Stranger Abduction Theories #3

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Sep 11, 2008
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Please note the title of this thread. This is not about TH as POI, this is about


abduction theories.

I am only posting as this forum has been silent for 36 hours...nothing new to say. It's just all very sad, with no sign of the light at the end of the tunnel.
I am only posting as this forum has been silent for 36 hours...nothing new to say. It's just all very sad, with no sign of the light at the end of the tunnel.

BBM: I agree ... It was starting to look somewhat "hopeful" with the recent searches ... but nothing turned up. I was hoping for some news -- anything -- something.

It is so heartbreaking !

Prayers -- Extra Prayers -- that Kyron will be found soon.
This is mostly off topic to Kryon specifically - I occasionally pick up a friend's child from a public school in Southern California. I am shocked that I have never signed her out. Most of the time at the end of the school day the kids pile out of the room, and the teacher never makes eye contact. Except for one day when there was a mix up about early out, I have never even talked to anyone that I was picking this child up - I've talked to the mom about this - because there's a child custody issue at stake in our local situation. I probably pick up this friend of my daughter's bi monthly or so, and I think of Kyron every time I do. It's not just rural schools that feel safe -

It would be relatively easy to take off with a compliant child and no one notice. I still think TH was responsible, but it's made me pause and wonder.
I think its very possible a stranger took Kyron out of the school that day.
There was no security or school policy about strangers in the school anyone was free to walk in and out no questions asked.

Im sure Terri was up to no good that day and was maybe seeing someone but im not so sure she is guilty of hurting Kyron.

No one saw her leave and no one saw kyron. iT SEEMS no one SAW anything.
Which i find very strange......

I have gone to school functions and yes we had to sign in and out and get the visitors badge but upon leaving id stop and talk to like diff moms and teachers even in the parking lot wave to someone.

So i just find it ODD no one saw them....
It's sad how quiet Kyron's case has become when only a few weeks ago, this forum was buzzing as we all thought there would finally be a resolution. Kyron's case isn't even a year old and there's only been 33 posts on his forum in the past week; JonBenet's case is almost 15 years old and there's been 374 posts on her forum in the past week so I don't think we can really use the "excuse" that there's nothing going on/no media attention to explain the lack of activity on his forum. However, since Kyron's case is so recent, it's very hard to re-discuss aspects of the case because it would just be the same discussion with the same posters that we had just a few months ago. There's been 39 articles about Kyron's case since January 1, 2011; compared with 446 articles from June-August 2010. If Kyron isn't found or if there isn't an arrest, this case is going to completely fade from the media. :(

I'll stay on topic by saying that I am open to the idea that Kyron was taken by a stranger. All the evidence against Terri points to her having a bad character but not to her actually abducting Kyron from the school. I'm not stubborn though about either theory and I'll gladly change my mind if evidence comes out pointing a certain way.
I am open to the idea of a stranger as well; but at this point, I don't think one way is more likely to produce a live Kyron than the other; almost all of the hope I had is pretty much gone.

It is hard to rehash the same old things all the time, but I hate this forum being so quiet. My brain won't stay quiet about Kyron and this baffling case, but there is really no one to "talk" about it with. The internet in general has really quieted down about Kyron's case too. Except for those of us who really follow certain missing persons, etc., most people seem to need to have the issue right in front of them everyday, or it is gone from their minds. Very sad.
I am open to the idea of a stranger as well; but at this point, I don't think one way is more likely to produce a live Kyron than the other; almost all of the hope I had is pretty much gone.

It is hard to rehash the same old things all the time, but I hate this forum being so quiet. My brain won't stay quiet about Kyron and this baffling case, but there is really no one to "talk" about it with. The internet in general has really quieted down about Kyron's case too. Except for those of us who really follow certain missing persons, etc., most people seem to need to have the issue right in front of them everyday, or it is gone from their minds. Very sad.

My theory is that someone kidnapped Kyron from school, murdered him shortly after, and disposed of his body. I don't know if that, "someone" was Terri or a stranger, but I believe that Kyron is no longer with us. I'm starting to think that his case is going to become like Morgan Nick or Jacob Wetterling, where they are still missing 15+ years later, so there is still that bit of hope that they are alive somewhere, but deep down, everyone knows that they are dead and their bodies just haven't been found. :(

Since Kyron's case happened so recently, that can hurt it when it comes to discussions. It wouldn't make sense for someone to make a new topic about Terri's sexting because we all gave our opinions about that a few months ago, and the same people commenting now were probably the same ones commenting back then.

