Armchair Psych Profile- George Zimmerman

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No More Excuses
Sep 5, 2008
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I thought it would be a good idea to start a psych profile on GZ, take a look at his behaviour and his behaviour over time and what that suggests.

For example, GZ fudged the facts of his financial solvency at the bond hearing. He also seems to have anger management problems as evidenced in past run ins with the law and his issues with an ex-girlfriend. There is also his FB page, where he crowed about avoiding jail time unlike his buddies. He complained to the SPD countless times over the years about suspicious persons. He has been described by some talking heads as paranoid. He also comes across as meek and soft-spoken and seems to show some concern for others (IMO, unless he's crossed). His father is former military, a Vietnam vet.

One clinical psychologist

believes Zimmerman likely was acting out the “whole TV cop role in his head” when he confronted Trayvon. “A lot of people like the power and control that law enforcement officers have but with that comes a tremendous amount of responsibility,” Miller said, pointing out that a police officer is the only profession that can use “coercive physical force” or lethal force to subdue a suspected criminal.
Great idea for a thread. Of course, I have a few observations of my own about Zimmerman and the type of person that he is but most of them don't work well with the terms of service here so I will just say that I believe Zimmerman suffers from a severe case of Shortman's syndrome. I believe he has an overinflated ego and I believe he is narcissitic. He holds himself in very high regard. I would also use the word bully to describe him as it relates to previous episodes of hosing down children on bicycles, making fun of associates or coworkers, assaulting an undercover police officer, and 2 helpless females. I also think he has extreme violent tendencies.

my opinion only
I believe GZ has control issues and is possessive, as in the DV incident report, he claims to his xfiance, you're my woman I can touch you when I want! VZ told him to stop groping her breasts but they belong to him cause he's her woman...

I also believe he has never been held accountable for his bad behavior, as we heard his father claim it's always someone elses fault GZ gets into violent confrontations. If his parents hadn't corrected him, or looked the other way, it's no wonder why he is so out of control...

He also has anger management issues that must still be prevlant today. He's a loose cannon that was a fatality in the making. He's certainly a ne'er do well failing in his many business attempts and his not being able to be employed. He beats to his own drum...

I believe he suffers from 'little man syndrome', is very inadequate as he tries to take on the role of law enforcement, he couldn't become one and I wonder if it's due to his psyche. So he enrolls in college and majors in criminal justice hoping to become this magistrate to follow in daddy's shoes.

He has no real direction, is sadly misguided in trying to be the protector of TLR...he walks tall with a gun but cried all night waiting bail in his cell. I don't see that his family could be proud of who he is, what he hasn't accomplished through the many failed attempts..he has no real direction at this age in his life and should already be set in some profession.

I wonder when or if he was ever diagnosed with ADHD to be prescribed adderall..if that's true. Then that makes me believe he has no self control and is very impulsive with a very short attention span, unless it's something that keeps his attention, like patrolling the hood looking for suspects to be the hero of his community. His paranoia level is as high as his ego is self inflated. He must have been a ticking time bomb since 2005 for he hasn't been able to recover since then and it all came to a head on February 26, 2012....
I believe GZ has control issues and is possessive, as in the DV incident report, he claims to his xfiance, you're my woman I can touch you when I want! VZ told him to stop groping her breasts but they belong to him cause he's her woman...

I also believe he has never been held accountable for his bad behavior, as we heard his father claim it's always someone elses fault GZ gets into violent confrontations. If his parents hadn't corrected him, or looked the other way, it's no wonder why he is so out of control...

He also has anger management issues that must still be prevlant today. He's a loose cannon that was a fatality in the making. He's certainly a ne'er do well failing in his many business attempts and his not being able to be employed. He beats to his own drum...

I believe he suffers from 'little man syndrome', is very inadequate as he tries to take on the role of law enforcement, he couldn't become one and I wonder if it's due to his psyche. So he enrolls in college and majors in criminal justice hoping to become this magistrate to follow in daddy's shoes.

