The Pro-McCann's Media Machine

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Dr. Creepin

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Sep 14, 2007
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Thanks to Kevin2105 we have some new info on links between Gordon Brown and the Pro-McMann Media Machine.

Some time ago BBC News 24 announced that the 'Head of Media Monitoring and Analysis' was to review that day's papers. Her name was Julia Hobsbawm.

WE know that the 'Head of Media Monitoring and Analysis' is actually Clarence Mitchell - but the BBC misled the British Public by suggesting a government official was to review that day's papers.

Naturally Julia Hobsbawm went off on a rant saying that the idea that the McCanns were involved in Madeleine’s disappearance was ridiculous, and "it is time this country asked questions of the Portuguese police and Portugal itself, else we won’t go on there on holiday any more."

But Julia Hobsbawm is NOT a government official. Julia Hobsbawm is an independent PR consultant with deep New Labour Links.

Julia Hobsbawm was a partner in Hobsbawm Macaulay Communications with Sarah Macaulay, now known as Sarah Brown, the wife of British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown.

Julia Hobsbawm is now the founder and chief executive of media analysis and networking company Editorial Intelligence

And this is where it gets very interesting.

Julia Hobsbawm's new company 'Editorial Intelligence' specialises in analysing and exploiting comment and opinion in both print and online media. In simple terms, 'Editorial Intelligence' helps realise the potential of controlling the shape and fabric of public opinion and (d)ebate by controlling what is published in comment areas, forum areas, letters pages and message boards. They have even coined a new word for the online/published British public; they call it the 'Commentariat' (a play upon the word 'Proletariat' - originally coined to describe the lower or working classes).

We, my friends are the 'Commentariat'.

Here's how Julia Hobsbawm's 'Editorial Intelligence' describes itself on its website:

"Editorial Intelligence opens a door to a vital and growing world of print and online comment and opinion. What the 'Commentariat' says affects and influences the direction of public opinion and policy alike and with it, corporate reputation ...

... e.i was established to create a definitive portal to the Commentariat – the word coined by us to describe the world of comment and opinion which has increasing influence, not only on “the debate” but the shape and direction of policy, legislation and public opinion. "

Editorial Intelligence is a new-media PR company. Amoungst other things these kind of PR companies employ people to write press releases, sit in forums, write letters, post comments - all with the expressed purpose of directing public opinion and safe-guarding the interests and reputations of companies or people in the public eye.

Ever wondered why there are so many pro-mccann forum members even now? PR companies like Editorial Intelligence.
Ever wondered who the phrase 'trolls' and 'keyboard monkeys' really refer to? PR companies like Editorial Intelligence.
Ever wondered why all the comments, letters and opinion pieces in newspapers like the Daiy Mail are unaccountably Pro-McCann? PR companies like Editorial Intelligence.

Companies like Editorial Intelligence literally employ people to sit in forums, write letters and posts comments. Naturally, this is somewhat of an over-simplification - but these ARE nethertheless - some of their more proactive tasks.

The brief has been to give the impression that the weight of public opinion favours sympathy toward the McCanns: to shape the heart and minds of the 'Commentariat' and apply peer pressure on public opinion.

And what's more, Gordon Brown's wife, Sarah Brown and Julia Hobsbawm are the people most likely to be responsible.

Rather tellingly, clients of 'Editorial Intelligence' include SKY News and the General Medical Council.

(Julia Hobsbawm is also a trustee of the Jewish Community Centre for London - supported by none other than Sir Philip Green - loaner of jet and reward provider to the McCanns)

Sarah Browne - The New First Lady's_wife)

Jon Corner - Godparent to the twins, family spokesman and owner of Online Media, PR and Marketing Company - River Media in Liverpool.

original thread:[/quote]

Further posts include the following opinion which is also noteworthy and very well said

Quote : Guess you're ready at this point to consider that this entire charade has been an experiment, an elaborate, scrïpted hoax, to assess the effectiveness of combined Keyboard Monkeys and Pimp media, in assaults against the public ?

