Australia - Car crash forces abortion

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Aug 14, 2003
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A WOMAN'S injuries were so severe her unborn child had to be aborted and she will never again conceive after her partner crashed their car into a tree, a Brisbane court has been told.

Nicholas Lacey, 26, from Springwood on Brisbane's southside, pleaded guilty in the Brisbane District Court today of dangerously operating a motor vehicle, causing grievous bodily harm to his partner Haylee Megan Harrison, 21.

Accident investigators estimated Lacey may have been driving in excess of 122kph in a 60kph zone, the court was told.

Ms Kaur said while Mr Lacey emerged relatively unscathed, Ms Harrison, who was two months pregnant with Lacey's baby, took most of the impact.

The foetus had to be aborted and Ms Harrison also suffered leg fractures, a broken pelvis and was told by doctors she would be unable to conceive a child again because of her injuries.

The court was told while Ms Harrison was in hospital she told police: "He (Lacey) was being a f*ckwit, speeding and just lost it."

Ms Harrison also suffers long-term emotional trauma from the accident and is unable to get back into a car.

The court was told Ms Harrison and Mr Lacey had since broken up.


This is a very sad story ... that poor girl!

I bolded that one quote just because I was a bit taken back!! I can't believe they let that quote go in the paper!!! :eek:
I mean, I would've called him a lot worse, but wow, I saw that and went, whoa!
what a shame for that young girl. Its okay for the guy he can go on and have children later in life but because of his idiocy he has ruined it for her.
How can the doctors be so sure she can never conceive a child. It makes no mention of removing any reproductive organs. I was told from the time I was 18 and married I wouldn't have children. Never used birth control. Guess what at 30 and 32 I had children. I actually fainted at the doctor's office when I was told I was pregnant the first time. It just shouldn't have been possible! I hope this young lady will be blessed with the same miracle in her life.
i can't fix it but i can always watch "the phantom of the opera"
SadieMae said:
How can the doctors be so sure she can never conceive a child. It makes no mention of removing any reproductive organs. I was told from the time I was 18 and married I wouldn't have children. Never used birth control. Guess what at 30 and 32 I had children. I actually fainted at the doctor's office when I was told I was pregnant the first time. It just shouldn't have been possible! I hope this young lady will be blessed with the same miracle in her life.
If her pelvis has been badly fractured, ie effectively shattered, which it sounds like was the case, that it means she might be able to get pregnant again, but carrying it to term would either be impossible or dangerous, both to herself and the baby, due to the damage she has sustained.
Don't believe everything you read....

First of all, she has had a baby, she couldn't have it naturally but then neither can a lot of women.

Second, the doctors didn't advise her to terminate, SHE wanted the abortion so has given false statements.

Third, Nicholas sat by her bed all day, everyday while she was in hospital and then drove her around to all of her appointments after she was discharged and the funny part about this is that they had actually broken up before the accident. She was seeing someone else, so nobody really knows who the father was. Why didn't she call her current boyfriend to pick her up that night?? Probably because he would have told her to get stuffed so she called Nick, who she knew would come and get her. She was preying on his good nature. Then she has the hide to call him a *advertiser censored**wit when neither of them can remember the accident, it looks like Nicholas fell asleep or had a microsleep and that's why he was driving at that speed.

There are so many holes in her story it's starting to look like swiss cheese! :twocents:

Welcome to WS .
Possibly your not aware of this but Here at Websleuths we do not bash the vicitms so unless you can provide proof of your above statements (like a link to an article) I will have no choice but to remove it.

Thank you.

Apparently, the doctor's were wrong .... she could have a baby again :(
That story I first posted was from 2003.
This story quotes this:

"On November 30 last year she gave birth to a boy, but had to have a caesarean section because of pelvic damage that prevented a natural birth.

"I've been told I can only have three children," Ms Harrison said. "I wanted a big family – I've got five brothers and sisters."

What's with "you can only have three"?
I've never heard of that?
Thank you. In the case of C Sections it can be dangerous to have more than 3 but it's not a case of you can only have....It's got to do with cutting along the same scar.
no problem :)

Yes, the story does mention that she had a child.
It doesn't mention that she was seeing someone else at the time of the accident though, unless I missed it? Is there another story on this site somewhere?

I've been reading some of the other stories on that site. Are you from down under?
What is this site's news generally called? Is this kind of the "sensationalized" news like the US version of the National Enquirer or is this one of their top papers? The language they use in some articles is very liberal!

Thanks for telling us about the link though!
And welcome to Websleuths. :)
laineysue said:
Thank you. In the case of C Sections it can be dangerous to have more than 3 but it's not a case of you can only have....It's got to do with cutting along the same scar.
Oh, I get it. Duh on my part! I've not yet had children, so I can't say I've been there to experience it yet. I'm wondering if the doctors' really ever told her that she couldn't have babies and if they didn't, if she was misquoted or if she told the paper that, or if her lawyer said that to gain something more on her behalf. OR I wonder if she WAS told that and the fact that she had a baby was a miracle!