He has no real direction, is sadly misguided in trying to be the protector of TLR...he walks tall with a gun but cried all night waiting bail in his cell. I don't see that his family could be proud of who he is, what he hasn't accomplished through the many failed attempts..he has no real direction at this age in his life and should already be set in some profession.

I wonder when or if he was ever diagnosed with ADHD to be prescribed adderall..if that's true. Then that makes me believe he has no self control and is very impulsive with a very short attention span, unless it's something that keeps his attention, like patrolling the hood looking for suspects to be the hero of his community. His paranoia level is as high as his ego is self inflated. He must have been a ticking time bomb since 2005 for he hasn't been able to recover since then and it all came to a head on February 26, 2012....

I can't imagine a man touching me telling me anything of mine were his because I was his woman. And I get the sense that many in this forum would kick his A## right along with me. I wonder how his marriage is and if he is/was an abusive husband?

I think if you look at George's parents you'll find many of George's problems.

They made him what his is today.

I listened to the tape of George speaking in a SPD meeting, dumping on how sorry the police were on his ride around with them. I wonder how his "buddies" on the force thought of him after that.

I think George hunting Trayvon down and "catching" him was going to be his way of showing up the unfit police officers and their failures in catching whomever George profiled ,so he had to take things in his own hands.

He would been a little banty rooster strutting around, patting himself on the back and letting everyone know he was the one who caught bad guys and was keeping them safe.

I wonder how many have looked back and how they feel about the safety of their family and friends and about George and his neighborhood watches now? I'm sure many see George and his behavior in a much different light now than before.

I think many of the things George said and did show a man out of control and a ticking time bomb. He was growing more paranoid and dangerous with each call and if it's outcome didn't make him the good guy patrolling his own little kingdom.

He has a history of lying and exaggerating , thinking it was portraying him as a good guy. A concerned citizen doing what others were failing to do.

Does his father know that George wasn't a criminal justice major,but just working towards a different AS degree?

How have George's other siblings done in their life? Do they have the same problems and mentally that George displays?

Have they ,along with their parents, always enabled George and placed the blame on others than George and him being a total screw up?
He certainly has a fantastical notion of his own competence and superiority, a grandiosity. So, of course, why should he play by the rules?
Zimmerman 'nuts' when he 'snapped'

Usually he was just a cool guy. He liked to drink and hang with the women like the rest of us,” he said. “But it was like Jekyll and Hyde. When the dude snapped, he snapped.”


excerpt from the linked article above:
Zimmerman’s father, a former magistrate judge, came forward Wednesday night to defend his son, alleging that Trayvon said “you’re going to die now” before decking Zimmerman and battering his head into the sidewalk.

Just wow! that, IMO, is an very, very convenient comment. his father being a former magistrate/judge.....I don't think I could ever be convinced that GZ hasn't been coached on exactly what he needs to say happened in order to fall back on the SYG defense. way, way too self-serving. MOO and all that jazz.
Just now on HLN, Vinnie Politan played an audio of George Zimmerman, speaking at that rally for the black man beaten up by the cops son. [ Remember there was a controversy whether he was involved in passing out fliers or not?]

Well I just now heard his audio, and he was ripping the Sanford PD a new one. He was saying that he went on a ride along and the cop was lazy and dishonest. So this is weird and puts a wrench on things, imo. And I think it makes his story more credible, that he did in fact give out fliers in that case.
Just now on HLN, Vinnie Politan played an audio of George Zimmerman, speaking at that rally for the black man beaten up by the cops son. [ Remember there was a controversy whether he was involved in passing out fliers or not?]

Well I just now heard his audio, and he was ripping the Sanford PD a new one. He was saying that he went on a ride along and the cop was lazy and dishonest. So this is weird and puts a wrench on things, imo. And I think it makes his story more credible, that he did in fact give out fliers in that case.

katy, That was not at the "rally". That was at a council meeting.
katy, That was not at the "rally". That was at a council meeting.

I thought it was at the rally. oops.