Clarrie would have been very eager to learn how many of the Ones in Twenty frequent forums. If you're not familiar with the 'Ones in 20' --- briefly, it's been estimated that on average, out of every twenty people, one will be a natural leader, able to motivate the rest. In wartime, the Ones in Twenty were removed in the belief the remaining 19 would thus be rendered obedient and easy to handle.

It's easy to pick the I in 20 out of a crowd. That's why they film protest marches, etc. A good 1 in 20 can rouse and lead a nation. Ones in Twenty are the natural enemies of governments, repressive governments especially.

Internet has changed everything. Governments fear it. But now they're being told they can use internet to their advantage. Which is where media monitoring units and the Hobshawns of the world come in. They're selling a product to governments with promises of being able to control societies remotely, using 'opinion shapers' and the like online.

I think this hoax/experiment will have scared the wits out of politicians. Because I suspect that instead of discovering perhaps Ones in Twenty in forums, they've discovered the ratio to be closer to 5 in 20, possibly 8 in 20.

What Clarrie and the s.c.u.m. have learned is that Ones in Twenty gravitate to internet forums. They teach the rest how to navigate and dissect media spin until it becomes automatic to all. Internet forums create Ones in Twenty ! And everyone develops new and vital skills via exposure to them.

Look at this forum, for example. The media c.r.a.p. doesn't have a chance here ! Yes, it's still fooling Mr. and Mrs Average who rely on Sky and Daily Mail for the news. But that same media garbage is ripped apart in these forums as fast as the media pimps can spin it. That is NOT good news for Hobshawn or Gordie or the media monitoring industry.

They've learned also that Keyboard Monkeys are worse than useless. Duh, Clarrie ... as I've told you before --- pay peanuts and monkeys is all you'll get.

At this point, the Clarries and Hobshawns of the world might be realising that for 'opinion shaping and steering' to work effectively, you need to have a superior class of Keyboard Monkey. They need to be trained. That costs money. Up goes the price of the product the Hobshawn's are trying to sell. And it gets worse (if you're a Hobshawn) or better, if you're a One or More in Twenty. Because having expended all that money, time and effort training Keyboard Monkeys, you have to keep them long enough to recoup your outlay and then some. We can see Keyboard Monkeys being head-hunted, can't we ? A new growth industry, with spin-offs such as Keyboard Monkey Training Centres. Advanced Keyboard Monkey Degrees. Phd in Monkeying. etc.

The phase I'm personally looking forward to, is the Keyboard Monkeys' Revolt. After all, like professional debaters, highly trained Keyboard Monkeys will automatically become ambivalent regarding any subject. Flexibility would be their tool. On any given day, they might be required to 'persuade' people to endorse mandatory euthanasia and to drink toxic recycled water. Who would blame them if, for the hell of it, or to pay back a despised employer or in a fit of conscience ......... the Keyboard Monkeys Crossed to the Other Side

Or ........ maybe people like ourselves would accept Keyboard Monkey positions in order to sabotage our employer, especially in political matters. How would those employers know ? In order to control their Keyboard Monkeys, they'd have to pay people to monitor those Monkeys. And it's possible the monitors might have a few political or other agenda of their own.

In the end, organisations and governments will realise it's more costly and problematic to try to shape societies via online Monkeys than it to just leave the public alone. And the Hobshawns will have to find another middle-man role as a means of earning their living.

Right now, it's very possible that this entire McTan Scam is an experiment, a scrïpted hoax, right down to PJ searches and Portuguese media reports. The McTans may be MI5/6. They have that look to them. Madeleine may be no more than a photograph borrowed for the experiment/hoax -- with the Clarrie's of the world timing just how long each new item of media spin lasts in the cauldron that is this and other online forums. They may well be testing us, to see how swiftly and how much of this case we 'crack', as the raw data is fed to us by the pimp media. They need this information, for future reference. Because they've got lots of scams on the drawing boards with a lot more at stake that a couple of robotic actors and a million pound Fund.

They've learned a lot from this forum (and others of course). They are collating data. They now know (thanks to this and other forums) just how great a role intuition plays in the public's determination of what is and what is not 'believable'.

They've learned the importance of 'sympathetic personalities', because by now, they realise that people first began to suspect Kat and Jerry because of their 'detached' and 'unemotional' demeanor.

