Father Now Named Suspect

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In my mind the parents were always suspects from the very beginning.
You would think with all the murders of children committed by a parent the shock of it would run off me like water off a ducks back, but seriously WTF.
You would think with all the murders of children committed by a parent the shock of it would run off me like water off a ducks back, but seriously WTF.

I know, I keep picking and poking at holes in their story and unexplained things, but I'd be thrilled if someone turned Maddie into a police station tomorrow and collected the reward--and the McCanns went home with their daughter.
Will Kate and Gerry try to leave Portugal tomorrow? I wonder if they will be arrested before they can leave?
I just posted a thread, BOTH parents now named as FORMAL suspects...and saw this....that didn't take too long....think one will roll on the other. Another poll?


Translated by Ozzy at the Mirror Forums


"Casal Mc Cann é suspeito da morte de Madeleine


McCann couple suspected of Madeleines death

O casal McCann foi ontem constituído arguido por suspeita de envolvimento na morte da sua filha Madeleine, na noite de 3 de Maio, no aldeamento The Ocean Club, na Praia da Luz. Embora à hora do fecho desta edição, Gerry ainda estivesse a ser inquirido no Departamento de Investigação Criminal (DIC) de Portimão da Polícia Judiciária (PJ), onde chegou pouco depois das 16 horas, logo após a saída da sua mulher, o DN apurou que também ele foi constituído arguido no processo. A ambos foi aplicada a medida de coacção mínima, isto é, o termo de identidade e residência.

The McCann couple were yesterday named arguido (the word means formal suspect) on the basis of suspicion that they were involved in the death of their daughter Madeleine on the night of 3rd May at the Ocean Club, Praia da Luz. Though at the close of this edition Gerry was still at the Dept. of Criminal Investigation (DIC) of the PJ, where he arrived a little after 4 pm, and soon after his wife had left, the newspaper DN has gathered that he has also been named arguido. To both, minimum legal restraints have been applied – ie. identity and confirmation of residence. (This means they have to report to the police and confirm that they are physically present and resident in the place from time to time – once a day or whatever is set).

Pelo menos sobre Kate recairá a suspeita de "crime de homicídio por negligência e ocultação de cadáver" (este último incorre a uma pena até dois anos de prisão)". Uma situação confirmada ao princípio da noite pela assessora dos McCann, Justine McGuinness, segundo a qual "a polícia portuguesa considerou Kate suspeita da morte acidental da sua filha". Entretanto, fontes ligadas ao processo revelaram que Gerry terá admitido aos investigadores ter administrado um sedativo aos filhos na noite de 3 de Maio. E uma das linhas de investigação seguidas neste momento é precisamente, ao que o DN apurou, a hipótese de que a criança terá sido sedada com uma dose excessiva de um medicamento.

Kate is suspected of ‘homicide by negligence and hiding the body” ( the latter constitutes a sentence of upto two years in prison). A circumstance confirmed in principle by the spokesperson Justine McGuinness who said “ the portuguese police suspect Kate of having accidently killed her child”. However, sources connected to the inquiry have revealed that Gerry has admitted to the investigators he had administed a sedative to the children on the night of May 3rd. And one of the investigation lines followed at this moment is precisely, as the DN has gathered, the hypotheis that the child was sedated with an overdose of medication.

Entretanto, fontes ouvidas pelo DN asseguram que a medida de coacção de Kate McCann poderá ser, contudo, aumentada a qualquer momento, em função de novas diligências. Sabe-se entretanto que, segundo declarações feitas por Philomena McCann, cunhada de Kate, ao canal britânico Sky News, a PJ terá oferecido um acordo de dois anos de prisão à mãe de Maddie, através do seu advogado Carlos Pinto de Abreu, para confessar ter matado a sua filha por acidente e escondido o cadáver. Apesar dos contactos efectuados, DN não conseguiu obter uma reacção a esta grave acusação por parte da PJ.

However, sources have told the DN that the restraint measures on Kate McCann can at anytime be increased, depending on the results of new enquiries/information. According to declarations made by Philomena McCann, Kates sister in law, to Sky News, the PJ had offered a deal of two years in prison to Maddies mother through her lawyer Carlos Pinto de Abreu, if she confessed to killing her daughter and hiding the body. Despite trying to verify this, the newspaper DN has not been able to get any response from the PJ regarding this serious accusation.

Contradições de Kate

Contradictions by Kate

Segundo fontes ligadas ao processo, a PJ suspeita que a mãe de Madeleine é "desequilibrada mentalmente", podendo o crime ocorrido no apartamento de onde desapareceu a menina britânica, ter resultado de uma "agressão" a esta por parte de Kate. Outra suspeita avançada por aquelas fontes prende-se com o facto de Maddie ter morrido antes do jantar. As mesmas fontes admitem que a situação "complicou-se e os pais desorientaram-se", o que terá levado à "ocultação do corpo", que continua por aparecer.

According to sources connected with the enquiry, the PJ suspect that Madeleines mother is mentally unstable, and the crime could have occured in the apartment from which the child disappeared, as a result of an “aggression” by Kate. Another suspicion put forth by the sources is linked to the fact that Maddie had died before dinner. The same sources admit that the situation got complicated and the parents got disoriented which led them to hide the body which is yet to be found.

