Are Darlie and Darrin Still Married?

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Nov 7, 2007
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I am new to this forum, and it's great to finally be among people who won't tell me I watch too much Court TV. :clap:

Anyway, I've been reading the Darlie threads and it sounds like she is trying to blame him for the murders in her most recent appeals? Are they still married? Does he still have custody of little Drake? I'm just curious.
I am new to this forum, and it's great to finally be among people who won't tell me I watch too much Court TV. :clap:

Anyway, I've been reading the Darlie threads and it sounds like she is trying to blame him for the murders in her most recent appeals? Are they still married? Does he still have custody of little Drake? I'm just curious.

Hey JuJuBee welcome to our discussion. Darren's mother and father still have full custody of Drake. Last I heard Darlie and Darren were still married but I could be wrong on that one.

What is your opinion in regards to Darlie being guilty?
I have read all the threads about it and I'm impressed at the amount of analytical thinking that has been put into this case by members of this board.

For the record, I think she did it. And I think Darrin had something to do with it as well, because how could he not? He claims he didn't wake up during the attacks but is the man deaf? My husband spent 20 years in the Marine Corps. He can fall asleep anywhere in any position and he sleeps like a rock, but if one of his sons coughed in the night he would wake up instantly. How do you not wake up when your kids are being murdered in your living room? I can't get past that.

I've read a lot about the case but what finally decided me was seeing Darlie interviewed on TV. My father was an actor and a radio announcer, and I was raised around performers. If you know what to look for, her performance was just glaringly obvious. The sniffles, the glancing at the camera from under her eyelashes, the carefully pained was so "Method" I can't even tell you -- my sister and I watched a show where Darlie was interviewed in jail and all the way through it we were, like, "She's lying. Watch her face! Oh my God, she's so LYING!!" (Interestingly, we had the exact same reaction to Susan Smith's media interviews before her involvement in her boys' disappearance was discovered -- my sister and I watched her together and both of us said "She did it. She's lying and she did it and those boys are dead." Unfortunately, we were right.)

Plus, watch and listen to Darlie's interviews. She gets emotional at all the wrong times, mostly when she is discussing the fact that she's in jail -- not when she's discussing the bloody butchering of her small sons. She's upset all right, but she's upset that she got caught.

Also, I have to say, I went to the Justice For Darlie website and was really, really disturbed at the crime scene photos they had posted. Not the ones of the house or of Darlie in hospital looking pathetic...but the ones of the little boys laying dead and bloody on the floor. Those were beyond appalling. I mean, I know why the pictures were taken and that they were necessary parts of the investigation but...why put those on the internet? Seriously? Especially the one where the coroner is holding up one of the boys like a piece of meat to expose his wounds to the camera. That one made me cry.

I cannot fathom that anyone in Darlie's family would want to ever even see those photos, much less put them on the internet where every weirdo in the world can look at them. You can say all you want that they put them up there to illustrate problems with the State's case but I really don't see the purpose. It's like they are pimping out these vile pictures to get people on Darlie's side.

Anyway...the preponderance of evidence, combined with the behavior of Darlie and her family in the aftermath, has long since convinced me that she killed those boys. I don't believe in the death penalty so I can't say that I hope she fries for it, but I wish she'd admit it and just suck up the punishment she deserves.
Also, I have to say, I went to the Justice For Darlie website and was really, really disturbed at the crime scene photos they had posted. Not the ones of the house or of Darlie in hospital looking pathetic...but the ones of the little boys laying dead and bloody on the floor. Those were beyond appalling. I mean, I know why the pictures were taken and that they were necessary parts of the investigation but...why put those on the internet? Seriously? Especially the one where the coroner is holding up one of the boys like a piece of meat to expose his wounds to the camera. That one made me cry.

I cannot fathom that anyone in Darlie's family would want to ever even see those photos, much less put them on the internet where every weirdo in the world can look at them. You can say all you want that they put them up there to illustrate problems with the State's case but I really don't see the purpose. It's like they are pimping out these vile pictures to get people on Darlie's side.

Anyway...the preponderance of evidence, combined with the behavior of Darlie and her family in the aftermath, has long since convinced me that she killed those boys. I don't believe in the death penalty so I can't say that I hope she fries for it, but I wish she'd admit it and just suck up the punishment she deserves.

I wish she would admit it too. I completely agree with your assessment of the photos on the website...good post all round actually. It's like those photos are on that site so the family can say.."would a mother do this." Yes Darlie we know they can and they do.

