A ridiculous Ramsey theory

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Aug 15, 2003
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A few years ago, one of the oddest characters appeared on the forums claiming to have solved the Ramsey case. He claimed to be a renowned British Criminologist and displayed impressive credentials on his website. The group of people who have become known as the "Fleet Bashers" got very excited and some still quote him as though he were a credible expert about the case.

Alas, his credentials proved to be false.

This detective joined another forum but the members of that forum grew suspicious of him and he got annoyed. Then a lawyer's letter arrived threatening action against his client's critics. The lawyer was real enough, the address was not. Someone checked it out and it transpired that the real lawyer knew nothing about the letter or his alleged "client"!

The Criminologist did honour his promise to unveil his suspect though and as expected, it was Fleet White. Unfortunately, the theory contained few case facts and no evidence whatsoever. The most exciting clues that the Criminologist had discovered were not to be revealed though - he said he would reveal them in court - if Fleet White ever dared to meet him there.

It wasn't to be though. Far from Fleet White having to answer to the criminologist in a court of law, it was the criminologist who took down his appalling webpage and he disappaered back into the woodwork (possibly to look for likenesses of John Lennon - a speciality of his apparently).

The webpage was saved remains - albeit at a different web location.

I'm not going to post his theory here, but I will summarise it bit by bit and respond to his ludicrous claims.
1. Criminologist states that that FW set off for the Ramsey home on the morning of Thursday 26th December

J - jonBenet's estimated time of death is around midnight.

2. Criminologist gives Criminologist's address as 733 15th Street.

J - This was not the White's address. This is probably the address of a house they rented previously which was in 15th Street. The White house was described as being 5/6 minutes drive from the Ramsey home. That's a few miles away. So how did FW get there - on foot (which would have been a good half hour walk) or did he risk taking his car and wakening his own and the Ramsey neighbourhoods?.

3. He claims that Fleet White took a santa bear with him.

J - The santa bear was traced to a pageant gift bag which JonBenet had been given some time before her death. Patsy Ramsey may not have recognised it, but the pageant organiser identied the bear and confirmed it had been a gift.

4. Criminologist claims that FW used a key he'd had cut from the Ramsey keys several months before.

J - no evidence offered to support this whatsoever. pure speculation.

5. Criminologist claims that FW was keeping the promise of a special visit from Santa.

J - No evidence whatsoever to suggest that it was Fleet who told JonBenet that Santa was making a second special visit to her. Pure speculation.

6. Criminologist claimed that Fleet White was incensed that John Ramsey had earned the nickname "Billion Dollar Johnny" and that he Fleet had been the only fat cat in the neighbourhood prior to this.

J - There is no evidence to suggest that Fleet White considered himself to be a fat cat. In fact, the term fat cat was one used amongst John Ramsey's Atlanta friends. The Whites did not live a lavish lifestyle at all (quote often the case with people from families which have known wealth for generations as the Whites had).

7. Criminologist claimed that FW hated John Rmsey's guts.

J - There is no evidence of this whatsoever. Pure speculation.

8. Criminologist states that Fleet White roused her from sleep and that she didn't scream because she recognised him.

J - No evidence that this happened whatsoever.

9. Criminologist claims that FW showed her the santa bear

J The santa bear was JonBenet's - she had owned it for some time already.

10. Criminologist claims that FW dressed Jonbenet in her dressing gown and wrapped her in a blanket and she goes along with this without any resitance.

J - No evidence for this whatsoever but her own grandmother said that Jonbenet did not like to be wakened up and that she would have "screamed bloody murder" if anyone had tried to take her out of her bed when she was asleep.
11. Criminologist claimed that Fleet White left the Santa bear in Jonbenet's bedroom so that if he got caught, all he had to say was that he'd decided to bring her the teddy (in the middle of the night) and everyone would simply have thought this was a cute gesture....

J - So the Ramseys disturb one of their friends in their house, in the middle of the night, carrying their daughter out of the house wrapped in a blanket and all he has to do is point to the santa bear and say "I decided to bring her this" and the Ramseys would smile at each other and say "Awwww, cute"

12. Criminologist claims that FW took her out of the house and that he brushed against some branches causing the scratches on her leg.

J - Wait a minute - I thought she was wrapped in a blanket? There is no evidence to support the claim that the scratches were caused by branches. Criminologist also fails to explain why Jonbenet is still happy to go along with this scheme on a cold snowy night following an exhausting day.

13. Criminologist then states that he is withholding the next piece of "evidence" claiming they are the "ace up his sleeve" andthat he will only reveal them in court.... He says his evidence - which he will only reveal in court if Fleet subpoenas is, could result in Fleet being sentenced to death.

