Linn and John on The Today Show

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Aug 13, 2003
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I just happened upon an interview that Katie C was conducting with Linn/John. I may have missed a little of it; perhaps someone will post the transcript. The basic theme from Wood was that the BPD screwed up the case but now that it is in the hands of Keenan and being investigated, there is the great possibility that the perp will be caught, based upon the DNA. John's theme was that the incident involving the Dubovski girl was so very similar to JB's murder and it was not looked at seriously by the BPD. He also said that Patsy is doing very well and that they not only lost their child, but they lost their honor as a family.

Did anyone else catch it?
I saw it. I can't believe they were given air time to pump their same old wives tales again....blah-blah-blah. :banghead:

Lin Wood once again falsely claiming that the Ramseys were cleared by Keenan's 2-year old comment on the Carnes decision....blah-blah-blah. :banghead:

And Katie (the twit) Couric acts like the segment is news worthy with some kind of new information...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :waitasec:
It's really hard for me not to say I TOLD YOU SO regarding WHO was behind this latest media focus on the Ramsey case. It's very clear.
The media outlets are NOT given case information by the authorities.
It's by the Ramseys' spin lawyer.
And they suck it up hook, line and sinker.
What do you THINK Lin Wood is going to feed them? The truth?

There is - I repeat - there is NO NEW INVESTIGATION going on.
It is all in the smoke-filled drawing room of John and Patsy Ramsey and their snakey lawyer.
John Ramsey is still on the quest to "clear" their name.
The ridiculous bid for congress in Michigan didn't work so he's back to the (spin) drawing board.

He's not ready to retire. So he must polish his resume better and Lin Wood is out there doing what he has been hired to do.

What a bunch of garbage!!!

When will the idiots at the network t.v. stations realize they are being "had"?

Has ANYONE asked themselves why you don't see the REAL authorities in this case come forward and say the Ramseys are "cleared" and we are no longer looking at them because after 8 yrs. we suddenly know some intruder actually did it??

This is happened so many other times. One spin job doesn't work and soon you see another pop up. Wood and Ramsey think they've sued enough that no one is going to challenge them so they get on national t.v. (and those idiots at the networks are responsible for letting them) and say any darned thing they want! Hoping this time when they throw at the wall it will stick.

I'm going to make coffee and treat my brain for a minute.
I think there is a kindred spirit in the Strange Boulder Theosophical Culture and the Leftist network news media. (I distinguish between Leftism and liberalism.) That has to do with favoring a self serving, self created reality over the natural facts of nature and life. The moral implications are profound here. Lawyers play into this situation as they become the mediators in the great debate of moral relativism. Lawyers now can try cases outside the courts by involving the media.

I think Wood is a power monger, who exercises his lawyer muscles by taking a proactive approach with the Ramsey case. I think the "journalists" in Boulder and England report on the Ramsey case in an attempt to perpetuate the self created reality culture.

The Ramseys have become a usefull tool for these two sub-cultures.

The Ramsey case belongs to the law industry and the Strange Boulder Theosophical Culture.
Nehemiah said:
I just happened upon an interview that Katie C was conducting with Linn/John. I may have missed a little of it; perhaps someone will post the transcript. The basic theme from Wood was that the BPD screwed up the case but now that it is in the hands of Keenan and being investigated, there is the great possibility that the perp will be caught, based upon the DNA. John's theme was that the incident involving the Dubovski girl was so very similar to JB's murder and it was not looked at seriously by the BPD. He also said that Patsy is doing very well and that they not only lost their child, but they lost their honor as a family.

Did anyone else catch it?

And remember the palm print, and the boot print and how they said the same thing about those until the palm print turned out to be Melinda's (?- the daughter, I think) and even though they denied Burke owned a pair of Hi Tec Boots, in the end, he did.
Nehemiah said:
Hi BrotherMoon. Haven't seen you around in awhile. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Nehemiah. Tricia was kind enough to reinstate me. I must have caught her in a weak moment, Holiday spirit and all. I had to promise not to go postal, we'll see how long THAT lasts.

Happy celebration of rebirth and renewal with the winter solstice everyone.

There is light in the darkness, and it comes from within.

The Rasmey case is a reminder of how some people get it all wrong.

Psalms 32:8 "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way to go."
K777angel said:
It's really hard for me not to say I TOLD YOU SO regarding WHO was behind this latest media focus on the Ramsey case. It's very clear.
The media outlets are NOT given case information by the authorities.
It's by the Ramseys' spin lawyer.
And they suck it up hook, line and sinker.
What do you THINK Lin Wood is going to feed them? The truth?

There is - I repeat - there is NO NEW INVESTIGATION going on.
It is all in the smoke-filled drawing room of John and Patsy Ramsey and their snakey lawyer.
John Ramsey is still on the quest to "clear" their name.
The ridiculous bid for congress in Michigan didn't work so he's back to the (spin) drawing board.

