The Rape Allegations/Investigation

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May 6, 2007
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"Naval investigators concluded the sexual encounter in March was not criminal, said Paul Ciccarelli, an agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. The pair had a second sexual encounter about two weeks later that didn't include any threats, force, violence or coercion, Ciccarelli said.
"She asked him to stop, and he did stop," Ciccarelli said, saying that was the account Lauterbach gave to officials.
He said that she still considered both to be incidents of rape, and that Lauterbach's regimental commander treated her allegations seriously. Her commander was intent on taking the case to an Article 32 hearing, the military equivalent of a grand jury proceeding.",13319,160145,00.html
"Lauterbach met with military prosecutors in December to discuss pursuing rape charges against Laurean, said Kevin Marks, supervisory agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service at Camp Lejeune. He said military prosecutors believed they had enough evidence to argue that the case should go to trial."

I'd like to hear an intelligible report about the rape allegations and this evidence.
"Lauterbach met with military prosecutors in December to discuss pursuing rape charges against Laurean, said Kevin Marks, supervisory agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service at Camp Lejeune. He said military prosecutors believed they had enough evidence to argue that the case should go to trial."

I'd like to hear an intelligible report about the rape allegations and this evidence.

good grief.....i wish we could get factual ..... i shouldn't be surprised huge cases like this, there's lots of misinformation with all the diff media outlets:doh:
who knows what's fact & what's not?...we won't know until a trial, i suppose..

the above article states Maria reported the rape in April, & the military timeline states she reported it May 11th...

On May 11th, 2007, LCpl Lauterbach confides in her Officer-in-Charge two incidents of a sexual nature with Cpl Laurean. After some initial discussions, the command’s Uniform Victim Advocate meets with LCpl Lauterbach and explains the Victim Advocate Program to her. The UVA takes LCpl Lauterbach to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service office aboard Camp Lejeune to file a formal complaint. LCpl Lauterbach reports to NCIS an alleged sexual encounter with Cpl Laurean on March 26, 2007, and a second encounter approximately two weeks later. LCpl Lauterbach alleged she had been raped by Cpl Laurean. The command’s UVA accompanies LCpl Lauterbach to the medical department for a medical exam. Due to the length of time that elapsed between the alleged assault and the complaint, a forensic examination, or rape kit, is not performed. However, a “Well Woman” exam is performed to include a pregnancy test. The pregnancy test result is negative.
This whole rape thing is really a puzzle:

"The pair had a second sexual encounter about two weeks later that didn't include any threats, force, violence or coercion....She asked him to stop, and he did stop." Ciccarelli said...she still considered both to be incidents of rape."

Did the first include "threats, force, violence or coercion"?
In the version she told her friend, that he attacked her a parking lot, it did. And did he try again--a few weeks later, but this time he stopped because she asked him to?

And why would she say the baby was conceived then, if the pregnancy test in May was negative, and the one in June put the conception date at Mid-May? Didn't the doctor tell her the results? Wouldn't it make sense, in the post-rape / "Well Woman" exam, that they would reassure her about pregnancy and STDs?
This friend seems to know both Lauterbach and Laurean and has some pretty interesting things to say.

(CNN) -- A woman who once worked with fugitive Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean and the pregnant Marine he allegedly killed said Wednesday that Laurean has "MacGyver" skills and training that could enable him to adapt to life on the run.


The friend said Lauterbach confided in her that she had consensual sex with Laurean, but that a verbal argument had occurred, and the alleged rape followed in Laurean's office at Camp Lejeune.

The March encounter was judged to be "not criminal in nature," or consensual, said Col. Gary Sokoloski, staff judge advocate for the II Marine Expeditionary Force. The second encounter, in April, involved no threats or force, Lauterbach said.

The woman said Lauterbach told her she feared Laurean, and sought a protective order, which expired in September.

<snip>Disputes officials .....

"She came in September when her original military protective order had expired, asking whether she could have, A, a copy of the original one and, B, a second one put into place," the woman said.

She also said Lauterbach told her she was thinking about withdrawing the rape allegation because she didn't think officials were taking her seriously.