Kyron's forum used to be buzzing with activity and now it's rare to see a post. Sadly, I think Hailey Dunn's forum is probably going to end up the same way.
Sorry to be off-topic, but was not sure where to post this (so if mods have to move please do so). Thanks.

snipped from:

"Kyron Horman's father Kaine Horman will staff booths at Expo Center events in North Portland"

The father of Kyron Horman, who's been missing since June, will set up booths at two Expo Center events this weekend as part of his continued effort to spread awareness about his son.

What I wonder is if Terri had lots of illicit behavior going on behind the scenes in her marriage/life and all of it came out when Kyron went missing, but she isn't actually the perpetrator.

I wonder if a stranger took Kyron, but because of Terri's shady character and stupid behavior, the cops got hot on the wrong trail and now it's too late to figure out who may have actually taken Kyron.

I think the police focused instantly on Terri (probably with good reason, but what if she WAS hiding illegal stuff, but it wasn't Kyron-related, but her trying to hide it made her look suspicious?) and didn't really consider anyone else. Yes, I know that she seems pretty scuzzy, but.... I don't know.... just entertaining the stranger abduction theory. I do think it would have been relatively easy for a stranger to take Kyron, especially on the day he was taken, and maybe the cops got on the wrong trail from the start by focusing so intently on Terri. *shrug* I don't know... I'd like to believe that time will tell & the cops will eventually make an arrest, but I don't feel very hopeful at this point in time.
I tend to agree with you. Do still believe that Kyron is still alive; irrational optimism perhaps. If TH did this surely she would have had a better alibi then driving around for an hour and a half. My gut says that she is protecting some one else with her silence; perhaps either her own illegal activity or something she knows.

Kyon, may the Angels hold you close wherever you are.
No, I don't think he's still alive.

I agree with you ~ if TH did it, she'd have concocted a better alibi. It just doesn't make sense to me that this woman who is purported to have arranged a scheme to get Kyron out of the school, kill him & dispose of his body and other evidence did it SO WELL that he still hasn't been found almost a year later, no one saw her do anything & she hasn't been arrested, yet she never thought far enough ahead to plan a decent alibi for herself? Like I said, it doesn't add up.

I think it makes more sense to think that Terri was involved in illicit activity of some sort (whether or not it was illegal, I'm still not sure) and on the day Kyron disappeared, she had been busy doing things she didn't want her husband or anyone else knowing about, which is why her alibi of "driving around" was so weak. She doesn't seem to be someone who thinks through a situation before taking action ~ her sexting so soon after Kyron disappeared, for example. Most people would realize that doing that would not make 'em look very good in the public's opinion, yet Terri didn't think about it. I can't get behind the theory that she's brilliant enough to concoct a scheme to get rid of Kyron in such a way that she doesn't get caught, yet she's also so stupid that she does things & says things without considering the consequences of those actions (such as writing emails about how she didn't like Kyron ~ a criminal mastermind would know such emails would look incriminating). I don't think she's so cocky she didn't think she'd get caught. If she were a super-cocky person, I would have expected her to talk by now, yet she isn't uttering a peep (publicly, anyhow).

I guess what I think is that Terri's a shady, gross person, but I am not convinced she is the person responsible for Kyron's disappearance since she strikes me as being not-too-bright and therefore I can't imagine she'd be able to plan & execute a kidnap/murder so perfectly that 10.5 months later, she's still free & the child hasn't been found, nor has any physical evidence been located that would implicate her. Desiree & Kaine being convinced that Terri is responsible doesn't sway me. They're being told by the police that Terri did it (well... I don't know that for sure, but that's the assumption made), so they're going to believe it. Can you imagine the devastation they'd feel if they found out the police screwed up by focusing solely on Terri too early into the investigation and by doing that, they lost any hope of finding what really happened to their child? I think parents in their situation are desperate to blame SOMEONE for their pain, but it doesn't mean they're always correct. I dunno.... maybe they're 100% on-track and Terri did do it & eventually the cops will arrest Terri & a jury will convict her. That wouldn't shock me. But it also would not shock me to one day read that Kyron's remains were found in some other state and his disappearance was determined to be a crime of opportunity perpetrated by a stranger, not an elaborate plan concocted & acted out by his wicked stepmother.
I still think deep down D&K need this to be Terri, just because it would still be possible he could be alive. They may have jumped on the bandwagon with LE from the start for this very reason, and then added to it as they started thinking back to all of the things she has said or done.

