Globe Article: Autopsy Shocker!

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Long time Websleuther
Aug 18, 2003
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Hi all - I am just now getting "into" this case... only on Part 2 of the 13 out there! LOTS to catch up on! LOL! :doh: but I'm getting there. I just saw this in the Globe - and thought I'd make a separate thread, as I really didn't know 'where' else to put it! Here's a snip from the article:

Brutual truth about tragic "NEW LACI":

While evidence indicates that pregnant mom Michelle Young was strangled by her killer, she also endured a beating so savage that her jaw and skull were shattered and several of her teeth were knocked out.
Newly released autopsy findings reveal that "blunt force trauma" to the head caused the death of the 29-year-old brunette, dubbed the "new Laci" (Peterson)...
Cops say they have no suspects, but their investigation seems to have focused on Michelle's 32-year-old husband Jason, who claims he was a five-hour drive away at the time, visiting his family.
Lawmen say they found two unidentified blood droplets on the seat and exterior of his Ford Explorer and learned he was the beneficiary of a "substantial" life insurance policy.
Police suspect Jason was having a "relationship" with another woman in the months leading up to his wife's vicious murder and he is now refusing to talk.
Now, the autopsy reveals the horror Michelle suffered in her last few minutes. Besides knocking out teeth and crushing her jaw and skull, the ferocious beating caused a brain hemorrhage and left 13 ugly gashes on the back of her head. The bloodied beauty was found clutching a strand of hair, which has been sent to a lab for testing in hopes it will nail her killer.

Hoping this "hair" will lead to the killer! Boy I have a LOT to catch up with... back to lurk mode... :cool:

edited to add the date of the article from Globe is 2/19/07 issue
Thanks for posting this Niner. I'm happy to see this somewhere in the media even though it's the Globe! lol I was hoping that the NE would pick this up and do some investigative reporting.
Good for the GLOBE. Start some digging .!!!! Too many inquiring minds are being stiffled by JY & friends & family.......get the tabloids digging .. what are the JYS going to do ?sue?Thanks Niner!!
Nice of them to run a story but I wish they'd get their story 'straight'.

There are differences.....

between 'being strangled' and 'attempted strangulation'. (reference AR)

between 'clutching a strand of hair' and 'a single hair stuck in blood on the hand' (reference AR)

between '13 ugly gashes on the back of her head' to 'at least 13 lacerations on the back of the head' and 'a group of at least 8 lacerations to the left side of the head' (reference AR)

between 'found two unidentified blood droplets' to 'observed what appeared to be blood on the rear drivers side seat' and 'observed what appeared to be a dark in colour spot consistant with a blood droplet on the exterior drivers side rear door'(reference SUV SW)

The tests on those 'spots' have not come back to say that they were blood.

"The new Laci"......

Now this is beginning to annoy me. Apart from the fact that there are "huge" differences between the murders of Michelle and Laci. By dubbing Michelle "the new Laci", Michelle is losing identity. This is an extremely annoying factor of the press. Michelle's murder should stand alone. I'm sure Laci didn't receive the "the new blah blah", so why should Michelle receive it?

Sorry Niner, this isn't a rant at you hon and thank you for posting it. :)

I just feel that Michelle needs to retain her own identity.

Samiya said:
Nice of them to run a story but I wish they'd get their story 'straight'.

There are differences.....

between 'being strangled' and 'attempted strangulation'. (reference AR)

between 'clutching a strand of hair' and 'a single hair stuck in blood on the hand' (reference AR)

between '13 ugly gashes on the back of her head' to 'at least 13 lacerations on the back of the head' and 'a group of at least 8 lacerations to the left side of the head' (reference AR)

between 'found two unidentified blood droplets' to 'observed what appeared to be blood on the rear drivers side seat' and 'observed what appeared to be a dark in colour spot consistant with a blood droplet on the exterior drivers side rear door'(reference SUV SW)

The tests on those 'spots' have not come back to say that they were blood.

"The new Laci"......

Now this is beginning to annoy me. Apart from the fact that there are "huge" differences between the murders of Michelle and Laci. By dubbing Michelle "the new Laci", Michelle is losing identity. This is an extremely annoying factor of the press. Michelle's murder should stand alone. I'm sure Laci didn't receive the "the new blah blah", so why should Michelle receive it?

Sorry Niner, this isn't a rant at you hon and thank you for posting it. :)

I just feel that Michelle needs to retain her own identity.

("Niner", Thanks for the info, believe me, I'm not picking on you either...I promise!)


I agree about giving Michelle her own "space" in time, after all it will be the last one she gets.

As for the correlation between Laci and Michelle (Janet, etc.). IMO they were young, died way too soon and married PIGS!

IF we really wanted to do something constructive, instead of comparing the murdered wives, maybe we should look at the husbands.

After all, that seems to be the common denominator.

Just my thoughts.

I agree with you both, Sami and bigfish... about calling Michelle the 'new' Laci - she SHOULD stand by herself in this one~ no offense taken! :D

I too noticed the 'differences' in the Globe article and from what I have picked up reading here from the last week. especially the "clutch" of hair - compared to the 'one' hair actually found! That was a 'new' one for me, as I thought - oh boy - a 'Clutch" of hair! Lots of DNA! And sadly to find out - only one hair - but one hair IS good!! LOL! No analysis on that yet??? Just getting caught up here, as i said - so will check out some of your other threads here!

And if I 'see' anything else in the Globe or Natl Enq - I'll go ahead and post those too! Yes, The NE HAS been good at digging up so good finds! So hopefully they'll get into this one!
5bigfish5 said:
snip....As for the correlation between Laci and Michelle (Janet, etc.). IMO they were young, died way too soon and married PIGS!...snip
Now now, let not give pigs a bad name. These were smug, over induldged, self induglent, momma's boys who thought they were entitled and smarter than everyone else. :twocents:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

curious1 said:
Now now, let not give pigs a bad name. These were smug, over induldged, self induglent, momma's boys who thought they were entitled and smarter than everyone else. :twocents:
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