The Bolingbrook Police Department

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Aug 21, 2003
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I thought we needed a new thread to discuss the Police Department. There's been quite a bit of speculation of Drew's LE buddies helping him or covering up for him along the way ...

I just found this article and think it's interesting. I can't imagine a professional, legitimate police source leaking this during the course of an open investigation. It's gotta be a pal of DP.,CST-NWS-boling18.article

A police source said Rossetto and Peterson, 23, were romantically involved, but Rossetto insisted they were not. He said he only knew her because his brother and a friend had dated Peterson years ago, before she married former Bolingbrook police Sgt. Drew Peterson.

Her sister says Savio felt unprotected and afraid. She kept notes about what happened, filed for an order of protection against her husband and even sent letters to a local prosecutor complaining about the police.

"There have been several times throughout my marriage with this man where I ended up at the emergency room," she wrote in one letter. "And I have reported this only to have the police leave my home without filing any reports."

In another note, she wrote, "He knows how to manipulate the system, and his next step is to take my children away, or kill me instead."

Officers on the force who worked with Peterson denied a request from ABC News for an interview.
Wouldn't you like to get into people's heads and see what they REALLY meant by a statement? I know- it sounds goofy... but I'm especially interested in this quote from the article that Golfmom just posted:,CST-NWS-boling18.article

Drew Peterson, who in the last week traveled to New York City to appear on a national talk show, said the daily grind of police and media scrutiny is wearing on him.
"I'm just tired," Drew Peterson said. "It wears on you, you know?"


I firmly believe that people say things for a reason. And I very much hope that he's starting to feel "worn down" because of what HE did. Not what the media has done to him.

.... I know- wishful thinking :crazy:
mssheila, the statement that made me laugh was "what do you get if you cross the media with a pig -- nothing, because there's some things even a pig won't do."

This caught me on two levels. 1. LE are often referred to as pigs, and 2. He just basically made a joke .... unwittingly referred to himself as a PIG.
Welll, when the men work together on a regular basis and have no in person knowledge of DP's marriage or private life, they most likely just think he is a good old guy doing his job like they are.

HOWEVER, given that his 3rd wife had such a suspicious death, one has to wonder why it was not investigated more thoroughly.

Their two tiny children aged 2 and 4 may have seen or heard something that has not been dug up. My 4 year old grand daughter has been staying with me for two weeks, and her mom and dad. This four year old has a memory like an elephant with precise details on everything that was said from her 3rd year of life, past events etc. She is very smart.

I would think the four year old should be asked some questions by a PROFESSIONAL.

Similar case in my old county, Easter time, Dad took his 3 year old daughter to an egg hunt in town, left his 'very' pregnant wife in the SHOWER. When they came home, MOM had drowned in the shower.

Some nice ladies were found to quiz the 3 year old, nothing came of it other than 'mom in bathroom' taking bath. Husband was then free as a bird, no charges, shortly after he left town with an underage young girl, a previous student of his. Hmmm.


I found that article interesting too, and mentioned this point on a different thread. The reference to police source doesn't state with certainty whether it was a source from the ISP - who are actually conducting the investigation, or from the BBPD - who are not doing the investigation (and where DP has many friends). It kind of implies it's from the ISP because it refers to the investigation.

I wouldn't put it past the BBPD to "leak" things by lying to the media and saying they know what's going on with the investigation (even if they don't know anything).

It's also possible that the ISP is "leaking" misinformation about Stacy being romantically involved with this guy -- to lure Drew into a false sense of security. Letting him think that they are really looking at this guy, when they have actually ruled him out.

The thing is, if Drew was as controlling as everyone says, he knows she was not seeing anyone else.

Who knows? I hate it when I read articles where everything is attributed to anonymous sources. How can you judge the quality of the "information" in an article if you don't know where it came from?

Who knows? I hate it when I read articles where everything is attributed to anonymous sources. How can you judge the quality of the "information" in an article if you don't know where it came from?

Exactly! :bang:
How many people work for the BBPD? I could have sworn we discussed this on one of the threads already, but I cannot find it anywhere! Anyone remember?
Welll, when the men work together on a regular basis and have no in person knowledge of DP's marriage or private life, they most likely just think he is a good old guy doing his job like they are.

HOWEVER, given that his 3rd wife had such a suspicious death, one has to wonder why it was not investigated more thoroughly.

Their two tiny children aged 2 and 4 may have seen or heard something that has not been dug up. My 4 year old grand daughter has been staying with me for two weeks, and her mom and dad. This four year old has a memory like an elephant with precise details on everything that was said from her 3rd year of life, past events etc. She is very smart. I would think the four year old should be asked some questions by a PROFESSIONAL. Similar case in my old county, Easter time, Dad took his 3 year old daughter to an egg hunt in town, left his 'very' pregnant wife in the SHOWER. When they came home, MOM had drowned in the shower.

Some nice ladies were found to quiz the 3 year old, nothing came of it other than 'mom in bathroom' taking bath. Husband was then free as a bird, no charges, shortly after he left town with an underage young girl, a previous student of his. Hmmm.

I'm not sure how much the judgment of children this young can be trusted. Several years ago a prosector in Scott County MN decided there was a massive active sex ring, involving many families, which just kept growing every time questioning of kids took place. What actually happened was the children, because they were so young, were "led" to say certain things. In the end there was no sex ring, nothing to prosecute. I'm unsure of what happened to the prosecutor, but she wasn't around long.

I think it would also be tramatic for kids ages 2 and 4 to undergo questioning about the disappearance of their mother.
I thought we needed a new thread to discuss the Police Department. There's been quite a bit of speculation of Drew's LE buddies helping him or covering up for him along the way ...

