The winding up of Jerry Driver

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Sep 16, 2010
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I was just now reading through the statement of Jerry Driver here:

.. and noticed a few things that made me sit up. I think the local kids, including Echols and Domini Teer, were totally winding him up about the Satanic stuff. As in, telling him a bunch of stuff that wasn't true, just to push his buttons, a very teenage thing to do.

For example:

"Damien always said he was into the occult, just used to always denied being a devil worshiper, always said he knew who did it, he knew, he told me at one time, that he knew of a uh, of a book here in West Memphis called the Necronomicon I think it is, and he didn't mean the one you could buy off the shelf this was a old one, uh that had been passed down for generations so what he was telling me was that he thought he was saying there was a generational Satanist here in town. He wouldn't tell me who it was but he was adamant that there was, there was one, uh, it always seem to me that uh he knew to much about it not to not of, to have had some. . ., some great dealings in it"

:facepalm: Obviously, a wind-up. I am surprised Echols didn't tell Driver he'd ordered it in himself, from Miskatonic U.

And this (re Domini Teer):

Driver: She's told us uh, that they were witches and that were, worship nature and Hecate and Dianna and when I took her to uh, in fact I think you have a statement of mine, when I took her to Charter Hospital Little Rock she went over to the same place, uh, she discussed with me the blood
drinking and said that, the first thing she said was uh, why should I not drink blood, because my. . , mother drinks blood, and I thought now that's a strange thing to say. But that's what she said and she and her mother got into a little discussion about this and um, the mother didn't deny it, and Domini said that when. . ., when the mother was. . , was younger, I guess in the 60's that she was pretty heavily into this blood drinking stuff, uh and Domini also stated that blood drinking was. . ., was nothing wrong with it said it's you know we. . ., we want to do it, we'll not taking blood from any body and it gives us strength

So Domini's mum was all up in the vampiresatanicwitch cult as well. OR maybe Domini, like Echols, was just winding him up because.. well, she could.

Obviously not a good idea, as Mr. Driver does seem just a tiny bit kneejerk about these things:

"Uh-huh, see the. . ., the original deal was she was Damien's girlfriend prior to uh, to Dianna Holcomb and when the Dianna Holcomb thing broke up, then he went back to Domini, our concern all along was that we had indicates back when he was going with Dianna that. . ., that he and Dianna was trying to conceive a child and that child was to be sacrificed and we. . ., we got that information from informants and from some drawings that we um, that we had confiscated from. . ., from Damien at the time and I think you all have those, uh, one which had four tombstones and a baby's foot from behind it and a rattle and power emanating up into the moon or something, and they always denied that, they always said no that's not he case, but several people very close to them, confidential informant people said that's what was going on uh, and then Domini and Damien get back together what. . ., what happens they have a baby uh, I'm very concerned about that just I'm sure everyone else is, Domini is no longer on probation to us, so I don't have any, any further uh, contact with her other than. ., than uh just telling DHS what I know about it, so they can take their action."

A very bad idea, because then Jerry Driver might go to DHS with an old drawing and have your child taken away from you.

Anyway, now I am wondering just how much of the info going round about the occult stuff -started- with Echols and pals feeding JD a pile of horse puckey and watching him swallow:

"Um, during this same interview uh, Mr. Echols was asked um, what was the extent of the cult activities was in Crittenden County and the West Memphis area was and he told us that it was fairly extensive, that there was 3 or 4 groups in West Memphis it's self. They were further uh, along in their activities then he may or may not of been and by that uh, he said that he meant, uh that they had reached the end of their animal sacrifice uh portion uh to received power and that the next logical step would be the sacrifice of a human. And we asked him if he knew it was going to be, and he denial that he knew who it was, uh, he did say that he knew who the people where involved in the cult's, but he didn't want to give name's. He said that uh one of the cult's in particular was uh waiting uh, for the return to Crittenden County of uh, I believe the number was 7 individual's who had been involved before here and they were out of town and they were coming back in the summer of 92 to participate in a sacrifice, uh shortly after that, we did have I think about 7 kids showed up down at West Memphis PD. Who had all the ear marks of it, with the tattoo's, and the devil rings and this and the other. But it turns out they probably won't the same ones."

(bbm) :facepalm:

"...he threatened to kill numerous people, uh in Marion, most people didn't take him seriously, because at the time he was, he was just looked on as kind of a kook, you know that ware black clothes and acted silly. But the more I got into it you know I found more and more people that said of yea I know him, he did this, he did that, I've seen him kill dogs, I've seen him drink blood and done of these people will come forward. But it's my opinion that there's 10 or 15 that know what happened and could probably give you some excellent of information if they, if they just would

Durham: But you don't know the name of these people?

