It's All About Hailey

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Aug 17, 2008
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I started a thread like this a few years ago for Caylee. It breaks my heart to start one for Hailey.

I ask, please, that this thread be thoughts and prayers about Hailey - nobody else. Just Hailey. All Hailey. Something just for her.


I'm trying to find out what happened to you, Hailey. I promise you I'll do my best. I promise you I'll put you first, always.

You have a special place in my heart.

God bless you, sweetheart.

Dear Hailey,

I look at your smiling face and the light in your eyes and see my own precious daughter - she's just a bit younger than you is a tomboy, too. I think you two would get along great. :) I wish I could have you over for a sleepover. We'd make popcorn and pizza and do nails and play video games...

So many people want you to come home to a safe and loving and comfortable home - one where you don't have to be afraid or neglected or live around drugs and fighting.

I'm praying you will have the opportunity to reach your potential: go to college, have a family, and pursue your dreams.

Please know that there are so many of us who care about you, and are praying for you, and for those who are desperately hurting without you.
I have a daughter who is just a year younger than Hailey. I see this pic that BeanE posted, and it reminds me of her, with that smile, the fresh face, and the spray of freckles across her nose and cheeks.

Like Hailey, my DD enjoys her iPod, talking on the phone with her friends, and has a favorite hoodie jacket she won't go anywhere without (even when it's snowing, and bitterly cold, she won't cover that favorite hoodie jacket up with her winter coat!). I think they would have gotten along well, Hailey and my DD.

I dont know what I'd do if my daughter suddenly, like Hailey, wasn't here. This house full of boys would seem awfully rough and tumble, and much less bright, without her presence.

I feel so badly for those who are now missing Haileys presence in their lives. I'm sure they wish they could hear her giggling and chatting, wish they could watch her growing into a strong young woman, again.

Hailey, I'm so sorry that you aren't where you belong, safe and happy and surrounded by love. I will keep you in my thoughts, and try my best to help find you. I have a candle lit right now next to my icons, all of which are Mother and Child. I ask her to hold you close, just as she does her Son, until you are held by those who love you in this world again.
dear hailey.

I hope so much you are just out there somewhere and you can get home and to a place in your life where you can grow up and have a healthy and happy adulthood and look back on all this as a terrible time that will make you a stronger person and a wise adult. I did this thing called the sketchbook project and it's where you do a book of drawings and send it to Brooklyn and it goes on a tour all around the US so people can look at the books and see all the peoples drawings. when i signed up last year i thought it would be a good way of getting my work out and about into the world. When i found out about you i realised that i can use it to try and help instead so i dedicated some of it to spreading the word about you and some other missing children like you, theres a picture of your page below. I hope that people will read my book and see your page and it might jog something in thier minds. one day i hope you read this and see the page and feel like an embarrassed teenager like i would at 13 that people made such a fuss over me! if you ever get to read this, please stay safe and dont worry. Everything will always be ok.


You have the most beautiful smile and the sweetest dimples. I wish I could have scooped you up and placed you safely into our son's old room. You should have the chance to go to your homecoming games, and get your drivers permit, and have a sweet sixteen party. So many wonderful exciting things waiting for you. I am so sorry that your world was so chaotic and you did not feel safe. I trust that you are finding the peace and solace your perfect soul deserves. God Bless You Sweet Baby.
Dear Hailey,

You have touched thousands of hearts. You will be found and you will always be cherished.

You are not only smart, funny and beautiful; you are brave and you are loved....
:innocent:Dear God,
Please bring Hailey home.
Please answer my daily prayers for her safe return.
I know your answers aren't always what I want them to be, so I know I have to accept what they are.
Could you do me a big favor and make my prayers (and the prayers of all others on Hailey's behalf) a special priority right now?
I know how busy you are, but I also know that children are precious in your sight.
Keep Hailey in your mighty hand and bring all things that are hidden into your perfect light.
Come to light, Hailey-- there's a lot of love pulling for your truth, for your justice. :heart:
Dear Hailey,

I have a 13 year old Haylee at home who I love more than words can say. When I look at your picture I see so many similarities between you. You are both so filled with energy, laughter, and hope for the future. It truly breaks my heart that these things have been taken from you. Someday there will be justice, whether in this life or not, no one truly gets away with anything.

You were such a beautiful little sunshine girl. I can see all the goodness that was inside of you shining in the light in your eyes.

I think of you often, and I pray that you are at peace. I wish that in life you'd known only love, caring, concern, and happiness. I pray that now you are filled with the light of the lord, and there are no more tears.