I just found this article and think it's interesting. I can't imagine a professional, legitimate police source leaking this during the course of an open investigation. It's gotta be a pal of DP.,CST-NWS-boling18.article

A police source said Rossetto and Peterson, 23, were romantically involved, but Rossetto insisted they were not. He said he only knew her because his brother and a friend had dated Peterson years ago, before she married former Bolingbrook police Sgt. Drew Peterson.

It's well known that LE has an unholy alliance with the media. LE normally leaks to the media so as to have the suspect or suspects pillored and demonized. Why should people believe what is leaked against suspects to be true but not leaks against alleged victims?
I'm not sure how much the judgment of children this young can be trusted. Several years ago a prosector in Scott County MN decided there was a massive active sex ring, involving many families, which just kept growing every time questioning of kids took place. What actually happened was the children, because they were so young, were "led" to say certain things. In the end there was no sex ring, nothing to prosecute. I'm unsure of what happened to the prosecutor, but she wasn't around long.

I think it would also be tramatic for kids ages 2 and 4 to undergo questioning about the disappearance of their mother.

Based on the testimony of young children, over forty people were falsely convicted and imprisoned as part of our nation's abhorrent satanic child-care-abuse frenzy.

Courts now understand how easily young children can be led to produce false witness. However, if Drew's older children were to provide testimony to the Grand jury of a significantly inculpatory nature, that could be very damaging to Drew.
Based on the testimony of young children, over forty people were falsely convicted and imprisoned as part of our nation's abhorrent satanic child-care-abuse frenzy.

Courts now understand how easily young children can be led to produce false witness. However, if Drew's older children were to provide testimony to the Grand jury of a significantly inculpatory nature, that could be very damaging to Drew.

--->>>What is your personal opinion on whether our justice system will ever allow or demand that a 'likely' suspect be given a lie detector test, right up front.

I do believe that we waste an incredible amount of time, manpower and taxpayer funds, letting cases go on in futile directions. The suspect could be removed from high suspicion, and the case could move forward quickly.
Perhaps even allowing some victims to be found while they are still ALIVE.

The only people who would need to know the result of the test should appropriately be Law Enforcement. This would not ruin the jury pool for proper evidence collection, and trial. The people who run the test should have a High Security Clearance, and any leak would be an automatic judgement of around a quarter million dollars against the leaker.

A ton of manpower hours and money are sent down the drain, with our methods today.


--->>>What is your personal opinion on whether our justice system will ever allow or demand that a 'likely' suspect be given a lie detector test, right up front.

I do believe that we waste an incredible amount of time, manpower and taxpayer funds, letting cases go on in futile directions. The suspect could be removed from high suspicion, and the case could move forward quickly.
Perhaps even allowing some victims to be found while they are still ALIVE.

The only people who would need to know the result of the test should appropriately be Law Enforcement. This would not ruin the jury pool for proper evidence collection, and trial. The people who run the test should have a High Security Clearance, and any leak would be an automatic judgement of around a quarter million dollars against the leaker.

A ton of manpower hours and money are sent down the drain, with our methods today.



Lie detectors are never going to be dispositive as evidence. Moreover, if we were to move in that direction, the next call would soon be for sodium pentothal to be given to suspects. Almost assuredly, no one here will ever live to see any such happenings.
Lie detector tests are not reliable and cannot prove without a doubt if someone is EITHER innocent or guilty,which is why they are not admissible in court, so why would anyone consent to taking one?

I recall Jessica Lundsford's grandfather took a LD test, which was inconclusive. The poor man must have gone through hell before the real murderer was found. I know some WS posters were hard on him simply because of the test results. IMO these tests should be completely thrown out the door.
Lie detectors are never going to be dispositive as evidence. Moreover, if we were to move in that direction, the next call would soon be for sodium pentothal to be given to suspects. Almost assuredly, no one here will ever live to see any such happenings.
What would be so wrong with forced sodium pentathol?? At least we would not be spending millions of dollars and man power running in circles and not getting anything done. I would love it if people like Scott Peterson and Drew Peterson would have to submit to a little truth serom shot. Nothing to hide, no problem. The weeks of searching for Laci and now Stacy and many other victims of crime. I say go for it. IMHO
I never said that a lie detector test would be used in a courtroom, ONLY that it would set the investigation out ASAP in the correct direction.

Forensic evidence, witnesses IF any could be rounded up, everything needed to be found to have a conviction lawfully.

Many parents of tiny victims have said IF we would just find the perpetrator and IF it would save just one more child it would be worth the time spent. So why not spend some of LE time on getting a lie detector test. Perhaps making it legal to just 'ask' the suspect IF IF they would agree to a LDT and have them refuse with a lame excuse would be enough, without hitching them up to the machinery.

In the old days, IF folks found a horsethief 'with' the stolen horse the thief was hung on the spot from the nearest tree.

WE donut need to hang them just find them quickly, and use our honest law enforcement to do just that -->'ENFORCE THE LAW'. Tricky business at best to find the criminals, when we are not sure just exactly what we should be looking for.

====On another note the Globe issue dated December 24, 2007 will knock your socks off with their three page report on this case!!!!!!!!!!! I spotted the last copy of the Globe today while I was out shopping, and grabbed it.

Their source is retired FBI special agent Ted Gunderson, who lines out a very convincing scenario about HOW this crime was covered up by DP. The Globe story says 3 accomplices, I will quote just one part of one statement by Gunderson,
"I believe that at least three people helped him carry out his cover-up, and it's only a matter of time before his twisted plot is exposed."

Well worth getting a copy, and reading, Dolly Parton is on the cover!!!!!!


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