Taking it off: Nude teens test the limits in Vermont town


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Jan 11, 2006
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BRATTLEBORO, Vt. -- Nudity isn't new here. Usually it bares itself in more subtle places than a downtown parking lot, though.

This summer, a group of teenagers has disrobed near restaurants, bookstores and galleries, igniting a debate about whether this bohemian southern Vermont town should ban a practice that has been tolerated until now.

"Brattleboro tends to be a laid-back town and pretty accepting of the unusual, but this is really pushing limits," said Police Chief John Martin.

"It's clearly to outrage people, it's clearly rebelliousness," he said.

By most accounts, the stripping started on a whim in early summer when a young woman sat naked on a park bench, Martin said. Then another woman started taking her shirt off downtown.
Bizarre. I am a very laid back type of person, and don't consider nudity to be sexual and have no problems with the nude human body. HOWEVER, there IS a time and a place for it. Plus, if we're talking about CHILDREN under the age of 18, then I have a problem with that.

I also have a problem with them "parading" around town like that. I know many people are offended by the nude body and it makes them uncomfortable, so I do think that people absolutely have a right to do their shopping, go to restaurants and frequent other places in the town without being subjected to it.

As laid back as I am, I know I wouldn't want to be running into naked people while I was out running errands. Can you image stopping into a Starbucks and people are there drinking their frappucinos in the buff? There is a health issue for sure.....I wouldn't want to sit down in a chair that somebodys bare *advertiser censored* just got out of!!!

Also, there are too many perverts out there who would act on impulses that they might not get with fully clothed people!!

What an odd story!!
julianne said:
Bizarre. I am a very laid back type of person, and don't consider nudity to be sexual and have no problems with the nude human body. HOWEVER, there IS a time and a place for it. Plus, if we're talking about CHILDREN under the age of 18, then I have a problem with that.

I also have a problem with them "parading" around town like that. I know many people are offended by the nude body and it makes them uncomfortable, so I do think that people absolutely have a right to do their shopping, go to restaurants and frequent other places in the town without being subjected to it.

As laid back as I am, I know I wouldn't want to be running into naked people while I was out running errands. Can you image stopping into a Starbucks and people are there drinking their frappucinos in the buff? There is a health issue for sure.....I wouldn't want to sit down in a chair that somebodys bare *advertiser censored* just got out of!!!

Also, there are too many perverts out there who would act on impulses that they might not get with fully clothed people!!

What an odd story!!

Hahaha :D
Yeah I'm with you Julianne, we weren't born with clothes on and all that jazz and sure be a naturist if you want, but for gods sake show a bit of discretion lol
What ever happened to modesty? Those youngsters need something constructive to do.

There aint no way I would hula-hoop nude. And riding a bike nude must be a bit uncomfortable.
I'm pretty sure you can't transmit anything from bare-*advertiser censored* contact. :cool:
I like clothes... hehe leaves more to the imagination and it looks better on most human bodies... :D

I guess "freedom" of expression has a whole new meaning in this town.

Teens being teens, rebelling, testing the limits, I rather them parade around nude without harming anyone, then testing the limits through drugs and drink.
I'd rather have my kids see a naked person than violence, but if these "teens" are under 18, there's a problem, IMO.
Jeana (DP) said:
I'd rather have my kids see a naked person than violence, but if these "teens" are under 18, there's a problem, IMO.
Hi Jeana,:)
Thanks for the post.Yes it is a problem with teens doing this.There is also a problem if people think that it is ok for them to do this.
Bizarre. I am a very laid back type of person, and don't consider nudity to be sexual and have no problems with the nude human body. HOWEVER, there IS a time and a place for it. Plus, if we're talking about CHILDREN under the age of 18, then I have a problem with that.

I also have a problem with them "parading" around town like that. I know many people are offended by the nude body and it makes them uncomfortable, so I do think that people absolutely have a right to do their shopping, go to restaurants and frequent other places in the town without being subjected to it.

As laid back as I am, I know I wouldn't want to be running into naked people while I was out running errands. Can you image stopping into a Starbucks and people are there drinking their frappucinos in the buff? There is a health issue for sure.....I wouldn't want to sit down in a chair that somebodys bare *advertiser censored* just got out of!!!

Also, there are too many perverts out there who would act on impulses that they might not get with fully clothed people!!

What an odd story!!
i totally agree .. there is a time and place.. plus i dont see what purpose.running around nude does for people and esp in front of kids i know if i were some kid i wouldnt want some persons things hanging in my face YUCK its sickening imho
I personally find this whole thing yicky. I don't want to sip on a cup of java from Starbucks only to look up and see some young buck walking by with his wang, flapping in the wind.:p If the teens want to walk around naked....they should go to a nudist colony.
Seriousy, I don't think little children or the elderly should have to look at the works either.
Unless the teens plan to become rich and live on the Riviera or turn to stripping they will have to conform or go hungry when it comes time to find homes with friendly neighbors, apartments, future in laws, and jobs. They might even have criminal records to try and find jobs with if they continue to do this.
I just don't understand what's so hard about conforming to wearing clothes. Clothes are nice, they are soft and come in so many nice fabrics. :)

I would never live a life of nudity... to much upkeep and shaving involved.

Bizarre. I am a very laid back type of person, and don't consider nudity to be sexual and have no problems with the nude human body. HOWEVER, there IS a time and a place for it. Plus, if we're talking about CHILDREN under the age of 18, then I have a problem with that.

I also have a problem with them "parading" around town like that. I know many people are offended by the nude body and it makes them uncomfortable, so I do think that people absolutely have a right to do their shopping, go to restaurants and frequent other places in the town without being subjected to it.

As laid back as I am, I know I wouldn't want to be running into naked people while I was out running errands. Can you image stopping into a Starbucks and people are there drinking their frappucinos in the buff? There is a health issue for sure.....I wouldn't want to sit down in a chair that somebodys bare *advertiser censored* just got out of!!!

Also, there are too many perverts out there who would act on impulses that they might not get with fully clothed people!!

What an odd story!!

Hi julianne,

I haven't seen you around in a while and hope you are well. I too am very comfortable with nudity, but there is a time and place for everything - and, as you mention, there are some public health issues to be considered.

Dave Sedaris wrote a hysterical short story called Naked about a 2-week trip he made to a nudie camp. It's a funny funny story!
Oh, good heavens!

This is Vermont we're talking about.

It's not as if the children have anything else to do.

And I'm pretty sure they'll put their clothes back on come Fall (somewhere around Aug. 1 in Vermont).
Then over here on my side of the world:


Huntington Beach City Council Approves Nudity Ban

HUNTINGTON BEACH, July 17, 2007 (KABC-TV) - The city of Huntington Beach has taken steps toward changing a city law on nudity.

Monday night, the city council unanimously approved an ordinance that would ban nudity in public.

The move was prompted by a local resident who lived in a house on Walnut Avenue, where he stood naked in full view of the public.
He has since moved.
Brattleboro outlaws public nudity

10:28 a.m.
July 18, 2007
BRATTLEBORO, Vt. (AP) - A split town Select Board has outlawed public nudity in parts of the community.

By a vote of 3-2, the board Tuesday passed an emergency ordinance that could bring a $100 fine for not wearing clothes on the town's main roads.

But outside corridors defined by U.S. Route 5 and state Route 9 nudity would still be allowed as long as it's not within 250 feet of any school, place of worship. Certain other parts of town would also be included in the ban.

I'm pretty sure you can't transmit anything from bare-*advertiser censored* contact. :cool:

I suppose it depends on everyone's level of hygiene. :sick:

I never thought about poor little kids and how everything is right at their eye level. :silenced:

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