Rest in peace sweet child,
Love Jenny xo
:innocent:Hailey it's snowing here again, and I wish you could build a snowman and make snowangels!
I refuse to give up on you coming home safe, sweet kind young lady.
I will be praying for you again tonight.
It will go something like this:
Dear God,
It's me again.
I pray you forgive me of my trespasses as I forgive those that have trespassed against me.
I thank you for all the blessings in my life.
I thank you for every living thing on this planet.
I pray especially for all of us with souls.
Father I know how much you care for all your creation, especially for the children.
Once again, please let Hailey come home safe if it is your will.
Wherever she is, please keep her warm and safe and don't let her feel any pain or fear.
If she isn't with us here any more, then we know she is in your presence and wrapped in angel wings.
Let the truth come out and help us all to have patience, knowing that things don't happen on our schedule, but on yours'.
Please be with all who are suffering over Hailey's disappearance, even those of us here who are shedding tears.
I will leave all things in your hands, as I am not strong enough to handle it alone.
You didn't choose to bless me with children in this life, so children are very special and dear to my heart.
I would have been so happy to have a wonderful daughter like Hailey!
Nothing is secret from you, not even the thoughts of the wicked.
Therefore, I trust in you and your everlasting grace to settle this in your own time.
Thank you for my life and for all the energy I get to enjoy from the children and nature.
Please bring Hailey home....
Thinking of you still, today, Hailey. I'm sure like many here, I've gone over and over the information we have a thousand times in my mind. But without any news, it's been hard to find anything that's new, or might have been missed.

Where are you, Hailey?!
Hailey I think of you all the time and pray for you several times a day. I am sorry for the way you were treated and I hope and pray you are able to come home safe and sound. I wish there were something that I could do to change what you went through in your lifetime and I know that millions of other people do too. You are loved by many Hailey and I know God has blessed you and will hold you close forever. Justice will be served for you sweet Hailey. Peace of Christ be with you. I will never forget you Hailey even though I never met you.
Happy Valentine's Day, sweetheart. I wanted to get your new timeline done by today, but it's going slower than I expected. I'd sure rather give you a great big box of chocolates anyway.

I care about you very much, Hailey. I'm so sorry for what's happened to you, even though I don't know for sure yet what that is.

Happy Valentine's Day dear Hailey.
In my heart I think you are having fun in heaven.
A much better life than you had on this earth.
Wish I was your Grammie Hailey. We'd go shopping, have lunch, do each other's nails, shoot baskets together, go for jogs, talk about music, dance around the house, talk about family history, go to museums, sporting events, and prolly throw in Justin Beiber and boy talk. Bless you baby, and I hope and pray there is still a chance you are out there and can be found. XOXO
Dear Lord, I come to you this morning to ask you to put a hedge of protection around the searchers and volunteers looking for Hailey Dunn. Be with her parents and momentarily put their differences aside and give them strength they need to work together to find their little girl. Lord our desire is for a healthy , happy, smiling Hailey to be found, but we trust if this is not so then she is skipping, laughing and singing in your garden. amen
:innocent:Hailey I am going to bed way too late once again just because I am up wondering where you are.
I hope you are warm and at peace and not hungry or cold.
I think you are probably up amongst the stars right now.
Don't worry, dear one.
There will be justice for you no matter what has happened.
I'd rather think that you are still here on earth with us, and none of us will ever stop believing you are until we have to.
You are so beautiful and smart.
I wish we could play some softball.
I would be proud to have you as a daughter, because God never blessed me with children.
So just let me say that you are loved and being looked for and in my heart again right now.
I have prayed for you again today and will continue to do so.
Please come home if you can.
If not, then you have gone to your real eternal home and you are at peace.
I'm so sorry I never got to meet you and that something strange has happened to you.
I'm sorry so many people let you down.
I know you told your Grandma that your mother's boyfriend made you feel icky.
She believed you.
I believe you.
What else can I say?
I love you smiling girl....
one way or the other, you will be found and the truth will come out.
Visit me in my dreams and tell me how beautiful life is where you are, and I am sure that I will meet you there one day.

Today I thought about ordering some balloons with your picture on them to send off. I am going to look into doing that so Jay can send them off. She made her own pictures on balloons for you last month with her little brother and they sent them off into the sky. 2 birds flew beside one of the Balloons for a few minutes . Jay said they were taking the balloon to you. I hope she was right.
Just thinking of you this morning, Hailey. It shouldn't have been this long that you're gone, with no answers and you still not with those who love you. I hope and pray you are brought home soon, and that those who are responsible are made to answer for what they did soon.

I hope you are somewhere enjoying the springtime, Hailey. We had a mix of snow and rain here yesterday, but today, although it's cloudy, its warmer, and I can see some green poking up in my garden finally. Just my chives, nothing too exciting, but they always come through first when winter gives way to spring, so it's like a little sign in my garden to me, that better days are coming. I hope better days are coming soon for you, too.

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