Documenting Lin Wood

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Dec 9, 2003
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Could anyone provide information about Lin Wood and some of the statements he's made on this case? We have someone who wants to compile a list of these.

I know he's insulted Tricia, among others. This is for comments he has made on all levels- personal and case related.
River said:
Could anyone provide information about Lin Wood and some of the statements he's made on this case? We have someone who wants to compile a list of these.

I know he's insulted Tricia, among others. This is for comments he has made on all levels- personal and case related.

Does it have to be a comment? Could it be an action/reaction?
River this is going to take years...LOL.

Lin Wood is the most arrogant jerk I have ever run across. I may have a list somewhere.

I know in one of the depo's Wood says to Darnay something like, "I've made more money off this case than you'll ever make in a lifetime."

Yeah real great to brag about how much money you have made off a dead child. Jerk.
I respect him as a great libel lawyer. He's flushed out a lot of "phonies" as he calls them. He certainly didn't have to force ANY of the MANY settlements he received. The only people afraid of Lin Wood are usually libelers who are guilty.

Just my opinion.
Someone very close to the Kobe Bryant case told me he may end up representing the accuser in that case against The Globe and others that have smeared and libeled this accuser. He's great at that. It is to be decided down the road.

He is also going to win a multi million dollar SETTLEMENT against the tabs in the Condit case, because as another lawyer told me, they are so guilty, they can't get anywhere near a court of law with the complaint against Condit or they will lose even more money.

Just my opinion.
Well I for one am not afraid of Lin Wood.

I also heard he was the one who contacted Bryant's accuser in the case. A real ambulance chaser that guy is. Before he is even hired he goes on Dan Abrams giving the impression he will be representing the victim. I was shocked when I learned he hadn't even been hired yet.

He tried to slime his way into the Smart case but they didn't let him in thank goodness.

I understand he is laughed at by his peers. He tries so hard to be one of the "upper crust." He blows off his past with a wave of his hand ( his father killed his mother and it didn't seem to bother him) and moves on to his next victim.

The Fox case is so lame it's laughable. I only hope Fox doesn't settle.

Lin Wood is a classic shakedown artist. If I tried to do what he does (tell people I'll leave them alone if they give me money to go away) I would be arrested for it.

Sorry don't mean to go on a rant here but he is such a . He has no class.

Stilll looking for my list of Wood sayings.

I understand he even calls his son, (who sometimes helps him in court) "Hey You." Yes very nice of him to bring the kids into the family business.
I wonder how many people know that Kobe's accuser has left the state because of death threats, etc. fueled by especially The Globe? I wonder how many girls and women have refused to report a rape after seeing the persecution of this accuser? The damage these libelers do is REAL.

Here's the complaint for Gary Condit against the tabs on the front page of his website. Once again, they have no defense, they are guilty as charged and will settle:

Almost ALL lawyers are ambulence chasers. Especially for clients that can sue deep pocket libelers like the tabs or major media corporations. Here are just a few comments from some ambulence chasing lawyers after high profile cases:

Who does this serve? The public's right to know, or the attorney's careers?

Lawyers now look to small screen when looking to make a name for themselves
Attorneys stalk big trials, hoping to provide expert commentary

Stacy Finz, Chronicle Staff Writer
Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Some quotes:

For the ambitious lawyer nowadays, trailing ambulances seems to be giving way to chasing satellite trucks.

After all, providing legal analysis for TV not only sounds better -- the potential pay is better, too.

Attorneys, professors and other assorted experts have been following the microwave vans at nearly every high-profile case since.Scott Peterson's double-murder trial in Redwood City, which resumes today with more pretrial hearings, is no different. On the first day of those hearings, lawyers not affiliated with the case showed up, business cards and resumes in hand, with hopes of finding themselves on the other end of a camera lens.

Why do they do it?

"It's all an effort at marketing," ...
San Francisco prosecutor Jim Hammer was also a regular on the talk-show circuit, until the Stanislaus County district attorney asked him to shut his mouth last week. ['/b]

But, she cautioned, don't believe everything you hear.