I agree about it being unlikely that Terri would have had such a sloppy plan for her day if she had schemed for this dramatic crime in advance. At the very least, she should have been driving on roads where she knows there are cameras, stopping for gas, etc...unless she did use that time to dispose of Kyron and couldn't think of anyplace else to say she was for that 90 or so minutes. In that case, I tend to think that she harmed him in more of a flash rage than a complex plan.
If Kyron's body is found and it turns out that a stranger/sex offender killed him, do you think the media will be just as invested in the case as they were during the summer? Or do you think they'll find the seemingly normal stepmom who sexts when her stepson is missing, hires someone to kill her husband, might have kidnapped and killed her stepson to be a more sensational case? Kind of like how in Chandra Levy's case, when the media thought Gary Condit had killed her, it was big news but when it came out that it was random guy in a park (i think), the trial didn't get as much attention.
I agree with a lot of what Joshiesmom said. I wouldn't be shocked if Terri did it but I think it would have been very easy for a stranger or someone that had been grooming him to take him and the person that took him got lucky in the fact that there was so much dirt on Terri that would raise suspicion. This case haunts me and for some reason I can't let it go and really wish we knew more. The police have kept very close mouthed and I am not sure what they know or if they know much more than what we know. I see a lot of people don't think this case is getting as much attention but I think that until the police open up, which I think they will have to if they don't make an arrest soon, there is not a whole lot more to go on. I would not be shocked at all to find out TH did it, however, since the beginning I have thought that it was a stranger abduction. I am not convinced that the police did not get tunnel vision but really won't know until or unless they let us know what they know. I also think that the school was neglectful in not contacting the parents when Kyron was not in class especially since he was seen earlier. I think that should have made it very suspicious to the school. I also have this feeling that if it isn't Terri then if we do find out who it is, it may be someone that worked at the school.
If Kyron's body is found and it turns out that a stranger/sex offender killed him, do you think the media will be just as invested in the case as they were during the summer? Or do you think they'll find the seemingly normal stepmom who sexts when her stepson is missing, hires someone to kill her husband, might have kidnapped and killed her stepson to be a more sensational case?

The media will not cover it as intensely if said stranger is some petty repeat offender lowlife nobody, and understandably, but if there are any controversial ties or suspected victims, you can be sure there will be a big story. Regardless of the theorized stranger's background, or whether there was a stranger abduction at all, I am hoping we get as much information as possible, whether I have to wait years for a book to be written. The more knowledge we have of the criminal mind, the better we can prepare and take precautions.
The media will not cover it as intensely if said stranger is some petty repeat offender lowlife nobody, and understandably, but if there are any controversial ties or suspected victims, you can be sure there will be a big story. Regardless of the theorized stranger's background, or whether there was a stranger abduction at all, I am hoping we get as much information as possible, whether I have to wait years for a book to be written. The more knowledge we have of the criminal mind, the better we can prepare and take precautions.

If it turns out that a stranger murdered Kyron, I believe the local media will still extensively cover it. However, the national media will probably just have a short-lived media blitz unless this stranger had some big connections, like he was super wealthy or someone very well known/important in the community.
The media will not cover it as intensely if said stranger is some petty repeat offender lowlife nobody, and understandably, but if there are any controversial ties or suspected victims, you can be sure there will be a big story. Regardless of the theorized stranger's background, or whether there was a stranger abduction at all, I am hoping we get as much information as possible, whether I have to wait years for a book to be written. The more knowledge we have of the criminal mind, the better we can prepare and take precautions.

I think that a good example of this is the Chandra Levy case. Hype died down when a career criminal was charged, I think that a lot of people probably don't even know that he has been tried and sentenced.
I think that a good example of this is the Chandra Levy case. Hype died down when a career criminal was charged, I think that a lot of people probably don't even know that he has been tried and sentenced.

Yep, I mentioned Chandra Levy above. When everyone thought it was Gary Condit, it was big news, but when it came out that it was some random , it wasn't a big story. A counterexample would be the JonBenet Ramsey case, because it was huge news in August 2006 (10 years after the murder) when John Mark Karr was arrested (but later released) even though he was a just a creepy pedophile.
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