Maybe just visit the thread when ready? One step at a time? Kinda like a 12 step smoking program? We can never quit quitting.
Awww you have a really big heart. Bless you. I guess we all do having said that or we wouldn't be here. Seems every once in awhile there is a case that rips at you just a tad more. It's good to vent. I guess the only thing i can say is Caylee had/has many supporters. Unfortunately it was from strangers and not from the people who knew and loved her. The vocal one's were the Prosecution. She is looking down and knows. I guess we just have to settle for that as sad as that is :rose:

Bravo the slightest thing ~ yesterday someone on tv. mentioned Feb. 10th right off I thought Conners birthday. Bless his little heart.:baby:
I started at age 16 and at age 41, I woke up one morning promising myself to never smoke another cigarette. And I didn't, for seven years. Then, when faced with a personal tragedy, someone offered me a cigarette and I took it. I have smoked ever since. I do try to limit the number of cigs per day though, partly due to health issues but mostly due to the cost.

I have tried the same thing--waking up one morning promising no more cigs--but it only worked for me that one time. I must have been more "ready" then than I have been since. (Truth be known, I like my cigs.)
You can't 'become' a non-smoker. You can only become a smoker who doesn't.
Er, just an opinion by the way. No intention to put a dampener on the efforts of those of you currently doing so well. Only wish I had the same willpower as you guys seem to have. Keep up the good work - turn a day into a week into a year.
It will have to be downstairs in the Jury Room and we can link it several times a day here in the Sidebar so everyone can chime in with their support. :cheer:

We can't put it here in the main Caylee forum. Sorry, just the wrong spot for it. It can be made easily accessible though.

Hang on..

I've heard mention of "the jury room" on this thread,,,. but have no idea what that is. Is that like a "sidebar" for this sidebar????????

Beach (or another mod) - I'm glued to this thread for Caylee - and don't know the rest of the site. What is the "jury room"?....... and what are some other sites on this that I haven't seen before (as I've only done the Caylee threads)

Bravo the slightest thing ~ yesterday someone on tv. mentioned Feb. 10th right off I thought Conners birthday. Bless his little heart.:baby:

And that was another case seared in so many brains. I just have fleeting moments thankfully cuz the verdict was bad enough. Altho i was more in a stunned daze and then seemingly woke up one day and thought ok it is what it is. I think it took weeks for my brain to process that it actually happened. Now my thoughts are on Karma. Not in a way it sucks up my energy. Just sitting back and casually enjoying any fleeting moment of strife for FCA.
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