There is no way Lauterbach and Laurean had a relationship after the alleged rape, the friend said, disputing information from authorities who have said the two maintained contact after the alleged rape.
I think Laurean was the player type. I have came across men like him before. They make me sick. We don't know Maria's personality she looks like a young sweet all American girl so having rico suave hitting on her in the office was probably ''fun'' but obviously he wanted more and I think that scared her..guys like him are so damn pushy I can just see him grabbing her and her saying no and him convincing her that it's ok etc. etc.. He's a predator. I'm pretty sure other women will start coming out of the wood works!
This friend seems to know both Lauterbach and Laurean and has some pretty interesting things to say.

(CNN) -- A woman who once worked with fugitive Marine Cpl. Cesar Laurean and the pregnant Marine he allegedly killed said Wednesday that Laurean has "MacGyver" skills and training that could enable him to adapt to life on the run.


The friend said Lauterbach confided in her that she had consensual sex with Laurean, but that a verbal argument had occurred, and the alleged rape followed in Laurean's office at Camp Lejeune.

The March encounter was judged to be "not criminal in nature," or consensual, said Col. Gary Sokoloski, staff judge advocate for the II Marine Expeditionary Force. The second encounter, in April, involved no threats or force, Lauterbach said.

The woman said Lauterbach told her she feared Laurean, and sought a protective order, which expired in September.

<snip>Disputes officials .....

"She came in September when her original military protective order had expired, asking whether she could have, A, a copy of the original one and, B, a second one put into place," the woman said.

She also said Lauterbach told her she was thinking about withdrawing the rape allegation because she didn't think officials were taking her seriously.

There is no way Lauterbach and Laurean had a relationship after the alleged rape, the friend said, disputing information from authorities who have said the two maintained contact after the alleged rape.

I was reading over this again, I found this quote interesting:

There is no way Lauterbach and Laurean had a relationship after the alleged rape, the friend said, disputing information from authorities who have said the two maintained contact after the alleged rape.>snip

This would refute all discrepancies stating that A/it was consensual
B/they were having an affair.

I have been reading through all the posts, and It is amazing to me how confused everyone is about this story (including myself).

The woman who was interviewed seems to be right on track.
I think Laurean was the player type. I have came across men like him before. They make me sick. We don't know Maria's personality she looks like a young sweet all American girl so having rico suave hitting on her in the office was probably ''fun'' but obviously he wanted more and I think that scared her..guys like him are so damn pushy I can just see him grabbing her and her saying no and him convincing her that it's ok etc. etc.. He's a predator. I'm pretty sure other women will start coming out of the wood works!

You are absolutely right. She probably wasn't his first victim either. Maybe the first one to speak out. And that's what got her killed. :mad:
The charges and the dates for delivery do not add up certainly, by all that we know SO FAR. The sex of the unborn child has shifted. Why would they give a boys name to a girl baby, unless the OB military doctor was wrong in determining that.

Wonder IF there is or were ultrasound pics? IF IF there was then they should most likely be in Maria's belongings wouldn't they?

The BIG topper in this case, since autopsy shows 'girl baby', will be WHAT the DNA reveals about WHO in reality is/was the babys father!!!

IF IF was not the father, he can still be charged with murder of course. BUT what then about the parentage of the baby? Wonder who ALL attended the BBQ, that might POSSIBLY prove to be very important to this case.

The charges and the dates for delivery do not add up certainly, by all that we know SO FAR. The sex of the unborn child has shifted. Why would they give a boys name to a girl baby, unless the OB military doctor was wrong in determining that.

Wonder IF there is or were ultrasound pics? IF IF there was then they should most likely be in Maria's belongings wouldn't they?

The BIG topper in this case, since autopsy shows 'girl baby', will be WHAT the DNA reveals about WHO in reality is/was the babys father!!!

IF IF was not the father, he can still be charged with murder of course. BUT what then about the parentage of the baby? Wonder who ALL attended the BBQ, that might POSSIBLY prove to be very important to this case.