Ao longo das 15 horas de inquirição, realizadas entre a tarde de quinta-feira e grande parte do dia de ontem, Kate McCann foi fortemente apertada pelos investigadores, que começaram por conferir as rotinas familiares do casal e amigos desde que chegaram ao aldeamento da Praia da Luz, bem como confrontá-la com os resultados das análises forenses realizadas num laboratório de Birmingham, no Reino Unido, às amostras de vestígios de sangue, recolhidos no apartamento e, sobretudo, na viatura alugada pelo casal 25 dias após o desaparecimento da criança.

During the whole 15 hours of questioning carried out on Thursday evening and a major part of yesterday, Kate McCann was closely questioned by the investigators, who started off with checking the routine of the couple and their friends since their arrival at the Praia da Luz, as well as confronting them with the results of the forensic tests carried out at the Birmingham laboratory, UK, the blood samples collected at the apartment, and especially the samples in the vehicle rented by the couple 25 days after the child disappeared.

Segundo apurou o DN, Kate não terá sabido explicar o porquê do sangue no carro, tendo garantido que este não pertence à sua filha. Outra das questões colocadas pelos investigadores, diz respeito ao odor a cadáver detectado por cães pisteiros ingleses nas roupas de Kate. Esta terá alegado que semanas antes da chegada a Portugal esteve em contacto com cadáveres na unidade de saúde onde trabalha.

According to what the DN has gathered, Kate could not give any explanations about the blood samples in her car, insisting it doesnt belong to her child. Other questions asked by the investigators were regarding the smell of a cadaver detected by the sniffer dogs on Kates clothes. To this Kate said that weeks before she arrived in Portugal she had contact with cadavers in the health section where she worked."
Following his release from police questioning, Gerry spoke on the telephone to his sister Philomena McCann in Ullapool, Scotland.
Philomena said: “He is a bit distressed and very tired but he is adamant that he has done nothing wrong.
"He was questioned by the Policia Judiciaria (PJ) for a long time and he gave full answers to everything that was asked of him. He has co-operated fully with the PJ."
She added: “Gerry didn’t seem particularly worried. He was more concerned about how the investigation had turned away from looking for Madeleine alive. We want the police to continue looking for Madeleine alive.”

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Kate’s mum Susan, 61, accused Portuguese cops of planting evidence to FRAME her. She insisted: “This is a set-up. Maddie is Kate and Gerry’s world. They would never do anything to harm her.”
Susan said of reports that Maddie’s DNA was found in the car hired by the couple after the youngster vanished: “It must have been planted by the perpetrator.”
Exploding with fury, she said: “It’s absolutely ludicrous that Kate and Gerry have been named as suspects.
“But I know why this is happening — the police are trying to frame them for murder. If there is any evidence to implicate Kate and Gerry in any way then it has been planted. I don’t know how, what or when, but something has been put in place to bring about this bizarre line of questioning.
“I’ve kept quiet up to now so as not to do anything to disrupt the investigation — but enough is enough. This is nothing short of a disgrace.”
Kate made a heart-rending call to her mother during the break between Thursday’s grilling and the one she underwent yesterday. She told her: “I’m all right mum — don’t worry.”
But Susan said: “I know inside she was distraught at this incredibly stressful time.
“She manages to put on a brave face but this is heartbreaking for her.”
Husband Brian said: “It must have been a horrific experience for her.
“It’s so frustrating being so many miles away. All the family are terribly depressed. I’m just so scared and worried for Kate.”
He blasted the Portuguese authorities for “time-wasting” when they should be looking for Madeleine. Brian said: “I still think Madeleine has been abducted from her apartment and someone is holding her.”
Meanwhile Gerry's sister slammed the police as bungling “imbeciles”.

Philomena described the entire family as outraged at the police tactics towards her brother and his wife.
Philomena said: “It’s inconceivable what’s happening to them out there. There they are — victims of this horrendous crime — and now they’re trying to sully their name in this disgusting manner with this smear campaign. Some of the things that Kate has been asked are just incomprehensible.”
Confirming the police had found DNA on Kate’s garments, she said: “Of course there would be Madeleine’s fluids on their clothes. They pick her up. She’s a little girl who gets hugged and lifted. All they’re trying to do is fit Kate and Gerry up now because they haven’t found this perpetrator. These people are imbeciles.”

Maddie’s shaken great uncle Brian Kennedy, 69 — a retired headteacher said: “We don’t for one second believe they are guilty. They are absolutely devoted to Madeleine and the twins.”
Friends who were dining with the McCanns on the night Madeleine vanished were “totally appalled” at the suggestion Kate killed her daughter.
The seven pals said in a joint statement: “She is innocent. We were with her on the night, and we witnessed first hand the unimaginable grief Kate and Gerry suffered and continue to suffer.”
The friends included Dr Russell O’Brien, 36, and his wife Jane. Gerry’s former colleague Dr Matthew Oldfield and his wife Rachael, a recruitment consultant, were also at the table.
The final three diners were Dr Fiona Payne, her husband David, a senior research fellow at Leicester University, and Mrs Payne’s mother Dianne.
In Rothley, Leics — where the McCanns have their home — relatives and friends last night insisted there was “something untoward” in the police investigation.
Is she in a bathroom in those pictures? WTF?

Oh, no wait that is the police station. Those looked like airport bathrooms or something to me. Go figure.
If the parents did something to her:

I wonder if the sedation/leaving them alone was a result of something already having happened to Madeleine earlier in the evening. Maybe something had already happened to her, so they decided it would be better NOT to have someone watch the children & decided to sedate the twins.
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