LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #31

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It is wonderful to see so many new members (many locals!) interested in helping locate Mickey. Your dedication is appreciated.


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Michaela (Mickey) Shunick
Missing from Lafayette LA -- 19 May 2012

[ame=""]Thread #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #2[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #3[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #4[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #5[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #6[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #7[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #8[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #9[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #10[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #11[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #12[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #13[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #14[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #15[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #16[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #17[/ame]

Thread #18
Thread #19
[ame=""]Thread #20[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #21[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #22[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #23[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #24[/ame]

Thread #25
[ame=""]Thread #26[/ame]

Thread #27
[ame=""]Thread #28[/ame]

[ame=""]thread #29[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #30[/ame]

• [ame=""]Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 * Timeline & Media Links ONLY *[/ame]

• [ame=""]BayouBecky's videos[/ame] of Mickey's possible routes homeward

• KATC Twitter feed

• Website: Find Mickey Now

• Lafayette Police Department updates

• Facebook link: Find Mickey Shunick Now

• If you find and post new info here on the discussion thread, please also post that link on the Time Line & Media Links *
• When new names - people, locations - enter the picture, please post them on this link's #tags, thanks.
• Please do not sleuth individuals who have not been mentioned in MSM either as persons of interest or as suspects by LE.
• Choose the links you post wisely; don't link to sites which feature bizarre speculation, etc.

Verified posters:
Locals/Insiders - queenofcorona and chicken fried
Verified PI: A.C.I.

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[ame=""]See this Link to the Verified Posters: Professionals and Insiders.[/ame]

We don’t verify every local who follows any case. You are welcome to post photos & maps of the area, post your knowledge about specific areas (e.g., directions, locations, weather conditions, etc..) so we can all have a better understanding. What you cannot do is post information relayed to you by another person (e.g., “I went on a volunteer search last week & another person I met told me “blah blah blah” <insert rumor of your choice> and she said she got it from a co-worker of Mickey’s sister. That is RUMOR and we do not participate in any rumor chasing events here.

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Have you read the two previous posts?

If not, read them now.

By posting on this thread,
you are stating you know the rules!
For all you uninitiated: it's vodu. For true, from me, the last manbo (correct spelling, not the dance) from the last authentic houngan. I'm the 'emic' here. A phrase MS would have known.
Bringing forward!

Today, 08:54 PM

Then I'd have to get home to Nola & get my holy herbs, brick dust, special salt, candles, dirt from a special place, red gravy, & High John
That sounds like fun! Sounds like recipe I could use!
Tell me! Tell me! LOL
:skip: off to Google some terms!

and order a mortar and pestle!
For all you uninitiated: it's vodu. For true, from me, the last manbo (correct spelling, not the dance) from the last authentic houngan. I'm the 'emic' here. A phrase MS would have known.

As long as you put a spell on the perp and not me it's all good. ;)
For all you uninitiated: it's vodu. For true, from me, the last manbo (correct spelling, not the dance) from the last authentic houngan. I'm the 'emic' here. A phrase MS would have known.

Donamena- I have much the same bloodline, I received the gift of "sight" not tradition. It has been very helpful where boyfriends are concerned. LOL
As long as you put a spell on the perp and not me it's all good. ;)

She's a "witchy woman"!:nerves:
&#9829;&#9829;&#9829; that song! just had to!! sorry for the off topic!
[ame=""]Eagles - Witchy Woman ( 1972 ) - YouTube[/ame]
:whiteflag: Do we NOT have a Witchy smilie? We need a Bit-chee Wit-Chee! :giggle:
Ehh my eyes are going! I am getting OLD I tell Ya! O L D !!!
Another year under my belt in.... 3 1/2 hours!!!:maddening:
I don't know if anyone posted this story from today. If so, sorry for the repeat![/URL]
Bringing forward!

Today, 08:54 PM

Then I'd have to get home to Nola & get my holy herbs, brick dust, special salt, candles, dirt from a special place, red gravy, & High John
That sounds like fun! Sounds like recipe I could use!
Tell me! Tell me! LOL
:skip: off to Google some terms!

and order a mortar and pestle!
Red gravy's not a food, darlin. Ask Bessie, & it's way OT.
Donamena- I have much the same bloodline, I received the gift of "sight" not tradition. It has been very helpful where boyfriends are concerned. LOL
Don't used it there. Never did. Although my hubby's people told him not to eat my red gravy for a year. Then he could be sure I hadn't worked any mojo.
I don't know if anyone posted this story from today. If so, sorry for the repeat![/URL]
I don't know why my gut tells me it's local. I have no sleuthing experience, just mom radar.
I don't know why my gut tells me it's local. I have no sleuthing experience, just mom radar.

I'm with you on that one... it's local. It's very irritating that we receive no news on this case from LE. I understand they have to keep some things under wrap, however, the general public is walking around with this perp, and we have a right to protect ourselves from whomever it is. IMO If they can't figure it out, put the evidence out there and give the general public a shot!! Although I try to always be aware of my surroundings, I work very near where she supposedly went missing, and it has many women on edge... not to mention the new students at UL!

On another note, my son is 21 and was a gamer, he still hangs out with a few of them. I showed him the pic of the "Game Over" spray painted on the side of the building, and he pointed out something I didn't notice. He said that it didn't make sense because when pac man eats the large dot, it gives him the power to eat the ghost, so why would it say Game Over unless it was meant for the ghost... and the bow was way out of place.
I ain't gonna say a thing. I can't even make it quote, but just.....damn.
I know you locals have got to feel bad about this crime and may know some of
Mickeys family also. I really wish I could help someway and hope you get good news sometime soon. I'm not much of a sleuther, but I will try to check in sometime everyday.

/BTW dejavoodoo comes from and is in honor of the Kenny Wayne Shepard Band. Wife thinks Noah Hunt is something else lol.
31 threads and we still know what we knew about 4+ weeks ago...last thing that happened was the bike being found.
31 threads and we still know what we knew about 4+ weeks ago...last thing that happened was the bike being found.
You are so so right, chile. No closer, head spinning. No clues. No comments from LE. No nothing.??? Guesses only..

Two women raped in Broussard today were picked up at a Lafayette motel on Cameron Street. They were picked up by two men - the rape suspect, 26-year-old Terrance Lee, of Broussard, and another man. Lee was a passenger in the unidentified man's white extended cab truck, and the driver dropped off the women and Lee at abandoned house in Broussard, Police Chief Brannon Decou said. The house is located at 207 Gustave St., and around 11:49 this morning the women ran out, with their mouths duct taped and they were wearing only shirts. "The victims claimed that they were each raped at knife point after being duct tapped on the face by Terrance," Decou said.

Both women are 39-years-old and were treated at a local hospital. Chief Decou said Lee confessed to having sex with both women. Lee is in the Lafayette Parish Correctional Center charged with 2 counts of Aggravated Rape. Broussard police are still looking for the driver of the truck, and Decou said whether the man will be charged with a crime is undetermined.

That is a quote from the previous thread. The site wouldn't let me quote it because that thread was closed. If you check the article, that wasn't today...that was December ...last year. I'm glad some of you have "The sight" because of Red Eye gravy,... but if you don't mind.. could we leave the Twilight Zone and get back to maybe facts or ideas that could help find Mickey?
I think Mickey was at the same bar the evening before with her sister. How did they get to and from the bar? Who was at the bar with them?
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