"Unfortunately, you have some people who don't know what they're talking about," she said.

New careers

For some, the high profile of a case rubs off. Many of the Simpson pundits never returned to the law:

Gerry Spence, the lawyer known for his fringed buckskin jackets, and Leslie Abramson, the high-powered defense attorney who represented one of the Menendez brothers, got their own talk shows. And Greta Van Susteren, who went to CNN and then on to Fox -- well, let's just say she never has to bill hours again.

Adrenaline rush

"You have to realize that publicity brings business," he said. "And your world (journalism) is fascinating."

and Fieger, talking about how much money being a TV talking head will bring him:

ABRAMS: All right, I‘m going with the January-February team. But we shall see. And I guess that means we‘ll have a year more of these panels to discuss all these issues before the case...

FIEGER: And we‘ll make $1 million from you, Dan.

ABRAMS: Yes...


PFINGST: Michael Jackson will be defended to his last dollar, Dan.

Just my opinion.
Candy don't get me wrong. I think the Globe was despicable for what they did. I hope they get their pants sued off. I really do. There was an awful story last week with a bunch of pictures of the victim looking like she was having a good time. The purpose was to show she wasn't that upset about the rape. How dare they? No one knows what this victim is going through.
I refused to buy the Globe because of this insinuation. This poor woman can't even go out without worring about her picture being splashed all over the place.

What the Globe did was one of the worst things I have ever seen.

However that doesn't mean Lin Wood isn't an ambulance chasing low life who thinks nothing of making money and bragging about it over the death of a child. He makes me sick.

Lin Wood is tricky River. He is very careful in what he says. He did say the Boulder cops lied about the 911 tape when in fact he was the one that was lying.

He lost his cool with Darnay bragging about how much money he made off the body of a dead child,

And he lost his cool with me. I'll keep looking. He must have had a few more slips of the yap we can report on.
Tricia said:
Candy don't get me wrong. I think the Globe was despicable for what they did. I hope they get their pants sued off. I really do. There was an awful story last week with a bunch of pictures of the victim looking like she was having a good time. The purpose was to show she wasn't that upset about the rape. How dare they? No one knows what this victim is going through.
I refused to buy the Globe because of this insinuation. This poor woman can't even go out without worring about her picture being splashed all over the place.

What the Globe did was one of the worst things I have ever seen.

However that doesn't mean Lin Wood isn't an ambulance chasing low life who thinks nothing of making money and bragging about it over the death of a child. He makes me sick.

Lin Wood is tricky River. He is very careful in what he says. He did say the Boulder cops lied about the 911 tape when in fact he was the one that was lying.

He lost his cool with Darnay bragging about how much money he made off the body of a dead child,

And he lost his cool with me. I'll keep looking. He must have had a few more slips of the yap we can report on.


Lin Wood is so obnoxious that it gives a bad name even to the victimized who hire him

As far as case statements made by Mr. Wood, in a chat with *******, he stated that the DNA came "probably" from saliva. Don't know if that's what you're looking for River, but hope it helps
When Larry King asked Lin Wood what made the police think Burke's voice was on it - his response was to imply they made it up. He omitted the FACT of the Aerospace enhancement.

River - did you see my question in the post above?
The people from the Ramsey case whining about Lin Wood are either first class libelers, future targets of his for litigation or have already paid out in settlements to him, or were behind lawsuits that payed out to him.

Just my opinion.
candy said:
The people from the Ramsey case whining about Lin Wood are either first class libelers, future targets of his for litigation or have already paid out in settlements to him, or were behind lawsuits that payed out to him.

Just my opinion.

Can you give us some names Candy? I am confused. Who are the first class libelers and what have they said. That is the part of your paragraph I am interested in.

Lin Wood is a shakedown artisit. I would get arrested if I did what he does.

The mafia gets nailed for it all the time.