Driver: I have suspicious you know, and several of them I think we've have already give to you all to talk to um, but they don't say the same things to you all that they say to us"
Wasn't there a book that Domini's mom brought back from California that was mentioned at one time? I'll see if I can find a source for that.
I hope it wasn't the original Necronomicon.

Abdul Alhazred might just have a problem with that...
I'm not sure about Domini's mom's book, but Opperman wouldn't stop talking about how it was a well known fact that Domini's relatives were heavy into "vampirism" on his show.

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I was just now reading through the statement of Jerry Driver here:

.. and noticed a few things that made me sit up. I think the local kids, including Echols and Domini Teer, were totally winding him up about the Satanic stuff. As in, telling him a bunch of stuff that wasn't true, just to push his buttons, a very teenage thing to do.

For example:

"Damien always said he was into the occult, just used to always denied being a devil worshiper, always said he knew who did it, he knew, he told me at one time, that he knew of a uh, of a book here in West Memphis called the Necronomicon I think it is, and he didn't mean the one you could buy off the shelf this was a old one, uh that had been passed down for generations so what he was telling me was that he thought he was saying there was a generational Satanist here in town. He wouldn't tell me who it was but he was adamant that there was, there was one, uh, it always seem to me that uh he knew to much about it not to not of, to have had some. . ., some great dealings in it"

:facepalm: Obviously, a wind-up. I am surprised Echols didn't tell Driver he'd ordered it in himself, from Miskatonic U.

And this (re Domini Teer):

Driver: She's told us uh, that they were witches and that were, worship nature and Hecate and Dianna and when I took her to uh, in fact I think you have a statement of mine, when I took her to Charter Hospital Little Rock she went over to the same place, uh, she discussed with me the blood
drinking and said that, the first thing she said was uh, why should I not drink blood, because my. . , mother drinks blood, and I thought now that's a strange thing to say. But that's what she said and she and her mother got into a little discussion about this and um, the mother didn't deny it, and Domini said that when. . ., when the mother was. . , was younger, I guess in the 60's that she was pretty heavily into this blood drinking stuff, uh and Domini also stated that blood drinking was. . ., was nothing wrong with it said it's you know we. . ., we want to do it, we'll not taking blood from any body and it gives us strength

So Domini's mum was all up in the vampiresatanicwitch cult as well. OR maybe Domini, like Echols, was just winding him up because.. well, she could.

Obviously not a good idea, as Mr. Driver does seem just a tiny bit kneejerk about these things:

"Uh-huh, see the. . ., the original deal was she was Damien's girlfriend prior to uh, to Dianna Holcomb and when the Dianna Holcomb thing broke up, then he went back to Domini, our concern all along was that we had indicates back when he was going with Dianna that. . ., that he and Dianna was trying to conceive a child and that child was to be sacrificed and we. . ., we got that information from informants and from some drawings that we um, that we had confiscated from. . ., from Damien at the time and I think you all have those, uh, one which had four tombstones and a baby's foot from behind it and a rattle and power emanating up into the moon or something, and they always denied that, they always said no that's not he case, but several people very close to them, confidential informant people said that's what was going on uh, and then Domini and Damien get back together what. . ., what happens they have a baby uh, I'm very concerned about that just I'm sure everyone else is, Domini is no longer on probation to us, so I don't have any, any further uh, contact with her other than. ., than uh just telling DHS what I know about it, so they can take their action."

A very bad idea, because then Jerry Driver might go to DHS with an old drawing and have your child taken away from you.

Anyway, now I am wondering just how much of the info going round about the occult stuff -started- with Echols and pals feeding JD a pile of horse puckey and watching him swallow:

"Um, during this same interview uh, Mr. Echols was asked um, what was the extent of the cult activities was in Crittenden County and the West Memphis area was and he told us that it was fairly extensive, that there was 3 or 4 groups in West Memphis it's self. They were further uh, along in their activities then he may or may not of been and by that uh, he said that he meant, uh that they had reached the end of their animal sacrifice uh portion uh to received power and that the next logical step would be the sacrifice of a human. And we asked him if he knew it was going to be, and he denial that he knew who it was, uh, he did say that he knew who the people where involved in the cult's, but he didn't want to give name's. He said that uh one of the cult's in particular was uh waiting uh, for the return to Crittenden County of uh, I believe the number was 7 individual's who had been involved before here and they were out of town and they were coming back in the summer of 92 to participate in a sacrifice, uh shortly after that, we did have I think about 7 kids showed up down at West Memphis PD. Who had all the ear marks of it, with the tattoo's, and the devil rings and this and the other. But it turns out they probably won't the same ones."