They've learned that WE learn fast. We might be fooled by something once, but not twice.

They've learned we're far more analytical than they would ever have expected.

They've learned that total strangers, sight unseen, from all corners of the globe, regardless of class, education, age, etc. are immediately accepting of each other and willing to share information and work co-operatively regarding complex topics, amid hundreds of details.

We have shocked the living out of them. Now let's give them a collective Big Middle Finger ! Hi Clarrie. We see you ! One word for you luvvie --- it's backfiring. And so are Gordie's chances of winning the election ! Ciao

So, paid schills on forums and elsewhere spinning pro McCann coverage with links to Gordies wife? Plus suspicions by those tracking the case heavily, that its all a giant psy-op to test us with. They also mention links to intel/ millitary and IRA elsewhere but I havent had time to keep up with the arguments.

What do you guys think?
Absolutely fantastic Dr. Creepin!!

While my first instinct has always been to balk at "conspiracy theories" because I abhor the thought of being manipulated in any form, this posting rings true.

I have watched, on a number of forums, the ebb and flow of information and I have "sensed" that there was something sinister working behind the scenes. It is especially apparent on the Mirror board in the UK. I have to give our British friends a huge amount of credit though, they are having none of it. They see it, and feel it and immediately call it out and expose it. Then it goes away. Only to fire up again as things return to a state of relative calm.

Here in the states it seems that we are one of the "targeted" boards. I believe we are being watched, and manipulated :furious: . When things are quiet and the discussion benign (repetative, more emotional, less questioning) the forum seems to include a certain number of souls that are more emotionally invested, for whatever reason. When the monkeys come out, they are relentless. Trying to wear us down and make us go away, to give up. It makes perfect sense that they would be receiving compensation for their efforts. I seriously doubt that they would be so persistent if they were not being paid. It is hard work to bait and antagonize others for very long. It goes against the grain of who we are as humans. We are conditioned to cooperate, to come together, to work together.

Once some important "news" is introduced then we see new faces with ofentimes inflamatory viewpoints and attitudes. It looks like a concentrated effort to create chaos and confusion. It feels like being poked with a stick. Some react, some don't. It would be possible to gather an amazing amount of information on the human psyche by watching and feeding these reactions. You could experiment in many different ways. Ugh, makes my skin crawl.

Some have suggested that we should not be allowed to speak on this board about feeling or instinct. Our only discussion should be based on facts and irrefutable evidence. It almost comes down to logical vs emotional thinkers. Of course there are some variations and degrees. I think it might actually be easier to manipulate the logical thinkers than the emotional ones. Emotional thinkers draw others because of their basic honesty and integrity. People can sense that in others. Those among us that feel they have a "gift" of insight in a spiritual sense are the most difficult to steer. Interesting...

Well, you have got me thinking. I will watch with new eyes. I will refuse to allow an anonymous poster to poke me with a stick. Editorial Intelligence can bite me....want to bet they are taking notes on that reaction alone?

One thing though, if I find out that this:

(a child at a church service for Maddie)

is the result of some kind of social experiment...there will be H E L L to pay!!

Thanks again Dr. Creepin.
I agree. I have felt in the past few days this has been occurring here on maddy's thread. Not when it was one thread, but when the forum opened up, then wham.

I love getting all kinds of posters, new and old, but I feel something different this time is going on here. I felt this way for two days. I've been poked (a nice word to use), for I can think of another word that better describes it.

I refuse to continue in dialogue. Ignore ignore ignore!

My intelligence tells me this: Maddy is missing, someone did it. The most likely perp is the parent, they haven't been ruled out yet and they darn should have already been ruled out by this point. They themselves should have been able to convince the public, and at least some police investigators of their innocense to where these persons would be going to bat for them regardless of laws. Someone credible with information to declare their innocense, it's not happened here at all. The parents keep getting moved in closer and closer as suspects, instead of being moved further away.

I know the innocent has been falsely accused, but we don't have tons and tons of cases to fit that scenerio to compare with. I'm glad I'm not the only recognizing this here.
Okay - this is very interesting stuff here! I know since Maddie's thread turned into a forum it has been impossible for me to keep up with, so I have faded out some, mostly just reading the Port. translations (thank you colomom) and a few of the other threads.