J - So Criminologist isn't handing this crucial evidence over to the police? Why has FW himself got to subpoena it? (Interestingly, Henrietta McPhee is the only other person I have come across who mentions death sentence with his FW theory so maybe those who think Criminologist = HM are on to something...)

14. Criminologist then goes on to describe how FW took Jonbenet back to the house at 733 15th St and tortured her.

J - The Whites didn't live in this house which was on the same street as the Ramseys....

15. Criminologist describes how Jonbenet was hung up by her wrists over two hooks.

J - There is no evidence to support this whatsoever. Forensic pathologists can tell is a person has been hung up by the wrists. There is nothing in her autopsy report to support this claim whatsoever. Pure fantasy.

16. Criminologist then states that jonBenet wet herself giving FW a dilemma because he had intended to make it look as though as though she were killed in her own basement. Now he had a problem because there was going to be no urine stain in her own basement floor.

J - Ehm... there was a urine stain on the Ramsey basement floor.

17. Criminologist claims that FW wiped her down and put on the dry Wednesday knickers but that they were not Jonbenet's.

J - Uhmmm.... the knickers that Jonbenet was wearing when she found were urine stained and they did belong to the Ramseys. Patsy Ramsey confirmed this.

(Suddenly we are back at the Ramsey home....)

18. Criminologist claimed that FW laid her down in the Ramsey Basement floor wrapped in the blanket and this time she has her favourite pink nightgown wrapped up with her.

J - Criminologist gives no description as to how FW & Jonbenet suddenly materialised back at the Ramsey home or how Jonbenet's favourite barbie nightgown is suddenly wrapped up in the blanket along with her.

19. Criminologist claimed that FW had stolen one of Patsy's paintbrushes at the party several days before and had broken it into three but that he had carelessly lost one of the pieces - probably in his own home. However, this lost piece of paintbrush now suddenly materialised again enabling FW to replace it in the paint tote - thus making it look as though the garotte had been made at the scene.

J - Criminologist doesn't attempt to explain how the missing piece of paintbrush was lost and then miraculously materialised again. Nor does he explain why shards of the paintbrush were found next to the paint tray - suggesting that it had been broken there!

20 Criminologist claims that FW had previously taken 4 pages from Patsy's notepad and that he had these in an envelope which was in his coat.

J He secreted an A4 envelope in his coat? Did he pin it inside his coat? 11 inches x 8.5 inches? How did he secret that in his coat without it getting creased? The paper hadn't been folded..... That is one helluva pocket!
21. Criminologist then claims that FW left the basement, but that he wrote the ransom note inside the Ramsey home using samples of Patsy's handwriting "to guide him". He then placed the three page ransom note at the foot of the basement stairs and placed the other sheet - the "practice note" in "another part of the house".

J - So FW "impersonated" Patsy's writing to write the note....

22. Criminologist then states that FW made 6 glaring errors in writing the ransom note and that Criminologist is not going to tell us what they are - but he will confront FW with these in court if he dares to show up...

J How convenient...

23. Criminologist then turns his attention to SBTC. He claims it stands for Small Business Technology Coalition and that FW had mistakenly thought that john Ramsey had done a money fiddle betwen SBTC to fund Access Graphics.

J - ANy proof that FW thought this?

24. Criminologist then claims that FW asked for $118,000 to make it look as if someone at Access Graphics or Patsy had written the note.

J - Confusion - I thought FW wanted to make it look as if Patsy wrote the note? Why are we suddenly throwing Access Graphics into the pot?

25. Criminologist then describes FW leaving the house but deciding to kneel at the baement grill to disturb some dirt and make it look as though someone had entered or exited that way. He then claims that FW went home, checked the real murder scene and then burns his clothes plus certain other items.

J - Home? But I thought the murder had taken place at 733 15th Street? Also - where is the evidence that FW burnt anything?

26. Criminologist's theory then describes in a very convoluted way what was "supposed to happen" - ie that john Ramsey would be first down and find the note (it was addressed to him after all) and Criminologist has Fleet White phoning the Ramsey home and feigning surprise to find out that they are still there....

J - WOW! So FW, who KNOWS the Ramseys were off to Charlevoix for a few days - is going to then phone their home so that he can pretend to be surprised to find they are still there???? WOuldn't that raise some questions - i.e. why are you phoning our house when you think we are in Charlevoix?

27 Criminologist then describes how the police were going to be very suspicious of the Ramseys because FW has created so many clues to make it look as though they were guilty...

