Squirming Fly Larvae Pulled From Man's Head


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Jan 11, 2006
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Squirming Fly Larvae Pulled From Man's Head
CARBONDALE, Colo. — Doctors thought the strange, bleeding bumps on Aaron Dallas' head might be from gnat bites or shingles. Then the bumps started moving.
A doctor found five active bot fly larvae living beneath the skin atop Dallas' head.
"I'd put my hand back there and feel them moving. I thought it was blood coursing through my head," Dallas told the (Glenwood Springs) Post Independent.
"I could hear them. I actually thought I was going crazy."
Dallas said he likely received the larval infestation while on a trip to Belize this summer. Bot fly infections are not uncommon in parts of Central and South America

Wow this is digusting! I saw a case similar to this on tv where this woman went to the ER claiming that she could feel bugs in her scalp, at first they thought she was crazy but after they looked into it closer sure enough they found some kind of weird bugs that burrowed in her scalp from some country i dont remember where. It really creeped me out.
I was reading about this the other day. I think the flies usually affect dogs or cats throats and nasal passages, but some types of horrible problem can infest people in some far away places including Jamaica. I'm just glad that the man was believed and didn't have to suffer any longer than necessary.
Wow this is digusting! I saw a case similar to this on tv where this woman went to the ER claiming that she could feel bugs in her scalp, at first they thought she was crazy but after they looked into it closer sure enough they found some kind of weird bugs that burrowed in her scalp from some country i dont remember where. It really creeped me out.

I saw that too. Goodgrief, these kinds of stories are HORRIFYING.....anybody else getting those little psychosomatic creepy crawly feelings in your scalp? OOOOHHHH.
Wow this is digusting! I saw a case similar to this on tv where this woman went to the ER claiming that she could feel bugs in her scalp, at first they thought she was crazy but after they looked into it closer sure enough they found some kind of weird bugs that burrowed in her scalp from some country i dont remember where. It really creeped me out.
i saw that too, i wasn't right for a week!!!
itchy, creepy, crawlies!!!
My boss' new wife has a house in Belize. They just got married there in January. It seems like he mentioned bot flies when he got back so I'll have to ask him about them.
My son is planning on going to South America during the Christmas Holidays, I might send him to the Dr for a COMPLETE head to toe physical when he gets back!! And to the girl that cuts his hair!! And thats before he walks into the house.
My daughter had to drive up to Carbondale on Tuesday and came home with the local newspaper. This story was on the front page. I couldn't believe it. The poor man suffered for sometime. He had severe pain that he said "brought him to his knees." He saw a couple of different doctors one told him he had shingles. When the larvae became active they figured it out.

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