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Aug 18, 2003
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Apparently its time to review our Terms of Service which is located as a sticky thread at the top of each forum.

4. We strive to provide a safe environment for members to express their ideas without personal attacks or "flames".

Please be polite in your posts.

Any reply that we feel violates this rule including but not limited to, name calling, ad hominem argument, and profane or racist language will be deleted.

If you object to a post, and consider it a flame or insult, please use the "Report bad post" link instead of insulting the poster back.

If you flame others through personal attacks, even in response to a perceived personal attack, you will lose your posting privileges.

Any member who becomes belligerent or requires too much attention from moderators will lose their posting privileges.

In review:

The snide and snarky comments will cease immediately. This applies to the players in the case and to fellow WS members.

Refer to the players of this case by their name or initials and NOT by any other name that fits your fancy.

When you read a questionable post use the alert button located at the top of each and every post. It's a triangle outlined in red. Click on it and type your concern about that post.

Then continue on without mentioning, quoting or otherwise perpetuating the questionable post. Mods will receive an email directing them to the post in question and your job is done.

Also, please remember that the posters can read your posts and/or replies WITHOUT making the font as large and as highlighted as humanly possible. It hurts the eyes and its simply unnecessary.
I always bold my posts because I cannot see very well at all now. (My glasses were new back in 2000, or was it 2001? Anyway, I need new ones desperately, without them I could be considered legally blind. 20/200 in my right eye and 20/400 in my left with no correction. ETA4: And throw in severe astigmatism into the mix as well.) It is easier for me to proofread this way, and easier for me to find my place by using my post(s) as "landmarks". :truce: Sometimes I use larger font to draw attention to a particular phrase, or express empasis. ETA: I know I can't make everyone bold their posts so I can read them better, some days I end up with my nose almost touching the computer screen to read things, and right now my nose is maybe a foot from the computer screen or less. ETA2: And the font *IS* set to largest. *wry* :( ETA3: Also, last time I got glasses it was $90 per lens, not counting the screening, the photogrey option which I *must* have due to the sensitivity to sunlight my meds cause, or the frames. I need new frames also.
I always bold my posts because I cannot see very well at all now. (My glasses were new back in 2000, or was it 2001? Anyway, I need new ones desperately, without them I could be considered legally blind. 20/200 in my right eye and 20/400 in my left with no correction.) It is easier for me to proofread this way, and easier for me to find my place by using my post(s) as "landmarks". :truce: Sometimes I use larger font to draw attention to a particular phrase, or express empasis. ETA: I know I can't make everyone bold their posts so I can read them better, some days I end up with my nose almost touching the computer screen to read things, and right now my nose is maybe a foot from the computer screen or less.

How in the world then do you do so well in the Chat that's small print :)
How in the world then do you do so well in the Chat that's small print :)

Nose touches the screen usually. :blushing: It's why I don't chat much, hurts my neck and eyes. ETA: And no, I don't like admitting it either, it hurts my pride. I hadn't let on, on purpose. Just that I was pretty sure that some of that was being directed at me, since I did use a larger font to say "wait a minute here" in the Suspect Drew Peterson topic, and show exactly how I was thinking/saying it. ETA2: And what about people who post in bold, and in a color other than black all the time? Are they in trouble for their personal preferance/trademark? (Not naming names but I've recently noticed one poster in particular who does this, I think they are new. Must we all fit into the same cookie mold now?) :waitasec: I've found using different font colors helpful to draw attention to things that another poster, being human has missed via skimming. Am I in trouble over this?
I always bold my posts because I cannot see very well at all now.

The neat thing about computers is that the user has a lot of control over their individual computer. You can, for instance, enlarge the type on your screen so it is easier for you to read.

Do it by using the Command or Apple Key and the Plus key. Obviously, I have a Mac but on a generic PC I believe it is a combination of the Control Key and the Plus Key.

Make type smaller by using Command or Control and the Minus Key.

This way you don't really need to bold your type unless you want to for emphasis.

This should work with all browsers and all applications. Also, if you are in an IRC chat room, I think you can set preferences for yourself, such as enlarging the type.
The neat thing about computers is that the user has a lot of control over their individual computer. You can, for instance, enlarge the type on your screen so it is easier for you to read.

