"Cover her face"

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Jul 21, 2011
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If you have been reading any of my 130 postings you know how upset I was and still am at the fact that Rebecca Zahau's body was allowed to remain uncovered on that lawn for hour upon hour, and that to me is just total and absolute lack of respect. I do not care how many judges needed to sign off on how many search warrants to leave this amazingly beautiful, talented and caring woman lying there uncovered is not the way to start a case off, and was the very first signal to me that things would not work out very well with these investigators or their findings regardless of how they ruled. Police departments need to learn that kind of care, that kind of respect, that kind of thoroughness. Why you leave the deceased lying in the 70 degree sun from sunup to almost sun down in a back yard open to the elements and the prying eyes of the news media and the neighbors without once thinking of covering her up, or erecting a tent with sides to cover her and protect the evidence her body might contain is simply beyond me. I hope for an independent review of this matter, and I hope someone in authority is made to explain the how and why of this lack of respect for the living and for the dead.
If you have been reading any of my 130 postings you know how upset I was and still am at the fact that Rebecca Zahau's body was allowed to remain uncovered on that lawn for hour upon hour, and that to me is just total and absolute lack of respect. I do not care how many judges needed to sign off on how many search warrants to leave this amazingly beautiful, talented and caring woman lying there uncovered is not the way to start a case off, and was the very first signal to me that things would not work out very well with these investigators or their findings regardless of how they ruled. Police departments need to learn that kind of care, that kind of respect, that kind of thoroughness. Why you leave the deceased lying in the 70 degree sun from sunup to almost sun down in a back yard open to the elements and the prying eyes of the news media and the neighbors without once thinking of covering her up, or erecting a tent with sides to cover her and protect the evidence her body might contain is simply beyond me. I hope for an independent review of this matter, and I hope someone in authority is made to explain the how and why of this lack of respect for the living and for the dead.

I'm glad we have people like you, Bonepile as part of WS. You are wise and thoughtful and a great human being to take the time to express yourself about the lack of respect for Rebecca. I can understand why they couldn't cover her up (residual evidence), however a make shift tent, as you suggested, should have been erected immediately. I can't believe this police department and the whole situation is repulsive to me also.
I agree Bonepile. And for her family to learn of her death, then have spend the rest of the day watching her body lying there (Internet), knowing that thousands of other people are seeing her like this and no one is there for her to hold her hand, or even just be there so she is not alone.
I agree with you Bonepile and remember the early discussions regarding this very matter. Someone stated that they believe that LE believed Rebecca was responsible for Max's accident, which I do not in any way agree with, and that she was treated that way, due to this fact.

I find that idea reprehensible as it would mean these LE officers pre judged guilt and dealt out punishment as they saw fit. Even when bones are being exhumed, there are tents erected. As stated, this is done for the family, as well as the victim.

This has made me emotional since the day this case started and I am still emotional and angry about it today. The lack of justice, started that day, continuing through the 'investigation', the media reports and in the PC. That does not even count the posters who continuously throw accusations at a person who has no way to address or refute those allegations.
I never understood from the beginning why a tent wasn't used to allow this woman some modicum of dignity in her death, and I knew from what was allowed to go on that day this woman would have no respect in the investigation into her death. They (LE) did not deem her important enough to allow this dignity and respect she was due and I believe this had to do with where the death occurred and the money behind JS. I wonder what was told to the police that day that they treated her like a dead animal on the side of road, to lay there for all to see? I am disgusted and angry and I get angrier the more I read into the lack of investigation of her death.

As well, good to hear from you again bonepile and I too thought you were a girl, although I thought the same of cynic until I heard him on the radio.
I agree with you Bonepile and remember the early discussions regarding this very matter. Someone stated that they believe that LE believed Rebecca was responsible for Max's accident, which I do not in any way agree with, and that she was treated that way, due to this fact.

I find that idea reprehensible as it would mean these LE officers pre judged guilt and dealt out punishment as they saw fit. Even when bones are being exhumed, there are tents erected. As stated, this is done for the family, as well as the victim.

This has made me emotional since the day this case started and I am still emotional and angry about it today. The lack of justice, started that day, continuing through the 'investigation', the media reports and in the PC. That does not even count the posters who continuously throw accusations at a person who has no way to address or refute those allegations.

