What if there was no ransom letter?

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May 4, 2006
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Ok, in my opinion, an IDI. But I go back and forth sometimes. I can see where all yall RDI's are coming from. I think Patsy wrote the letter, but did not necessarily kill Jon Benet. I still haven't come up with a good reason why Patsy would manipulate the scene and stage the "ransom letter", not having killed JonBenet.
But what if there was no letter left? What do you think would have happened? Would everyone be so focused on the Ramseys? Ok, if IDI, and Patsy had gone to wake JonBenet up and not found her, then called 911 to say that her child was missing...would they have searched the house for JonBenet? Would they have maybe considered that a pedophile got her?
If RDI and no letter was left, would that have worked out better for them?
If there was no fiber or other evidence,yes I think so,b/c as far as that note goes,Patsy might as well have just signed it, "Love,Patsy".
But that would also depend on their behavior,as such, it's so obvious they're not really trying to find any killer,and never were.Even bf the note was released,I was,as everyone else was too..baffled as to why they weren't angry.It just didn't fit in with being innocent.
Ok, in my opinion, an IDI. But I go back and forth sometimes. I can see where all yall RDI's are coming from. I think Patsy wrote the letter, but did not necessarily kill Jon Benet. I still haven't come up with a good reason why Patsy would manipulate the scene and stage the "ransom letter", not having killed JonBenet.
But what if there was no letter left? What do you think would have happened? Would everyone be so focused on the Ramseys? Ok, if IDI, and Patsy had gone to wake JonBenet up and not found her, then called 911 to say that her child was missing...would they have searched the house for JonBenet? Would they have maybe considered that a pedophile got her?
If RDI and no letter was left, would that have worked out better for them?

If Patsy woke up and found her child gone, you have to ask whether the house would be searched?
The Rs needed the ransom letter to explain how their daughter ended up dead in their basement. Without it, all suspicion would have fallen directly onto them...instead of on them and some anonymous kidnapper supposedly representing a foreign faction.

The RN didn't do them much good anyway - FBI spotted it as bogus and suspicious right off. They knew they'd be finding a body. French didn't open the wine cellar door when searching the basement early that morning because he was searching for an entry/exit for the kidnapper - had he been searching for a missing child, he would have opened that door and found her right away.

I can't believe they didn't search the house top to bottom regardless of whether an RN was found or not. The fact that they claim not to have searched leads me to believe they already knew she was dead in the wine cellar.
The Rs needed the ransom letter to explain how their daughter ended up dead in their basement. Without it, all suspicion would have fallen directly onto them...instead of on them and some anonymous kidnapper supposedly representing a foreign faction.

The RN didn't do them much good anyway - FBI spotted it as bogus and suspicious right off. They knew they'd be finding a body. French didn't open the wine cellar door when searching the basement early that morning because he was searching for an entry/exit for the kidnapper - had he been searching for a missing child, he would have opened that door and found her right away.

I can't believe they didn't search the house top to bottom regardless of whether an RN was found or not. The fact that they claim not to have searched leads me to believe they already knew she was dead in the wine cellar.

Of course they knew...one of them would have been tearing that house apart, while the other one was calling 911...(and all of their friends). And then after the 911 call, and the phone -a- friend calls....the other one would have helped in the search. It wouldn't have taken them so long to find her, if an intruder had of really killed her, because the house would have been turned upside down, by the Ramsey's AND their friends. They would have probably found the body BEFORE the cops arrived....I mean, IF there had of been a REAL intruder. Even if I had gotten a note, saying that my child had been kidnapped....(which technically means...taken out of the house)....my time STILL would have been spent tearing the house apart...just in case. Shoot...what ELSE did the Ramsey's have to do, after they had called everyone over for a block party? Besides sitting on the couch, surrounded by all of her friends, and taking a walk down memory lane, while looking at photos of JB.....every single one of them, would have been searching that house....inside AND OUT. NOPE...they knew where she was ALL ALONG. I am 110 % sure of it...(so I am not even going to end this with an IMO).
But what if there was no letter left?
No part of the body staging pointed to an offender from outside the home, the RN is what did that. Without it, Patsy would have been dead in the water.
Ok, in my opinion, an IDI. But I go back and forth sometimes. I can see where all yall RDI's are coming from. I think Patsy wrote the letter, but did not necessarily kill Jon Benet. I still haven't come up with a good reason why Patsy would manipulate the scene and stage the "ransom letter", not having killed JonBenet.
But what if there was no letter left? What do you think would have happened? Would everyone be so focused on the Ramseys? Ok, if IDI, and Patsy had gone to wake JonBenet up and not found her, then called 911 to say that her child was missing...would they have searched the house for JonBenet? Would they have maybe considered that a pedophile got her?
If RDI and no letter was left, would that have worked out better for them?

