What If Jesse and ICA Had Gotten Married?

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Jul 19, 2010
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I was thinking about this all last night. I wonder if Jesse ever thinks about what would have happened if he and ICA had gotten married. He stated to LE that she was a different person when they were engaged - a homebody, nice, a good mom. Not the diabolical liar she turned into. Would she have remained the girl he knew? Or was that just for show to "land a husband?"

And on a more intense thought, let's say they had married and she hadn't killed Caylee when she did, would they have ended up having children together for her to only pull a Susan Smith one day. Was ICA a ticking timebomb?
I was thinking about this all last night. I wonder if Jesse ever thinks about what would have happened if he and ICA had gotten married. He stated to LE that she was a different person when they were engaged - a homebody, nice, a good mom. Not the diabolical liar she turned into. Would she have remained the girl he knew? Or was that just for show to "land a husband?"

And on a more intense thought, let's say they had married and she hadn't killed Caylee when she did, would they have ended up having children together for her to only pull a Susan Smith one day. Was ICA a ticking timebomb?

Brings tears to my eyes just thinking of this.
Caylee would still be alive, Casey would have just left a very willing Jesse at home to keep Caylee while she was out on the prowl. Casey was not a 1 man woman. IMHO
They wouldn't have remained together, least not Casey and Jesse. Caylee would still be with Jesse today, living a very happy, loving little life :(
I think what JG saw was the person ICA wanted him to see, because at first she was trying to convince him he was the father of Caylee.
She lies so much that he may not have known at the time just how many lies she told him ( about GA abusing her is the big one).

As William Shakespeare said so eloquently:-
Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under 't.
Well, I think KC is a very dangerous person. Diabolical is a good description of her. I think KC seethes with jealousy and she has no outlet for it.

Jesse said when KC broke up with him she said it was because he loved Caylee more than her. I believe that is one of the rare truths KC has told in her lifetime. I think something would have happened to someone at KC's hand...maybe Caylee, maybe Jesse, maybe another child if they had had kids.

What happened is horrific enough but still I get chills thinking about what might have happened because I really believe something would have. KC is scary!!! No one gets their way all the time and at some point she would have snapped for one reason or another, IMO.
I was thinking about this all last night. I wonder if Jesse ever thinks about what would have happened if he and ICA had gotten married. He stated to LE that she was a different person when they were engaged - a homebody, nice, a good mom. Not the diabolical liar she turned into. Would she have remained the girl he knew? Or was that just for show to "land a husband?"

And on a more intense thought, let's say they had married and she hadn't killed Caylee when she did, would they have ended up having children together for her to only pull a Susan Smith one day. Was ICA a ticking timebomb?

She was pretending....
And IMO they would have divorced within 3 years.
If ICA were as jealous as Jesse has said she was, being married to him would NOT have had a good ending. Just imagine all the activities involved in being a "dad": I know my dad was extremely involved with me from toddler thru teen years.....taking me to ballgames, teaching me to ride a bike, daddy/daughter dance at school, teaching me to drive, etc.

No, ICA had a true jealsousy of anyone's attention towards her daughter. Even if she would have married Jesse, IMHO, the result would have been the same.
Jessee must "count his blessings" everyday, that he did NOT marry ICA ...


I am sorry to be so "blunt" ... but I think that ICA was looking for "a way out" -- a way out of her parents' home, another "baby-sitter", and money ... And, she probably "used" JG, so I think the "easiest" way out for her was to find a husband.

She would have NEVER been "true" to JG ... because she has NEVER been "true" to anyone, NOT even herself ...
Caylee might just still be alive. Would JG and ICA getting married have changed the course of time? Yes.

Sadly, we cannot undo what ICA has chosen to do. The fact that they didn't wed sure did save JG and his family a WHOLE load of stress and money though, IMHO. For this reason alone the Florida court system has run out, lol.

Jesse was lucky to have his family backing him and some good sense. Who knows where he'd be right now otherwise?

Where would Caylee be IF they had wed??? Living back at Grandma and Grandpas is my guess - - - but perchance alive still.....
What If Jesse and ICA Had Gotten Married?