JS could have requested she be covered up, I would think, and insist that LE enter before the warrants were completed (was it at his behest that warrants were insisted on in the first place?). Although, under the scenario that he wanted to humiliate her as part of a sadistic blame/revenge or even honor killing, one supposes it might be OK with him for her to have this final shaming in public with the cameras and helicopters whirring away. Also under that scenario (which I'm not sure I buy at this point, let it be said), a sadistic temperament might also get some kind of demented satisfaction out of making RZ's family continue their suffering by this whole circus of a shunted investigation and its aftermath. Even with the "suffocation" scenario discredited, he or DS might still blame RZ and thus have no real feelings of mercy or sympathy for the Zahau family. I know, this is a very cruel hypothetical.......
JS could have requested she be covered up, I would think, and insist that LE enter before the warrants were completed (was it at his behest that warrants were insisted on in the first place?). Although, under the scenario that he wanted to humiliate her as part of a sadistic blame/revenge or even honor killing, one supposes it might be OK with him for her to have this final shaming in public with the cameras and helicopters whirring away. Also under that scenario (which I'm not sure I buy at this point, let it be said), a sadistic temperament might also get some kind of demented satisfaction out of making RZ's family continue their suffering by this whole circus of a shunted investigation and its aftermath. Even with the "suffocation" scenario discredited, he or DS might still blame RZ and thus have no real feelings of mercy or sympathy for the Zahau family. I know, this is a very cruel hypothetical.......
I do have to say though that it is the public showing of RZ that escalated her death to be seen on every MSM whether print media or internet and without it, it would have been quietly swept away and not receive the national attention it has. I would say that LE are kicking themselves now for that, if they had covered her and given her the respect she was due there would not be the angry outcry that has been taking place since they ruled it a suicide.
Defense, your post is brilliant. Thank you as that makes perfect sense. Sad, sad, sad!!!
Brilliant post, Bonepile. The lack of respect and total disregard for human dignity is unconscienable and truly disgusting. The investigative team, the police and everyone involved in this case are, in my opinion, beneath contempt and about as competent at their chosen job as a lobotomy victim.
Amen bonepile. I finally feel this is a 'victims' forum again. That is what websleuths was always about.
I can understand why they couldn't cover her up (residual evidence), however a make shift tent, as you suggested, should have been erected immediately.
I agree that keeping Rebecca's body laying out like that was undignified and cruel.

I don't understand why LE couldn't cover her up. Isn't that what usually happens when police come across a dead body? I'm sure they could have jury rigged something by sticking a few branches in the ground and laying a sheet on top of that. How would that destroy evidence?

Instead of letting the sun beat down on the body, I would think a covering of some type would actually preserve possible evidence.
If I didn't know any better, and I probably do not, I'd say the police/investigators should be brought up on charges of causing an indignity to a human body. Is this possible? I'm not exactly well versed on this subject. :confused:
If I didn't know any better, and I probably do not, I'd say the police/investigators should be brought up on charges of causing an indignity to a human body. Is this possible? I'm not exactly well versed on this subject. :confused:

If the conspiracy theorists turn out to be right, I guess SD LE might be brought up on even more serious charges once the facts of the "investigation" were to come out: incompetence or worse. The stakes are pretty large here, careers would be on the line, so expect Sheriff Gore & Co. to fight it tooth and nail.

I read that he has endorsed the DA in her coming Mayoral bid, so they'll likely be scratching each other's backs.........
I do have to say though that it is the public showing of RZ that escalated her death to be seen on every MSM whether print media or internet and without it, it would have been quietly swept away and not receive the national attention it has. I would say that LE are kicking themselves now for that, if they had covered her and given her the respect she was due there would not be the angry outcry that has been taking place since they ruled it a suicide.

I applaud bonepile for speaking out and starting a topic just for this, as it deserves our scrutiny and contempt. And thank you defense101 for making this point as well. As disrespectful as it was for authorities to allow this dreadful disregard of dignity, it was this very act that drew so much of our attention to the handling of this tragedy. God bless you Rebecca, for enduring this shame if it will help us find justice for your death.
Thank you, bonepile.

I have been filled with so many emotions since this case began. Since I first heard about the death of Rebecca and saw the obvious lack of caring in the way her body was treated, the mismanagement of the investigation and resulting "cover-up" for lack of a better word, since then.