But, we have to go on facts...and there WAS a ransom note left.

On FFJ, Jayelles posted a quote by an FBI Handwriting expert...he said that the note was bogus...which we already know...but, he also said the quote below....and truer words have never been spoken.

"When there's a note at the Ramsey residence, there shouldn't have been a dead child. When there's a dead child at the residence, you shouldn't find a note," he said. "It's totally stupid."

So, probably if the fiber evidence wasn't found...and there had been no note...then the Ramsey's wouldn't STILL be under an umbrella of suspicion. BUT...there WAS a note...and a dead girls body left inside of the house....which, in the FBI'S handwriting expert's words....is "totally stupid".
Of course they knew...one of them would have been tearing that house apart, while the other one was calling 911...(and all of their friends). And then after the 911 call, and the phone -a- friend calls....the other one would have helped in the search. It wouldn't have taken them so long to find her, if an intruder had of really killed her, because the house would have been turned upside down, by the Ramsey's AND their friends. They would have probably found the body BEFORE the cops arrived....I mean, IF there had of been a REAL intruder. Even if I had gotten a note, saying that my child had been kidnapped....(which technically means...taken out of the house)....my time STILL would have been spent tearing the house apart...just in case. Shoot...what ELSE did the Ramsey's have to do, after they had called everyone over for a block party? Besides sitting on the couch, surrounded by all of her friends, and taking a walk down memory lane, while looking at photos of JB.....every single one of them, would have been searching that house....inside AND OUT. NOPE...they knew where she was ALL ALONG. I am 110 % sure of it...(so I am not even going to end this with an IMO).

right on Ames,I'd said b/f that I have a relative w/ bpd,well,I knew he'd ran off (several times actually),and wasn't there,but I was still frantic and tearing thru the house,looking for every little thing he might have taken that could give me a clue as to where he might have gone..ripping the house apart and turning it upside down,inside and out.
The R's are in just no way believable,and I don't buy the old excuse of everybody acting differently,bc there are some things you do without question,and not being **passive** is one of them !!
As far as looking at the pictures,that's something ppl do after the death of a loved one,bc they feel like the pics are one of the few things they have left of them,and they become very treasured mementos(I wonder how many Aunt Pam carted out of the house..I suspect they were one of the things the R's didn't want to leave behind in case they decided to skip the country).
right on Ames,I'd said b/f that I have a relative w/ bpd,well,I knew he'd ran off (several times actually),and wasn't there,but I was still frantic and tearing thru the house,looking for every little thing he might have taken that could give me a clue as to where he might have gone..ripping the house apart and turning it upside down,inside and out.
The R's are in just no way believable,and I don't buy the old excuse of everybody acting differently,bc there are some things you do without question,and not being **passive** is one of them !!
As far as looking at the pictures,that's something ppl do after the death of a loved one,bc they feel like the pics are one of the few things they have left of them,and they become very treasured mementos(I wonder how many Aunt Pam carted out of the house..I suspect they were one of the things the R's didn't want to leave behind in case they decided to skip the country).

I know alot of pro-Ramsey posters that say "well, they DID think that it was a kidnapping. So whats the use of them searching the house?" But, I say, "so the h*ll what!" They still could have looked for her....JUST IN CASE. They could have searched outside, and all around the house....(John spending ...and I quote from his interview...."30 seconds" outside, checking on a door, does NOT count!) They should have been scouring the place....and what is funny....is that not only did the Ramsey's (and their friends) NOT look for JB, they didn't even search the house for clues. Now....what does THAT tell you?? They should have been turning that house upside down, looking for HER...AND for CLUES! But no....they think that its more "productive" to sit and go down memory lane....looking at pictures of a child...that "supposedly" could still be alive. Yeah...now THAT does everybody alot of "good"....doesn't it. They sure were making themselves "USEFUL". Sorry, but...if my child had of been kidnapped...I wouldn't have been able to sit still, not for a MINUTE. And I know that some pro-Rams will say..."well, maybe they didn't want to disturb any evidence". And I say....bull...hockey. The Ramsey's not wanting to disturb evidence??? And these are the same people that ripped off tape from their dead child's mouth, tried to untie the wrist ligature and picked her up and carried her upstairs and laid her on the floor, and then fell across the body!!!!! Yeah, right...they didn't want to disturb any evidence!?!?!?!
ITA(I totally agree),they would have looked for her(why trust a kidnapper?maybe he dropped her,maybe she's somewhere hurt or afraid to move...),and they would have looked for clues,what's missing,what's out of place,check all the windows and doors..etc.
True, a parent would go through the home with a finetooth comb, kidnapping or "missing". See if any of her clothes, shoes, toys are missing. A coat. (this was December) anything that might indicate a live child was taken from her home. As a matter of fact, when LA asked JR and FW to search the home to see if anything was out of place or missing, she never seemed to be baffled by the fact that he headed immediately to the basement! Now, if a child has supposedly been taken from her bedroom, which is the last place the Rs claim to have seen her alive, THAT's where you start your search.
True, a parent would go through the home with a finetooth comb, kidnapping or "missing". See if any of her clothes, shoes, toys are missing. A coat. (this was December) anything that might indicate a live child was taken from her home. As a matter of fact, when LA asked JR and FW to search the home to see if anything was out of place or missing, she never seemed to be baffled by the fact that he headed immediately to the basement! Now, if a child has supposedly been taken from her bedroom, which is the last place the Rs claim to have seen her alive, THAT's where you start your search.