(bbm) :facepalm:

"...he threatened to kill numerous people, uh in Marion, most people didn't take him seriously, because at the time he was, he was just looked on as kind of a kook, you know that ware black clothes and acted silly. But the more I got into it you know I found more and more people that said of yea I know him, he did this, he did that, I've seen him kill dogs, I've seen him drink blood and done of these people will come forward. But it's my opinion that there's 10 or 15 that know what happened and could probably give you some excellent of information if they, if they just would

Durham: But you don't know the name of these people?

Driver: I have suspicious you know, and several of them I think we've have already give to you all to talk to um, but they don't say the same things to you all that they say to us"

this all reminds me of the VH quote I posted earlier.

She told him she had heard that he liked to suck blood. Damien said he encouraged such stories as a "mechanism" to keep people from prying into his life.

"What's a mechanism?" she asked. She says Damien replied, "It means leave me the **** alone."

Edited to add: Damien has never done himself any favors in the keeping his mouth shut department. Also, it was painful to read through Driver's quotes with the stammering and horrible grammar. I had to read many of them more than once to decipher what he was even talking about.
When it comes to the occult stuff, my opinion has always been that Damien was a 'dabbler', he lied about the level of his interest because he realised it was being used against him, and even if he uses occult ideology to make himself look 'special', 'etherial' or 'other worldly' to this day, I give it little weight.

Into 'satanism' or not (I think he was, but in a very ad-hock kind of way, the same way many teens were at the time), I don't really believe this crime had all that much to do with it, I basically think Damien was on an 'I'm so bad trip' at the time which gave him cache, which may have been why he pushed things to the extreme.

I think the crime was random, unplanned, and lacked real motive other than to act out aggression on younger weaker victims.
^ I agree, Mrs. G.

However, what I'm talking about here is a document which gives a little bit of insight about why Damien and co might have been mentioned to police in the first place by Driver and his good buddy Jones.

If Echols and Domini and whoever else were feeding Driver a load of crap to get him all riled up for a laugh, and (point being) it appears to me they DID so, it just makes Driver and his pointy finger of suspicion seem that bit more misguided. As well as the officers who took him seriously.

Though much of this occult hysteria stuff didn't make it to court, it WAS the reason the 3 were picked up in the first place and featured heavily in police investigations.
^ I agree, Mrs. G.

However, what I'm talking about here is a document which gives a little bit of insight about why Damien and co might have been mentioned to police in the first place by Driver and his good buddy Jones.

If Echols and Domini and whoever else were feeding Driver a load of crap to get him all riled up for a laugh, and (point being) it appears to me they DID so, it just makes Driver and his pointy finger of suspicion seem that bit more misguided. As well as the officers who took him seriously.

Though much of this occult hysteria stuff didn't make it to court, it WAS the reason the 3 were picked up in the first place and featured heavily in police investigations.

If you look there were like 29 different people looked at. You can go over to Callahans and look over all the documents there.

There were many witnesses who gave reports/testimony about the occult stuff plus other bad deeds. Surely all of those people could not be fibbing.
If you look there were like 29 different people looked at. You can go over to Callahans and look over all the documents there.

There were many witnesses who gave reports/testimony about the occult stuff plus other bad deeds. Surely all of those people could not be fibbing.

Yep, Damien was all about being the 'baddest' at the time, if that meant stomping a dog to death, setting fire to a classroom, attempting to scratch the eyes out of a love interest .. or any amount of other bad acts he was up for it. Showing off by claiming to be 'satanic' was just one of the list of things he did. Oh and of course, naming himself 'Damien' too .. but when it all came biting him back on the butt after his arrest, and since he chose to deny it all and say he was buddhist (read peaceful monk type person) amongst other things, until his release of course when he reverted to type.
If you look there were like 29 different people looked at. You can go over to Callahans and look over all the documents there.

There were many witnesses who gave reports/testimony about the occult stuff plus other bad deeds. Surely all of those people could not be fibbing.

I'm not saying all those people were fibbing.... :facepalm: (though some of them were - unless Levitation Boy really did lift off...)

I'm also not saying Echols was not a nasty piece of work.

I'm pointing out that I spotted a statement which clearly indicates that Echols was lying to Driver for his own amusement. And it looks like Domini was, as well.
Oops I meant 'love rival' in my earlier post :facepalm:

He claimed that he liked to drink the blood of his lovers or a higher commanding power (something like that). If he had to pluck out it's eye to get there so be it.
He claimed that he liked to drink the blood of his lovers or a higher commanding power (something like that). If he had to pluck out it's eye to get there so be it.

Maybe that's why he kept the shank handy in his prison cell, I mean you never know when you're gonna get thirsty or feel like a little self empowerment right? Oh wait, didn't he go vegan?
Isn't it interesting, though, that here we have clear proof that Echols (and Domini, I believe at this stage, unless her mother really was a blood drinker? that would be .. freaky) was fabricating occult stuff to Driver prior to the murders.