Do it by using the Command or Apple Key and the Plus key. Obviously, I have a Mac but on a generic PC I believe it is a combination of the Control Key and the Plus Key.

Make type smaller by using Command or Control and the Minus Key.

This way you don't really need to bold your type unless you want to for emphasis.

This should work with all browsers and all applications. Also, if you are in an IRC chat room, I think you can set preferences for yourself, such as enlarging the type.

Yes, I posted that I had my font set to "largest", please read all of what I said... ;) I still need to bold it, I am sitting about eight inches from the screen, or less, to read this sentence because it isn't bolded yet. Bolding lets me sit back about a foot to sixteen inches from the monitor on good days. I just cannot see!!!

ETA: And now you see why I "highlight" things (use a different font color) sometimes. So many people, (even Websleuthers) being human, skim things, or just read the beginning of a post and feel the need to reply right away without reading the rest of what was said. I do this too, at times.
Yes, I posted that I had my font set to "largest", please read all of what I said...
I did read all of what you said. In fact, I read it twice. You are not understanding what I said. It has nothing to do with the size type you post with, it has to do with changing the size of the type on your screen only.
Sorry, just trying to help.
I did read all of what you said. In fact, I read it twice. You are not understanding what I said. It has nothing to do with the size type you post with, it has to do with changing the size of the type on your screen only.
Sorry, just trying to help.

Yes, and it is. I have my screen set to largest font (on this computer's settings) I really am that blind! And it isn't fun having the font display so large either, lots more scrolling, but not here for some reason. Here, the font stays at about what I'd say is "medium" font size no matter what.

For pity's sake, I cannot go shopping alone anymore because if the brand I like has changed its packaging I cannot for the life of me spot it without bending very close to the products and slowly moving sideways, scanning them until I find what I want. When riding with my husband in the car, and looking for a certain store in an unfamiliar town, I am only a help if I know the colors of that store's sign and the sign is big enough and prominently enough displayed that I can make it out in time to ask "Is that the place?" It isn't as bad with my glasses on as with them off, but it's much closer than it should be. With my glasses off, I cannot discern much more than blobs of color and rough shapes. The eye doctors are frankly baffled as to how I can do day to day things without my glasses because one eye's vision is twice as bad as the other's. I've had to go long stints without glasses in my life, and I've learned to cope, I suspect much the way fully blind people do, by listening, touching, smelling, and making the most of what I can percieve with my eyes. I have very senstive fingers/hands I can find what I want in my purse without looking.

When I work with beads, I do it more by feel than sight, though I do look to match color, and see if the pattern of beads I am putting together "works as a whole". I took piano as a kid, and typing, so I'm dextrous. Again, I really am not able to see very well anymore, and it is just more comfortable for me to bold my posts. Go read my blog, you'll see the posts are bolded, every single one of them. To read the finer text below this message field the "You may choose an icon for your message from the following list:" bit, I have to raise up out of my chair and get my nose about three to four inches from the screen. (Though I have a good rote memory usually, and can make out what is said by the general shape and length of the phrase and its location.) (ETA: This is what I call "nose touching the screen" because I have to get up out of my seat and I can't see the whole screen at once without shifting my gaze/moving my head. It's close enough to the screen that for all intents and purposes the nose should just be said to be touching it, it sure feels like it is to me.) For some of the flash games I play, I do play when the Mr. is able to help me read the text. He's my "sharp eyes". Luckily most of them I can figure out what is going on by the color of the pixels and react in time.
Here, is a post of the Yahoo Front page in largest font, and here is your post, (also in the largest font) i. b. nora, to show you what I face here, and why I do what I do. It's the same a few other places, though I bold my blog more so the colored fonts show more nicely, since I sometimes have a darker theme on my blog. Posting links to the images as is, with my screen resolution, and posting smaller version here to be kind to the side margins. (Yeah, big monitor, it helps some...) Yahoo with largest font at my screen resolution full sized.
(Enlarge the images to make them full sized, I don't have my screen set at 800 X 600.)
Websleuths with largest font at my screen resolution full sized.



See now? :)
WOW! Can we move on to something else now and just follow WC's notice.
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