J - So why did he remove the paintbrush from the house in order to break it? Why did he remove the victim from the house in order to kill her? Why put John's bonus in the note to make it look like someone at Access Graphics did it if he really wanted to frame the Ramseys?

28 Criminologist then explains that at the party on 23rd, FW made a call to 911 to determine the police response time in case he should disturbn the Ramseys

J - SO why did Susan Stine turn the police away? Was she in on it? And what happened to the cute gesture of the Santa bear that was supposed to be his backup plan?

29. Criminologist then goes on to describe FW's peculiar behaviour after the murder - claiming that he was terrified of going to court.

J - SO why wasn't it FW refusing to be interviewed by police? Why was he not only fully co-operating with police but also writing to all sorts of official compaining about the poor investigation and demanding a proper investigation?

30. Criminologist then claimed that because Governor Romer refused FW's request to have Alex Hunter removed from the investigation for incompetency, it means that FW will be the seond person to die in Colorado by lethal injection since 1977 should he be named as the murderer.

J - I think capital cases require evidenec which proves a person is guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.
31. Criminologist describes how the Whites had demanded that their church pull out of a memorial service for Jonbenet for reasons which were never given.

J - And the entire congregation of this church were a bunch of lemmings who meekly and unquestioningly went along with their request???? Or could it be that they agreed with the reasons which were never given?

32. Criminologist then quotes a large portion of the Ramsey's book "Death of Innocence",

33. In his closing arguments in presenting his case against FW, Criminologist quotes John Ramsey who said that FW knew how to tie knots and that he might have had duct tape - because he owned electrical tape.

J - We own electrical tape. We even own duct tape beause it's actually quite useful. If this is the strongest evidence Criminologist has against FW, it's a poor show indeed.

34. Finally, Criminologist states that "(FW) now has to answer to me, (Criminologist). Then he has to answer to God for taking the life of a loveable 6-year-old girl who had so much to live for, and for putting her parents and brother through six years of sheer Hell.

J I think that it was actually Criminologist who answered to FW since Criminologist took his libellous and fantasy based website down.
So there we have it - full of holes, non-facts, speculation and fabrication.

The webpage was taken down as I said - perhaps the Criminologist realised that it was baseless and full of errors and had the decency to take it down himself. Or perhaps he was informed that it was libellous and told to take it down.

Either way - one of his basic claims is that the Whites lived at 733 15th Street which they did not. The may have lived there at one time, but they had moved and John Ramsey described their house as being 5 or 6 minutes drive away which i reckon to be a couple of miles at least (I base this on my own driving experiences around town). 5/6 minutes drive would be about a 20-30 minute walk - certainly in the snow and ice.

The criminologist's theory also offers no sources for his claims ( although interestingly, the Fleet Bashers see fit to quote HIM as a credible source for their theories!). Note that his theory has Fleet with JonBenet in his house (which wasn't his house at all) then suddenly they were back in the Ramsey basement! He also had nightgowns materialising out of thin air.

If you go to this website:-


Note where the arrow is. Now type 733 15th St into the search box and see how minutely the arrow moves. There is NO WAY the Ramseys took 5 minutes to drive this distance :-)
In Swindon, England, in 1997 Keith Andrews, aged 51, attempted to pass himself off as The Marquis St. Leger.
He totally deceived the upper classes with talk of his royal bloodline.
He was eventually arrested after trying to secure a mortgage against his imaginary French Chateau.
When police arrived at his home to question him he was at a loss to explain why he had christmas cards addressed to 'Uncle Keith'!

Great job of debunking this cretinous assclown's theory, Jayelles!

I came across a bunch of stuff written by this "criminologist" last night and read through it all. Seemingly, he claims to have gone to school with John Lennon so that makes it less likely that he is the same person who impersonated a marquis in the South of England as a report about that case says the person went to school in the South of England. As a word of warning - elsewhere a poster seems to believe that because there is a wiki page about this person which "confirms" that he is a criminologist that it makes it so. NOT SO. I could put up a wiki page today claiming to be an expert forensic scientist and I could basically write whatever I wanted on it. Within weeks, my wiki page would have duplicated itself to a variety of other websites which reference the wiki site - thus portraying me as an expert in forensic science all over the Internet.

It doesn't make it so though!

The only references to this person being a criminologist are on pages which he has put up himself or those which his colleague put up or owns or is otherwise known to be involved in. The colleague is similarly self-promoting (more is known about the colleague since he has published several books of local interest).

Unless I find some independent corroboration that this guy is more than an amateur historian and crime sleuth, then I will takes his claims to be so with a huge pinch of salt.

Some people are awfully easily deceived (con artists thrive on them).

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