The December 23 party

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Sep 16, 2010
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Is there any connection between the December 23 party and JonBenet's murder?

Who called 911? Why did Susan Stine not even open the door when the cops showed up?

Now, I'm going to share two pictures of JonBenet. I always believed that the first one was taken during the December 23, 1996 party and the second one was taken during the 1995 party. However, I now believe that they might have both been taken during the 1996 party.

JonBenet received a bracelet for Christmas that said December 25, 1996 (Is that simply a coincidence?) and it looks like she's wearing the same bracelet in both pictures. I know it's hard to see in Picture #2 but I couldn't find the picture where it shows her full arm. I believe it's in DOI if anyone wants to see it more clearer.

You can see that JonBenet is wearing a bow in her hair in both pictures. Also, in the 2nd picture, although JonBenet's hair is up in a ponytail, it still looks kind of "fancy" like her hair was "primped" a bit and then put up with a hair tie.

Are they from the same party? Did JonBenet change outfits?

Here are the pictures:



And here's a close up of JonBenet's face during the 1996 party for perhaps a better comparison:


Her face does look younger in the Santa picture but could they just be because her hair is up and she's farther away from the camera?

(The 2nd picture shows up sometimes and other times, it doesn't. Just refresh a few times if you don't see it).

One more thing...Does anyone have the picture of all the adults at the party? I remember someone mentioning that they saw JAR in that picture so I would like a look at it.

That's from ACR, purported to be from the 12/23/96 Ramsey party. Sorry about the quality. Maybe some of our wiz kids can amplify it for us.
maybe she received an engraved bracelet every year ...
she definitely looks younger to me in the Santa pic
I think the 911 call, made during the party, could be a big piece of the puzzle. Who truly made it? Why was it made? Why did the guest only speak to the officer without even opening the door?
It says in Steve Thomas's book that the bracelet said "JonBenet 12-25-96" and it was from Aunt Pam. I think he would have mentioned if it was a tradition for JBR to get the same bracelet every Christmas?

Anyways, even if you don't think they are from the same party, we can still discuss other things that occurred during the 12/23/96 party like the 911 call and JonBenet saying, "I don't feel pretty." Why would she say that?
I think people are taking the "I dont feel pretty" comment to seriously. Children are insecure by nature, maybe she wasnt getting the attention she was used too. Or, she might not have been wearing what she wanted to wear. Maybe another little girl at the party was getting more attention, then JB was or it could be as simple as her being female and well, what female hasnt felt the same way a time or two or three......

If anything from 12/23/96 should be placed under the microscope, its that 911 call. What bothers me about that call, is that it removes the accidental death theory (again for me). If figured into the murder equation it tells me that events led up to the murder (an escalating problem) versus a horrible accident that occurred one tragic night.

IMO, if the call made on 12/23/96 has anything to do with JB death on the 25th, than it could have been prevented, making far more people culpable.

When mulled over in your head, it makes sense of many many things. Then again, so do a ton other theories (literally).
I think people find the "I don't feel pretty" comment strange in the context in which it happened. It was apparently said to Janet McReynolds who saw JBR crying and asked her what was wrong. This is at a party, two days before Christmas, with Santa, presents, her friends, and gingerbread houses. JonBenet certainly had every reason to be happy. Then again, she was only 6 and little kids can go from being happy one second to crying the next to back to happy.

The "I don't feel pretty" comment could be as simple as JonBenet wanting to play with Burke and his friends and one of them saying she can't because she's ugly. Or it could have come from JonBenet feeling like she wasn't getting enough attention. Maybe the only person paying attention to her was Daphne and maybe the adults didn't want the kids hanging around them. It seems a bit dramatic (even at 6) to cry over that and then insist that it's because you're not pretty. That makes me think that JonBenet knew that the reason she got a lot of attention was because of her looks and when she wasn't getting as much attention at the party as she was used to, she assumed it was because she wasn't looking as pretty as she normally did. It seemed that JonBenet connected "ugly" with "no attention".

Here's another possibility: JonBenet apparently made the comment to Janet McReynolds. Since she believed that Billy McReynolds was truly Santa, then she probably believed that Janet was really Mrs. Claus. Maybe she just pretended to cry and say that comment so she could get more presents? Like maybe if Santa felt bad for her, she would get some more gifts? Is that too sneaky for a 6-year-old to come up with?
The first impression the crying and the "I don't feel pretty" comment gives me is that this child had been exposed to way too much emphasis on beauty.