Even if CL isn't the actual father, if he had sex with Maria and thought he was, the actual paternity is a technicality.

As long as CL "thought" he was the father, Maria was a threat.
The charges and the dates for delivery do not add up certainly, by all that we know SO FAR. The sex of the unborn child has shifted. Why would they give a boys name to a girl baby, unless the OB military doctor was wrong in determining that.

Wonder IF there is or were ultrasound pics? IF IF there was then they should most likely be in Maria's belongings wouldn't they?

The BIG topper in this case, since autopsy shows 'girl baby', will be WHAT the DNA reveals about WHO in reality is/was the babys father!!!

IF IF was not the father, he can still be charged with murder of course. BUT what then about the parentage of the baby? Wonder who ALL attended the BBQ, that might POSSIBLY prove to be very important to this case.


Maria thought it was going to be a boy based on the ultrasounds, and that is what she told family. She had the name Gabriel Joseph picked out, but apparently she was wrong, the autopsy proved it to be a girl.
The charges and the dates for delivery do not add up certainly, by all that we know SO FAR. The sex of the unborn child has shifted. Why would they give a boys name to a girl baby, unless the OB military doctor was wrong in determining that.

Wonder IF there is or were ultrasound pics? IF IF there was then they should most likely be in Maria's belongings wouldn't they?

The BIG topper in this case, since autopsy shows 'girl baby', will be WHAT the DNA reveals about WHO in reality is/was the babys father!!!

IF IF was not the father, he can still be charged with murder of course. BUT what then about the parentage of the baby? Wonder who ALL attended the BBQ, that might POSSIBLY prove to be very important to this case.


All my girls have boys names. I have a daughter with the middle name Joseph. She was named after my Dad. But I tend to think Maria's sonar was wrong.
All my girls have boys names. I have a daughter with the middle name Joseph. She was named after my Dad. But I tend to think Maria's sonar was wrong.

The baby's name could be posthumously changed from Gabriel to Gabrielle...
Okay, this post isn't about the rape, per se. But since many of the discussions surrounding the rape charges involve discussing how the case was handled by the military, I thought I'd throw in this link to a site that discusses how the military has handled certain death inquiries. I'm not trying to throw fuel on the fire of military flaming (remember, I keep defending them) but this site is very interesting and shows how things can go wrong in a military investigation.
MAMMA -- M+others Aligned for Military and Murder Accountability

Thanks for that link! It was very interesting!! I don't believe it's the norm for Military investigations by any means, but like you said, how a miitary investigation can go wrong.

No different than any local LE investigatin either. IMO (meaning, they also can go wrong).
The Marine Corp. is front and center in this case. They are the ones who initially were responsible for the actions of Cesar Laurean, the investigation into the rape allegations, the ones responsible for protecting Maria, and are now protecting Christina Laurean.
One of the many things that bother me about this case is the silence from the Marines. I understand there has to be an investigation and all but where is the outrage about what happened to Maria? Maria was a Marine, one of their own and she was brutally murdered and her body incinerated!!
If it was a civilian being charged would we see the outrage then? Is it because the one charged is also a Marine it seems like many just want it to disappear?

I would have to say there has been MORE than a significant lack of outrage shown by the Military at Camp Lejeune. We haven't seen them publically show ANY remorse or regret at their treatment of Maria Lauterbach during the course of her rape investigation and subsequent murder stemming from one of their own, imo.

Are there NO Marines who will speak out FOR Maria? Is this forbidden?
It very well could be forbidden. When all of this came to light 1st sgts. and Co's probably gathered their units up for a formation and told them they are forbidden to talk about it. Higher up's on the base could of sent out the memo to get the word out!! Not to mention they look extremely stupid right now so they are probably trying to lay low.

I would have to say there has been MORE than a significant lack of outrage shown by the Military at Camp Lejeune. We haven't seen them publically show ANY remorse or regret at their treatment of Maria Lauterbach during the course of her rape investigation and subsequent murder stemming from one of their own, imo.

Are there NO Marines who will speak out FOR Maria? Is this forbidden?

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