Which -might- be why Driver contacted Griffis a -year- before the murders, out of concern for Echols' satanic cult behaviour.

Another interesting thing I read - and I can't find documentation for this, yet - is that Driver was conducting seminars on satanic cults around the area, which Gitchell (brother in law? of Jones) and other LE involved in the case were attending.

I wonder if he warned them that the Necronomicon was floating around West Memphis, under the arm of a generational Satanist? :scared:
I certainly think there is little doubt that Echols enjoyed taunting or playing Driver, as well as others. No question Echols has/had his issues, but I also think he played off of them. For example, the infamous great dane story. My belief that that incident actually happened? 0%. My belief that Echols may have started that story? 50%. My belief that after the story circulated, Echols played off of it in order to shock and scare others? 90%. I think he taunted Driver with all of these stories with the belief that there was nothing Driver could do about it because no laws were being broken. Little did he know that they would later be used against him when the law was broken and 3 young boys murdered.
I think Driver is the type of ultra straight laced adult that alot of teenagers would be tempted to wind up. Anyone who thinks sex, drugs and rock and roll are the mark of a Satanist would definitely have been wound up by my teenage self, and I wasn't even particularly rebellious.

He's the type of adult who is very badly suited to any job which involves working with rebellious teens. I wonder what qualifications he had for the job?
My concerns about Driver go a bit deeper, as well - and I am not talking about claims he molested his parolees. From what I read, I surmise he was a deeply churchy born-again - the kind I find disturbing - but not an honest one, as evidenced by his ripping off a heap of money (I still can't work out how he did that, the mechanics of it, I don't know enough about the US parole system, and I don't understand why the state was offering to pay back the bulk of that money, or even if they were? It's beyond me today..). So how religious was he really, if he could feel entitled to help himself to that money?

ANYway. How can I put this? He seems the type to enjoy a bit of power, to be seen as an authority on the occult (though he didn't have the first clue, this much is obvious and it was obvious to even the kids, hence the winding-up), power over the lives of the kids he dealt with. His seminars, 'educating' the police (ha) and so on... I just get the sense of something very malignant going on with that man. And the deeper I look him, the more I see to be concerned about, in context to the fact that he and his buddy Jones were --instrumental-- in convincing the police (who'd been attending his seminars, a tidbit yet to be properly confirmed) from the get-go that Echols was their man.

From literally day one, it looked "like Damien Echols had finally killed somebody", and from there it seems to me that tunnel vision only narrowed. Which in turn impeded the proper investigation, of Echols, of the other two, and of other promising leads. It had the investigation focussing on the BS satanic cult angle, and all the crazy stuff that came of that. Muddied the waters, for sure.

And this had snowballed for at least a year prior to the murders. Thanks, in no small part, to Echols himself.

And Driver was pals with Griffis.

And Gitchell was related to Jones.

And, just by the by, seems corruption was the norm in that particular police dept. A lot of officers felt very entitled to help themselves to public property, and several of the cops named in court files were caught stealing... Just like Driver was. And as the whole racket blew sky-high not too long after the trials, I have to wonder if all the publicity was what brought them down. Sorry, a bit OT, but I'm beginning to see the bigger picture of the background here, and it ain't pretty.
From literally day one, it looked "like Damien Echols had finally killed somebody"
Best I've been able to tell that quote is a fabrication, and the claim of tunnel vision is an obvious fabrication evidenced by the dozens of people who were investigated as potential suspects, the pulled hair samples from many other people both before and after Echols throughout Lisa Sakevicius's June 29 Report being one notable example of that.
I can easiy see Echols being a windup merchant and Driver as a very obvious target. The way reedus has presented it sounds very plausible.

I am not too sure about Driver and Jones being buddies. Driver was Jones superior officer, so, in a sense, he had to tag along. Jones has at least, now, admitted that it was a stitch up. He also left town, but I am not sure how soon after the case, and moved to another state. Like Gitchell he has never tried to cash in on his involvement. Gitchell, too, quit (retired) and moved out of state. Is there any hard evidence of the relationship between these two?

And what also really disturbs me are the two details. One, that Driver had an unhealthy attitude about the young boys in his patch and, secondly, that he was also a thief. OK white collar - but a probation officer ? ? ? I agree Ausgirl, religious extremism and / or bigotry is evil whatever the belief system is.

But then the wmpd was riddled with petty thieves and others quite prepared to handle stolen goods. The CCDTF was especially dodgy - and Sudbury managed to stay on for a good length of time after some of their activities were exposed.
Not to mention that Jones left the scene just as the discvery was made because of either feeling or being sick. Somehow that does not fit in with him making a sweeping statement about Echols.

Oh ****, Mandela has died.

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