ETA; WAIT, it was at a meeting at CITY HALL. So perhaps it was in regards to the incident.

A newly released audio recording captures Zimmerman’s harsh words concerning the Sanford police at a city hall meeting in January 2011, about a year before the fateful shooting that would make him a nationally recognized figure. Zimmerman said he had gotten “the opportunity to take ride-alongs with the city of Sanford Police Department and what I saw was disgusting."
I thought it was at the rally. oops.


A newly released audio recording captures Zimmerman’s harsh words concerning the Sanford police at a city hall meeting in January 2011, about a year before the fateful shooting that would make him a nationally recognized figure. Zimmerman said he had gotten “the opportunity to take ride-alongs with the city of Sanford Police Department and what I saw was disgusting."

City Hall/Council. I'm from Texas, we all go to the council meetings at the city hall you know. lol. That's what I was talking about anyway........
I thought it was at the rally. oops.

ETA; WAIT, it was at a meeting at CITY HALL. So perhaps it was in regards to the incident.

A newly released audio recording captures Zimmerman’s harsh words concerning the Sanford police at a city hall meeting in January 2011, about a year before the fateful shooting that would make him a nationally recognized figure. Zimmerman said he had gotten “the opportunity to take ride-alongs with the city of Sanford Police Department and what I saw was disgusting."

I believe the Sherman Ware case was hinted at when Mr. Zimmerman was speaking of the former chief's pension. I haven't heard the audio or read a full transcript of what he said, but that's my thought.
It wasn't a real City Council meeting, as far as I can tell. I was looking 2 + months ago for evidence of the actual meeting. They put pdfs online pertaining to their meetings. Sanford City Council meetings are held on Mondays, this meeting was on a Saturday.
This might have been some special thing having to do with who knows what. The soon to be new mayor Triplett was there. The Police Chief had resigned. I think a new City Manager was coming. And, the City was experiencing some angst over the Police handling of the Sherman Ware case.
Zimmerman's concern as demonstrated in the 3 or 4 page 'flier' and as heard in the audio file, was about the Police Chief. There was one very tiny mention of Sherman Ware in the 'flier'.
It appeared and read more like a manifesto to me. It wasn't my idea of a 'flier' to rally the troops or supporters.
My armchair assessment of George is........ he is very strange.
According to JVM, this City Hall meeting was about Sherman Ware. It was called to discuss that beating. I am watching her show right now.
I think his inflated self image greatly contributed to what happened with TM, incorporating many facets of his personality. He was completely comfortable seeing a kid walking and immediately deciding he was a criminal up to no good. He couldn't just ASK the kid who he was, identify himself as NW. Although he calls LE he simply can't just WAIT for them, he has to take his gun out to follow the kid (who still hand't actually DONE anything criminal). He NEVER identifies himself. He could have done so early on, as I think, any normal human being would do, when the kid was walking right by his car and he was on the phone with 911.

It's like the world is his domain and he owes no one any explanation. We are all supposed to KNOW he is always acting in society's best interests and has infallible judgment about who is and isn't a criminal.

He just HAS to get out of his car and not just wait for LE because he is incensed that this could result in another a%$hole getting away. He just can't let that happen. He has already tried and convicted TM and so knows whatever he has to do to apprehend, detain and subdue him if just fine. He IS George Zimmerman you know, the community's last hope as LE can't be trusted to do their job, only George can save them.

He seems to find a lot of people "suspicious" for some reason that doesn't seem due to actual criminal behavior. It seems like what goes on his head is a movie that bears no relation to reality. He thinks so highly of himself as being superior and entitled to shoot and kill someone because he found them "suspicious". Yet, in reality, he's pretty much what most would consider a loser who seemingly had every advantage growing up in a middle class household with stability and yet he has a huge chip on his shoulder and still hasn't "found himself" which I think is likely because he has no idea who he really is and his self image is so divorced from reality. He always has to make everything about him sound better and more impressive than it is.