He's not ready to retire. So he must polish his resume better and Lin Wood is out there doing what he has been hired to do.

What a bunch of garbage!!!

When will the idiots at the network t.v. stations realize they are being "had"?

Has ANYONE asked themselves why you don't see the REAL authorities in this case come forward and say the Ramseys are "cleared" and we are no longer looking at them because after 8 yrs. we suddenly know some intruder actually did it??

This is happened so many other times. One spin job doesn't work and soon you see another pop up. Wood and Ramsey think they've sued enough that no one is going to challenge them so they get on national t.v. (and those idiots at the networks are responsible for letting them) and say any darned thing they want! Hoping this time when they throw at the wall it will stick.

I'm going to make coffee and treat my brain for a minute.

Yep they,the media, were really "HAD" when they took the parents down on the word of a criminal police department, who have, if you haven't noticed admitted that the leaks were by design to destroy a family on the "best guess" that they did it! It worked, the family is destroyed and ya' know what...they didn't do it. Now, let the truth flow , the games are over, it's time to find the killer.
Nehemiah said:
BrotherMoon, did you put lights on the antlers? :)

That does it, I'm going to get some antlers and a pot with a brass plate inscribed "Nehemiah" for my front yard, in your honor. No lights though. However we did decorate our arboreal representation of the ego-self axis with ornaments and lights.

YES! YES! YES! You're back!! Your banter with a few here, I think, sometimes loses it's humorous edge and gets a little too close to some peoples feelings. I won't say you haven't crossed a line or two in your time but I find it all rather harmless and quite interesting to read. :D I am so glad you're back! ( ;) Much to the utter shock I'm sure to those who know how mild mannered I am in the Laci forum)

Anyhoo,I know you'll most likely say you never intend to be humorous and pretty much mean every insult you peel off. uh huh.

Happy Holidays to you and your family, may this time of year bring you and yours much happiness!

(Don't get any ideas, I'm still keeping my cats away from you! :razz: )

Tricia, Thanks for letting BrotherMoon back, the rainbow would indeed not be a rainbow if every hue was yellow!
jubie said:

YES! YES! YES! You're back!! Your banter with a few here, I think, sometimes loses it's humorous edge and gets a little too close to some peoples feelings. I won't say you haven't crossed a line or two in your time but I find it all rather harmless and quite interesting to read. :D I am so glad you're back! ( ;) Much to the utter shock I'm sure to those who know how mild mannered I am in the Laci forum)

Anyhoo,I know you'll most likely say you never intend to be humorous and pretty much mean every insult you peel off. uh huh.

Happy Holidays to you and your family, may this time of year bring you and yours much happiness!

(Don't get any ideas, I'm still keeping my cats away from you! :razz: )

Tricia, Thanks for letting BrotherMoon back, the rainbow would indeed not be a rainbow if every hue was yellow!

There are lines? Merry Christmas and a funny new year, thanks.
BrotherMoon said:
However we did decorate our arboreal representation of the ego-self axis with ornaments and lights.

Perhaps this time next year, the ego will have completely formed as a separate system and the ego-Self axis will be a maximum. The sense of separation of the ego from the Self should be completely conscious by then, and the ego should view the Self as something entirely different or separate from itself. We know that the goal of individuation, during the second half of life, is for the ego to assimilate the Self and come to terms with it in a cooperative way.

So, next year put the lights on the antlers as there will be no need for the arboreal representation of the ego-self axis. In my honor, of course.
Nehemiah said:
Perhaps this time next year, the ego will have completely formed as a separate system and the ego-Self axis will be a maximum. The sense of separation of the ego from the Self should be completely conscious by then, and the ego should view the Self as something entirely different or separate from itself. We know that the goal of individuation, during the second half of life, is for the ego to assimilate the Self and come to terms with it in a cooperative way.

So, next year put the lights on the antlers as there will be no need for the arboreal representation of the ego-self axis. In my honor, of course.

Ya, ya, ya. Blah blah, blah. Don't you ever get tired of talking over people's heads? What intellectual eletist garble-d-gook. Webster did no one any favors by making the definitions of words available to the commoners.

(BTW, I think the sine qua non of conscious development is the distinction of the ego from the Self without separation from it, as separation is impossible. Thus, paradox is my ground of being. But hey, that's just me.)

And 'scuse me for not capitalizing Self. :blushing:
BrotherMoon said:
Merry Christmas, Nehemiah. Tricia was kind enough to reinstate me. I must have caught her in a weak moment, Holiday spirit and all. I had to promise not to go postal, we'll see how long THAT lasts.

Happy celebration of rebirth and renewal with the winter solstice everyone.

There is light in the darkness, and it comes from within.

The Rasmey case is a reminder of how some people get it all wrong.

Psalms 32:8 "I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way to go."

Welcome back Moonster, e-mail me any time :) Merry Christmas!

Happy to have you back--- Be good and Santa will bring you a New JB theory ;)


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