That it is a hugh psy. experiment, I'm not sure I agree with, but I would agree that someone is taking advantage of the situation.

Very interesting.......

I refuse to continue in dialogue. Ignore ignore ignore!

My intelligence tells me this: Maddy is missing, someone did it. The most likely perp is the parent, they haven't been ruled out yet and they darn should have already been ruled out by this point. They themselves should have been able to convince the public, and at least some police investigators of their innocense to where these persons would be going to bat for them regardless of laws. Someone credible with information to declare their innocense, it's not happened here at all. The parents keep getting moved in closer and closer as suspects, instead of being moved further away.


Exactly. I've been a member here for 3 years and I have never seen the level of rudeness & attacking, esp. from brand-new posters, that I have seen in the Maddie forum, and that includes even the Laci Peterson forum.

The last straw with me came yesterday when a new poster on the thread "Gone Baby Gone", about the new film that has similarities to the Madeleine case snottily attacked posters on that thread just because they thought that there was a resemblance between Maddie McCann and the child playing the part of the abducted girl in the film. Anyone who would get their knickers in a wad over such a trivial matter-of-opinion thing as whether two little girls looked like one another is out just to argue and bait and cause trouble.

This same poster also wrote on another thread this morning that some people here are "far too emotional" about this case. I think anyone with children of their own, or even with a HEART, would be emotional about a beautiful little 4-year-old girl who is missing/abducted/possibly murdered, and esp. if that child's parents are SUSPECTS.

I don't want for one instant to think that this sweet little angel's parents have done anything to hurt her/cover up her death/commit international fraud on a HUGE scale. But the fact remains that no matter what else they did/didn't do, they left her alone and vulnerable with her 2-year-old siblings in a strange apartment in a foreign country while they went out drinking with their friends. THEY WERE NEGLIGENT. And too much of the parents' stories do not add up about that night and the days and weeks that followed, and they have been named suspects in the disappearance of their child. That is not something I can just ignore in thinking about and watching this case unfold.

My motto has become IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE here for posters who are just rude and do nothing but shill for the McCanns...luckily this wonderful place has a feature for automatically doing just that.

ETA: My prayer for this case is that there will be justice for sweet Madeleine and that she will be found, alive or dead...and that WHOEVER is responsible will have to pay, whether it is her parents or whoever that may be. If the McCanns ARE innocent (except for leaving the children alone), then they should be exonerated. If not, they should be charged and found guilty.
I don't know whats going on.When I first heard about Madeleine,My first thought was on my goodness that poor baby and oh what her parents are going through.Granted at the time I was only hearing bits and pieces of the news.It was about a week into it that I sat down and read the first reports to the recent reports of news,their interviews ect.
I am not believing the McCanns are guility because of the news reports.I do not trust the McCanns for what has come out of their own mouths.Period."Its like dining in our back garden" "its 50 yards away" "we were at best naive"

I am the type of person who belives that the truth lies in the details.No matter how small or big they may seem.So when little details are changed or left out then I have little warning bells go off and I can not believe that person anymore.

The past couple of days I too have seen new posters and have noticed that baiting was going on big time.This forum has had its moments where posters disagreed ect but nothing like I have seen here the past couple of days .Is it part of a conspiracy?? I don't think so but hey I could be wrong.Just like I could be wrong in my distrust with the McCanns.

I don't hate them.My heart lies with Little Madeline and the twins.First and foremost.I don't want to see them "hung" either as some may like to believe.I pray everyday to all that is holy to let this little girl be alive and her parents had nothing to do with her being missing.

That said I can't help it that I feel she is not with us anymore and it breaks my heart.Can't help that feel the parents are hiding something.

I just want Madeleine to be found.
The CEO of Whole Foods was charged recently (I think he worked out a little plea bargain with his corporate lawyers) with stock manipulation, because he posted repeatedly about a competitor on a stock/investment forum. (A competitor Whole Foods was coincidentally seeking to purchase.)