Welcome aboard jujube
I am new to this forum, and it's great to finally be among people who won't tell me I watch too much Court TV. :clap:

Anyway, I've been reading the Darlie threads and it sounds like she is trying to blame him for the murders in her most recent appeals? Are they still married? Does he still have custody of little Drake? I'm just curious.

yes they are still married. Darin's parents still have custody of Drake but he lives with his dad. He spends time with Darlie's family when he is not in school or on vacation with Darin and his side of the family. If Darin has a girlfriend to keep him company I don't know and no one seems to have any information on this issue. I am pretty sure that Darlie still has a close relationship with her in-laws.
yes they are still married. Darin's parents still have custody of Drake but he lives with his dad. He spends time with Darlie's family when he is not in school or on vacation with Darin and his side of the family. If Darin has a girlfriend to keep him company I don't know and no one seems to have any information on this issue. I am pretty sure that Darlie still has a close relationship with her in-laws.
How could she be close to them all the while trying to throw Darin under the bus?
So she is trying to throw him under the bus now?
I just looked at the website and cant believe those pics of the boys are on there. I will probably have nightmares now, those poor babies. Gosh what a freaking shame.
The pictures are sick but so was the crime. I can see why people are upset by the pictures, i was close to tears when i first saw them, although i do think that the pictures should be on there. Afterall this is the reason for the investigation, a crime was committed & they are the crime scene photos, unfortunatly thats the reality of murder - it aint pretty. Its all well and good reading/discussing it but these pictures say more than a thousand words could.
The pictures are sick but so was the crime. I can see why people are upset by the pictures, i was close to tears when i first saw them, although i do think that the pictures should be on there. Afterall this is the reason for the investigation, a crime was committed & they are the crime scene photos, unfortunatly thats the reality of murder - it aint pretty. Its all well and good reading/discussing it but these pictures say more than a thousand words could.
Why? Why do those pictures need to be on the internet? And why would her family put them on a website devoted to showing the world what a fabulous mother she was?

I can't adequately express to you how much it outraged me to see those pictures. It was like the absolute final indignity she could visit on the boys, to plaster their butchered little bodies all over the internet where any weirdo could look at them. I don't know if you remember when Dale Earnhardt was killed during a race a few years ago but a tabloid tried to buy his autopsy pictures to publish them and his wife went to court and fought like crazy to keep the pictures private, out of respect to him and to his family. THAT is how those pictures of Darlie's sons should have been treated. Instead her family pimped them out to get sympathy. It's sickening and vile.
Why? Why do those pictures need to be on the internet? And why would her family put them on a website devoted to showing the world what a fabulous mother she was?

I can't adequately express to you how much it outraged me to see those pictures. It was like the absolute final indignity she could visit on the boys, to plaster their butchered little bodies all over the internet where any weirdo could look at them. I don't know if you remember when Dale Earnhardt was killed during a race a few years ago but a tabloid tried to buy his autopsy pictures to publish them and his wife went to court and fought like crazy to keep the pictures private, out of respect to him and to his family. THAT is how those pictures of Darlie's sons should have been treated. Instead her family pimped them out to get sympathy. It's sickening and vile.

'Why do those pictures need to be on the internet?' JuJuBee

I understand what your saying as I found the pictures upsetting myself when I first saw them. You must remember though what the site is about - the murder of two little boys and the place on site where pictures are located clealy states that there are crime scene pics that some people may find distubing. The pictures show the position and the force of the wounds - something that is better 'put over' in picture form. Its pictures showing the crime scene and as this particular case happens to involve children im not surprised that there are pictures of the children. If the site was about an assault on children I would not be surprised to see a picture of the injuries sustained. In this case the bodies are evidence in a murder investigation and they have been photographed and presented as such.

'I can't adequately express to you how much it outraged me to see those pictures. It was like the absolute final indignity she could visit on the boys, to plaster their butchered little bodies all over the internet where any weirdo could look at them.....
.......THAT is how those pictures of Darlie's sons should have been treated. Instead her family pimped them out to get sympathy. It's sickening and vile.'

From my point of view the pictures -although upsetting - show exactly what happend to these children far better than any report/discription. At the end of the day though these pictures are evidence and that is what this site is treating them as - evidence. They are not being used as a way to get sympathy at all as they are in with all the other crime scene photos and are not given any specilist publicity/treatment.
I don't want to sound ghoulish, but I have not seen the photos of the boys that you are talking about. Are the photos on Darlie's website? All I ever see are pics of Darlie's injuries.
The pictures are on Go to "Galleries" and then "Crime Scene Photos".
I don't want to sound ghoulish, but I have not seen the photos of the boys that you are talking about. Are the photos on Darlie's website? All I ever see are pics of Darlie's injuries.

they are on which is the site ran by Cheryl.
The site ran by Darlie's family's rep is
The photos of the boys were evidence in court, if they're there to promote her innocence, I doubt they achieve that with many. I don't think they should be on the internet. It's another indignity dealt to those two children.
I am new to this forum, and it's great to finally be among people who won't tell me I watch too much Court TV. :clap:

Anyway, I've been reading the Darlie threads and it sounds like she is trying to blame him for the murders in her most recent appeals? Are they still married? Does he still have custody of little Drake? I'm just curious.


I'm new to Websleuths, but have been lurking for a long time, and I mean years.

The Routier forum has always been of interest to me, as are many of the other areas of this board.

In answer to your question, and as has been posted, they are still married.

After 11 years, I can only see one reason for this, and that is 'spousal privilege'. I'm not even sure if that law exists in Texas, but it seems the only logical reason that neither have filed for divorce.

I think they both expect a second trial.

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