He Was Found Guilty of a Rare Charge.


Apr 5, 2004
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I would like to state that all the crimes that I write about are true, not figments of my imagination. When I was a brand new patrolman, an old sgt once said to me, "Boy, if you stay here long enough to get a pension, you will see everything there is to see, at least once." He was right, and I assure you that the crimes I depict actually happened. I am not going to present just my experiences, I keep in touch with a lot of the retired guys due to a fraternal order we belong to, and will relate stories they tell me.

Ok, here we go. First of all, I am not going to limit myself to murder, or rape or robbery, but will concentrate on the odd things that people do to each other, or have done to them by others.

This was not my case, it was a friends, but I am repeating it almost word for word. This is not a very pretty case, but it was odd.

One of the things that made it odd was the fact that the person charged in this case was the first person charged with this crime in nearly a hundred years.

One day a woman walked into the station house, and stated that she wanted to make a complaint about her husband. The officer sat her down and she related the following story. She said that her husband had been having sexual intercourse with their pet cocker spaniel for about three years, and she had finally got to the point where she couldn't stand it any more. The officer asked her to tell him more, and she replied that her husband would use lubricating jelly and have relations with the dog. She said that was bad enough, but what drove her over the edge and caused her to come into the station to make her complaint was that the previous day her husband went to have relations with the dog and realized he was out of lubricant. He then used mayonaisse from a jar in the refrigerator. As a result of using the mayonaisse, he left a pubic hair in the mayo. And that was her real complaint. The officer at first thought she was a nut, but went to the house and interviewed the husband, who admitted everything.
The officer charged the man with bestiality, which was an old charge which the presiding judge later said had not been used for almost a hundred years. The husband pled guilty, and on a plea bargain received a year's probation and a fine of one thousand dollars. The dog was removed from the home. The strange part was that the wife continued to live with him. Had he not used the mayonaisse she would have never complained, evidentally.
bnevin said:
Had he not used the mayonaisse she would have never complained, evidentally.

What an odd story LOL, I can't believe she still continued to live with him after that :eek: and put up with it for 2 years :loser:

I am glad they took the dog away from both of them...

bnevin.. I am not sure bizarre is the place for your stories.... we don't get much traffic on this forum LOL although I faithfully post bizarre news articles daily.... you can fire a cannon through this board.

Lets see how many people see this one.... I am thinking the jury room is a good place.

Thanx for the story! woof
Well, I found this report here, but then I read this forum every day. Poor dog. Yeccchhh.
That was a gross second choice, but police work isn't neat and tidy.

Your story reminded me about a story I read in a true crime book written by a couple of police officers, I can't remember the name of the book.

An older lady had a heart attack and died in her apartment. A few neighbors called the police due to a bad odor. They found her dead on the couch with a rotted and maget filled gourd(sp) between her legs. It turns out she was masturbating and died of a heart attack.

Imagine having to tell her family what happened.
This is as good a place as any. The problem with most of the bizarre stuff posted is that it leaves you speechless. I mean, what else can you say?
You would be surprised at the condition people are found in. One favorite position of a lot of males who die while masturbating is being hung by the neck with a rope. They tie a rope around their neck, and stand on a chair, and lean forward until the rope begins to cut off circulation. This evidently enhances the sexual experience for them. However, once in a while, the chair slips, and the person is found hanging by the neck by a family member.
I won't say it was a "good" story, Bnevin, but it is indicative of some of the sick people in our world!!! I'm so glad they took that poor dog away - I hope she went to a good home!!

Definitely fits in the bizarre category, and I found it from the thread in the Jury Room, suggesting the stories be brought here.

Waiting patiently for next story. :crazy:

How about a SICK but TRUE thread.....
We need a :sick: icon for the message, to warn people if they don't want to read gross stuff. ;)
LP Moderator said:
Cops don't make NEARLY enough money. :hand: :hand: :hand: :hand:

How right you are, LP!!!
I have often wondered why someone would choose that career?? bnevin, can you enlighten me on that?? I'm assuming to help people, fight crime, etc., but maybe I should be asking why they STAY in the career....

Don't think we don't appreciate policemen. If one lives near me, or cruises the neighborhood often, I feel safe and secure.
Ha ha,,,,,,,,,,,I've found you. I'm here Cass! LOL. I'd been wondering what happed too bnevin........now I know. I'll bet you've got enough stories to last a lifetime! Keep them coming! (not a pun)
I don't think Police get paid anyway near what they deserve either.

Bumping up....bnevin, where are you, and your fascinating true crime stories?? We were all getting so caught up in this...... :waitasec: well, some of us, anyway!!

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