You'd be very naive, indeed, to think he was the only one out there trying to manipulate public opinion in such a way. I read in a article about his actions that many corporations are hiring people to constantly surf the net now and post opinions or rebuttals about their company products.
And there are space aliens controling the white house and other world leaders . .maybe. :)

Are there media companies always struggling to learn how best to present products and people to the media? Probably so. Is that necessarily sinister? Probably not. It is what it is. Everyone wants to make a buck and media, whether it is advertising in commercials or in forums, is a tool.

What we should be careful of is when people start saying that anyone who disagrees with their one special theory is part of some sinister "dark side" conspiracy of evil. That is another tactic I see used on forums more and more often and it is not usually done by any ad group or media spin moguls. It is usually tried by forum members who want to control the thread they are in and bully other members who might not agree with the one theory into shutting up and/or leaving.

Once one is labeled as being from the "dark side" their posted case points no longer have to be paid attention to or responded to on the merits of the case point. Because the post came from one of those on the dark side it can be put down as being an attempted deception/deflection from the "truth" and thus whether the poster stays or goes become irrelevant.

The good news is that this tactic seldom works for long because people usually see through it.
This is my first post here as I've only recently started following this case in detail when the McCanns were named as suspects. Usually, I find missing children's cases so upsetting that I'll just note the photos and what the child looks like so that on the off chance I sight the child, I can notify authorities. I usually don't follow details.

Since a lot of the evidence, etc. can be interpreted in various ways, I'd kept an open mind & had been a "fencesitter" up until this weekend. I started going back & looking at photos & video of the McCanns. Now, I know not everyone's going to cry & break down in public. I don't expect that of them to "prove" their innocence. But it seems like they're smiling an awful lot. And not just with the twins. Even when exchanging a tshirt of Madeline with some dignitary. They also seem extremely defensive whenever anyone brings up any role they may have had (either leaving the kids alone in the first place or as suspects). Their behavior contrasts sharply with that of Mark Klass (father of Polly Kass) who cooperated fully with police, even though he was a suspect at one point. Not to mention Gerry McCann's blog entries seem a bit to carefree to be that of a grieving parent.

The final convincing moment for me was this morning when I saw the new photos they've released. They are of Madeline when she was younger, the parents wedding and other family members. At best, we are being manipulated, at worst, maybe they do have something to do with their daughter's death and are trying to distract us. If she were truly abducted, wouldn't they want only recent photos of her in the public's mind so if anyone sees her they can help rescue her?
This same poster also wrote on another thread this morning that some people here are "far too emotional" about this case. I think anyone with children of their own, or even with a HEART, would be emotional about a beautiful little 4-year-old girl who is missing/abducted/possibly murdered, and esp. if that child's parents are SUSPECTS.

Morning English!!

If you look at that post you mention above in the context of this thread, it is very interesting how some people might react by feeling bad about themselves ie: "yes, I am too emotional involved, I am weak, I am neglecting (something), I should just hang it up" and then others might react as you have above. Personally, I think your reaction is a sign of a healthy recognition of your own self, a strength, a leader not a follower.

Either way, as a social experiment to try and judge just how many people react one way or another or as a concerted effort to turn your head away from the truth, which you might be getting close to, it is wrong to manipulate people that way. It makes me really angry to think that some stranger out there in cyberland thinks they have the right to mess with my mind like that. Only in an anonymous forum could this be attempted (with me anyway) because if they were in my would not be for long!
The reason there are "so many pro-McCann forum member even now) could very well be that people just naturally differ in the weight they give to different aspects of what they see. And this case has no "AH HA!" fact connected to it yet that hasn't sort of dissolved in a sea of contradictory reports, and the waters are quite murky at this point. I've got lots of doubts about the McCann's guilt and loads of scepticism regarding much of the "information" from the media, both in Portugal and the U.K. (And, frankly, also from the McCann's PR agency.) But it looks to me like this couple may be being railroaded by the police or the media because they are such easy targets, being obviously poor parents and hugely unlikeable on top of that, and their readers want someone to blame for this heinous crime. On the other hand, maybe one or both of the McCanns ARE murderers. I wonder if there's a PR firm in Portugal that posts anti-McCann info. (I know from the Natalee Holloway case that foreign victims in resort areas can be subjected to extremely viscious misinformation campaigns for what may be economic reasons.)
The reason there are "so many pro-McCann forum member even now) could very well be that people just naturally differ in the weight they give to different aspects of what they see. And this case has no "AH HA!" fact connected to it yet that hasn't sort of dissolved in a sea of contradictory reports, and the waters are quite murky at this point. I've got lots of doubts about the McCann's guilt and loads of scepticism regarding much of the "information" from the media, both in Portugal and the U.K. (And, frankly, also from the McCann's PR agency.) But it looks to me like this couple may be being railroaded by the police or the media because they are such easy targets, being obviously poor parents and hugely unlikeable on top of that, and their readers want someone to blame for this heinous crime. On the other hand, maybe one or both of the McCanns ARE murderers. I wonder if there's a PR firm in Portugal that posts anti-McCann info. (I know from the Natalee Holloway case that foreign victims in resort areas can be subjected to extremely viscious misinformation campaigns for what may be economic reasons.)