Sometimes the error is in the reporter's writing, and not the victim's words.
I am hesitant to disbelieve her.
I hope her baby is happy and healthy. :)
Yes, I am from "down under" and I know a lot more about this case because Nick is my nephew. I have met Haylee and to be honest I was a bit wary of her. If you want to see more articles I just google searched "nicholas lacey haylee harrison abortion." Most of the articles are from the Queensland daily newspapers, in particluar Brisbane. I live in Sydney so I haven't been getting anything first hand but my sister, Nicks mum, has been travelling to Brisbane to be with him during his appearances in court, she lives in Canberra so she has been filling us in and he has aunts and an uncle up there from his fathers side that have been keeping us up to date.

The articles didn't mention that she was seeing someone else but we know they broke up a few weeks before the accident. I'm not sure exactly who said she would never concieve children but it will all come out in the appeal this Wednesday, so we have our fingers crossed that it all works out ok. One of my friends knows a barrister and she said it was a very harsh sentence considering there was no drugs or alcohol invloved. The Queensland legal system is very, very different from the rest of Australia, in fact it is commonly known as the Police State.

The thing that is very sad for us is that Nick had to celebrate his 27th birthday in jail last Friday. I couldn't even get in touch with him to wish him happy birthday.
PrayersForMaura said:
The court was told while Ms Harrison was in hospital she told police: "He (Lacey) was being a f*ckwit, speeding and just lost it."
This quote here is one example of why I said her story is starting to look like swiss cheese. She said this in one article and in others she has said she can't remember anything about the accident. See my previous post for links to other articles.
laineysue said:
Yes, I am from "down under" and I know a lot more about this case because Nick is my nephew. I have met Haylee and to be honest I was a bit wary of her. If you want to see more articles I just google searched "nicholas lacey haylee harrison abortion." Most of the articles are from the Queensland daily newspapers, in particluar Brisbane. I live in Sydney so I haven't been getting anything first hand but my sister, Nicks mum, has been travelling to Brisbane to be with him during his appearances in court, she lives in Canberra so she has been filling us in and he has aunts and an uncle up there from his fathers side that have been keeping us up to date.

The articles didn't mention that she was seeing someone else but we know they broke up a few weeks before the accident. I'm not sure exactly who said she would never concieve children but it will all come out in the appeal this Wednesday, so we have our fingers crossed that it all works out ok. One of my friends knows a barrister and she said it was a very harsh sentence considering there was no drugs or alcohol invloved. The Queensland legal system is very, very different from the rest of Australia, in fact it is commonly known as the Police State.

The thing that is very sad for us is that Nick had to celebrate his 27th birthday in jail last Friday. I couldn't even get in touch with him to wish him happy birthday.
I am so sorry about your newphew.
There are always multiple sides to the story so I'm sorry if it seemed like I wrote anything bad about your nephew. I guess you're right, we shouldn't always believe everything in the news. I would like to read more about this case and when the appeals happen.

Thanks for bringing this to my/our attention.
I do hope that the reason for the accident happening gets resolved, too.
It's ok, people tend to believe, mostly, what they read because that is all they know about the story. My nephew is a very good driver but does tend to drive a bit fast but NEVER as fast as they say he was going so that is why there is another factor to this.

If you just keep checking on the google search I'm sure there will be something there about the appeal and Haylee seems to be talking to a lot of newspapers, we just wish she would stick to one version of the story, although if she doesn't it could be good for the appeal.....we'll just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.
laineysue said:
It's ok, people tend to believe, mostly, what they read because that is all they know about the story. My nephew is a very good driver but does tend to drive a bit fast but NEVER as fast as they say he was going so that is why there is another factor to this.

If you just keep checking on the google search I'm sure there will be something there about the appeal and Haylee seems to be talking to a lot of newspapers, we just wish she would stick to one version of the story, although if she doesn't it could be good for the appeal.....we'll just have to wait and see what happens tomorrow.

Is this part of the article true?

Defence barrister Tony Kimmins said Mr Lacey was remorseful over the accident.

"He can't actually remember any of it," Mr Kimmins told the court.
Yes it is. In fact I spoke to Haylee while she was in hospital and she wanted him to have councelling as he was very depressed and blamed himself even though he can't remember anything about it. He sat by her bed EVERY DAY she was in hospital. My nephew is a very sweet and loving person and if he can do anything to help people he does.
laineysue said:
Yes it is. In fact I spoke to Haylee while she was in hospital and she wanted him to have councelling as he was very depressed and blamed himself even though he can't remember anything about it. He sat by her bed EVERY DAY she was in hospital. My nephew is a very sweet and loving person and if he can do anything to help people he does.

If he can't remember the accident, how does he know that he wasn't driving that fast? If the accident reconstructionists estimated Lacey may have been driving in excess of 122kph in a 60kph zone how can he say he wasn't? The fact that he's a nice guy and a "good driver" can't erase the fact that he was driving. He was driving too fast. And she lost the baby. Right?
Nobody has said that he wasn't driving that fast, if he fell asleep then it is possible. She didn't lose the baby, she chose to terminate.

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