If he had married ICA and wanted to stay 'healthy', he would have had to of learned how to steer clear of the trunk of that Sunfire. Just kidding, she was more afraid of him than anything. I think she couldn't outsmart him and that's was she was really afraid of.
I was thinking about this all last night. I wonder if Jesse ever thinks about what would have happened if he and ICA had gotten married. He stated to LE that she was a different person when they were engaged - a homebody, nice, a good mom. Not the diabolical liar she turned into. Would she have remained the girl he knew? Or was that just for show to "land a husband?"

And on a more intense thought, let's say they had married and she hadn't killed Caylee when she did, would they have ended up having children together for her to only pull a Susan Smith one day. Was ICA a ticking timebomb?

She was a diabolical liar from before the time she told JG he was the father. She was also not honest about going to work and what she was doing and where she was at. JG may still not want to see that. But his parents did and called her out. It was his dad that urged JG to get the paternity test done because the dates of when they had been intimate did not match up. IMO, this is why the Grunds are hated so much by the A's. How dare someone be so mean to ICA by exposing her for a liar.

The pregnancy was the first big lie to everyone that I know of. She lied to her family, friends, co-workers. Then when she couldn't hide it anymore she drug JG and his family into the mess and lied to them too.

IMO, ICA was destined, no matter what, to be in the position she sits in today.
Wasn't a diabolical liar? She was lying from the beginning with the pregnancy, since she hadn't even slept with him in the time frame for it to be possible. She got back together with him after she was already pregnant with Caylee and that's probably why. I'm not sure when she really did quit her job, but she was lying at some point about working and was lying to her babysitting friend saying that she was at work when she wasn't. She started to go out drinking and lied to the Grund's. Apparently she had lied to the Anthony's about being in school, money problems, or work and that caused a huge blowup when Cindy got on to Casey in front of Jesse in her home. She also had Jesse hating her family. That's very telling of how she operates since they didn't even go out together very long. If they'd lived together as she wanted they would have alienated his family and been isolated from her family. If they lived together or married she would have run up debts and credit cards. She'd have lied about working, where she was going, and she would have had people hating him as she made herself a victim. He probably would have ended up in jail for something. He's lucky, but I just wonder if he still even realizes how he was played and manipulated to hate Cindy. I wonder if he still blames Cindy.
I believe she was a ticking timebomb. She's been lying since she was a small child IMO. I agree with Pattymarie who said that Jesse would be dead too, eventually (and probably a string of other casualties in her wake ... future children & husbands).
She may have had an easier way to pin the murder on him if she was married to him. Chilling thought.
Jesse would be dead.....but seriously I think ICA would have gotten hold of cyanide or some other poison and GA and CA would be dead. ICA really wanted that house without mom and dad in it. Perhaps she was looking up neck breaking to use on CA after she was rendered unconcious with chloroform. If ICA is found NG I believe she could kill again if it serves her best interests!!!!
Wasn't a diabolical liar? She was lying from the beginning with the pregnancy, since she hadn't even slept with him in the time frame for it to be possible. She got back together with him after she was already pregnant with Caylee and that's probably why. I'm not sure when she really did quit her job, but she was lying at some point about working and was lying to her babysitting friend saying that she was at work when she wasn't. She started to go out drinking and lied to the Grund's. Apparently she had lied to the Anthony's about being in school, money problems, or work and that caused a huge blowup when Cindy got on to Casey in front of Jesse in her home. She also had Jesse hating her family. That's very telling of how she operates since they didn't even go out together very long. If they'd lived together as she wanted they would have alienated his family and been isolated from her family. If they lived together or married she would have run up debts and credit cards. She'd have lied about working, where she was going, and she would have had people hating him as she made herself a victim. He probably would have ended up in jail for something. He's lucky, but I just wonder if he still even realizes how he was played and manipulated to hate Cindy. I wonder if he still blames Cindy.
I agree with your scenario. Jesse is so very fortunate to have gotten away from Casey's manipulative grasp. Her behavior is classic Cluster B functioning.narcissistic,anti-social,borderline, & histrionics. Her behavior on Saturday seems indicative of her lack of recognition of the detrimental nature of her own behavior. She and she alone is responsible for her present situation.
I'm not completely sure she has the potential to be a mass murderer, although anything is possible and I am toying with the idea she was considering murdering her parents. I imagine ICA and Jesse would have divorced had he found out Caylee wasn't his child. IMO

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