The second impression they give me is that this child was not "feeling pretty" on the inside any more than on the outside.
My child cries when she is not the center of attention. When my niece came by with her new daughter immediately disappeared and returned wearing a cinderella dress.
She has bangs in the pic with Santa and they are straight. Unlikely hair would change like that on the same day. I do not think it is the same year.

That's from ACR, purported to be from the 12/23/96 Ramsey party. Sorry about the quality. Maybe some of our wiz kids can amplify it for us.

My eyes are certainly not what they used to be, but that looks like it could be JAR, the third from the left. Can't really tell though, anyone else know for sure?
My eyes are certainly not what they used to be, but that looks like it could be JAR, the third from the left. Can't really tell though, anyone else know for sure?
I can't tell for sure either, but I can't rule it out.
Here's a picture of John Andrew in late 1996:


The hairstyle looks kind of similar but it's really hard to tell.
The Dec 23 911 call is very odd; although I had 911 call me back when my boys were younger because they dialed it. (more than once)
As far as the pretty comment..thats according to Mrs. Claus right? Maybe Jonbonet never said it. Maybe shes a nut too. They were definatly odd people.

Obviously Im only playing devils advocate because I have no idea if Jonbonet said or not.
She has bangs in the pic with Santa and they are straight. Unlikely hair would change like that on the same day. I do not think it is the same year.

I agree. JB is younger in the second picture- possibly from the year before. Santa Bill was santa that year, too, for the R party.
It actually disturbs me to think that at a Christmas Party a 6 year old girl could be crying about such a thing.

I really worry that her last few days, despite it being Christmas and a joyous occasion, could be filled with sadness, fear and ultimately a brutal death. Being killed is bad enough obviously, but for someone her age to be sad leading up to her death is upsetting.

It may not be a suspicious comment/crying episode, but it IS indicative of less than normal behaviour/attitudes. My five year old loves pretty dresses, but she refers to the dresses as being pretty...not herself or a feeling.

Just my experiences with a young daughter of course, I'm in a different country, different people and nothing to do with "hobbies" involving trying to be prettier than other children.
I had never heard of the 911 call during this party........
what time was it? late at night?
From who's house? Ramsey's?
Was anything said??? by who??
Why did a 'guest' answer the door to LE???
I had never heard of the 911 call during this party........
what time was it? late at night?
From who's house? Ramsey's?
Was anything said??? by who??
Why did a 'guest' answer the door to LE???

The 911 call event has been known about since the beginning of this case. At some point during the R party on Dec. 23, a 911 call was placed. It was during the evening, not particularly late. I am not sure of the exact time. It was placed from the Rs house. Nothing was said, as far as we know, and it was never established who made the call.
Patsy's friend SS answered the door when police arrived, and would not let them in. She told them the call was placed in error. To me, this indicated that she was VERY aware that a 911 call had been made, as opposed to police showing up at the door unexpected.
Now, even when LE are told that there is no problem, proper procedure requires police to actually ENTER the home, just to be sure no one is in distress. They did not, they just walked away.
At that party, JB was found sitting on a staircase crying, saying she "didn't feel pretty". An odd thing for a 6-year-old wearing a pretty velvet party dress to say. Something obviously had been said or done to make her feel that way. I don't believe the Rs or SS (or anyone else at the party) were ever asked by LE about that night or the 911 call or JB's crying incident even though it MAY have been related to the crime.
My child cries when she is not the center of attention. When my niece came by with her new daughter immediately disappeared and returned wearing a cinderella dress.

LOL!! Too cute!!!
The thing that bothers me the most about the 911 call is Susan Stine's reaction to it. No one has come forward to claim that they made the call or know who did. However, Susan's response to the officer at the door makes me believe that she expected him to be there. Pretend you are at a party when you hear the doorbell ring. You go to answer it and there's an officer on the front steps. You asked him what's going on and he tells you that someone dialed 911 and then hung up. Now, if you had no idea that a 911 call had been made, wouldn't you go and get the party hosts or something? You would probably be confused and asking the cop a lot of questions. It seems to me that she knew the cops would be showing up. But if she does not know who made that 911 call, how would she know to expect the cops?

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