I always remember him on the 911 call, immediately responding that he didn't live in an APARTMENT, it was a HOUSE! Like that was relevant-I'm sure the 911 guy knew it was a complex and didn't give a hoot what he was calling the units as that was hardly a relevant piece of info! But even a slight like that GZ couldn't let it go by. Of course, he didn't actually OWN this house he was so precise about.

What drives me batty is how none of this would have happened if GZ had just talked to TM when he was walking by his car like a normal adult who is concerned about who a kid is would do. That's all it would have taken. But, no GZ had already decided TM was a criminal that needed to be stopped and he would not deign to identify himself to such a person, that person didn't deserve it, he deserved to be shot and killed for the impression he gave George and to George, all this is clearly TM's fault for making him George shoot him-it's ruining George's life, you know, as his family likes to remind us.

I believe GZ has control issues and is possessive, as in the DV incident report, he claims to his xfiance, you're my woman I can touch you when I want! VZ told him to stop groping her breasts but they belong to him cause he's her woman...

I also believe he has never been held accountable for his bad behavior, as we heard his father claim it's always someone elses fault GZ gets into violent confrontations. If his parents hadn't corrected him, or looked the other way, it's no wonder why he is so out of control...

He also has anger management issues that must still be prevlant today. He's a loose cannon that was a fatality in the making. He's certainly a ne'er do well failing in his many business attempts and his not being able to be employed. He beats to his own drum...

I believe he suffers from 'little man syndrome', is very inadequate as he tries to take on the role of law enforcement, he couldn't become one and I wonder if it's due to his psyche. So he enrolls in college and majors in criminal justice hoping to become this magistrate to follow in daddy's shoes.

He has no real direction, is sadly misguided in trying to be the protector of TLR...he walks tall with a gun but cried all night waiting bail in his cell. I don't see that his family could be proud of who he is, what he hasn't accomplished through the many failed attempts..he has no real direction at this age in his life and should already be set in some profession.

I wonder when or if he was ever diagnosed with ADHD to be prescribed adderall..if that's true. Then that makes me believe he has no self control and is very impulsive with a very short attention span, unless it's something that keeps his attention, like patrolling the hood looking for suspects to be the hero of his community. His paranoia level is as high as his ego is self inflated. He must have been a ticking time bomb since 2005 for he hasn't been able to recover since then and it all came to a head on February 26, 2012....
I'll go even further with psych, and didn't know that children were hosed down on bikes or coworkers made fun of. It wouldn't suprise me to find that some things were premeditated with thoughts of using the stand your ground law as a cover. Reports of houses being 'cased', attempted break ins, a young woman being visited several times by a certain person who changed her locks. Kind of reminds me of serial criminals who have background or interest in criminal justice and case out entire neighborhoods. He did seem to case out and stalk the entire neighborhood. Since he killed a kid, then maybe he was a budding you know what. He certainly seemed to think he was smarter than the cops and 'above' all the neighbors and kids IMO. He could have been a psychopath plus wanted to kill one to scare off others, but then that might put a damper on all the getting out at night watching everyone. Wouldn't suprise me a bit if he didn't have night vision viewing things and some electronics planted in places.
Just now on HLN, Vinnie Politan played an audio of George Zimmerman, speaking at that rally for the black man beaten up by the cops son. [ Remember there was a controversy whether he was involved in passing out fliers or not?]

Well I just now heard his audio, and he was ripping the Sanford PD a new one. He was saying that he went on a ride along and the cop was lazy and dishonest. So this is weird and puts a wrench on things, imo. And I think it makes his story more credible, that he did in fact give out fliers in that case.

And also that it's somewhat less likely that he would have expected or gotten preferential treatment from SPD. jmo
And also that it's somewhat less likely that he would have expected or gotten preferential treatment from SPD. jmo

Except that we have no reason to believe the SPD was aware of Zimmerman's disparaging statements at the time he was taken into custody. I would welcome a link that demonstrates otherwise, if one exists.
The Topic is: Armchair Psych Profile.

My apologies for my part in helping to take it off topic.

I want to hear more from Armchair Psychos, er, uh..........
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