I'm pretty sure the bedroom was the one area of the house actually closed off.

I agree with everything else you are saying. Seems you would search the house very carefully. But then, I would have woken up Burke too, go figure. :)
Her bedroom WAS the only room closed off, but I though they did that AFTER the body was found. I didn't think they put up any of that "crime scene" tape until after the body was found and the Rs and their entourage had left the house.
Her bedroom WAS the only room closed off, but I though they did that AFTER the body was found. I didn't think they put up any of that "crime scene" tape until after the body was found and the Rs and their entourage had left the house.

I'm pretty sure it was closed off before the body was found, but now I'm wondering. All of my books are packed so I can't look it up. Maybe someone here knows for sure?

ETA: Wasn't that part of John's reasoning for starting in the basement? (In DOI) Maybe I can look online.
Ok, this is what I found:

After 5:59 AM| **Officer Veitch Arrived.** BPD officer **Karl Veitch** arrived before Fernies (Ramsey & Ramsey 1999a: 14). "Contrary to normal protocol, the police did not seal off the defendants' home, with the sole exception being the interior of JonBenét's bedroom. In other words, any person in the Ramsey house could, and often did, move freely throughout the home. (SMF P 21; PSMF P 22.)" (Carnes 2003:13).

From JonBenét Ramsey Case Encyclopedia

Thank goodness, I really didn't want to unpack anything packed! :)
I'm pretty sure it was closed off before the body was found, but now I'm wondering. All of my books are packed so I can't look it up. Maybe someone here knows for sure?

ETA: Wasn't that part of John's reasoning for starting in the basement? (In DOI) Maybe I can look online.

He may say that, but he specifically says he went up to put on his clothes before French arrived and looked under JonBenet's bed before going to his room. John Douglas says parents never lead to the body if they have killed their child; they let someone else find the body and pretend to be looking some place else. However, in John's case, he had checked and the officer's had checked and no one was finding anything and the day was going on and on so he found her instead. He was very helpful. Thank you John.
He may say that, but he specifically says he went up to put on his clothes before French arrived and looked under JonBenet's bed before going to his room. John Douglas says parents never lead to the body if they have killed their child; they let someone else find the body and pretend to be looking some place else. However, in John's case, he had checked and the officer's had checked and no one was finding anything and the day was going on and on so he found her instead. He was very helpful. Thank you John.

When I'm leaning RDI, (which seems to be often these days), I think that's exactly why John found her. He must have waited for French to announce it, then Fleet... he had to have been climbing the walls! Can you imagine?? I also think that fits in with Patsy's behavior during the wait, too.
When I'm leaning RDI, (which seems to be often these days), I think that's exactly why John found her. He must have waited for French to announce it, then Fleet... he had to have been climbing the walls! Can you imagine?? I also think that fits in with Patsy's behavior during the wait, too.

This case is beyond bizarre - beyond the pale - Yes in DOI he says Patsy is at one point hiding behind the china cabinet on her knees.
True, a parent would go through the home with a finetooth comb, kidnapping or "missing". See if any of her clothes, shoes, toys are missing. A coat. (this was December) anything that might indicate a live child was taken from her home. As a matter of fact, when LA asked JR and FW to search the home to see if anything was out of place or missing, she never seemed to be baffled by the fact that he headed immediately to the basement! Now, if a child has supposedly been taken from her bedroom, which is the last place the Rs claim to have seen her alive, THAT's where you start your search.

YEP...that's what I have said a million times. She was taken from her BEDROOM, NOT the BASEMENT. So, why did John make a beeline to the basement? He wanted to "find" the body and get it over and done with. Because it didn't look like the Keystone Cops were ever going to find her. He probably thought "Geezzzz...if you want something done right....do it yourself".
This case is beyond bizarre - beyond the pale - Yes in DOI he says Patsy is at one point hiding behind the china cabinet on her knees.

Believe it or not...I have not read DOI....SOOOOO....Patsy, at one point, was hiding behind the china cabinet on her knees?? How weird......hmmmmm. Sounds like she knew what was coming...and was losing her mind.

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