All things are possible Steadfast...;)
The reason there are "so many pro-McCann forum member even now) could very well be that people just naturally differ in the weight they give to different aspects of what they see. And this case has no "AH HA!" fact connected to it yet that hasn't sort of dissolved in a sea of contradictory reports, and the waters are quite murky at this point. I've got lots of doubts about the McCann's guilt and loads of scepticism regarding much of the "information" from the media, both in Portugal and the U.K. (And, frankly, also from the McCann's PR agency.) But it looks to me like this couple may be being railroaded by the police or the media because they are such easy targets, being obviously poor parents and hugely unlikeable on top of that, and their readers want someone to blame for this heinous crime. On the other hand, maybe one or both of the McCanns ARE murderers. I wonder if there's a PR firm in Portugal that posts anti-McCann info. (I know from the Natalee Holloway case that foreign victims in resort areas can be subjected to extremely viscious misinformation campaigns for what may be economic reasons.)

For me, it's not that people differ on the weight they give different aspects of the case, or even the people who do feel it's more likely that the McCanns did nothing to hurt Maddie (except neglect her which to me is bad enough), but it's the rudeness, the snottiness and the attempts to make people who DO give credence and weight to the fact that the McCanns have been named official suspects, feel small and like their opinions don't matter, or that they are lesser or hysterical people b/c they are emotional about Madeleine and what may have happened to her.
For me, it's not that people differ on the weight they give different aspects of the case, or even the people who do feel it's more likely that the McCanns did nothing to hurt Maddie (except neglect her which to me is bad enough), but it's the rudeness, the snottiness and the attempts to make people who DO give credence and weight to the fact that the McCanns have been named official suspects, feel small and like their opinions don't matter, or that they are lesser or hysterical people b/c they are emotional about Madeleine and what may have happened to her.

Well said englishleigh!! :clap: I feel the exact same way.
This is my first post here as I've only recently started following this case in detail when the McCanns were named as suspects. Usually, I find missing children's cases so upsetting that I'll just note the photos and what the child looks like so that on the off chance I sight the child, I can notify authorities. I usually don't follow details.

Since a lot of the evidence, etc. can be interpreted in various ways, I'd kept an open mind & had been a "fencesitter" up until this weekend. I started going back & looking at photos & video of the McCanns. Now, I know not everyone's going to cry & break down in public. I don't expect that of them to "prove" their innocence. But it seems like they're smiling an awful lot. And not just with the twins. Even when exchanging a tshirt of Madeline with some dignitary. They also seem extremely defensive whenever anyone brings up any role they may have had (either leaving the kids alone in the first place or as suspects). Their behavior contrasts sharply with that of Mark Klass (father of Polly Kass) who cooperated fully with police, even though he was a suspect at one point. Not to mention Gerry McCann's blog entries seem a bit to carefree to be that of a grieving parent.

The final convincing moment for me was this morning when I saw the new photos they've released. They are of Madeline when she was younger, the parents wedding and other family members. At best, we are being manipulated, at worst, maybe they do have something to do with their daughter's death and are trying to distract us. If she were truly abducted, wouldn't they want only recent photos of her in the public's mind so if anyone sees her they can help rescue her?