"Hey pay me some money and I won't hurt you." Which is the same as, "Hey pay me some money and I'll go away and not drag your *advertiser censored* through court and bleed you dry." Same thing. Yet Wood can get away with it.
It's only libel if it isn't true. Some people seem to have trouble understanding this.
Tricia said:
Can you give us some names Candy? I am confused. Who are the first class libelers and what have they said. That is the part of your paragraph I am interested in.

Lin Wood is a shakedown artisit. I would get arrested if I did what he does.

The mafia gets nailed for it all the time.

"Hey pay me some money and I won't hurt you." Which is the same as, "Hey pay me some money and I'll go away and not drag your *advertiser censored* through court and bleed you dry." Same thing. Yet Wood can get away with it.

I consider Lin Wood one of the most despicable people I've ever come across. He is a perfect example of what gives lawyers a bad name.
He is a sneaky, deceitful, arrogant and greedy slime bucket.
The sin of lying is the same whether it is "omission" or "comission."
That includes twisting the TRUTH into knots and bullying and blackmailing people and authorities.
How shameful that the Ramseys would align themselves with such a creep.
Amen K777Angel.

Jayelles you are correct about libel. It's only libel if two things are in play.

1-You know what you are saying is false

2-You say it with malicious intent. Intent to harm the person.

I could say, "Candy is a killer and she should be fired." Well I know that's not true yet if I said it with the intent to harm her then that would be libel.

For the record Candy is not a killer nor should she be fired:)

Now if I said, "Lin Wood is a shakedown artisit" well I know this to be true in my opinion. I am not trying to harm him. Just express my opinion.

Thanks for posting the link to Wood and Kane's exchange. I love Michael Kane. He is the greatest guy.
LOL. Mr. Wood didn't have to "shake" these people down very hard for them to pay up. No, NONE of them took a single deposition, or engaged in any discovery AT ALL. They were too much in a hurry to pay up.

In the Ramsey case with his settlements to date, he has went after guilty parties that are going to pay up, or those that are more interested in saving their own money than paying for depositions, discovery and justice in the Ramsey case.

Just my opinion.
They are absolutely wrong about what constitutes intent and actual malice in libel. In the Wolf case, Darnay proved actual malice, intent, on John Ramsey when he admitted he never bothered to read any of his investigators reports on the case when naming Chris Wolf as a "suspect" of his. It is actual malice, as these posters are doing with Burke, to deliberately ignore the following and still say he is a suspect.

39. Prior to the broadcast of the December 27, Ramsey segment, knowlegeable officials of the City of Boulder Police Department and the Boulder County District Attorney's office had publicly stated that Burke Ramsey was not a suspect in connection with his sister's murder and was not being looked at as a possible suspect.
35. Boulder Police Detectives and the District Attorney's Detectives have never said that Burke Ramsey was a suspect in the investigation of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

36. Boulder Police Detectives and the District Attorney's Detectives have never considered Burke Ramsey to be a suspect in the investigation of the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

37. No incriminating evidence or good reason has ever existed linking Burke Ramsey to the murder of his sister or causing Boulder Police Detectives and the District Attorney's Detectives to consider him to be a suspect in the investigation of her murder.

38. Burke Ramsey has never been a suspect in the investigation of the murder of his sister as conclusively established by the October 12, 2000 sworn affidavit of former Boulder District Attorney Alexander M. Hunter, the original of said affidavit being attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and by reference made a part hereof.

Just an opinion.
Just for the record, it's not even close that "almost all lawyers are ambulance chasers." There are many attorneys whose practices are extremely specialized and have nothing to do with criminal work (including my husband)! Sorry...I get a little defensive when I read things like this. We've been through some hard times...not true that all attorneys are rolling in the dough or lead these wonderfully, cushy lifestyles. There ARE some wonderful, hard working, decent and yes...ethical...attorneys out there, and my hubby's one of them!
candy said:
The publisher PAID the Ramseys. The small investors PAID.
Candy what are you saying? Can you please not talk in circles. How did the "small investors" pay?

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