I feel deep sadness for both families, anger and frustration that I can't make it better and repulsion over the idea that I believe, deep in my heart, my gut, that someone murdered Rebecca.

I have not slept well in two weeks, but I will not stop sleuthing, thinking about, focusing and remaining vigilant until the truth is uncovered and authorities take action and provide an unbiased investigation into this case.

It is a small sacrifice in exchange for what I believe is a tragic injustice for Rebecca.
You can't help but wonder that if the owner of the house were the one dead lying on the ground after being cut down form hanging from the balcony, if LE would have respectfully covered the body and protected it from the prying eyes and media?
Just imagine if the PD and others involved in the "investigation" were briefed in a similar fashion to how some media outlets have chosen to report this:

Ok boys, listen up, we have the 32 yr old girlfriend of the owner of this place, MR JS, found hanging in the backyard naked and bound by MR S brother, AS, who had just gotten into town yesterday to provide emotional support his big brother. Two days ago she was here at the house with MR S's only child with his second wife, DS. She was the only adult home and MS reportedly fell from the second floor stair case. He was found non responsive and not breathing. Medical providers were able to regain his heart beat after about 25 minutes. AS was helpful this morning in providing additional information regarding little MS, sadly, he is not likely to survive his injuries. His father left MISS Z a voice message earlier this morning letting her know that MS was not likely to survive.

The doctors treating MS at Rady's have made clear statements to the family that MS's visible injuries do not line up with his condition and there is a possibility the boy was suffocated before his fall. An investigation into his death will now likely be launched.

Obviously, due to the nature of this situation, we need to keep in mind that this family has suffered not one, but two tragic losses and I want us to get in here, get the evidence we need to either put someone on the scene or prove it was just her and get outta here. You can see we are surrounded by news cameras. The longer we are here, the longer they are here. Get in there, get what we need, get out. This family doesn't need the media adding to their misery.

Now if this is how it was presented, or in a similar context, wouldn't that change the way police (or whoever) approached this investigation. No TRUE covering up or malicious intent perhaps? Just a white glove tip toe approach to the situation because of how it was presented? Now did the presenter do wrong by believing the story or possibly being influenced (which is less likely the case IMO) by someone or something.

It really just is so hard for me to believe that this was a true cover up of some sort. I am not saying that is impossible. Just seems unlikely IMO. Sloopy, shoddy, not thorough, misleading etc etc etc? Yes. Definitely. I do think that them being aware of the situation from that perspective would really change they way they handled this. After all, how often are you working a case where a person hanging found hanging had a possible role in the death of a child. That must bring up a detachment or anger of some sort of they knew it as such. All of course, JMO. Thanks for letting me ramble.

SunnieRN, I just LOVE your posts. Thank you.
I do have to say though that it is the public showing of RZ that escalated her death to be seen on every MSM whether print media or internet and without it, it would have been quietly swept away and not receive the national attention it has. I would say that LE are kicking themselves now for that, if they had covered her and given her the respect she was due there would not be the angry outcry that has been taking place since they ruled it a suicide.

I've been wondering why all the random, almost cartoonish visuals at the press conference. After reading your post, it occurs to me that it may have been an attempt to diminish the impact of and focus on the photos of RZ body.

Makes me want to shift emphasis to deconstructing that press conference.

Hoping to hear 911 calls soon.
If the conspiracy theorists turn out to be right, I guess SD LE might be brought up on even more serious charges once the facts of the "investigation" were to come out: incompetence or worse. The stakes are pretty large here, careers would be on the line, so expect Sheriff Gore & Co. to fight it tooth and nail.

I read that he has endorsed the DA in her coming Mayoral bid, so they'll likely be scratching each other's backs.........

Do you have a link? When did this first occur?
Do you have a link? When did this first occur?

This link does not really answer your questions but found it interesting. I get a "404 Not Found" from this link. Just curious .. anyone know why?

Bonnie Dumanis For Mayor Of San Diego | News
www.bonnieforsandiego.com/news.htmlCached - Block all www.bonnieforsandiego.com results
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4 days ago – Bonnie Dumanis is one of San Diego's most innovative and ... Bonnie Dumanis, a Republican, has been the San Diego County district attorney since 2003...read more ... to help them get elected to their current political office...read more » ... San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore Endorses Bonnie Dumanis for ...
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