Welcome. My aha moment came when this news broke, when the parents left the children in the apartment alone to go party. Then to learn they both were doctors, affluent and had the means to provide all adequate avenues.

Time went on, and I have seen no physical strength or efforts by the entire family to physically search for Maddy. All talk about finding her, just talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk takl talk talk talk talkt alk atlk talkt alka tlakt klattakl alkt atkl altk taltk alkt alkt lalk talktaltkalktatlkatlktalktalktalktalktakl

My nose to a door, knock knock, answered. Have you seen my daughter who was taken out of my unattended vacation flat due to my negligence and sorrow? Please help me!

I would have back packs, water bottles, snacks, sneakers on me and the twins walking and searching that land up and down daily. Every day would be a new land search activity for me and my twin toddlers. Maybe along the way we could smell a flower on our search. That would be the picture of my mccann possee.
For me, it's not that people differ on the weight they give different aspects of the case, or even the people who do feel it's more likely that the McCanns did nothing to hurt Maddie (except neglect her which to me is bad enough), but it's the rudeness, the snottiness and the attempts to make people who DO give credence and weight to the fact that the McCanns have been named official suspects, feel small and like their opinions don't matter, or that they are lesser or hysterical people b/c they are emotional about Madeleine and what may have happened to her.

I feel your pain! Have been in your shoes lots on WS, even though it is the most well-moderated forum I've ever read. Here are my problem areas -- the ones that keep me from being satisfied that the McCanns are guilty of murder or manslaughter: 1. News reports about the evidence keep changing and are contradictory. Plus, they can only be based on leaked "secret" info, so easy to manipulate. 2. The self-centered, unfeeling actions of the McCanns are exactly the same after Madeleine disappeared as before, so it doesn't seem like an indication of guilt. 3. I see much speculation that goes way beyond what I would personally interpolate from information given. And I have seen instances of that speculation being discussed later as information in itself. It makes me very sceptical of what I read. 4. The difficulty of hiding a body and leaving such meager and questionable forensic evidence in a small window of time in a foreign country with a glaring media spotlight on them, compared to the comparative ease that these things could be accomplished by a local resident or long-term visitor who is relatively anonymous. 5. There is no fact, no action, no quotation, no picture that has yet convinced me of the McCann's guilt. (There have been some, though, that keep me from being convinced they are innocent!) Does that help?
Kool Look, I agree it's irresponsible to leave kids alone. Especially when they obviously had the means not to. It's not like they were dealing with Kim Brathwaite's dilemma (a single mom in Brooklyn, NY USA, supporting herself & her children who was hesitant to leave work early when her sitter didn't show). She was afraid to lose her job, so she tried getting a neighbor to check in on them, but couldn't get through. They died in an arson fire. She was criminally charged. Even though she was wrong to leave her kids alone, I can understand her reasoning more than the McCanns'. She had tried to set up childcare, it fell through. And she was afraid of losing the job which supported her family.
Kool Look, I agree it's irresponsible to leave kids alone. Especially when they obviously had the means not to. It's not like they were dealing with Kim Brathwaite's dilemma (a single mom in Brooklyn, NY USA, supporting herself & her children who was hesitant to leave work early when her sitter didn't show). She was afraid to lose her job, so she tried getting a neighbor to check in on them, but couldn't get through. They died in an arson fire. She was criminally charged. Even though she was wrong to leave her kids alone, I can understand her reasoning more than the McCanns'. She had tried to set up childcare, it fell through. And she was afraid of losing the job which supported her family.

Aaw, how sad. I agree too with your outlook. I don't feel this particular mother should have been charged, really I don't.
For me, it's not that people differ on the weight they give different aspects of the case, or even the people who do feel it's more likely that the McCanns did nothing to hurt Maddie (except neglect her which to me is bad enough), but it's the rudeness, the snottiness and the attempts to make people who DO give credence and weight to the fact that the McCanns have been named official suspects, feel small and like their opinions don't matter, or that they are lesser or hysterical people b/c they are emotional about Madeleine and what may have happened to her.

Nobody should feel bad about their opinions about this case, nobody has the right to tell others that are too "emotionally involved" that's why, I tell it like it is if they don't like my posts then they can cover their eyes. lol
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